IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 - #28

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It really does seem bizarre to us "normal" people that someone would act out in such a risky manner. IMO - and I'm not a professional - I believe behavior like this is fantasy-driven and once the murderer decides to go forward all he focuses on is the goal and the possibility of being seen recedes from his mind.

By fantasy-driven I mean that they have been thinking about it for a while. Their fantasy may even only be sexual with no intent to kill - until the day that they finally act it out and either things get out of control or they realize that they want to murder their victim.

Thinking about other murders, specifically of young victims, it seems like many are committed in a very short period of time. Gabby Doolin, Shaylyn Ammerman, Bella Grogan-Cannella, Madyson Middleton - all these children were dead in less than an hour after their murderer took them. And all were sexually assaulted too.

Again JMO, I think the murderer in these types of cases goes into a kind of frenzy, as opposed to cases where a perp wants to hold on to the victim, like Ariel Castro for instance. Also, it may be a sign of it being their first murder too, where he's inexperienced and either kills the victim by accident or is nervous to get it over with. Jeffrey Dahmer killed his first victim when he tried to leave. Later on as he got "better" at it he began to experiment with ways to keep victims alive.

If the killer raped someone before , got convicted and got prison time, and didn't want to go to prison again he might kill them so they couldn't testify against him.
I definitely agree with that!!

Honestly, I think some of us may have watched a few too many episodes of Criminal Minds. Apparently the double murder (and possible sexual assault) of two young girls isn't "spectacular" enough for some. These girls arrived at the trail alive, innocent and happy -- and they left the trail in body bags. That's plenty of reason for LE to be visibly shaken up. A month into the investigation they still have no useful leads. That's enough of a "twist" for me.

To each their own, but I refuse to let my imagination run wild and come up with the goriest and most "twisted" scenarios of how they may have been tortured or killed. This is real life. These are real girls. With real families.

Not only that. IMO such discussion would be upsetting to the families who could be reading here.
Would not like that kind of speculation to grow legs as fact and then taken from here to MSM as so often happens.

Taunting? Could he have left a note? Or added his own message on the video/audio?????

Could be all of the above.

MOO is he made the scene his own, a "signature" of sorts. It's what a lot of these sick killers do. Let's remember, there are two deceased victims, not just one.

Brazen. Premeditated. You name it. I think LE is spooked because of what they witnessed at the scene, and how quickly it must have been over with so that the perp could get away. MOO is he had enough time to leave a "signature", his last chapter in committing the crime itself.

These monsters are control freaks.
I didn't want to sleuth the family. I was trying to piece together the family dynamics. Murders are committed by a family member close to the victim more times than not. I am not implying that be the case here, simply that in most cases the victim knows their killer.
Thanks for posting. I've somehow missed this in the past threads. For a cop of 30 years to say that, I believe that "twist" is not just the cell phone video. I won't speculate what it is - because it's impossible to do so, based on the information we've been given.

I hate LE's tease with bread crumbs like that. Grrr! :(
Yes of course. I think them saying it's the stuff nightmares were made of and hoping they wouldn't have to release anymore says it all. Snuff audio/video and either way I hope it doesn't get leaked.

LE has not said it is the "stuff nightmares are made of". That was said by a reporter.
Forgive me if I'm repeating what someone else has said, this thread moves so quickly.

All MOO and speculation of course.

IF we are to believe the FB post from a journalist saying that he/she saw clothes in the creek, it means that this must be the case. If their clothes were in the creek it's likely that the phone was in a pocket (in order for it to have recorded 'the stuff of nightmares') and was probably removed along with clothing. So it probably went into the creek as well. Being submerged usually destroys a phone, so I'm guess that IF is is the case, the video was recovered from the cloud it was synced with another device.

If you go waay back in the threads, there were several people who confessed to accidentally putting their phones in the wash. When they were retrieved, they worked.
Could be all of the above.

MOO is he made the scene his own, a "signature" of sorts. It's what a lot of these sick killers do. Let's remember, there are two deceased victims, not just one.

Brazen. Premeditated. You name it. I think LE is spooked because of what they witnessed at the scene, and how quickly it must have been over with so that the perp could get away. MOO is he had enough time to leave a "signature", his last chapter in committing the crime itself.

These monsters are control freaks.

I keep wondering if they saw a signature that's been seen by LE before in an unsolved crime, perhaps a very old one, and building on that thought, I keep wondering if they can't quite decide if it's a copycat signature or something more.

But this is all just random conjecture based on having very little to go on, and based on my own opinion that this has hallmarks of a seasoned killer, if not a SK (and yes I know LE has said they've no reason to think it's a SK at this time).
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The bridge itself is not part of the trail. Local are trying to do so but at this time it is not. Jmo

Fairly new member here posting for the first time. I travel through Delphi about twice per weekend from mid-May through September each year as I'm heading to Lake Freeman. I've been doing this for a couple of years now and, to be honest, I never knew about the Monon High Bridge Trail until this unfortunate event happened. To my knowledge, there isn't even a sign on State Road 25 to indicate it's location. I am, however, familiar with the Delphi Historic Trails on the other side of town. Trailhead Park, which is one of the entrances to that set of trails, is just off of Old State Road 25 and one can see part of the trail from part of US421/State Road 39. I occasionally take my mountain bike on these trails and ride around for a couple of hours - for the most part, this trail is pretty secluded though it is, in some parts, closer to the town. That said, I was on that trail maybe 5 times last year and saw just a few people in total. Some times I would be out there for a couple of hours and wouldn't see anyone else. MOO is that a person who has traveled through the area even a few times would at least be aware of this trail.

Maybe I just don't pay attention that much, but, like I said, I've not seen a sign for the Monon High Bridge Trail off of the main highway. Perhaps it was well known to people outside the local community prior to this horrific event, but MOO is that BG is from the general area or has at least lived in the Delphi area at some point.

With the internet, though, I guess it's easy to search for public trails. If BG was a passerby, I guess all he'd have to do is pull up a map on his phone and he could find out about these trails pretty easily.

It is so difficult to really make out much with the photos of BG - they're just so grainy. So many middle aged men around here in Central Indiana dress like this - I'm in NO WAY saying RL has anything to do with this (I do not believe he does at all), but if you watch the video where he is showing his property to WRTV6, he's wearing relaxed fit jeans and a plain blue jacket with a hoodie underneath. BG is dressed so generically it will be very difficult to locate him by the picture alone. I'm not sure if this is just how BG dresses or if he wanted to blend in.
Welcome to Websleuths!
The bridge itself is not part of the trail. Local are trying to do so but at this time it is not. Jmo

Just to back this up...

CSX still owns the actual bridge, and it is private property.
I know. I didn't plan on bringing any relatives into it. Simply in the grande scheme of things, it seems like a revenge murder to me. jmo.

I had not thought about the possible connection between leaving their bodies where they could be found and revenge or retaliation killing.
Assuming BG had a vehicle nearby, do you think he planned to get them to the vehicle, under restraint, so he could take them to another, more private location? If so, perhaps one of the girls resisted en route to the vehicle and those plans suddenly had to be abandoned. BG may have quickly killed one girl and then caught and killed the second. Then he got out of there ASAP.
If you go waay back in the threads, there were several people who confessed to accidentally putting their phones in the wash. When they were retrieved, they worked.

My phone sat in a toilet for two hours. I had no realized it fell in. I put a hair dryer aimed at it for several hours and it worked just fine.
IMO I think there was something on that audio prior to the "down the hill" statement, such as a scream, crying, something that LE didn't want us to hear. The audio seems very carefully snipped.

Agree - I think it might be the only clip that is his voice alone.
I had not thought about the possible connection between leaving their bodies where they could be found and revenge or retaliation killing.

Iv'e been thinking revenge for about two weeks now. I could be wrong. Every one of us could be wrong.
Yes, I know they don't mean us :) But a lot of people are interested in the case and finding justice. So that could be like...anyone.
If a person seems to be glued to this investigation who has never shown interest in anything like this before, that is a red flag.

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