IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 - #31

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I have thought from Day 1 that the girls were not killed where they were found. And I still believe that. I have also believed from Day 1 that RL is not BG. My gut just tells me he was not involved in their murders. So my opinion is this: RL was really out in town the day the girls were murdered, like he said. I think someone he knows/is related to committed the murders and they were likely kept on his property in a barn or even inside his home at some point. I also think LE found dog hairs on the bodies or clothing that match the type of dog RL has, giving probable cause to search his property. He was home late night/evening on the 13th by the time the searchers came and asked to search on his property and this is where I'm not sure what happened. Did the BG move them from the home to a barn where he killed them? Was he in the home with them keeping them quiet until RL went to bed? I feel he could have used the truck to get them to the house in the first place and that's why they took the truck. I believe this was a sexually motivated murder and the murderer was not 77 years old. I think when confronted with this information, RL lawyered up, because though he didn't know when he gave the interviews, he realizes now who and what and when and he is now in protection/self-preservation mode. I know this is all over the place, but this is the scenario that I come up with. <mod snip> Thoughts?
Exactly. If it happen to me I will go one step further: search my own land the very night Feb 13 just to make sure nothing wrong happened.

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Why? LE said the girls "are not in danger", in fact that quote came about after RL was asked by volunteers to search his property.

He's 77 years old, and in interviews appeared bewildered by the location of the bodies, and he wondered allowed how they got there. I would be bewildered, too. He's not here at WS mulling over the case like we are. It took many threads on here to convince people that the path taken is most likely from the SE end of the bridge to the spot where they were found.

I'm in the camp which thinks he's not involved. He has a large property, and likely has people help him with it throughout the year. MOO is someone knew he would be gone for hours, and they perpetrated the crime during that timeframe.

Now, he may have left out certain information about the condition his property was in, perhaps the structures on it, which LE later found out about. If I were 77 years old and this happened on my property, I'd want to be left alone. RL is a victim in this, that I am convinced of. He may have unwittingly been acquainted somehow with who did the crimes, but this is pure speculation on my part.
Did RL's alibi for the 13th change or did we only have part of it before today? I thought he had gone to see his probation officer but now it is being reported that he had gone to buy fish.
The problem with that is that there were no less than 20 LE vehicles there for this warrant. That is a big search.
40 acres of land is a lot to cover. I have 2.5 acres and you would need a lot of police to cover even that amount.

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Ron Logan has had a few problems with people on his 40-acre property during his 53 years there.
But the 77-year-old said the murders of two teen girls &#8220;basically in my back yard&#8221; has left him shaken and feeling violated.

Under the photo it says he has owned the property there for 53 years. Thank you, IceIce! That is what I recalled. No mention of ever living in Florida.
I'm sure I'm in the minority on this but to be honest it sounds "normal" to me, meaning conversational, not creepy or tense. I cringe thinking about how a 3-second snippet of my speech might be interpreted by strangers. I think the context plays a huge part in how people subliminally interpret the sound clip. For instance if we were told this is a snippet of a general ordering his troops into battle "down the hill" there might be perceptions of bravery, leadership, etc. JMO.

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I thought the same.
I see the link posted for RL's transfer to another county jail, but has anyone posted his arrest record since we have been able to slueth him.
I understand he has some alcohal related problems but how many and what other charges are on it?
JMO but a big clue that RL is not BG is the fact that RL knew the victims families. In a town of 3,000 people we can assume the girls had interacted with RL as they frequented the bridge and he lived nearby.

I don't think Libby would be alarmed by seeing him while they were out, prompting her to capture a recording (secretly). Seems more like something instilled fear in her, like an individual she didn't recognize in a very small town where she knew everyone else.
I suppose it is possible they might be alarmed if RL had threatened them in the past, for trespassing possibly.
I'm personally thinking if he lied about his alibi it was because he was doing something he wasn't supposed to be (perhaps drinking) and was trying to avoid being nailed with a breach. However he got caught and now LE have to investigate further because he lied in the first place therefor making him a suspect. This is all supposition on my part.

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I think lying had to be a red flag in some way. Not sure it was about his alibi, because the investigators could have cleared all that up without the huge event today.

I think the real question here is who was staying in the house. Nothing we can sleuth here, though.

Anyway, that picture on the bridge is so blurry all we can truly get from it is a general understanding of attire. So...
No way, Jose is RL the culprit. He does not physically resemble the photo at all as stated below, nor the voice. However, I do have a suspicion that he is guilty by association without him even knowing it. His 'hired hands' etc. may be into dubious activities, drugs, etc. Perhaps RL knew of that and turned a blind eye. I don't feel that he knew about these killings, tbh. That's my gut feeling.

I also feel one of two things: 1) Abby took photos and the perp saw and felt threatened by this as he was doing something illegal. 2) vendetta as in drug debt and...... IMHO! That perp came prepared and ready. I feel the girls were dealt with right after the "git down the hill" (that is what I heard) comment, unfortunately. The fact that messages were sent a few hours later and not answered is telling. :(

I have been hooked on this case since I found out about it. I don't watch the news and found out by watching Brainscratch. (that guy is amazing and bringing up cases) on youtube. We all want justice for those girls...their whole lives ahead of them. I am so angry that this guy denied them all those milestones......

The only thing I'll immediately say is (IMO) there's no way it's RL - in those two images.
Here is the truck being towed away



Where is the doggie?!
I don't know if the BG is RL or not. I'm not convinced either way. But I think immediately saying there's no way it was RL when we don't even know him at all is very short sighted if all you're basing it off of was he "didn't seem like a killer in interviews"

Crazy evil people don't always seem/sound/look crazy or evil. Sometimes they look like your cuddly next door neighbor.

I just think we should keep our opinions open for now. Maybe he didn't do it and maybe he did, or maybe he's covering up for someone in which case he's just as guilty. Time will tell.

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You make a good point. I think that I should say I don't want it to be him. :sheesh: But I do want the killer to be caught more. I personally hope they are not the same person.
I agree that he is not involved. I have looked back on his interviews and find him bewildered and sad. Could it be that he got irritated by questions and would not let them come on and search and they found a reason to lock him up and execute a search. Maybe like he refused because he didn't want or trust Johnny Law snooping around digging into his private stash. Just a thought. Someone posted a few days ago an actual case where someone was locked up trumped up charges so LE could get in and search.
when i see him interviewed i see a man with zero emotion exhibiting zero empathy for such a horrific crime.
Now THAT is a very good point!

I haven't thought about that angle before.


The picture of Abby & the bridge was Snapchat social media posting. LE didn't necessarily have "the phone contents".

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On an earlier thread, someone said that after the girls were found, RL called the media and offered to give interviews. Is this true, does anyone know?

If so, that strikes me as odd behavior, as though he was very eager to get his alibi out there.
He was buying tropical fish? So where is this fish shop? How long was he there for? Did LE talk to him that evening? Did LE search his property that evening? Something smells fishy about this story for sure.
I'm sure I'm in the minority on this but to be honest it sounds "normal" to me, meaning conversational, not creepy or tense. I cringe thinking about how a 3-second snippet of my speech might be interpreted by strangers. I think the context plays a huge part in how people subliminally interpret the sound clip. For instance if we were told this is a snippet of a general ordering his troops into battle "down the hill" there might be perceptions of bravery, leadership, etc. JMO.

I agree it's possible. You could interpret the tone as either an instruction or an answer, e.g. "Where did you last see her? Down the hill." I'm a bit baffled by the lack of additional audio. If this is the only bit LE is able to release for the public to go off, the rest of the audio must be pretty horrifying in its entirety. Or, perhaps they only have 10 seconds or whatever a Snapchat contains.

Maybe the audio wasn't left recording for hours, but Libby reached into her pocket and held the side button of her phone briefly? Those are usually programmed to activate the camera, snapchat, whatever.
Why? LE said the girls "are not in danger", in fact that quote came about after RL was asked by volunteers to search his property.

He's 77 years old, and in interviews appeared bewildered by the location of the bodies, and he wondered allowed how they got there. I would be bewildered, too. He's not here at WS mulling over the case like we are. It took many threads on here to convince people that the path taken is most likely from the SE end of the bridge to the spot where they were found.

I'm in the camp which thinks he's not involved. He has a large property, and likely has people help him with it throughout the year. MOO is someone knew he would be gone for hours, and they perpetrated the crime during that timeframe.

Now, he may have left out certain information about the condition his property was in, perhaps the structures on it, which LE later found out about. If I were 77 years old and this happened on my property, I'd want to be left alone. RL is a victim in this, that I am convinced of. He may have unwittingly been acquainted somehow with who did the crimes, but this is pure speculation on my part.

I said if I were in the situation. I am not 77. That night police and people have set up high watt lights &#65292; they searched till midnight. If a girl or two reported missing near my house, I would do a quick search before I go to bed. Just try to make sure and help. But RL is old and maybe could careless.

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40 acres of land is a lot to cover. I have 2.5 acres and you would need a lot of police to cover even that amount.

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This. I grew up on a house overlooking 100 acres, 40 of which we considered the "front yard". You just can't go out and check that for anything in a couple hours.

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