IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 - #31

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Yes, if you look it up on the Carroll County Comet, this same attorney has represented RL for his driving while intoxicated charges in years past, for what it's worth.
In several of the RL interviews his little dog is happily trotting along beside him. Makes me feel sad for the dog who is probably missing his dad. I hope someone kind has the dog. :(

Me too! And I hope someone is feeding his fish. :(
In several of the RL interviews his little dog is happily trotting along beside him. Makes me feel sad for the dog who is probably missing his dad. I hope someone kind has the dog. :(

And taking care of the fish.
I don't get how any poster can conclusively rule anyone in or out based on the picture of BG. IIRC, age, hair color, facial hair or no facial, hat or no hat, nose type, etc were NEVER established as fact by LE or anyone else. Jmo imo etc
Also hair color can look different in different light. In one photo someone may look to have dark hair and in another ...light brown. Even people's faces can look bigger and more bloated one day and thinner the next many variables.
How do we know about the fish? I feel like I'm missing something.... [emoji102]

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In several of the RL interviews his little dog is happily trotting along beside him. Makes me feel sad for the dog who is probably missing his dad. I hope someone kind has the dog. :(

Thank you for posting this. Very sweet. It should also apply to any other pets he has, including any tropical fish.

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No foul play was suspected on the 13th, and the search was called off due to darkness. Very unlikely any dogs were involved in the initial search.

MSM reported K-9 units and volunteers were part of the search on the morning of the 14th.

No foul play was suspected on the 13th, and the search was called off due to darkness.

This fact will always haunt me when pondering these murders. If my child is not contacting me and her phone has stopped pinging, there is something woefully wrong. I can't even imagine why LE determined there would be no foul play involved.
:cow: Roadblocks should have been established immediately.
I have thought from Day 1 that the girls were not killed where they were found. And I still believe that. I have also believed from Day 1 that RL is not BG. My gut just tells me he was not involved in their murders. So my opinion is this: RL was really out in town the day the girls were murdered, like he said. I think someone he knows/is related to committed the murders and they were likely kept on his property in a barn or even inside his home at some point. I also think LE found dog hairs on the bodies or clothing that match the type of dog RL has, giving probable cause to search his property. He was home late night/evening on the 13th by the time the searchers came and asked to search on his property and this is where I'm not sure what happened. Did the BG move them from the home to a barn where he killed them? Was he in the home with them keeping them quiet until RL went to bed? I feel he could have used the truck to get them to the house in the first place and that's why they took the truck. I believe this was a sexually motivated murder and the murderer was not 77 years old. I think when confronted with this information, RL lawyered up, because though he didn't know when he gave the interviews, he realizes now who and what and when and he is now in protection/self-preservation mode. I know this is all over the place, but this is the scenario that I come up with. I am not sure if I am allowed to say this, but a local man whose mother lives right by Deer Creek told me the bodies were dragged to their location. Totally hearsay so I don't know if it is fact, but it would fit in this case. Thoughts?

From the beginning, my "gut" (based on a number of factors) told me that the property owner was, indeed, involved. I'm not saying he is BG, or he is not BG. IMO it could go either way based on the distortions inherent in the BG photo. My "spidey sense" tells me he is not telling everything he knows. It would not shock me in the least to know that at age 77 a person could commit a sexually motivated murder, because these murders are not about sex. They are about internal conflicts, regression, re-stabilizing a fragile sense of self, and anxiety reduction.
Thanks! So he drove about 30 minutes to get fish? Hmmm. I suppose Aquarium World will have receipts for any live fish sales on that day.

Just for timeline purposes: It's a 60 minute round trip, plus maybe 15 minutes to buy the fish, so about 75 minutes total trip. He says he's home at 6:30 pm. Then he'd have to leave home at 5:15 at the latest.

About the time the search began?
In several of the RL interviews his little dog is happily trotting along beside him. Makes me feel sad for the dog who is probably missing his dad. I hope someone kind has the dog. :(

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought this! My husband thinks I'm nuts worrying about a dog I don't know but it seemed so happy with RL and it must be confused.
This whole truck thing begs the question---Is he allowed to drive now or not?

I would think, having multiple DUIs, he would have suspended privileges. But apparently not?
Well, he is in a rural location, so he's got to have some way to get into town for normal stuff. Plus, going into other towns is his alibi. If someone else drove him, no one is letting on. Some facts are missing here.
Yeah, that makes it easier to compare the two clips when they both have that hollow sounding quality. I still don't know. I've been trying to listen to the "down the hill" one and hear how the "o" is pronounced in down.....It sounds normal to me...midwestern......but I'm from the midwest (wisconsin) I wonder how it sounds to someone from down south or out east?...Like maybe something different would stand out to someone used to hearing a different accent......

I just got out of bed as its 1am here and opened my laptop. Edited some audio for you all.

I took a few words he wasnt trying to cover up with another inflection.

I added treble and volume and a filter.

Let me know what you think!

Hope it's of some use to hear his voice without deep condensor bass.

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I think RL was found to have been out drinking /drink driving again and is why he was charged early on.
I do NOT believe he is BG at all. Does not mean he is entirely innocent though. May have had someone staying or visiting his home that day . Possible they were even drinking together at some point. Hard to say you had so and so over for drinks if you werent supposed to be drinking.Probably found it highly improbable his friend/relative killed just kept quite for his own benefit.

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The other night, I was reading all of the past court documents related to RLs recent arrests and legal issues. They all seemed to be fairly recent and almost back to back. My question while I was reading was--- what has happened that he is all of a sudden having so many issues? Or are there more that I am just not seeing? Like in another place or state.

Respectfully snipped.

I think he may have always been a habitual drunk driver. However back in the day you got away with it more. If you were pulled over they drove you home or asked you to be careful. However now there is little to no tolerance for drunk driving and the penalties are much stiffer (as they should be, I have no patience for drunk drivers). So that is why I think his records are more recent.

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That and I also felt their deaths were not immediate. I felt he savored each one and took his time. Then dumped them where they were found. My initial thought was that he kept them hidden in a nearby cabin or shed that wasn't searched the first night so he could take his time. I just never considered it was on RL's property until today.
I have also wondered if the girls died AFTER 6:30 pm that day.
Were they being held nearby?
Yet he does, in ways, resemble the picture. His legs look similar to me and the clothes. This is a very blurry picture. I, too, have thought the BG looked to be in his mid 30's to his late 40's, but I don't have anything to really base that on, other than a comparison to other men I have known in that age range. The face is so blurry. I will keep an open mind. After so many frustrating close calls in this case, I truly hope this latest development leads to justice, but totally get your point as well.
Definitely same clothes. I could not believe it when I saw what he was wearing on the news!!!
As it turns out though-half of Indiana look very similarly dressed!

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I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought this! My husband thinks I'm nuts worrying about a dog I don't know but it seemed so happy with RL and it must be confused.
And doesn't anyone think that that dog would have made a big fuss about two dead bodies in the back yard? Not to mention the presence of whoever put them there. Unless, of course, the dog knew the person well enough to smell all of it and then go back to the house. I don't know...
No foul play was suspected on the 13th, and the search was called off due to darkness.

This fact will always haunt me when pondering these murders. If my child is not contacting me and her phone has stopped pinging, there is something woefully wrong. I can't even imagine why LE determined there would be no foul play involved.
:cow: Roadblocks should have been established immediately.

This always drives me nuts. I know statistically speaking many "missing" teenagers went off voluntarily so cops have to make their best guess on whether to devote resources to a search or not, but if I had stopped contacting my mom or dad when I was a teenager, they would have known something was wrong and it kills me to think that cops probably wouldn't have agreed with them.

I'm 30 now and I still talk/text my mom & dad multiple times a day. I wouldn't even think of going off and not telling them. But LE probably wouldn't do anything if I suddenly went ,missing.
Yeah, that makes it easier to compare the two clips when they both have that hollow sounding quality. I still don't know. I've been trying to listen to the "down the hill" one and hear how the "o" is pronounced in down.....It sounds normal to me...midwestern......but I'm from the midwest (wisconsin) I wonder how it sounds to someone from down south or out east?...Like maybe something different would stand out to someone used to hearing a different accent......
Well i am hearing a different accent from mine BUT i think the crime scene audio is said in a frenzied way. He is on edge. He will sound different in that moment.

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