IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #32

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From what I understand from reading here and there ppl want to stick a fork in him.

Yep the anger against him is growing in the community and on social media even though he hasn't been charged in this crime yet. Word would have spread like wildfire in the local prison about the property search etc.
not sure if this was posted.

Police arrested him Saturday on a probation violation warrant stemming from a drunk driving conviction. There is a 15-day probation violation hold on his release, and he remains incarcerated, Riley and Carroll County Sheriff Tobe Leazenby said earlier this week. Leazenby said he was moved from the Carroll County Jail, where he was originally being held, to an undisclosed jail for his safety.
I hope we hear some updates soon and are getting closer to justice. I feel like I keep spinning my wheels so I have been going back to some of the videos.

On 3rd listen to the one w/ the friend?neighbor?

At 1:02 The guy being interviewed says:

“That’s why we come back (inaudible but I think he says "here"). I wanna show you what it looks like. You couldn’t carry someone up and down these hills. Er. It’s hard to walk by yourself.”

I thought the up and down these hills part was curious language since I wouldn't immediately have thought anyone took a person up AND down the hill or that they were moved. But then again maybe this was in reference to the crime scene looking "pristine" as had been mentioned and relates to his own theory.

FWIW: I don't think either RL or the friend look like the BG pic and I don't hear a resemblance in the friend's voice to the audio clip.

Ive always found that to be strange too about the up and down hills. Nobody had to carry anyone or even walk with anyone when the news first broke that the girls were found.

Early on before the release of the bridge photo nobody knew anything other than the girls were found.

In my early thinking the girls could have walked down the creek on their own and stumbled into a perps camping area where he was staying overnight and maybe was accosted there.

So I always got confused about the interviews where some allude to not being able to carry the girls or even walking with them or going up and down hills.

Before the release of the man on the bridge picture, none of that may have even happened so why go there. Always found that kind of odd.
JMO of course.
If the person driving the vehicle had a cell phone that would be an easy thing for them to link. And they said over 70 subpoenas have been issued, I believe several would be for surveillance video from businesses. In those they may spot the pickup.
Here is an excerpt on tower dumps and how the FBI uses them. Maybe they did something similar if they could map where Libby's phone pinged then search the numbers to find a phone that pinged the exact places and times.

"Tower dumps aren't like going after targeted cell phone data on a known suspect; they are more like casting a limited dragnet, pulling in the phone numbers and (rough) location of everyone in the vicinity of the event. And tower dumps are usually obtained without a warrant, instead utilizing a "court order" with judicial oversight but a lower burden than probable cause. The FBI actually received more than 150,000 registered cell phone numbers from this particular set of tower dumps, despite picking the most rural locations possible. What the case agents wanted to do was scan the logs from all four sites on the belief that no single person was likely to be at all four banks during the robbery—except for the robber.
So the FBI dumped all the numbers into a Microsoft Access database and ran a query. As expected, only a single number came back, the robber."

And if the driver did not have a cell phone with him or her, a GPS would ping , right?

I'm going back and mentally replaying the new information from the past 24 hours and I'm getting hung up on the post where LE said RL was moved to Clinton County jail "for his safety".

I do not think for an instant that he needs protection from LE in Carroll county.

He doesn't need protection from the public - he's in jail.

So it seems obvious he needs protection from other inmates.

But he's in on a probation violation related to drinking and driving as far as we understand it. Other inmates aren't gonna give him a hard time about that.

What kind of charges could possibly be upcoming that LE is troubleshooting ahead of time by moving him to a different county altogether for his own safety?

What kinds of charges do inmates go after one another for?


I'm not being a smartypants, I'm just thinking that there must be more than one kind. right?

(EDITED TO ADD - YES there is, just thought of another one!.. we all know that crimes against children will do it but there IS another one - "narcing" = ratting people out. can we think of more?)

also I can't find that quote to include the link, maybe it was on twitter.. anyone have that handy? thanks!
ETA - here it is -

Originally Posted by Sisyphus:

The Lafayette newspaper updated their story for the print edition today (or I missed it last night) to note that RL has been moved to another jail for his safety (BBM):

"Police arrested him Saturday on a probation violation warrant stemming from a drunk driving conviction. There is a 15-day probation violation hold on his release, and he remains incarcerated, Riley and Carroll County Sheriff Tobe Leazenby said earlier this week. Leazenby said he was moved from the Carroll County Jail, where he was originally being held, to an undisclosed jail for his safety."

Totally get your line of thinking. What size is the jail he is in now? I mean it isn't like a prison is it. See, I am thinking Mayberry, 2 cells. Couldn't they just give him his own cell?

I am going with the idea that they plan on bringing someone else in that would not be happy with him for ratting them out.
Interesting comments under this tweet.


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***update, nevermind I just figured it out! LOL *** Thanks, I am not too good on Twitter, May I ask, how do you see the comments?
Great points GGE.

I'd also like to add, it does not matter what you are on probabtion for. When you violate, it comes (in most states) with a mandatory hold of up to 21 days. After which a judge may hear both sides and determine if you are put on probation again or serve jail time, determined by your original charges. Yes even for an OUI/DUI/DWI VOP charge. MOO

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Yep, thanks for the additional info. I have someone in on a probation violation in my own state right now who has been held since December 24th. The probation department's pre-sentencing investigation is finally done and now he's just waiting to see the judge, who will decide whether to make him serve his original sentence or not, now. At least all these months count as time served.

My relative's violation was because he wasn't supposed to be drinking but he had a beer at his best friend's funeral and someone there called his PO and reported it. He's been in 23hour lockup ever since, just waiting. He was THIS CLOSE to having his life back but he violated and he has to be held accountable for that now. He's a good boy who was just trying to process a loss. Now he could end up doing years and years instead of being just months from having it all behind him - that's the thing with violating. They throw all of your original time back at you. If you violate probation but haven't been caught yet, you sometimes have A LOT to lose. Sometimes everything. The "three strikes, you're out" law about having a third felony within ten years and going away for life, no matter what that felony is, scares good people into hiding mistakes for sure. I have a different relative who had two DWIs within 10 years and he got a third and if his lawyer hadn't pleaded it down to misdemeanor charges he'd have been put away for 15, minimum, because of that "Three strikes" law. (I believe RL is labeled a habitual offender in his court paperwork, is he not? I could be wrong.. this is a good place to start researching that - )

The threat of that kind of time definitely makes people do crazy stuff IMO and IME. (NOTE that the three strikes law would NOT apply to someone who "just" had DUIs - those are not violent felonies, this is all just IMO..and I suppose I've now gone off on a tangent. I'm going to take some time away so my thoughts stop being so "stream of consciousness"-like, sorry everyone.)

sorry for OT, I try not to bring up relations but I find it helps to include those facts in order to explain my source for the information I'm posting, when relevent.
I'm going back and mentally replaying the new information from the past 24 hours and I'm getting hung up on the post where LE said RL was moved to Clinton County jail "for his protection".

I do not think for an instant that he needs protection from LE in Carroll county.

He doesn't need protection from the public - he's in jail.

So it seems obvious he needs protection from other inmates.

But he's in on a probation violation related to drinking and driving as far as we understand it. Other inmates aren't gonna give him a hard time about that.

What kind of charges could possibly be upcoming that LE is troubleshooting ahead of time by moving him to a different county altogether for his own protection?

What kinds of charges do inmates go after one another for?


I'm not being a smartypants, I'm just thinking that there must be more than one kind. right?

(EDITED TO ADD - YES there is, just thought of another one!.. we all know that crimes against children will do it but there IS another one - "narcing" = ratting people out. can we think of more?)

also I can't find that quote to include the link, maybe it was on twitter.. anyone have that handy? thanks!

I've wondered the same. He's 77, and like other rural jails in Indiana they may be ill-equipped to deal with an elderly person with health issues.

From what I gaher, sex crimes, particularly against juveniles, could bring a beating and other stuff from fellow inmates. Obviously RL doesn't fit into that category as he's never been convicted of such. Unfortunately for him, two girls were found dead on his property. This is a community which is small. Jail guards could be related to the victims, and local LE, and the DA's office, and inmates.

Inmates don't like snitches. That's another part of the code in jail.

RL needs protection. What if they pick somebody up, or have picked somebody up they suspect is BG? What if people in the Carroll County lock up know about what happened, or even know who BG is?

MOO the search at RL's property could be a diversionary tactic by LE. Maybe BG will let his guard down. Who knows?
I'm going back and mentally replaying the new information from the past 24 hours and I'm getting hung up on the post where LE said RL was moved to Clinton County jail "for his safety".

I do not think for an instant that he needs protection from LE in Carroll county.

He doesn't need protection from the public - he's in jail.

So it seems obvious he needs protection from other inmates.

But he's in on a probation violation related to drinking and driving as far as we understand it. Other inmates aren't gonna give him a hard time about that.

What kind of charges could possibly be upcoming that LE is troubleshooting ahead of time by moving him to a different county altogether for his own safety?

What kinds of charges do inmates go after one another for?


I'm not being a smartypants, I'm just thinking that there must be more than one kind. right?

(EDITED TO ADD - YES there is, just thought of another one!.. we all know that crimes against children will do it but there IS another one - "narcing" = ratting people out. can we think of more?)

also I can't find that quote to include the link, maybe it was on twitter.. anyone have that handy? thanks!

ETA - here it is -

Originally Posted by Sisyphus:

The Lafayette newspaper updated their story for the print edition today (or I missed it last night) to note that RL has been moved to another jail for his safety (BBM):

"Police arrested him Saturday on a probation violation warrant stemming from a drunk driving conviction. There is a 15-day probation violation hold on his release, and he remains incarcerated, Riley and Carroll County Sheriff Tobe Leazenby said earlier this week. Leazenby said he was moved from the Carroll County Jail, where he was originally being held, to an undisclosed jail for his safety."

JMO - Considering there's people who appear to already believe he was involved in these murders and considering also that word can spread from the outside to inmates, almost as quickly as it can around a town, not to mention they usually have access to TV (and news) - I don't think he'd necessarily need to have any certain charges against him at the moment in order for them to be concerned about his safety.
Regarding the idea that RL may have been upset at the girls trespassing... I have seen no evidence that shows the girls were ever on RL's property while alive. If there is any, please show it.

Also, the only time I've seen reports filed by him regarding trespassers are the two below. They are not trivial trespass charges such as kids on his property messing around down by the creek. MOO

March 31-2014, 11:53 a.m. - Burglary, 5858W. 300N., Delphi. RL reported forced entry into his residence and property taken. Maj. Tobe Leazenby investigated.

April 26-2014, 9:49 p.m. - Burglary, 5858W. 300N., Delphi. RL reported finding a person in his barn who was not authorized to be there. The unidentified person fled the barn prior to police arrival. The suspect was not located. Liggett investigated.

With the latest search warrant being served at the home of property owner Ron Logan we have decided to open up Ron Logan to sleuthing with these rules:

*Use his initials only (R.L.) or call him the land owner.

*This does not mean you can sleuth his family or neighbors.

*In the event you do discover something about someone else who happens to be connected to R.L. and you think
it is related to the case you must check with us before you post it.

* R.L HAS NOT BEEN NAMED A PERSON OF INTEREST. Please do not accuse him of the crime.

If you have any questions alert on any post and send us your question. Or you can send a private message to one of the mods.

To reiterate, You can now sleuth the land owner R.L. but ONLY R.L. No accusing R.L. or anyone of being the killer.

Thank you,
This is what I'm having a problem with... for LO to say RL isn't a suspect in this case, but then to have the searches be so heavy and intensive is odd to me. Why say one day you're conducting a search to get answers, and then the next say he's not a suspect? I know they're not going to come out and say either way.. but right now it feels like the messages are very mixed to me, and if RL is innocent, it doesn't feel like this is being handled in the best way for him.
I didn't notice. Is it? What video are you looking at?

Also . . . Okay, OT, but . . . at this link [at 1:12] :


when Sgt. Tony Slocum is talking, what are those two things on top of his trooper hat? They are sort of like tassels, but are metallic. The one on the right, looks like a silver peanut. The one hanging down on the left looks like a bullet. (Dumb observation, I know, I know ....:blushing: :dunno:

yeah I thought that too. Quilt stitch usually inside
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