IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 - #33

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Don't think so.

I think you'll find that the waiver is only for searches relating to the violation of conditions imposed by the court or perhaps a search based on suspicion that someone is engaged in the same conduct that got him convicted in the 1st place.

In other words: there might be a waiver of 4th amendments rights relating to matters related to the drunk driving charges but not for anything else.

The law enforcement agencies involved in this investigation seem to be meticulous about following the rules. It's a good thing for everybody: it protects the public, the people being investigated, and the investigation itself--with a proper search warrant, there's no danger that the evidence will be thrown out in court.
Like this? Or is the charge after 2010?

(Posted by SillyBilly earlier today)


"Aug. 7, 11:53 a.m. – False reporting, <addy redacted> Delphi. Responded to a report of a woman standing in the middle of the road yelling, “Call the police!” Unable to locate anyone. Additional followup is being conducted. Kingery investigated"

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I agree with this 1000%! (Granted, this report is from Thoughtcatalog and I know nothing about this website as a reporting entity. However, they do use quotation marks around LE's statements. Are they pulling these quotes from other MSM story? Not sure.)

But if you believe the quotes are accurate, it appears LE are searching for items specified in tips they received about RL's property. That's it. Period. There is nothing to link those as items that are owned by RL.

I think it's a wait and see thing. I'm not sure how the speculation has gotten to RL is somehow guilty simply because of a search warrant. JMOO

I also agree with this article. Seems like there is a possibility the information on evidence at RL'S property could have come from RL after they slammed him in the pokey to get him to quit withholding and talk, or the information came from a separate tip, either something new or a tip they were just getting to processing, or from lab analysis of evidence previously gathered.
I'm hoping LE will make a statement soon about searching RL's property. For all we know they could be searching for items convicting someone else who knows his property. Just hoping RL's reputation isn't ruined for something he didn't do (if that ends up being the case).
Don't think so.

I think you'll find that the waiver is only for searches relating to the violation of conditions imposed by the court or perhaps a search based on suspicion that someone is engaged in the same conduct that got him convicted in the 1st place.

In other words: there might be a waiver of 4th amendments rights relating to matters related to the drunk driving charges but not for anything else.

Like using the truck without a license?
Wait, what!!! What sid i miss!!??

Someone got a Protective Order from the court to protect themself from Mr. RL.

Just more bad luck and odd coincidences to a man that lied during the Murder investigation of a couple kids, allegedly.

Thank you.

I suspect it was a rhetorical question, but.... Thank you .

Some of the assumptions being made are trampling all over the borders of libel issues. (Posters -- please be careful.)

Many people who face driving under the influence charges are not alcoholics and are also people who would not generally be considered as having an ongoing problem with alcohol.

Public record: RL has been labeled a habitual substance abuser by the courts.
You have to wonder, has someone done this in order for them to issue a warning like that!

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Some steam irons come with a warning not to try to iron your shirt while you're wearing it.

A guy I went to college with really did try to do that. Second degree burns...lucky for him he hadn't set it to the proper temperature or it would have been worse.
I based my age range on the picture along with the sound of his voice. According to radford university serial killer database the average age of a white male american serial killer is 34. As i do not believe this is his first he will be older so i put him at 38 to 42. I did see the ustore place and that is a possible place for him to hide. The reason i suspect the cemetery is that it is a 2 minute drive from the trail head if you drive the speed limit. I drove and timed it. I did find a place in the back of the cemetery to park a car and have it relatively hidden from the road. RL wasnt home so he wouldnt have seen it and RLs place is barely visible from that spot. There is a ravine that runs from that very corner to the bridge. The girls had at least a 20 minute walk to get to that point. Thats how long it took the wife and i to push a stroller there anyway. That would give him plenty of time to reach a hiding place and wait for them to pass then follow them onto the bridge. I was able to recreate the picture that was captured from the video. They were sitting on the last platform on the bridge. I am now working to calculate BG height.

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Thanks very much for the info. A few questions: The ravine from the cemetery to the bridge - is it a path that you could tell people had used before? Were there other people out and about or crossing the bridge when you were there? Were you able to see the crime scene from the bridge through the trees? What kind of sounds could you hear when crossing the bridge? At the southeast end, did you go down the hill to the creek or no?
If you scroll back a few pages on this thread, someone posted all of his DUI offenses since 2011. He has a drinking problem, which is why one of the court responses was to order him to stop drinking - not just driving - and to go to alcohol counseling.

I wonder if these are separate cases/charges or if they all stem from the original charge/case? Sometimes it will show like a repeated offense but still be the same original case.

Note: I am basing this on a family member who had a hard time completing his probation and kept violating. His record looked as if he had 4 offenses of the same thing but in turn it was just one with others being his "new entry" being a violation.
I just have to say that I have known a lot of functional alcoholics, as customers, friends, family and as clients and they are never the ones that get arrested for DUI because they start drinking at 3pm and are asleep somewhere by 7pm. The occasional drinker who has one too many will get caught because they don't drink all the time. And in all the years, I have never had a young DUI in my office, they were always middle aged or elderly. Go figure.

RL has made some mistakes very late in life, with the key words being 'very late in life'. However, not only did he serve our country in the military, he graduated college and that would have been a remarkable feat in the '50's. Not everyone got to go to college then. There weren't any student loan programs, except the GI Bill. We do not know that he farmed for a living but I rather doubt it because he has only 40 acres and as you can see, most of it is wooded. He likely had a career and this was just some country land passed down to him that he loved and loved living on. It is beautiful and in such a nice little town. Who wouldn't want to live there on the river?

We know he loves that piece of property.

His son visited on weekends, so he was likely divorced when much younger, remarried and divorced again when he was in his 70's. Traumatic? You bet. He obviously loves horses and dogs, bought himself a new truck some time ago and was probably quite content in retirement until they divorced. Then the drinking and driving came. Gee. Why am I not surprised that his behavior reflected the soul shifting reality that he was 72 and alone? Am I the only one who sees him as a person here?

And he doesn't know the exact words to say in response to media questions that will satisfy everyone who might parse his every syllable. Who would?

I do not believe that RL is BG. He is just caught up in the investigation because BG chose RL's property.

If someone murdered 2 little girls in the woods at the rear of my property where my kids played when they were young, in broad daylight, while I was home and then my property was declared a crime scene and was searched for days by goodness knows how many people, 'raped' would be exactly the word I would use to describe how I felt.

Horrified. Stunned. Shocked. Frightened. Violated. Loss of sense of safety. Loss of peace. Loss of place. It would be a horizon-shifting event.

I am praying for RL, he is a victim too. I hope they do not send him to jail to serve his sentence for the DUI, he will lose everything. He needs help, not condemnation.
Well, again it is very late for me so I am off to bed. I did not join in the conversation tonight (day for some of you!) as I need a break.

I just want to say, IMO only:

I don't know about RL's guilt or innocence but when deciphering his comments, I try to remember that he is privy to a lot of information because of the fact that the girls were found on his land and the subsequent searches thereafter. He will have been told a lot, whether officials told him or other LE entities or volunteers. He is going to say a lot of things that make it sound like something only the killer would know. I look at his comments as a clue to what he may know what happened, not what he did.

He has 40 acres, he does not "work" 40 acres. That distinction is important. If you look at an aerial shot you can see how much of the property is actually "worked." Sorry to say but 40 acres is not a lot of land. That does not mean he hasn't had help, lodgers, etc., on his property from time to time.

I find all these theories of RL being angry with the girls for trespassing, so he killed them, disturbing, with no sources to back the claim up. Some have not even tried to give the courtesy "IMO" or "MOO" or "WHAT IF" when putting that theory forward. What happened to the scenario of the well-planned, carefully crafted, serial killer type guy that was BG just a few days ago?

So, now we are to change our stance and go with RL conked them over the head and, what, "carried" them "down the hill?" If this last scenario turns out to be true then LE has a lot of explaining to do for putting those psycho serial killer imaginings in our heads. Drama to the max then. I know, I know, covering all the bases...

About the truck, I have only seen that truck parked near the "silo" across from RL's land. Do we know that it is his truck? Why does RL park it over there?

Another poster (sorry do not remember who) pointed out to me that when they watched the news footage of the search that there seems to be some building that looked to be a cottage of some sort on RL's property. I do not know that that is true but possible and would mean that someone else is possibly there and could be of interest. Somebody might take up that banner and check property records? It cannot be me, must. get. sleep.

I said I needed a break and this post probably proves that. Please don't be offended by anything I am saying here and please don't post all kinds of responses to my post "proving" I am wrong, pretty please?

One Day Closer...Nighty-night from France:bed:

As a Beginner here, I want to say this post is inspiring to me. Merci. :tyou:
Well RL will return that's for sure
It's his home....

I meant the actual spot where the girls were left to die. It's not uncommon for a serial killer to go back to the bodies (prior to discovery) and relive the crime. They will continue doing so until decomposition really sets in. It's their own twisted way of having a "relationship" with the victim. Sick as that may be.
Been in Washington DC since Thursday for business can somebody fill me in on anything I missed , other than the RL search warrant? Thx
All just conjecture, if the bg is a local and the propensity for killers to interject themselves into the case. It's very likely the bg was all over the search area "helping" or helping themselves to an alibi for any type of found DNA at the scene. I don't know for sure who it is at this time. I like to read all possibilities for a bit first but, maybe this is why it's taking le some extra time to clarify findings. If they have any of course.
This has been bothering me and so I just want to say it now... it scares me that without any of Libby's recording this would be an absolute cold case. One hundred percent. What would our theories be then?! This is rhetorical.

It also scares me that in spite of this having been born to be a cold case in all other circumstances, LE was blessed to have imagery and audio of aspects of the crime -yet we find LE struggling. Libby's footage tells a specific narrative- now it is time for LE to truly listen to the full complexity of what and wasn't being told.
Billboards! Why go that route with putting the case information on most of the country's highways if they truly suspected RL from the beginning? LE is smart and they do not plan to waste money on all that just to smoke a drunk out.
Public record: RL has been labeled a habitual substance abuser by the courts.

Under Indiana law alcohol is a substance. And repeated alcohol convictions or violations of an original conviction due to an alcohol related charge (i.e. dui, public intox, etc) would definitely put that label on him.
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