IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 - #34

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******There is not enough information from LE to say whether this is a case of sexual pedophilia-murder. We simply have not been given enough details. To say that anybody is beyond scrutiny simply because they have no arrest record for similar crimes is, well, pedestrian at best.

Of course we can't say for sure. But it's highly likely, given what we know.
Originally Posted by trenchmouth
I haven't read all the posts lately, however has anyone spliced the "Down The Hill"s together from BG and RL to check for similarities? The reporter asked him to repeat it in this interview.

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Yes and they are clearly very different

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Im sure you simply forgot to add IMO rather than make a blanket statement that the voices are different? IMO I hear a similarity in the two voices and I believe some other posters have agreed as well! This is what makes opinions so interesting!​
Wow. Please in my future posts just assume IMO. I shouldnt have to justify everything with IMO. Everything posted on this WS is IMO. But thats just my opinion. <modsnip> We are all try to put our heads together to solve a mystery not get caught up in political correctness.

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Statistics regarding child predators ...
"nearly 1/3 of child victimizers had never been arrested prior to the current offense..." Put the other way around, 2/3 have.

"The behavior is highly repetitive, to the point of compulsion, rather than resulting from a lack of judgment."
-Dr. Ann Burges, Dr. Nicholas Groth, et al. in a study of imprisoned offenders.

Interesting reading. I will refer back to it if and when we get confirmation that SA was a factor in these murders.
Actually they do. See Richard Kirk case in Denver Co. He shot his wife. No past issues other than a DUI many years before.

He shot his wife.

He didn't go and kidnap/murder two unknown children.

Big difference IMHO.
When you're stuck and pieces aren't fitting into place, an enlightening exercise can be to assume the opposite of what you believe and play it out logically to see if any pieces suddenly fit. Even basic stuff like, "Who has Libby's cell phone?"

I (still) believe LE recovered her phone, but realized tonight that's an assumption most of us have made without having any confirmation that it's true. Here and there in these threads people have asked about it, but there has never been much discussion because it hasn't seemed important if LE got video from the phone itself or the cloud. But what if you start with the assumption that LE does NOT have the phone, and then play it out?

We know Libby had her phone on her at the time of the abduction, but now we'll assume they cant find it. The phone was "pinging around town" until around the time they were reported missing. If you can get BG to turn the phone back on, you can get it to ping again and figure out a location. But how to get him to turn it back on? Release a couple grainy video stills of a POI and reference that you have a lot more video...make BG wonder if there was something captured on the phone that provides more evidence as to who he is...make him want to stay a step ahead of LE by turning on the phone to find out what all Libby recorded. That could be why they just said he was someone they wanted to talk to early, and not a POI or not definitely involved...he's less likely to turn it on if he knows LE has fingered him for the crime.

Let's say this did work in the first few days, and the phone did ping briefly. That would be enough PC to get a SW if you had a precise location. But if it was just a general area? Then maybe you look for an RSO in that area, and get a SW for their house. This could explain the Bicycle Road search that turned up nothing (and it at least helps me understand where a lot of people leaving cryptic comments about the phone pinging at that house lately are coming from).

Or maybe it pinged in that area before it shut off for a final time on February 13, and that's why they served the SW there. And maybe the efforts to get BG to turn on the phone have failed so far. If that's the case, it would explain ISP Supt. Carter's statement last week that they are still waiting for a specific piece of intel to come in, and they know it isn't in the 13,000 tips that have been called in. And it would also explain why many feel like the case has gone cold.

That's about as far as I've taken it so far, and I still believe they have her physical phone. But I'm less confident in that assumption now, because it does seem to make some events/statements "fit" better. Anyway, hope that line of thought/type of exercise helps those of you better at this than me to come up with some good new theories.
Just an opinion only.

Two people?

Hunters drive prey into ambush.

Was BG driving them to another?

Did drinking partners lament spring bringing in more visitors to their pristine privacy?

Questions only.
When you're stuck and pieces aren't fitting into place, an enlightening exercise can be to assume the opposite of what you believe and play it out logically to see if any pieces suddenly fit. Even basic stuff like, "Who has Libby's cell phone?"

I (still) believe LE recovered her phone, but realized tonight that's an assumption most of us have made without having any confirmation that it's true. Here and there in these threads people have asked about it, but there has never been much discussion because it hasn't seemed important if LE got video from the phone itself or the cloud. But what if you start with the assumption that LE does NOT have the phone, and then play it out?

We know Libby had her phone on her at the time of the abduction, but now we'll assume they cant find it. The phone was "pinging around town" until around the time they were reported missing. If you can get BG to turn the phone back on, you can get it to ping again and figure out a location. But how to get him to turn it back on? Release a couple grainy video stills of a POI and reference that you have a lot more video...make BG wonder if there was something captured on the phone that provides more evidence as to who he is...make him want to stay a step ahead of LE by turning on the phone to find out what all Libby recorded. That could be why they just said he was someone they wanted to talk to early, and not a POI or not definitely involved...he's less likely to turn it on if he knows LE has fingered him for the crime.

Let's say this did work in the first few days, and the phone did ping briefly. That would be enough PC to get a SW if you had a precise location. But if it was just a general area? Then maybe you look for an RSO in that area, and get a SW for their house. This could explain the Bicycle Road search that turned up nothing (and it at least helps me understand where a lot of people leaving cryptic comments about the phone pinging at that house lately are coming from).

Or maybe it pinged in that area before it shut off for a final time on February 13, and that's why they served the SW there. And maybe the efforts to get BG to turn on the phone have failed so far. If that's the case, it would explain ISP Supt. Carter's statement last week that they are still waiting for a specific piece of intel to come in, and they know it isn't in the 13,000 tips that have been called in. And it would also explain why many feel like the case has gone cold.

That's about as far as I've taken it so far, and I still believe they have her physical phone. But I'm less confident in that assumption now, because it does seem to make some events/statements "fit" better. Anyway, hope that line of thought/type of exercise helps those of you better at this than me to come up with some good new theories.

Excellent post.
IMHO it is just to show that people can and do just "flip"

I guess my point is that, if this is a case involving a sexual predator, they rarely just "flip". There is always a pattern of behavior, that usually becomes increasing worse as time goes on.
Ever since we were told that sleuthing RL was fair game, the tone of the posts here seems to have significantly changed, and not for the better. IMO

RL is not a suspect or POI, so I'll continue to view him as a victim in this case until LE states otherwise; and makes any of his past history relevant to the murders of these beautiful children.

Going to sit on my hands until LE speaks. Wish I could remember who to give credit to for saying that in a different case.


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I wish I could agree with you, however this just really is not correct in every case. First, our knowledge of past inappropriate behavior is predicated on being caught and convicted for said behavior. Second, people at ANY AGE can decompensate and/or regress based on both physical and psychological/emotional factors, not to mention brain injury.

:wave: I also believe that people can mature and learn from their mistakes and not repeat past inappropriate behavior.
I keep thinking about that reporter asking RL to say "Down the Hill". I would have been offended if a reporter asked me to do that. I mean, here I am, devastated that two teenagers were found murdered on my property and I am giving you an interview and showing you my property and you are asking ME to repeat those sinister words. I think I would have yelled "CUT"!!! Let's be honest here, that reporter already had his suspicions.

RL didn't have to say a thing to the media, in fact if it were my property I'd tell them to get off of it and to go away.

The media are in the business of selling ad revenue, not solving crimes. Personally, I think most people "in the media" are pure scum, but maybe that's just me.

The media got people all worked up over a search warrant at RL's property which appears to be a big nothingburger, they and LE came away empty-handed. Members here made it seem like LE were taking huge bags and boxes of evidence from the guy's property, but all I've seen is a white Ford truck on a flatbed.
IMHO it is just to show that people can and do just "flip"

There was a case in Florida in 2011, I believe, where a 96-year-old woman snapped and shot her nephew to death. He was in his 50s. So while I'm still on the fence about RL, I have no doubt that someone his age could easily shoot and kill someone, but without an actual cause of death I can't really speculate about what happened here.
Don't throw too many stones my way buuut...could someone point me in the direction of where MSM or LE reported RL lied to the police? :couch:

LE has not said he "lied". They've said some things were "not adding up".

See this video: [video=youtube;I_B9tdkBKa8][/video]
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