Something else to consider in regards to RL being held right now...I see many assuming he is an alcoholic. Are there any MSM reports that have been released with this info? Yes his DUI violations are highly suggestive of an issue but is there anything beyond that? My point being that if RL is a true alcoholic and daily drinker (which is what I'm seeing suggested), he would have to be in a medical detox right now. Benzos and alcohol are the two most dangerous detoxes and dying is not uncommon without proper care (see more here: My husband and I both work in the substance abuse field, and with ten years sober we have been on both sides of the law, so to speak.
I have NO idea if he is an alcoholic...I honestly don't think any of us can come to that conclusion without far more information, and to sentence him as such seems a bit unfair perhaps - although I have no love for those who drink and drive. But for a moment let's say he was drunk enough to do what's being suggested - how does an incredibly inebriated 77 year old not only navigate the terrain and the bridge but also control two healthy teen girls? It just doesn't add up for me that he is our BG...
One last note, regarding the meth mentions. Yes there is a massive problem with meth in our nation and especially in Indiana, and yes it makes people do horrible things, but where does that play into our girls getting killed? Where has there been any suggestion in MSM or from LE that drugs were involved in this? BG doesn't look like a tweaker or a cook to me, from the little I can see his face is pretty full and he looks well-kept.