IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #36

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He's walking toes inward. Rl does not..look at there stance and walk. Jmt

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I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees this pic of BG walking with his toes turned in. Remember the other pic... his toes were turned outward. We talked about it.

I have to laugh that so many see RL as BG. I see BG 1, BG2 and RL.
Nope, must disagree. Just put on a bigger, looser jacket and you camouflage a lot. In fact, when I wear a larger size, people ask me if I have lost weight.

Well heck that's the secret!...Lol. I'll have to try this. Could be a life changer! 😅
What a nightmare. So now many sex offenders are on on these social media sites and they all seem to advertise their 'single'. Relationship status . Parents need go through their kid's computer activity and check for any people such as dodgy older men whose list of 'friend's consist of scantily clad females as I have seen on some sites. I used to have a Facebook account and I actually deleted one person who seemed like a sleazeball when I saw their 'friend list. Those are the obvious creeps but many are very clever in pretending to be someone who they are not . This case may not be social media related but I think it is a reminder that there are many bad people out there that could be stalking your kids via their social media site. Sorry if my post is muddled. Going back to the sexual offender stuff...I was shocked to see one that was a fugitive on Facebook and one who was a member of a meet and greet singles Group Facebook. To re looking at people's photos of their kids.some people befriend strangers and have very personal photos :(. Sorry to go on.

I have been following this case since the very beginning and I certainly understand the frustration we have all felt in this case. I have never done this before, but was drawn in when I saw the article on Fox News. I have wept, cried out to God for help in finding this perp, but try to remain calm and have faith in our LE. One thing that screams out to me is that there is such evil in this world, evil never seen at this scale before. I just heard on a talk show today about how there are videos on the deep web of rapes and worse - and *advertiser censored* - they call it rape *advertiser censored*. The internet can be used for incredible good - I am 66 years old and amazed that I can do business on this computer of mine - that was unheard of only a few years back. But the internet can be used for incredible evil too - and it is getting worse all the time. Let this be a wake-up call to anyone that is viewing *advertiser censored* on the internet - they are supporting and funding this evil empire. When sick *advertiser censored* is viewed it can change the mind of the viewer in very negative ways - it's an addiction, and once they get bored of watching it, some may want to "experience" it for themselves. I'm not saying this is what has happened in this case - we don't know much about what really happened - in fact we really don't know anything that actually happened. I'm just saying, there is evil out there, so pass the word that *advertiser censored* is an avenue of evil that must be stopped - and it can only be stopped by the "viewers". That's all I have to say about that. God please help us all find the mystery to solve this case to bring peace and closure to the suffering families.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees this pic of BG walking with his toes turned in. Remember the other pic... his toes were turned outward. We talked about it.

I have to laugh that so many see RL as BG. I see BG 1, BG2 and RL.
Agreed 100%

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Great post. I think you may be right on several of your thoughts but #7 stood out to me the most. I have gone through all of Libby's Instagram pictures and the most recent photo had several comments of friends expressing condolences to Libby. It was almost like they needed to talk to her even knowing she had passed and used this forum to do so. A female friend said that their mutual male friend was extremely upset that he hadn't gone on the hike with Abby and Libby and felt incredibly guilty about it.

This leads me to believe more people knew about the girls' plans beforehand. I haven't been able to find any posts on SM talking about their plans so maybe it was a group text or email. Either way, other kids knew in advance and possibly their parents, siblings, etc.

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So very sad. I hope all of these kids get the help and support they need. AND they need to see justice done!!
Probably...but the word 'market' was used. Odd word. Wondering if that was confirmed or did the guy from yesterday not have his facts?


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I'm wondering what the proof is that he was at Aquarium World or some Fish Market? I'm hoping it is more than a time/dated receipt.
People, imo, keep forgetting that this is a heavily pixelated image, meaning that things are very unrefined. That means the clarity of the image really can't be trusted for fine details. I can see similarities in some larger muscle movements and facial features, particularly when the subject is looking down, which imo means that the photo if refined could be trusted to identify, PO as BG. i personally am done now discussing RL comparisons.. i dont really think hes BG..but I'm just exhausted reading 8 billion posts comparing various snippets of RL interviews vs. A grainy pixelated vague featureless photo in comparison lol. Im going to focus my energy on other possible scenarios etc.
Going to quote your post but really posting off yours in the statement this was a an unexpected opportunity.

I can't wrap my mind around that. Yes, if this took place in a mall or a larger more populated area, perhaps, but out on a bridge that many are uncomfortable walking on that is surrounded by private property. Many people have referred to this area as a park--it's not.

How can this be so random in a rather isolated area? And the perp just happened to be dressed with supplies (if we are to believe there are supplies and/or a gun in his coat.)

If those who think he is a drifter want to believe he was hiding out in that area for awhile, maybe, but the theory doesn't add up to me.


A few months ago several women were assaulted, kidnapped, and/or murdered while jogging or hiking (some in isolated areas or an empty road) and in some cases the perp is still out there. I don't think this is any different. There were two of them, but they're young and were isolated and cornered.

He might always carry a gun and why wouldn't he carry his supplies while out prowling for victims?

IMO he's not a drifter.
Going to quote your post but really posting off yours in the statement this was a an unexpected opportunity.

I can't wrap my mind around that. Yes, if this took place in a mall or a larger more populated area, perhaps, but out on a bridge that many are uncomfortable walking on that is surrounded by private property. Many people have referred to this area as a park--it's not.

How can this be so random in a rather isolated area? And the perp just happened to be dressed with supplies (if we are to believe there are supplies and/or a gun in his coat.)

If those who think he is a drifter want to believe he was hiding out in that area for awhile, maybe, but the theory doesn't add up to me.

I totally understand your point; however, the weather was nice, and from my understanding, that particular area has always been a popular hangout for locals of all ages in Delphi.

IMO, I think that he had a hunter's mentality...He came prepared. If the conditions were right and presented themselves in his favor, he would kill and consider it a good day.

If the opportunity presented itself as too risky, he wouldn't kill, and he'll try again some other time. It sounds sick, I know, but I think that's his mindset.

If he targeted a mall or a crowded area, there's the risk of countless witnesses, security cameras, people hearing his victim's screams and less chance of staying in the shadows as he is at this present time.

IMO, He saw an opportunity. He took it.

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To me, it looks like they're at different points in the step motion. RL is about to put his foot down, or at the end of that step motion. Whereas, BG is just picking his foot up, or at the beginning of the step. I'm not sure I described that very well...


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I'm now officially scrolling and rolling all the BG/RL side-by-side's. (This is not directed at anyone specific, just in general)
Gimme a break.:maddening:

NOT describing a suspect- only a pair of pants.

Yesterday, I was at the Indianapolis VA hospital for my job. A gentleman walked past me wearing a pair of jeans that had a brown leather patch around the front pocket opening. I lost him in the crowd, but not before noticing that the two back pockets also had leather trim and a makers logo with red stitched words were also on the back. It reminded me of the pants BG was wearing- where did the discussion about the brown part of his pants ever go? Could this be a clue- or has the brown thing been conclusively identified? (I cannot follow this fast-moving thread often enough to be up-to-date on this aspect)
I think several posters had looked for jeans with leather on the top but couldn't find them.
Regarding the analysis of what people say to LE and media when someone is missing or worse.

A friend of mine went missing on Monday after flying to St. Louis for a wedding. Never checked out of her hotel, missed her flight home. I was ready to open a thread here for her. She was found and hospitalized late last night, and should be ok. All O/T.

But my words when talking to her family and other friends were not always my most coherent. And I kept thinking of everyone involved with Abby and Libby and how much harder this must be for their family and friends.

Where I'm going with this, I will be much less judgmental/analytical in the future in how people close to such situations speak. It is not easy.

Sharing a lesson learned. Thanks for listening.

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Oh wow, how frightening! Thank you so much for posting, and for your insights. I'm so glad your friend is okay!

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When a search party is formed how do they decide where to search?

Big question. Brief answer, it can depend on a lot of things. I will try to answer when I get home.

Some related input, Texas Equusearch specifically goes off leads from Law Enforcement.

Iirc from Heather Elvis' case, with CUE (Hi Foxfire :wave: ) each searcher wore a GPS, then they later reviewed on a computer screen the coordinates everyone already searched and could see which areas, if any had been missed.

However, in my curiosity, i googled whether apps and downloads were accessible without the phone (since we still dont know). Nothing that i saw leads me to believe that the forensic minds and intelligent individuals of LE wouldn't be able to trace or track conversations the girls might have had. However. They've come out with a whole barrage of apps i hadn't heard about aimed towards teens. Very crazy. I'm only 27 and holy cow, i feel old. . . . .
This case has been heartbreaking for me to keep tabs on. The horror and terror of the victims and the victims families.... praying for justice!

If they were using snap chat there would be no coversation it would show the name the person uses but no conversation it deletes itself a couple seconds after reading it

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I'm wondering what the proof is that he was at Aquarium World or some Fish Market? I'm hoping it is more than a time/dated receipt.
They would probably have video footage. I hope they do

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Because he was there probably doing something criminal.... drugs mind
The girls.maybe saw this then he saw them. .....I do think there as another person out there with BG but left before BG
Decided to get the girls.

That's a possibility too. I was shocked when I witnessed several drug deals (and terrified when a man I assumed was a dealer started walking toward us!) at a state park in Connecticut. We hurried out and didn't go hiking. Without a doubt anyone of them could have hurt us and no one would know. No one would have said a word.
The more I look at the above BG pic the more I think he has some kind of goggles around his neck, maybe like snow goggles or possibly even a mask like you wear to stop spreading germs when your sick.
I have spent a lot of time looking through crimes that occurred in Delphi in the month before the girls were murdered and one particular article (video)stood out to me.
There is no way at all this person was involved as he was locked up by the 13th February he's wearing a blue jacket, jeans and boots and a face mask, which explains why I watched it in the first place.
I seen this weeks ago now and I can't stop thinking just maybe that's the "thing " around BG's neck? I don't want to post a link so google Arrest made in Delphi Gas Station Robbery and you will see what I mean....
I tend to think either BG is not a local...or, if he is, he is very reclusive. Because you know every parent at that school has taken a look at the photo. And in a small community--similar to where I live--someone would look at that grainy photo and recognize multiple things. Clothing, body shape, voice. But it's also possible someone *has* called in with the right tip but LE either dismissed it or has yet to follow up on it.

I lean more toward out of town who is familiar with the area...lived there or did business there at some point, drives through the area to do deliveries or meetings...

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I have been following this case since the very beginning and I certainly understand the frustration we have all felt in this case. I have never done this before, but was drawn in when I saw the article on Fox News. I have wept, cried out to God for help in finding this perp, but try to remain calm and have faith in our LE. One thing that screams out to me is that there is such evil in this world, evil never seen at this scale before. I just heard on a talk show today about how there are videos on the deep web of rapes and worse - and *advertiser censored* - they call it rape *advertiser censored*. The internet can be used for incredible good - I am 66 years old and amazed that I can do business on this computer of mine - that was unheard of only a few years back. But the internet can be used for incredible evil too - and it is getting worse all the time. Let this be a wake-up call to anyone that is viewing *advertiser censored* on the internet - they are supporting and funding this evil empire. When sick *advertiser censored* is viewed it can change the mind of the viewer in very negative ways - it's an addiction, and once they get bored of watching it, some may want to "experience" it for themselves. I'm not saying this is what has happened in this case - we don't know much about what really happened - in fact we really don't know anything that actually happened. I'm just saying, there is evil out there, so pass the word that *advertiser censored* is an avenue of evil that must be stopped - and it can only be stopped by the "viewers". That's all I have to say about that. God please help us all find the mystery to solve this case to bring peace and closure to the suffering families.

This is the second case I have followed. I followed the little girl that washed up in black and white blanket in Boston... Then I heard this about the girls on the show live pd. So I logged in and started following. It's sick... And I can't even fathom something like this... Breaks my heart.... I think of the family of these girls the unanswered questions the thoughts of what the girls were enduring, and any parent wants to think they can always protect there babies and make it go away even when it's something that is out of there hands... So I can't even begin to imagine what there days are like now, and the struggle on a daily bases...
I just hope parents following this and reading this aren't nieve to what I said about there being ways to do things without getting caught... Be aware but everything cant be tracked, especially if u don't have the device it was happening on... But your right.. We know nothing about what happened and anything is possible.... I just follow this everyday holding out that I will see a post saying they caught the person responsible, although that will not bring them back or heal the broken hearted but it can help with closure..

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LE said on HLN the other night that it will take 4-6 weeks to get the results back from evidence testing on the items seized last Friday from RL's home and property. How is that not hearing anything.
I agree with @ab01

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