IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #38

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So sad that this thread is no longer on "recent posts". :(

C'mon, LE. Please let us know you are on this.

Poor sweet girls. :(.
Just joined and I'm going to give you all a new scenario. This man (BG)loves to run his rabbit dogs. He finds places that he can run his dogs even far away from his home. He has everything on him like a knife( to gut rabbits), gun in his pocket( to kill wolves), maybe even zip ties. He probably left his rifle in the truck(a park, you know). Might have even had a dog box in the back. He parks at the cemetery and runs his dog up to the right of the cemetery (parallel to the bridge) and let's his dog try to stir up some rabbits. These are usually beagles.(small size) It goes zipping through the trees and he stays on the path. They get up to the bridge but BG sees the large spaces between the boards. He puts the small beagle in his coat till he gets across the bridge. Girls are there and they see his dog. " Oh, isn't he cute". He puts down the dog and the dog takes off again. " Oh help me catch him" They all go down the hill. They think they are helping him and he has set them up. Once they know he is after them they try to run from him but he has a gun. They may have even ran through the water trying to get away from him. But on the other side things go bad. Just my thoughts.

Well. This gave me the heebie jeebies. Are there a lot of wolves in Delphi?

Welcome to the group. I just joined last month. :)
That "infared" picture was removed because it came from twitter and not MSM. Anyone can manipulate any picture to make it look like one wants. JMO.

Agree that pictures can be manipulated to the degree that they are misleading. However, I have seen clever changes in color or other filtering to reveal details that are not immediately obvious. IMHO its a mixed bag. As long as its clearly stated that the image has been manipulated AND you can still see the area of interest in the original image, then these manipulations are legit.
Not necessarily. But wolves and coyotes are most likely in any wooded area.
Good evening WS. Has any one suggested that BG could possibly be a school employee? This would grant him the opportunity of being within ear shot of hearing the girls discuss future plans for the following day off from school. This would also put him a day off from work on the same day.
Hello, I'm new here but I've been reading some of the posts and theories. I didn't see anyone mentioning this so, did someone else noticed this object/shadow in one of the pictures of BG? (I marked it in a red circle) It looks like a person is walking in front of him. It matches with the color of the hoodie that Abby was wearing. Makes me think that maybe it could be her. Maybe the girls were taking pictures and he intercepted Abby and he was giving her instructions to keep walking. That could be a reason why Libby started to record the video. If it was another suspect, they wouldn't have removed him from the frame. What do you think?

Original Pictures:

Red circle:

Just joined and I'm going to give you all a new scenario. This man (BG)loves to run his rabbit dogs. He finds places that he can run his dogs even far away from his home. He has everything on him like a knife( to gut rabbits), gun in his pocket( to kill wolves), maybe even zip ties. He probably left his rifle in the truck(a park, you know). Might have even had a dog box in the back. He parks at the cemetery and runs his dog up to the right of the cemetery (parallel to the bridge) and let's his dog try to stir up some rabbits. These are usually beagles.(small size) It goes zipping through the trees and he stays on the path. They get up to the bridge but BG sees the large spaces between the boards. He puts the small beagle in his coat till he gets across the bridge. Girls are there and they see his dog. " Oh, isn't he cute". He puts down the dog and the dog takes off again. " Oh help me catch him" They all go down the hill. They think they are helping him and he has set them up. Once they know he is after them they try to run from him but he has a gun. They may have even ran through the water trying to get away from him. But on the other side things go bad. Just my thoughts.

This is a very vivid scenario. I know nothing about rabbit dogs but the idea he had a dog in his coat and he used it to lure them is interesting to me.

The idea that the girls ran through the river to try to escape is entirely possible, in my mind. Trapped at the river what would one do in such a situation but try and cross?

Hmmm. got me thinking.

Thanks for posting and Welcome to Websleuths!!
I'm not making a blanket statement. But IMO, the court system is sort of broken. I'm all for ensuring a defendant gets a vigorous legal defense. But the average murder case takes two to three years to get to trial. Another factor are juries, I seriously wonder if some comprehend direct vs. circumstantial evidence. Not every crime has DNA evidence, a video recording, or eye witness.

The Heather Elvis case is a good example. What a circus that case has been, I feel deeply for her parents.

From a legal perspective, the time and preparation it takes to create a viable case requires 2-3 years to take a murder (especially capital murder) case to trial. The prosecution needs to sort through all the evidence, conduct their own investigation into potential witnesses, find experts in particular fields, present their evidence in discovery, and then they actually have to prepare for the trial. As you mentioned, there is a profound difference between circumstantial and physical evidence. Without physical evidence, this can delay a trial even further. The defense's only job is to provide reasonable doubt, which is not difficult to do in a circumstantial case. Therefore it is imperative to allow the prosecution the time necessary to build an airtight case. If you rush the prosecution, the defendants WILL walk free. I agree the system is broken, but this isn't why.

Interesting. The beagle would have to be small. I've worked with a few of them in my time to know that many are large-ish and muscular. Very hard to stuff a non puppy beagle in your coat.
The girls trying to cross the river to try to escape should be examined as a possibility, in my mind/opinion.

In fact, one would likely shed their layers when trying to run through water, as it would weigh them down. Could explain clothes in the river?
About two weeks ago I called in a tip. They asked me for my full name, address, phone# dob, it kinda intimidated me. Then they kept asking me how I knew what I knew and on and on, I felt interrogated. It really made me feel uncomfortable and I wonder if this is common?

That sounds tough. I am the kind of person that feels guilty if I walk out of a store empty handed so that sounds hard to me. I guess you could have said you wanted to be anonymous ? It sounds like 911. They get the details from you in such a firm way even if you are upset as it is an emergency situation. I know they have to do that not moaning about that . Anyhow glad you called a tip in and try not to feel bad. I have no idea what your tip was so not sure if it was the nature of your tip. Just sorry you had this experience as I am sure they would not want to put people off reporting tips. Maybe you just got an awkward person. I guess it is hard for them to get the balance sometimes with making you feel at ease and trying to get all the info.. which they did say was not necessary?
Just joined and I'm going to give you all a new scenario. This man (BG)loves to run his rabbit dogs. He finds places that he can run his dogs even far away from his home. He has everything on him like a knife( to gut rabbits), gun in his pocket( to kill wolves), maybe even zip ties. He probably left his rifle in the truck(a park, you know). Might have even had a dog box in the back. He parks at the cemetery and runs his dog up to the right of the cemetery (parallel to the bridge) and let's his dog try to stir up some rabbits. These are usually beagles.(small size) It goes zipping through the trees and he stays on the path. They get up to the bridge but BG sees the large spaces between the boards. He puts the small beagle in his coat till he gets across the bridge. Girls are there and they see his dog. " Oh, isn't he cute". He puts down the dog and the dog takes off again. " Oh help me catch him" They all go down the hill. They think they are helping him and he has set them up. Once they know he is after them they try to run from him but he has a gun. They may have even ran through the water trying to get away from him. But on the other side things go bad. Just my thoughts.

I said something sort of similar to that many many threads ago that maybe he used a ruse like his puppy is lost and he saw it go run "down the hill " which would explain the nonchalant way in which he said it...because that's never sounded truly menacing to me if someone just played that audio clip for me without telling me ahead of time what it was related to... I would not have guessed it was involving a murder case. so I've always wondered if he used some kind of trickery like that.

Which also reminds me of a weird thing that happened to me about 20 years ago when my German Shepherd was lost for almost 2 weeks. I was frantically searching for her. I had walked around many miles leaving printed Flyers and put an ad in the newspaper and everything. as I went searching through the woods for her everyday and one day I got a call and it was a man saying he has my dog and she's right there in his fenced yard ,hurry and come get her...I rushed over there and there was no dog at all, and when I knocked on the door the people at that address said they never called me and had not seen my dog.. . there were no other houses near there and then as I was talking to those people a car came past, slowed down, a creeoy guy looked at me and then sped away ... it really gave me the willies. I did report it to the police because it freaked me out and it also concerned the people whose doorstep I was standing on talking to... It scares me to think of all the possibilities .. Sorry to get so sidetracked..
Interesting. The beagle would have to be small. I've worked with a few of them in my time to know that many are large-ish and muscular. Very hard to stuff a non puppy beagle in your coat.

You'd be surprised how small they can be and do the job.
Thank you for sharing this. I've been looking for evidence of thick branches at the crime scene. I've always thought it was a white rope sticking out of his jacket. MOO imho
Yeah. I'm sharing your pessisimism. When a new approach includes investigators returning to their usual duties, it seems like they've gone as far as they can go in quickly solving the case, analyzing evidence and combing through logical leads.

As to RL, has he been released? In these types of cases LE has the luxury of taking their time if they believe a possible perp is in custody. If they feel strongly about that perp, and have actual evidence, then typically arrests or in the absence of all the evidence they need, further action such as public pressure of some sort, usually occurs upon the person's release.

And in this case, since they said they were investigating RL to either move him into suspect realm or clear him, another option would be to issue a statement that he isn't a suspect and isn't expected to move into that category, at the least, upon release. I mean I understand that they may not have enough info either way but here's hoping.

Agree! You would think they would almost have to make a public statement that he is not a suspect and has been cleared of all previous suspicion that they have previously eluded too! They basically would need to tell the public to leave him alone!
I said something sort of similar to that many many threads ago that maybe he used a ruse like his puppy is lost and he saw it go run "down the hill " which would explain the nonchalant way in which he said it...because that's never sounded truly menacing to me if someone just played that audio clip for me without telling me ahead of time what it was related to... I would not have guessed it was involving a murder case. so I've always wondered if he used some kind of trickery like that.

Which also reminds me of a weird thing that happened to me about 20 years ago when my German Shepherd was lost for almost 2 weeks. I was frantically searching for her. I had walked around many miles leaving printed Flyers and put an ad in the newspaper and everything. as I went searching through the woods for her everyday and one day I got a call and it was a man saying he has my dog and she's right there in his fenced yard ,hurry and come get her...I rushed over there and there was no dog at all, and when I knocked on the door the people at that address said they never called me and had not seen my dog.. . there were no other houses near there and then as I was talking to those people a car came past, slowed down, a creeoy guy looked at me and then sped away ... it really gave me the willies. I did report it to the police because it freaked me out and it also concerned the people whose doorstep I was standing on talking to... It scares me to think of all the possibilities .. Sorry to get so sidetracked..
I've wondered the same thing about BG using an animal as a lure. Did I read somewhere that one of the girls was a huge animal person?

I hope you found your shepherd. They're such great dogs. So smart and loyal. I still miss both my niece shepherds.

Oh and yes, too creepy about that guy. I would have been 100% weirded out by that too.
He had control of them at the bridge though. LE said it escalated immediately after he said Get Down The Hill. So I honestly IMO don't think the dog in the jacket theory is plausible. I'm just going by exactly what LE said.
I said something sort of similar to that many many threads ago that maybe he used a ruse like his puppy is lost and he saw it go run "down the hill " which would explain the nonchalant way in which he said it...because that's never sounded truly menacing to me if someone just played that audio clip for me without telling me ahead of time what it was related to... I would not have guessed it was involving a murder case. so I've always wondered if he used some kind of trickery like that.

Which also reminds me of a weird thing that happened to me about 20 years ago when my German Shepherd was lost for almost 2 weeks. I was frantically searching for her. I had walked around many miles leaving printed Flyers and put an ad in the newspaper and everything. as I went searching through the woods for her everyday and one day I got a call and it was a man saying he has my dog and she's right there in his fenced yard ,hurry and come get her...I rushed over there and there was no dog at all, and when I knocked on the door the people at that address said they never called me and had not seen my dog.. . there were no other houses near there and then as I was talking to those people a car came past, slowed down, a creeoy guy looked at me and then sped away ... it really gave me the willies. I did report it to the police because it freaked me out and it also concerned the people whose doorstep I was standing on talking to... It scares me to think of all the possibilities .. Sorry to get so sidetracked..
That was a creepy experience you had :(. So glad you were not harmed and you reported it.

Sgt. Kim Riley‏@ISPLafayette 13m
13 minutes ago

Have left the command center. Will not return till Monday morning unless something happens. Have a great weekend.

Interesting. Last weekend, there was a similar tweet about taking some time to recharge and reset and let LE get reacquainted with their families. This was just after the search warrant was issued on RL's property.

In addition, today, it was also announced that they are "normalizing" and scaling back on support personnel.

It just seems that since RL was arrested and the SW served that things are shifting within the investigation and it's coming across as slowing down. I have not thought that RL was BG, but I also do not want to overlook the fact that the investigation is changing and has happened since his arrest and search warrant.

LE may still have to sift through 60 possible people of interest, but my opinion is that the investigation seems to be at a different place since the arrest and search warrant. I don't want to say it's less urgent but more along the lines of a shift in the investigation. Could be wrong, but my observation for whatever that is worth.
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