(O/T, it's interesting how that works. One time I totally froze during a convenience store robbery. Another time recently I was almost attacked I had the presence of mind to call 911 in time. I was in a shady dark parking lot waiting on my ride and had one finger on the mace, and the other on the phone ready prepared in advance just in case someone approached, which they did. 2 disgusting males in a vehicle, looked like they were living out of their car drove past me slowly and the danger alert kicked in. They then came back around, pulled right up onto me in their car head on, and turned their brights on blinding me, leering, etc. On the fly I chose the right hand, my phone, because I didn't think I could successfully mace both of them/take on both attackers, so I took my chances trying to get a call out to 911. Thank goodness I was prepared and fast enough and had my phone handy, etc...I automatically gave my location to the 911 operator and started reading off their plate and vehicle description/physical descriptions. They heard me and peeled out/sped off. The cops arrived within seconds and chased them down the highway. I don't know if they ever found them.
I hate it when adrenaline overwhelms me to the point where I freeze and feel like I'm going to faint. It's impossible to predict how one will act in the moment, imo, and for me I've learned it can vary. And for 2 little girls...
....how smart and brave to hit record/snap.)