IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #45

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Well everyone, I apologize to all for being one of those posters tonight that just cannot let it go.

I really was having a hard time understanding why no one understood me - after all I am so very understandable!
I am taking myself off to bed (2:30 for me) and try to forget how embarrassed I feel.:blushing::shame:

I don't even know what you're talking about but whatever it is don't feel bad. At least you have skills to offer here . me on the other hand pretty useless here and have not really contributed anything worthwhile. I too am going to log off now .goodnight
Wow. It seems like an eternity since the girls were first found down by the creek. Too much time...
At first I was afraid that it would all just turn out like the Rhoden family case, but that one seems to have been badly affected by an uncooperative and territorial local LE. But this case is being pursued with total LE cooperation (with each other) and there's still no progress. How can this happen? All those tips and nothing? MOO.
I think you are saying if LE could not locate a man in black to talk to that hopefully LE would look closely at the girls claiming there WAS an man in black. It would've been a way for them to acknowlege being there but directing attention to an ominous sounding man. Is this what you mean?
It does seem obvious though with the voice recording of a man and inability to locate BG in the picture that it wasn't the girls. But if not for these then yes, I'd wonder about the girls. In this day and age you never know what anyone is capable of sadly.

Good thinking outside the box though.


I'm just so concerned right now. I have been in deep study concerning the reporting of a man all in black and the "Slender Man" stabbing case involving the twelve year old girls stabbing a young girl to please "Slender Man". The links concerning the man dressed in all black along with the young girl's comments stating that she was not with the two girls but other friends were just really stimulated my thinking in a way that I really don't like. I certainly hope that LE aren't wearing blinders and totally focusing on the BG. I wish I knew for a fact why LE is so certain the BG is the murderer.
I think it's not outside the realm of possibility. If they did, I'm guessing it's because they didn't want to be near him at the south end with trees around so they may have figured it was safer, the two girls together, to pass him going away from him. The bridge is high so maybe they figured he wouldn't do anything on the bridge? I never can work out to my satisfaction why they'd stay in place video recording him if they were spooked by him. Why not hurry off at the south end looking for other people? Just trying to think of something that makes sense to me. MOO
Excellent point.
But for some reason I have it stuck in my head that the girls met up with BG at the SE end, and everything went down from there. I think they could have tried to move North. Or, tried to look down over at the wooded area to see if there were secondary paths.
You are right, in retrospect, the bridge is very high. If they had run toward him, (as he approached) they could perhaps have scared him into thinking they might push him off. Although that is a little far fetched.
Well everyone, I apologize to all for being one of those posters tonight that just cannot let it go.:gaah:

I really was having a hard time understanding why no one understood me - after all I am so very understandable! :D
I am taking myself off to bed (2:30 for me) and try to forget how embarrassed I feel.:blushing::shame:

No need to feel embarrassed, Web Sight :blowkiss:. Have a good rest.
Excellent point.
But for some reason I have it stuck in my head that the girls met up with BG at the SE end, and everything went down from there. I think they could have tried to move North. Or, tried to look down over at the wooded area to see if there were secondary paths.
You are right, in retrospect, the bridge is very high. If they had run toward him, (as he approached) they could perhaps have scared him into thinking they might push him off. Although that is a little far fetched.
Maybe they did go toward him and that struggle is what you would hear before, "down the hill"
Thank you for the map...I'm seeing 3 in relation to Delphi proper:

1. Off Old State 25
2. Hwy 421
3. Main Delphi area

Keep in mind I live in the country outside city limits. So even though I'm connected to our city everything regarding our home and property is county related. Comparing Delphi to where I live I can tell you I would ping off all 3 of those towers most days and others may add a 4th or 5th tower. I just go back to the grandfathers statement of pinging phones. I find it interesting how he knows that? It that something LE explained, described to him?
I think I read that LE got the phone provider/operators to ping the phones to try to locate them. I didn't know that could be done.
Good question. And this is the point where I think it gets interesting. Since we've recently been discussing the times of the pics at 2:07 pm and the probable still pic of BG at 2:30 pm I am thinking the girls must have hung around the South end of the bridge for a bit as there is 23 minutes in between pictures (until BG arrived on scene). I am assuming this was the end of the girls' hike since the North end of the bridge is the end of the trail. There are only so many places that could have been their predesignated pick up spot (at I believe, 3pm). Were the girls planning to walk back to where they were initially dropped off? If not, then where? For anyone who has seen the satellite map of the trail you will see there are only so many places a car has access to the trail. If the girls had planned to be picked up on that driveway right under the North end of the bridge then they would have been just hanging out waiting for their ride at 3pm (I have not heard where the planned pick up spot was so I am merely thinking out loud). Two scenarios here...1) IF the girls were waiting for their ride at the North end of the bridge it seems very coincidental that their murderer just happens upon them by chance within this 30 minute time frame. In this scenario I am deducing it is most likely that the suspect either was already aware of their hiking trip plans or drove by and saw the girls walking on the trail and took advantage of this time frame (rather than their encounter be by coincidence)... or 2) the suspect was already there, watching and waiting for his perfect opportunity to kill. The tree stand would be a great vantage point for this as the suspect knows once he has his victim(s) on the South end of the bridge it is the end of the trail and nowhere else for them to go, so they are essentially cornered. MOO

You have mades oem excellent points.
i have to write quickly, for some reason my posts are eaten up. I am new here.
So is it true that there was about 23 minutes between A's photo and the video of BG? That is a lot of time.
Mr. Hughes surmised (if I remember correctly) that Abby was pretty far over the bridge when that image was shot.
perhaps the they made it over the bridge, and stayed there for about fifteen minutes?
Maybe they did go toward him and that struggle is what you would hear before, "down the hill"

Any audio geeks around? Is it possible to strip out other sounds or voices besides BG and the crunching of leaves in the DTH clip?

I have listened again to that clip several times and I'm sorry but it sounds like a familiar voice IMO.
Wow. It seems like an eternity since the girls were first found down by the creek. Too much time...
At first I was afraid that it would all just turn out like the Rhoden family case, but that one seems to have been badly affected by an uncooperative and territorial local LE. But this case is being pursued with total LE cooperation (with each other) and there's still no progress. How can this happen? All those tips and nothing? MOO.
I often think of the Rhoden case as I read through these threads. I think with both I thought they would be solved quickly. Isn't it unbelievable that neither of these cases have been solved? JMO
Near the end of Gray Hughes' latest video, it shows an area where the creek appears to be quite shallow. MOO

Start at 13:12 so you can see the creek is crossable. One might get their shoes wet but def possible.

Keep watching so you see the crime scene pretty much right across from where one can cross. Then please go back and watch the whole video. It really made it clear to me how it all played out. hth!!

I don't even know what you're talking about but whatever it is don't feel bad. At least you have skills to offer here . me on the other hand pretty useless here and have not really contributed anything worthwhile. I too am going to log off now .goodnight

You are a long time member so I am very sure that you are very valuable to the team dynamic. I try to learn from members such as yourself on how to conduct myself as a newbie. (ahem, except tonight apparently) I look to you guys as mentors.

As far as not contributing anything worthwhile, well that must be complete rubbish! All ideas and theories and queries stretch everyone to think and think hard. And I know you contribute to the conversation all the time because I read your posts.

I am not very good at the sleuthing stuff at all so I stick to the visuals, which a lot of those are horrendous! But I know what you mean about feeling useless. A lot of folks on here are so talented and seem to know so much or get information from right out of the air - they know how to pull up a quote from the 10th page of an article written three years ago but is pertinent to this particular case! Or, oh you mean the video where the guy is wearing the green pants and the tennis shoes with black socks? Here you go! Sigh, I know I will not ever get there!

Sleep well!
Any audio geeks around? Is it possible to strip out other sounds or voices besides BG and the crunching of leaves in the DTH clip?

I have listened again to that clip several times and I'm sorry but it sounds like a familiar voice IMO.

Do you mean that you hear a different voice in the background that sounds familiar, or that "down the hill" is the voice that sounds familiar? TIA
If the other girls were there as alleged, chances are they posted pics of themselves, so surely LE knows if they were, or just sorta claimed after the fact that they were...jmo
I am the original poster of the quote and the article link and if you look at my original post you will see I only quoted the first sentence, which was about the friends being there and that they saw a man.

Granted the part about the man maybe rumor but not the part about the friends. So what, if I may try to understand are you saying is rumor?

I am really at a loss here and I cannot wrap my head around this why you and the other poster keep trying to convince me I am wrong?

I am only interested in the part of the article about the friends being there and Chastity says they were.
How do you know she is even telling the truth?
It seems from the other information given no one even saw these friends she's talking about?
To clarify my earlier post about LE having additional unreleased video, I am wondering if BG is a local, is the video that distorted that even LE, in a small city like Delphi, IN unable to recognize him. L tried so hard. moo
Maybe they did go toward him and that struggle is what you would hear before, "down the hill"

Yes, excellent point. That is what I have always thought.

it is just that I'm finding out now that there was a good block of time between the photo of Abby (2:30) and BG (2:30).

I wonder. Where the girls off the bridge, hanging out. Talking. And then one of the girls saw BG approaching in the distance. And maybe they both sort of froze. Not knowing if they should traverse the bridge, and pass him, or stay put.
I would have done the latter.
Every time I hear the 'Down the hill' recording the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end quite literally. It's seriously chilling hearing it play out in real time. I think the reference about law enforcement and the last thought before sleeping refers to the fact that we are privy to the same words those poor girls heard and it's terrifying. I mean, I've had nightmares and I've only heard those 2 seconds and seen the picture of BG 😣 *shudders*.

Another chilling thought is the 6 degrees of separation theory. Theoretically we are all indirectly connected to BG. Horrid thought!

Anyway, I've got what's probably a really stupid question... LE said that they have issued something like '3 search warrants and 70 subpoenas' in the course of the investigation so far. Are SW all for different places in the US or would you need a different SW to search on different occassiskons in the same property? Or one for homes/ land and a different one for vehicles or property? Same question for subpeanas really? Are they written to cover more than one item or does it vary?
Link below:
You have mades oem excellent points.
i have to write quickly, for some reason my posts are eaten up. I am new here.
So is it true that there was about 23 minutes between A's photo and the video of BG? That is a lot of time.
Mr. Hughes surmised (if I remember correctly) that Abby was pretty far over the bridge when that image was shot.
perhaps the they made it over the bridge, and stayed there for about fifteen minutes?

Thank you Molecularblonde, I enjoy reading your posts as well...and welcome to WS!
It would seem 23 minutes would be correct between pics.
Something else this makes me wonder is, IF the suspect happened to pass by the trail in his vehicle and saw the girls walking along, could this be related to RL's trip to the drop off/dump? Is this why no one will release the time he supposedly drove to the dump? The map shows one most likely route to the dump is right by where the girls were originally dropped off. I also wonder if one can see into the trail area from that road/highway. This time of year it is quite likely as the trees are bare.
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