IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #45

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"Carter said cases like this play on the emotions of everyone involved, especially the ones who have been closest to the crime.“I’ll never be able to unsee what I saw that day,” said Carter."

Quote comes from article about how tough it is on LE. Doesn't really indicate that the crime scene was more horrific than others he'd experienced. MOO
In listening to that press conference again (Q&A at the end), police have never said that SM did not play a part in this. Recently in the thread someone had posted that LE had ruled it out. Is there a link to that info?

I had always *assumed* that LE initially released the BG photo, asking for him to come forward, be identified, so that they could ask him questions, since he was obviously in the area at the time the girls were there... and then a few days later, when the man did not voluntarily come forward, LE deemed him to be a suspect, upped the ante for the guy, to say, hey, you're now the main suspect, so you'd best get your butt to a police station and give whatever info you have. I figured it was an assumption on LE's part, that since he didn't want to willingly clear his name, he must therefore be involved.. and further, to give the guy a jolt of fear. But if that activity on that Sunday is/was related to the announcement that BG became the main suspect, then I have no idea.... what was the date of the searching of the property on Bicycle Road?

Do you mean SM playing a part as in possible catfishing? If so, is this what you're looking for? It's dated the 21st of Feb
CASAREZ: Do you believe that these young girls at all could have been innocently communicating with someone who may have even not led to his real
identity, to meet that person at this trail for a couple of hours?

SLOCUM: Well, anything`s possible, but the evidence we have thus far has not revealed that to be true. Unfortunately, these young ladies were just
doing what teenage girls do. They were -- they were enjoying a beautiful day on a beautiful trail in a beautiful part of Indiana, and these crimes occurred.
I remember one officer saying he'd never be able to forget what he saw at the crime scene, so I don't think there was any doubt they were murdered.

(no source, I've looked but can't find it, but it was quoted in a MSM article)

This might be it ?:

Carter (TF added: State Police Superintendent Doug Carter.) said cases like this play on the emotions of everyone involved, especially the ones who have been closest to the crime.

“I’ll never be able to unsee what I saw that day,” said Carter.
In today's atmosphere, especially, at least half of LE's work is PR. Even if this were/is a serial killer, it's very important to keep the public calm, and for the public to have confidence in LE. They are not going to say anything that could cause hysteria or undue chaos, which could potentially hamper their investigation, IMO. Just look at the rumors, accusations, etc on SM that they've had to contend with even being as careful as they have. Statistically, even if they were dealing with a SK or some other more random seeming predator, the chances of them striking again anytime soon in the same town are very low.This, IMO, could be why he made the statement he did. People are going to be fearful and hyper-vigilant in Delphi now, regardless. No need to cause hysteria.
Good Morning.

That statement didn't make sense (to me) then and looking back it still doesn't.
I have wondered about the searchers in the water too. In the helicopter footage from the search the day the girl were found, they are forming a human chain in the creek. It appears they are down just a few hundred feet from where the girls were found. Had they been found yet? I am curious because there were at least two helicopters flying all around the area and yet they were found by ground searchers. I am rambling but what I am trying to say is... the girls should have been visible from the air. One of them was wearing a tye died shirt. that has me thinking they may have been hidden or obscured.
If not answered yet, they had already been found when that helecopter was up. It looked to me as though they were searching for "things". I had assumed things like: phone, clothing, weapon.aybe they didn't know exactly what. It also was when the idea planted in my head that they HAD crossed the stream.

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In today's atmosphere, especially, at least half of LE's work is PR. Even if this were/is a serial killer, it's very important to keep the public calm, and for the public to have confidence in LE. They are not going to say anything that could cause hysteria or undue chaos, which could potentially hamper their investigation, IMO. Just look at the rumors, accusations, etc on SM that they've had to contend with even being as careful as they have. Statistically, even if they were dealing with a SK or some other more random seeming predator, the chances of them striking again anytime soon in the same town are very low.This, IMO, could be why he made the statement he did. People are going to be fearful and hyper-vigilant in Delphi now, regardless. No need to cause hysteria.

This is what I believe and completely agree.

Trying to think what could prompt that kind of anger if not 'personal', and if not sexual. If you're a badguy and you see 2 silly teens filming you perhaps involved in some kind of criminal activity, it may not go over so well. If that was the case, the perp would likely be local, probably has a previous criminal record, and didn't want to risk jail time. But if local, then why hasn't he been identified by locals? Perhaps he has been, but someone is covering and providing a false alibi?

And perhaps others who may have info are not willing to expose their own criminality by making that call, considering all of the arrests police have made during this case, outside of the realm of the murders. I wonder why police haven't issued a promise stating that unrelated criminality will not be pursued in exchange for information relating to this case (as long as the person wasn't a participant). Don't they have 'Crimestoppers' over there, where calls are not traced and people can call in anonymously with tips? I know it has been said that people *can* call the tipline anonymously, but does that guarantee to them that their numbers and locations aren't being traced? I know this stuff has already been discussed, it's just so annoying that nothing seems to be happening, FBI has gone home, etc.

I do agree it's kind of bogus people are being sought on unrelated criminal matters while authorities are on the hunt for a dangerous murderer.

I think it is taking this long because that's how long it takes. Did the FBI leave because they were getting nowhere? Or because they believe the police have a handle on it and can wrap it up soon?
@ ImnoSherlock

A couple of times now you have posted near the end of a thread saying you have applied some filters and can see something interesting but you still haven't posted despite being asked. Do you have anything? If so please could you post it early in the thread if you want comments? TIA.
Didn't LE state Libby started recording when she felt scared. Maybe once they extracted the video and audio and analysed it all they were able to determine why she felt scared and that BG was the reason, making them confident enough to announce him as a suspect and believe he participated in the murders. It may have taken a few days, we don't know for certain if they have her phone, nor what condition it may have been in. I think they wanted to get that image of BG out there as soon as possible and may have believed him to be involved off the bat but didn't have enough evidence at that time, then within a few days they got it, the rest of the audio/video analysis. MOO

Now I would like to know when exactly was the first pic of BG posted by LE with his right hand visible in his right shirt pocket. I could swear at first there was NO pic including a hand, then suddenly was. Had the timing to do with LE asking for the man as a witness then wanting him for "the suspect who participated in the murder"? I think they worked through the horrible video, didn't want to show too much but needed to show the very unusual aspect re his right hand and created a slightly new pic of BG - as before but with his hand inside the (OPAQUE!) shirt pocket.
Serial killer? Revenge murder? Drug connection? Mental illness? Crime of passion? This is an interesting article about predicting when and what types of mental states of mind are most likely predictive of violence.

Thanks for posting. From above:

"Although studies have pointed to a slight increase in the risk of violent behaviors among those afflicted with major psychiatric ailments, a closer examination of the research suggests that these disorders are not strong predictors of aggressive behavior. In reality, severely mentally ill people account for only 3 to 5 percent of violent crimes in the general population. The data indicate that other behaviors are likely to be better harbingers of physical aggression—an insight that may help us prevent outbursts of rage in the future."


"Rather than thinking of people with severe mental illness as generally dangerous, scientists are now pinpointing those other factors that might augur violent behavior more reliably. One strong candidate is drug abuse."

(Foxfire used to talk about this, meth specifically.)
Please. It's bad enough that the thread gets closed so often, but if a member is posting that they know something but can't talk about it then just alert the post. It's called baiting and is decidedly against the rules.

The Rules are not difficult to understand and if anyone has difficulty finding their way around I'd be happy to help.

I have wondered about the searchers in the water too. In the helicopter footage from the search the day the girl were found, they are forming a human chain in the creek. It appears they are down just a few hundred feet from where the girls were found. Had they been found yet? I am curious because there were at least two helicopters flying all around the area and yet they were found by ground searchers. I am rambling but what I am trying to say is... the girls should have been visible from the air. One of them was wearing a tye died shirt. that has me thinking they may have been hidden or obscured.

Yes, they had been found by this time (the helicopter footage).

However, this is a good point about them being possibly concealed since overhead searchers initially did not locate them.
In another case I was following about a year ago (actually by then it was the trial), there was a LOT of evidence and expert testimony in regard to cellphones. The pinging of the various towers, and what can and can't be obtained from phone records, versus actual cellphones themselves, and sim cards presence or not being present, etc.. very very complicated stuff!. It's possible that they were able to get a certain amount of information from various sources without having the actual phone in hand, such as the records from the cellphone provider, the stuff that was uploaded to wherever. But it may be not possible to get all of the texts without the actual phone.
I believe it is possible to obtain a 'tower dump' which could provide details of phones on a particular tower in a particular time frame. I am no expert but have seen it mentioned. Perhaps we have some cell phone experts on the forum who could clarify this for us?
Very interesting point!! Exactly what made them call BG a FIRM suspect that they didn't have off phone from the very start????? Any ideas???

I think that police always knew that the man in the video is a suspect, but they were hoping that he didn't know that they knew. They gave him two days to come forward as a witness, and then decided to go ahead and ask the public to help identify him.
Going back to the statement that the evidence gathered during the SW that was served at RL's on the 17th taking 4-6 wks to process, it's only been 3 weeks. I assume some of that information may have already come back, but this is definitely a case that requires LE to be as close to perfect in the execution of procedure as they can be. We still have 2 to 3 weeks before assuming all the evidence has been processed. I'm also curious if LE could be taking their time to match all evidence against other, similar crimes as they go along, as well, just to be on the safe side? This could take longer, as well. All this considered, I expect that we probably won't hear much until around or after the 24th of this month.
In this video, from February 15, 2017, Sheriff Tobe Leazenby's response to the journalist's question
is, as far as my experience, the kind of response given when police know that a murder, one way or the other, is personal and that the killer is someone close to the victim/victims. MOO.

And to me this response by Sheriff Tobe Leazenby is the most mysterious and enigmatic thing about this police investigation.


2:07 Reporter: "Should people in this community be worried about someone running around targeting kids?"

2:13 Sheriff Tobe Leazenby: "My response is no, I feel safe for this community"

Thanks for posting that TF. Libby's cell phone or information extracted therefrom (text, SM, calls etc..) may have contained additional important evidence asides from the audio and video. The killer may or may not be aware of it. However, since he is caught on Libby's camera - if he is indeed the killer- chances are, he may not be aware of it or he was not aware of it. Just IMO.

I think they are building their case IMO. The closer this one hit home - if at all- , the less they want to rush it.


How long did it take LE to make a statement about the Bicycle Road SW? I can't remember exactly what was said.
Now I would like to know when exactly was the first pic of BG posted by LE with his right hand visible in his right shirt pocket. I could swear at first there was NO pic including a hand, then suddenly was. Had the timing to do with LE asking for the man as a witness then wanting him for "the suspect who participated in the murder"? I think they worked through the horrible video, didn't want to show too much but needed to show the very unusual aspect re his right hand and created a slightly new pic of BG - as before but with his hand inside the (OPAQUE!) shirt pocket.

No they didn't release different photos. This link was the first one posted that issued the photos. These are the very first photos of BG. I hadn't realised I posted it. On thread #1


The pics were released early evening on the 15th Feb

Then the next day, the 16th at around lunchtime they released this poster. From Thread #1


The same photos are used. Anything else you have seen is not official and has not come from LE.
I have wondered about the searchers in the water too. In the helicopter footage from the search the day the girl were found, they are forming a human chain in the creek. It appears they are down just a few hundred feet from where the girls were found. Had they been found yet? I am curious because there were at least two helicopters flying all around the area and yet they were found by ground searchers. I am rambling but what I am trying to say is... the girls should have been visible from the air. One of them was wearing a tye died shirt. that has me thinking they may have been hidden or obscured.

Covered up?
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