Some of you know I asked my teen girls to help re-create the video that Libby took of BG which was a great help. But in all honesty, they know next to nothing about this case. Up to now I have only talked about it in very broad general terms. They have never seen a picture of the girls nor BG. The only person they marginally know about is RL. They have never seen pictures of the bridge or anything. They said that occasionally when I was working on a photo they might see it as they were passing but never really looked. So, my point is they don't know much.
Anyway, we started chatting about the case and all I can say is if you want to find out about how L & A might have been thinking that terrible day, ask a teen girl @ the same age (one 14, one 17)!! I ended up having to get a notebook and take notes. So here is just part of the conversation. It was mostly Q & A form:
Me: You and your BFF are almost across the bridge after walking the trails. You see a guy on the bridge coming toward you. His hands are in his pockets as he is walking. We only have a picture of him where he is looking down, so we don't know if he has been looking around. Now you are on a rickety bridge so that might be the reason for the downward eyes. But he is walking toward you, eyes down, hands in pockets.
What would cause you to film him?
Answers (two teens talking at once so incomplete sentences follow):
Because he's following.
Because I saw him before and didn't think about it, but now he is on the bridge.
He's not walking like he's hiking, he's walking like he is there to do something.
Because he's walking with purpose.
Head down.
Knowing how I would walk the bridge, seeing someone walk it differently would creep me out.
If they were into crime stuff then they would be paranoid.
Additional comment made, no question was asked (not particularly pertaining to filming):
If I saw a guy walking like that (hands in pockets) I would think it's someone who is used to a railroad, a railroad worker, engineer.