IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #49

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I thought (and I could totally be wrong, just curious about this) that the affidavit had the criminal act of murder as being done on the 13th. I didn't realize it stated it was the day of death. I saw a tribute done by a family member have a differing date so that seems odd. Anyone have any more info on that?

I posted a link to the exact language that says both on 2/13.
As to what made Libby start filming ive been really puzzled by this and im thinking now that maybe one of fellow poster Web Sight's daughters may have got it right when she said "hes walking with purpose"..this man is not strolling or enjoying the fresh air and view, hes walking towards THEM..and thats when the video is switched on. Just in case. Young girls are taught to view the world very differently from boys.. we are encouraged to develop a survival instinct concerning intent and i think that could be what prompted Libby to start filming..JMO

But wouldn’t that kick in your survival instinct to run? I’m a Psych major, so often it’s the “why,” and not always the “what,” that intrigues me.

My adult self, and my 13 yo self would react totally different in this when I run the scenarios through my mind, as to what WOULDN’T make my 13 yo self run, I draw blanks. So, like you, this is something that has often bothered me about this case, and something I have often thought about.

I’m sure Libby had her reasons, and I guess it could be something as simple as she was braver than I ever was at 13…maybe I’m over-thinking it. MOO

I am glad you asked:

From where the video is taken, where's Abby? Do you think she is in front of BG?

It makes sense if you think he attacked one and the other obeyed, then Abby was closer.

But, It doesn't make sense that Abby would have stayed separate from Libby, maybe messing about, when this guy probably already creeped them out and he is coming toward them. If he crossed the bridge from the other end (north) then they saw him coming for a long time.

Okay so he crosses the bridge from the north, they are creeped out before Libby starts filming so the girls have probably gotten back together by the time the filming starts. Why not run now?

Someone comes up behind them.

That was the only answer they came up with.

The red is what has always bothered me. The green is a theory many have expressed, and I guess I never really believed in.

I think I’ll take the “2 Perps” theory more seriously.
Curious, then how do you account for those who are positive BG is RL?

I used to be on the fence about RL long ago but for some time now i firmly believe he is NOT the BG. Too many things just do not add up to be him. Not limited to but including his body shape does not look the same, voice sounds different, BG seems younger, but most of all, i just cant see a 77 y.o man walking on the side of a high bridge (drunk or not, the vestibular system goes with age) and killing 2 girls in a short time span and possibly moving their bodies, possibly crossing the creek, hiking back home etc etc) nope i do not think RL is the killer at all..IMO MOO
IMO, why would it? I doubt the video is much clearer, for one thing, and as many times and as many places as the stills have been shown, I have no doubt that someone probably not only recognized BG as their friend/relative/neighbor, and that at least one of them has notified LE. They have received over 15,000 tips, and are still getting more. Even if it's not RL, and even if they know 100% without a doubt who it is, unless that individual confesses, they will still have to have a case built before making an arrest. In fact, if it's not RL, it would likely take even longer, because SW's would have to be obtained and executed, which would require probable cause(even if they got 1000 calls about their suspect). If he's not already in the registry, they might have to get a warrant for DNA, again requiring PC(and a low quality video likely wouldn't be enough). So basically, the pictures may be as good or better than the video, but simply identifying who the suspect is wouldn't be enough for an airtight case. An airtight case would still require a lot of other evidence before the filing of charges and an arrest. Criminals know this, as well, so what I am hoping is, that while we are focused on RL, maybe(assuming again that RL is innocent) the culprit is enjoying all the attention being on RL as well, and maybe he decides not to discard the boots he wore that day, or maybe he gets too comfortable or sloppy in another way, allowing LE to put their case together.I suspect LE probably has a good idea who BG is, but they'd never tell us until his arrest.
Even if it increases the odds of capture exponentially?
And yet LE hasn't. Why do you think they haven't? RL is a longtime member of that community no matter his alcohol-related peccadilloes in the eyes of some. I'm personally of the opinion alcohol and driving under its influence is more serious than a mere peccadillo. Why hasn't LE publicly cleared RL for a double homicide? I expect we will know that and other answers as soon as LE makes an arrest, and I'm sure they will. IMO

Sadly I'm not so sure. I see a lot of circles and no straight path...praying for justice for these girls!!

[emoji237]Always My Own Opinion[emoji4]
they have cleared more than 200 people who they received tips about. They search RL's property as a result of "tips" and information. So far they haven't "cleared" him.....

Indiana authorities say the investigation into the killings have led to 13 arrests, but that none of them are linked to those murders. Police have questioned more than 300 people in the killings based on over 13,000 tips from the public. Police say they’ve cleared more than 200 people they had received tips about as resembling a man seen in two grainy photos taken from one of the girl’s cellphones.

"not a suspect" only one has more than one syllable, it shouldn't be that hard. If they questioned 300, cleared 200, that still leaves 100 no?
Conversely, how do you account for people who reject a possibility that is RL? TTBOMK, the man is a complete stranger to people who hold that opinion.

It's a good thing LE will not solely rely on a grainy photo or SM to accuse someone of a double homicide. IMO

There's really not much to go on from that photo. I'm not sure as to why they would have cropped it, even if Abby was next to him, unless something terrible already happened to her. IMO

Thank you so much for the explanation. I asked because not only was it in the obituaries, but I saw a photo posted on another SM sight that shows where children drew a little tribute for each girl on the bridge and they etched their dates of death into the wood as being same dates given in their obits. I will assume now they were just going by info in the obits, Thanks for clearing that up!
I don't know about that, it depends on the drunk. My family has quite its share of functional drunks even professors and screen writers. I guess that would then be a question of define drunk? An alcoholic could handle it for whatever that means. I am really not implying RL here. I am sure he is not the only alcoholic in and about Delphi.

I am a happy drunk but, I don't drink much at all.

Definitely agree. Worth adding too that even if RL is an alcoholic (and even if we're just talking alcoholics in general) most I've known are not drunk every minute of the day by any means. So if an alcoholic is to blame for this crime, they wouldn't have necessarily been drunk while committing it. A number of alcoholics I've known, friends and family, seem to drink the most in the evening and night. They spend hours after they get home from work downing drinks. Often it's their coping skill and escape. I mean I think that's some of the "functional alcoholic" thing as well, they tend to have an almost ritualized way of drinking and at certain points of the day. Suppose it depends a lot on just how bad their alcoholism is but i know folks who own up to the fact they're alcoholics who go into work sober and manage not to drink for portions of the day. Given their generally high tolerances too I don't think most alcoholics spend the majority of the time they're under the influence rip roaring stumblebum drunk. It's more of a needing some amount of alcohol in their system to function. Probably isn't smart for anyone who's had even a few drinks to walk that bridge but doesn't mean it can't be done.

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This is why I've never really thought SA occurred, or that they were taken away and brought back. It just doesn't seem to fit the time frame, and the taking away and bringing back seems too risky and illogical, even for a deranged sociopath. There might have been some staging to send a message, or to try to throw LE off, because that could have been done relatively quickly, but the other speculations, IMO, don't fit the known facts. I think(and I apologize if I am mistaken) that this is why bemused has stuck with their theory, and why I can see the logic in it, even if some other things don't fit for me to get solidly behind the same theory.)
Or whoever picked them up may not have started actually looking for them until 4. Who knows? The walk from the parking lot to the bridge takes several minutes to traverse, which is another consideration.

The walk from the SE end of the bridge to the spot where they were found could be traversed in under a few minutes, which is proven by a few YouTube videos by some members here. Roughly 600 feet. The bridge itself could be crossed in well under 4 minutes, by someone determined enough to do so, and particularly one who has done it before.

They could have been at the crime scene by 2:40, for all we know. That quick.

Whoever did this is slick, and it's plainly obvious that it was premeditated.
Perhaps BG was not known to the girls but someone he was with was recognized. BG may have been having a rendezvous with a married woman or a male that the girls knew and he may have killed them to save his lover from exposure.

It is as good a theory as any other and would explain why his ID would be kept secret.

I don't necessarily believe it, but at this moment in time, anything is possible.
Not many, that's for sure. I'm not so sure why people keep on acting like the scanner thread is some kind of tell all place.

A couple of folks have definitely put some hard work in down there and I appreciate it and find some of it very interesting! We have no way of knowing if any of it will end up related and pertaining to this case.
Maybe they can't as it's too horrific, as the photo of BG was taken just before criminal activity begins according to LE.
Possibly, but isn't it more horrific to have the girls' murders unsolved? Graphic details or not, if more footage could lead to an arrest, then release it.
There's really not much to go on from that photo. I'm not sure as to why they would have cropped it, even if Abby was next to him, unless something terrible already happened to her. IMO

WADR, does it make any sense to anyone that Libby would be some distance from BG, with an opportunity to run but she chose to record him, if he'd already harmed Abby?

I believe the police made a statement to the effect that the DTH audio was before a criminal act on both girls. I think it's safe to say murder is about the biggest criminal act a human being can commit. IMO
I wonder if that was where Abby or Libby was tied up. Perhaps they removed the ligature and the surrounding material on the tree.

I haven't heard either girl was tied up. Do you have a link?
Wow. At least they're upfront about it. If in the miniscule, microscopic , teeny tiny, little bitty chance that someone's "gift" adds any helpful information towards getting this subhuman monster locked up , I hope they let us know.

Not squashing anyone's gift here. I trust intuition and that "gut" feeling. There's just too may "gift" people out there taking advantage of people .Just my opinion.
Any port in a storm as they say, but sounds a bit desperate IMO and is no substitute for solid evidence that can stand up in court.
I think if someone was drunk they wouldn't even get across the bridge to start with.

Actually serious alcoholics can have an extremely high level of alcohol in their blood and yet appear stone cold sober. Many times police officers arrest a driver for impaired driving and are shocked by their blood/alcohol readings. The person can seem slightly impaired or not at all (physical symptoms), yet their blood/alcohol readings are so high they should be in a coma. This is because the persons' body is so used to having alcohol in their system they are literally pickled. Their body adjusts to the high levels and it becomes the norm for them.
WADR, does it make any sense to anyone that Libby would be some distance from BG, with an opportunity to run, but she chose to record him, if he'd already harmed Abby?

I believe the police made a statement to the effect that the DTH audio was before a criminal act on both girls. I think it's safe to say murder is about the biggest criminal act a human being can commit. IMO

What is WADR, i'm sorry.

Well then why crop the photo? Or why not have one cropped and one not cropped?

They seem to think Libby stayed out of love for her friend.
Conversely, how do you account for people who reject a possibility that is RL? TTBOMK, the man is a complete stranger to people who hold that opinion.

It's a good thing LE will not solely rely on a grainy photo or SM to accuse someone of a double homicide. IMO

MOO ..
Some may look at those images and feel the quality isn't good enough for them but when I look at them the only reason (imo) I don't recognize BG is because he's someone I don't know. Otherwise, I feel sure enough to say I'd recognize him if he were and while I don't know RL personally, the images are good enough quality for me (imo) that I also feel sure enough to say, in my mind, I'm positive BG is not RL and he's not a man in his 70's. This is one of my red flags.
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