IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #51

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Based on court records, RL seemed to have a lot of issues going on in 2013 and 2014. IMO, if he was going to snap, that would have been the most likely time to do it.

As it is, he was just a number of months away from getting off probation, the re-fi he did on his property probably took the financial pressure off and he had not been in trouble with LE for almost 3 years. I see no logical reason for him to go crazy and kill 2 girls.

I think he's innocent, so WADR, your suspicions seem a bit outlandish to me. BUT.. you are certainly entitled to them.

Totally agree
Here's a line of thought I'd love to get people to speculate about more.

We know LE had already listened to/watched the recording BEFORE they served the search warrants.

So while that still doesn't tell us what was on the video, maybe (theoretically) we can guess as to what theories the content excluded?

For example, after watching and listening to the phone call, LE seemed to believe it was worthwhile to interview and search the homes and property of several locals. Does that mean whatever they saw or heard did NOT suggest a professional or serial killer?

Does it mean what they heard or saw of the perp was consistent with someone who was familiar with the local area?

If the killer in the video clearly seemed like an outsider with a kill kit who had plotted the whole thing and targeted the girls in a series of kills, would they be wasting resources searching the homes of these locals?

I am just curious what jumps out at you when you think about this.

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I don't understand how RL can remain a prime suspect on this site given the fact that he had an alibi. That alibi is what got him in trouble. They can't charge him for breaking probation if he wasnt driving, which means that LE have proof that RL was driving on that day during the time the girls were murdered. What am I missing that everyone else is seeing when it comes to RL?

I have been trying to reply to your quote but cannot get post quick reply box to work. Will try again later. Mercedes
I think they had to search his property inside and out no matter what.

Yes, they were found on his property, that is what I would assume would happen if it were my own property. Then you have sw laws and stuff I don't understand . But I still wonder about BG footprints.and where they led to. Unanswerable question ik.imo
Slightly relatedly, have you looked into anything with that one POI who has been said to be a prior offender? I'm not sure that I'm up to date enough to use initials without stirring up trouble; with my luck, he's been cleared and I just haven't seen that announcement yet. [emoji38]

I haven't seen a response yet, and don't know if I have much of an answer. I hope it helps some. I'm not sure which POI you mean, but I know JW was arrested a while back,, and I haven't heard anything about him since. The only other person I remember being named here was JDD, and I haven't heard anything new about him. Sorry I can't give any useful info.
He said he drove into town.
Seems odd to think someone that is not suppose to drive would drive knowing their property was going to be searched and coming home to find cops swarming your property finding their bodies there. Seems that he would not have chanced driving if he thought the girls would be found anywhere near his property to bring attention to him. Jmo
Lol thank u.

I believe kstephens98 knows a lot about Android so maybe they'll have a suggestion to help if they're reading. I've never used Android so I'm out of ideas. Hope you get it fixed because it's annoying. Check phone settings too and see if there is a popup blocker you can toggle on.
I don't understand how RL can remain a prime suspect on this site given the fact that he had an alibi. That alibi is what got him in trouble. They can't charge him for breaking probation if he wasnt driving, which means that LE have proof that RL was driving on that day during the time the girls were murdered. What am I missing that everyone else is seeing when it comes to RL?

Why do you think LE decided to pursue and were granted a probable cause SW to search his house, in your opinion? I think that PC SW is why people haven't eliminated him.

I know I don't favor an RL theory any more, but still hold out on eliminating him as I wait for the results from those searches.

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Based on court records, RL seemed to have a lot of issues going on in 2013 and 2014. IMO, if he was going to snap, that would have been the most likely time to do it.

As it is, he was just a number of months away from getting off probation, the re-fi he did on his property probably took the financial pressure off and he had not been in trouble with LE for almost 3 years. I see no logical reason for him to go crazy and kill 2 girls.

I think he's innocent, so WADR, your suspicions seem a bit outlandish to me. BUT.. you are certainly entitled to them.

I get the outlandish part because I find many of the theories expressed here bizarre, illogical, lacking common sense and laughable myself. We will know as soon as LE breaks the case and not until.
I don't understand how RL can remain a prime suspect on this site given the fact that he had an alibi. That alibi is what got him in trouble. They can't charge him for breaking probation if he wasnt driving, which means that LE have proof that RL was driving on that day during the time the girls were murdered. What am I missing that everyone else is seeing when it comes to RL?

I think it might be hard for others as bodies were found on his land, his down the hill voice representation bwas strange. He ended up in jail etc. It's a lot of questions, he's imo hard to read, and unfortunately like most there, his clothes are similar but not. I don't think he's BG for one second, but I get it too.
I believe kstephens98 knows a lot about Android so maybe they'll have a suggestion to help if they're reading. I've never used Android so I'm out of ideas. Hope you get it fixed because it's annoying. Check phone settings too and see if there is a popup blocker you can toggle on.
Thank u so much for all the help!
I don't understand how RL can remain a prime suspect on this site given the fact that he had an alibi. That alibi is what got him in trouble. They can't charge him for breaking probation if he wasnt driving, which means that LE have proof that RL was driving on that day during the time the girls were murdered. What am I missing that everyone else is seeing when it comes to RL?

I don't know what RL has stated to LE as to alibis and what days that LE are interested in. If you do I'd love to know as well as if you know that LE was able to confirm the alibis hold up. I've never seen LE statements except that some people weren't truthful. We don't know who was lying to LE or what they've lied about, nor do we know whose alibis checked out.
He said he drove into town.
Seems odd to think someone that is not suppose to drive would drive knowing their property was going to be searched and coming home to find cops swarming your property finding their bodies there. Seems that he would not have chanced driving if he thought the girls would be found anywhere near his property to bring attention to him. Jmo

Did he drive on the 15th?
I think it might be hard for others as bodies were found on his land, his down the hill voice representation bwas strange. He ended up in jail etc. It's a lot of questions, he's imo hard to read, and unfortunately like most there, his clothes are similar but not. I don't think he's BG for one second, but I get it too.

If he had not done the news interviews we would not know who this man is.
Sad to convict a guy cause he wears the same clothes.
IMO his voice does not sound like BG.
Where does the quote originate?

If nowhere, it absolutely pains me that SM continues to use an example of someone unlawfully inside RLs barn, which he reported to LE, to support any theory other than each of us would do exactly the same thing. Anyone who disagrees is probably not a property owner.

Just because I conclude that RL is not a civically minded individual does not mean that I think he is a murderer. Rather, it just means that I feel that RL would have little interest one way or the other in the Save The Monon High Bridge" campaign. Thus, the white haired individual standing on the bridge members of the group is probably not RL

To understand my feelings on RL please see my post 98: As you can see, I neither romanticize nor demonize RL.
His voice does not sound like BG

RL to my ears has a thicker accent and sounds older

Why do you think LE decided to pursue and were granted a probable cause SW to search his house, in your opinion? I think that PC SW is why people haven't eliminated him.

I know I don't favor an RL theory any more, but still hold out on eliminating him as I wait for the results from those searches.

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IMHO RL left his property on 2/13 during the time of those murders because he had prior knowledge that something was going to be happening back there. I believe someone told him to be gone and that is how the person got to the bridge and back to his car was through RL's property / the cemetery. I believe the SW was a last ditch effort to make the person / persons responsible think that RL was in jail talking. The SW came a month after the crimes, I still have no idea why every inch of RL's property and that entire wooded trail area was not searched with a fine tooth comb immediately after the bodies were found.
Oh I see. Hmmm. Well does the question still work? What if (just for sake of theory), RL was walking the trails with his dog or walking back from the transfer station or something? He could've passed the girls on the trail by the bridge and become angry at what he found vs. having to pursue them from his property.

Again, that's not my lead theory as I am almost ready to rule RL out (if Le would just tell us about the results of that SW!). But I don't think the theory requires RL or anyone else being angry for miles. Someone could come upon the girls, tell them they shouldn't be on the bridge etc and become angry and disciplinarian-like right there. It didn't have to start from RL's property.

Just thinking... feel free to poke holes in that.;)

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:poke: :giggle: The only thing with that is now we have him angry that they are trespassing on someone else's property. But I get what you mean. But, this whole theory, regardless of where it begins, has to discount his being in Lafayette during this whole time. Are we assuming that his lie about the TS carries over to his whereabouts the whole of the day?
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