IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #63

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If they do know who it is and have him under surveillance, then yes, perhaps. However, we have a rapid animal on the loose slaying children. If LE knows who this is, I would think they have a duty to act, and would.

Amateur opinion, of course!

Yes to this!!!!
I like noting accents as well and when I drove through Indiana, I heard a variety of accents all from people who were probably native to the state. As a side note, Indiana was originally settled from the "bottom up" by lowland southerners and Appalachians. Other migrations included both urban and rural northerners. These different settlement patterns contributed to the accents and also to the southern cultural influence that some people from Indiana have.

I think an FBI accent identification review by both software and human experts could pay off if there is a larger sample of his speech.

Indiana, as you noted, is a relatively small state with a lot of regional accents. So, a more distinct Indiana accent could be pinned to a smaller locality. Then factor in that the suspect seems to be in his early 40s or older and is thus from a generation more likely to have regional accents and that Indiana has not seen a lot of transplant migration in recent decades. Therefore, a higher percentage of people in Indiana may not only have discernible local accents, but also still reside in the locality associated with that accent.

Excellent point!! I know for me personally when I hear my own voice as I'm speaking sounds nothing like the voice I hear from a recording. I don't like the way I sound when I listen to it off a recording, in my mind it sounds nothing like me!! Am I the only one who feels this way? Is it possible that this suspect thinks the same way????
Apologies if this has been addressed - does anyone know, were the videos/pics uploaded to the cloud, and her phone was missing, or they have her phone and pulled the images directly from it?

I know LE specifically said the video was extracted from her cell phone, which to me means they have the actual phone.
I know LE specifically said the video was extracted from her cell phone, which to me means they have the actual phone.

did they actually come out and say it came from her actual phone or off the web where it might have uploaded from her phone.?....I can't remember, not that it's that important....just curious?
This may have already been covered here but I haven't seen it and want to put it out here. I realize not everyone owns a cellphone or are married to the one that they have but let's say this suspect had one and it was turned on at the time he was in this location. Is cell tower technology at a point where it can get cellphone numbers of anyone within a certain time frame? I don't know the traffic of cell phone towers that are utilized in the Delphi area, but I do wonder if it's possible to gather this kind of data to help LE check all the phone numbers that were pinging off the tower in that time frame????
Once they arrest the clock starts ticking down, they need to cross all their i's and t's, it's smarter for them to get a water tight case together before they arrest him.

I really wished I also believed the same, but I don't. Imo, if they really knew who this murderer is they would have arrested him by now, and not put out a sketch hoping someone recognized him.

They have had more than ample time to gather sufficient probable cause to arrest this man if they knew who he was. They have already labeled him as the suspect who murdered these two precious girls. To know that they already have to have evidence it is HIM (the man in the photo). The photo of him plus his statement on the video, his location at the time of the murders is more than enough probable cause to arrest this man.

Investigators continue any investigation once any suspect is arrested. That is when they make sure they have an iron clad case. Not before an arrest. They continue to investigate all the way up to trial time even if its a year or even longer before the trial is held.

If LE really knew who this man was they would have already arrested him to take him off the streets where he can no longer be a danger to anyone.

We have seen several cases where they arrested a murder suspect within just a few days..some within a day. No way were the investigations complete at the time of their arrest. LE makes sure their case is iron clad once they have the suspect arrested by continuing an ongoing investigation for as long as it takes before it goes to trial.

Imo, LE doesn't have a clue who this man is and that is why the sketch was put out asking everyone to call in if they recognize who this man is. LE knows this man is a danger to society until caught. They aren't going to let him stay out there free if they already know who he is. If they did know who he is they would come out with his picture (mug shot or FB photo etc.) along with his name asking everyone to be on the lookout for this man, and to call in disclosing his present location. IMO

Hopefully, since they said they have received over a 1000 tips they will get multiple tips on the same man. The more tips that are given specifically identifying one particular individual the more LE will take notice. They may have even purposefully put the wrong cap/hat on him in the sketch and if people call in and say 'I think it is so and so but he wears a different kind of cap/hat' and then explains the type of hat/cap they have seen him actually wearing and describing it in great detail.

LE may have other still photos from the video that shows more details about the kind of cap/hat he was wearing. If one or many of the tips describes the head covering in great detail that would be one of the ways LE knows they may actually know BG. LE could have purposefully left that detail out in order to rule in or rule out credible tips.

Keep in mind that there's also the possibility that the person in this sketch has nothing to do with the murders and just happened to be out on the trail around that time.
Imo, LE doesn't have a clue who this man is and that is why the sketch was put out asking everyone to call in if they recognize who this man is. LE knows this man is a danger to society until caught. They aren't going to let him stay out there free if they already know who he is. If they did know who he is they would come out with his picture (mug shot or FB photo etc.) along with his name asking everyone to be on the lookout for this man, and call in disclosing his present location. IMO


Who do 'we' (we, as a general term) know who is somewhat shorter than the norm (for guys), stocky, 40ish, with reddish brown hair. OK, no one, I know of.
The reddish brown hair is the only think I can think of (with a more prominent nose) that would stand out from others. Red hair is getting less common I read.
I think they are talking a medium tone, not light. Wouldn't they have said if he appeared homeless? So I might have to cross that off the list.

I'm thinking auburn. Is this what others are thinking?
Keep in mind that there's also the possibility that the person in this sketch has nothing to do with the murders and just happened to be out on the trail around that time.

I'd agree and say keep a open mind BUT LE has made clear from the beginning he is the suspect, not the person of interest, not a witness, but a suspect. So I can't believe he had nothing to do with the murder's, Libby took video in the moments leading up to their deaths, the trail wasn't crowded, very few were out there that day according to living witness/es'.
Gray Hughes has done a wonderful enhanced photo of BG. I'm not going to post it without permission. At first sight I too thought it was a "fanny pack" BEFORE I looked at Gray's picture. Now I see BG right fist cupping what appears to me a gun. The shiny "watch reflection" is the gun. IMOO

Keep in mind that there's also the possibility that the person in this sketch has nothing to do with the murders and just happened to be out on the trail around that time.

If he had nothing to do with the murders he would have willingly come forward by now to set the record straight. Plus LE would not say he is THE SUSPECT in the murders and they have made it very clear this is THE man who murdered them both. LE doesn't say things publicly they know they cant prove in a court of law once the suspect is apprehended.

IMO, I have no doubt whatsoever that BG is THE ONE.

This may have already been covered here but I haven't seen it and want to put it out here. I realize not everyone owns a cellphone or are married to the one that they have but let's say this suspect had one and it was turned on at the time he was in this location. Is cell tower technology at a point where it can get cellphone numbers of anyone within a certain time frame? I don't know the traffic of cell phone towers that are utilized in the Delphi area, but I do wonder if it's possible to gather this kind of data to help LE check all the phone numbers that were pinging off the tower in that time frame????
Brilliant idea! I no it's doable. See the following link...

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Brilliant!!! I never considered that at all so kudos to you for bringing that topic up. I'm from North Eastern NJ and there's no hiding it!!! lol. I had a friend from Wisconsin and one day I wound up talking to her friend. This woman told me I sounded like a educated New Jerseyan... At first I thought that was funny and then realized she insulted me

I personally don't pay attention to dialect in my long as I can understand them and they understand me I'm good. So yes this blows me away that you do that and can really be beneficial to sleuthing in this respect. :great::great::great:
OMG haha NJ!
I'm fascinated by dialects, have been for about 19 years. Within Indiana, I've heard several distinct and different dialects and accents. Two or three, generally, here in NE Indiana (Fort Wayne area).

Here's where things can kind of get murky, and yes I've listened to the short audio clip, which was obviously made louder by LE, and wondered where the speaker could be from, originally. More times than I care to mention. I wonder if the FBI have nailed down the general area where the speaker is from, I'm assuming they have more audio of him, which would help nail down a dialect. I'm also assuming the speaker's jaw was clenched, during the clip which has been shared with LE, which could complicate things

I've lived in 5 different states, in my adult life, but grew up in what I would call a "geographically isolated" part of NY State. Folks might assume I'm from NE or NW Ohio (Toledo), maybe central or Detroit, MI, or even Wisconsin. Some of my friends from Janesville, Wisconsin who are also transplants to Indiana, sound almost identical to my own dialect and accent, it's freakish. I'm from western NY, near Lake Ontario.

The Northern Cities Vowel Shift is very distinct, it varies across the Great Lakes, and can be heard as far south as Northern Missouri (I'm guessing because of migration patterns. immigration patterns of the late-19th C., and trade along the rivers). Does the voice on the recording resemble that of someone with a NCVS? I don't believe so, thus I think it's more of a rural Indiana, Illinois, or northern Kentucky accent. Around Fort Wayne, I hear the definite Kentucky influence in some areas, especially south side of the city and certain other city neighborhoods, and then on the north side and some suburban areas more of a NCVS.

I lived in Columbia, SC, for a few years a while back. My first weekend there I needed to make a trip to an auto parts store. The guy at the checkout was a retired soldier, and upon hearing me talk, looked me straight in the eye and told me where I was from, down to the city in NY :blushing: He wasn't from my hometown, but upon hearing me speak a few sentences knew exactly where I'm from.

Point being, it's not just a software program the FBI would use to try to nail down where this character is from, they also rely on human experts on dialects and accents to try to come up with a voice profile, or what have you. I know this because a famous linguist and professor in the field has been involved in FBI investigations, and he's an expert on the NCVS.

My hunch re: where LE are on this one is they are taking baby steps with what they release to the public. I'd imagine the software tech the FBI uses would blow our minds. Imagine a program that could combine both dialect/accent info, with tips, and other information which would result in nailing down where this individual grew up, and I'm assuming he was not a military brat or something similar, or went to a private school. I believe the FBI have that sort of tech, and then some.

MOO is the next step might be a profile.


The dialect of the speaker of "down the hill" was most important to allow me to look strongly at a much smaller geographic area. I am familiar with accents of people who are natives and/or grew up in various areas of Ohio, Indiana, and Kentucky. I am not native to or grew up in any of those states. so, at least to my ear, I was able to limit the geographic area to: SE Indiana - south of Indianapolis and its suburbs and not much to the west of I-65 all the way down to the Ohio River. Or SW Ohio - west of I-71, south of I-70 and not any of the big cities or their suburbs which would exclude much of if not all of Hamilton county and Montgomery counties. It sounds more like an accent heard in a small town or small city. A "townie" voice rather than a more rural voice.

The way those words were spoken, and given the context, allowed me to focus on set of professions either current or former. It was what LE said about hearing exasperation - which is what I also heard initially - that gave me stronger confidence in the likely professions, either current or former. This sounds like someone that works or worked in a profession where non-compliance is a regular, everyday, occurrence. This would be LE, corrections, and possibly school faculty or staff. People in those professions do not express exasperation the same way the vast majority of people do. Most people express exasperation with a more confrontational or angry tone whereas someone that faces exasperating situations regularly use more measured tones with firmness and confidence. The investigators on this case, if they truly believe they heard exasperation when most people do not (since they aren't in those professions), should be keyed in on these kinds of professions.

Of course, I could be wrong about either or both of these things.
Brilliant!!! I never considered that at all so kudos to you for bringing that topic up. I'm from North Eastern NJ and there's no hiding it!!! lol. I had a friend from Wisconsin and one day I wound up talking to her friend. This woman told me I sounded like a educated New Jerseyan... At first I thought that was funny and then realized she insulted me

I personally don't pay attention to dialect in my long as I can understand them and they understand me I'm good. So yes this blows me away that you do that and can really be beneficial to sleuthing in this respect. :great:

I really don't pay that much attention to accents either since there are so many different ones where I live.

I was born, and raised in the deep south, and have lived here my entire life. When I am around people I have never met before they ask me if I am a northerner. Go figure, and my ex-hubby who was from Chicago, but people thought he was a southerner.:laughing::laughing::laughing:
To your list I would add home health care, hospital, hospice, nursing home, and most mass transit workers.

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I like noting accents as well and when I drove through Indiana, I heard a variety of accents all from people who were probably native to the state. As a side note, Indiana was originally settled from the "bottom up" by lowland southerners and Appalachians. Other migrations included both urban and rural northerners. These different settlement patterns contributed to the accents and also to the southern cultural influence that some people from Indiana have.

I think an FBI accent identification review by both software and human experts could pay off if there is a larger sample of his speech.

Indiana, as you noted, is a relatively small state with a lot of regional accents. So, a more distinct Indiana accent could be pinned to a smaller locality. Then factor in that the suspect seems to be in his early 40s or older and is thus from a generation more likely to have regional accents and that Indiana has not seen a lot of transplant migration in recent decades. Therefore, a higher percentage of people in Indiana may not only have discernible local accents, but also still reside in the locality associated with that accent.

...and north central and northeast Indiana was settled mostly by Yankees from New England, or the descendants of them (mostly 1st Gen) who had been born in central and western NY. This was before the railroads got rolling, so canal, riverboat, and lake boat days. Before the Civil War.
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