IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #63

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Has it been determined whether the girls were moved following the crime? I wonder if perhaps one of them was killed at the site where found and the other was taken elsewhere and then returned to the site by the creek. It would be easier to move one child than two. I feel so bad that they went through this terrible crime. It makes me so afraid for the safety of my three daughters throughout their lives.

Information about the crime and crime scene has not been made publicly available by law enforcement.
This is strictly based on my own experience. My parents both have very blue eyes. My brother and I both have the same blue eyes. I believe if both parents have blue eyes, their children will without a doubt have blue eyes?

I just got my atDNA results back for my ancestry. I ran them through a third party website and my eye color prediction came back NOT BLUE. I know all of these DNA applications are still being worked on, it just reminded me that most things in life aren't cut and dry.

Yes, the old eye color model many of us were taught in school has changed a lot - many added facets now. Here is a Stanford piece link

My grandma also had 2 sets of twins , so maybe she was a genetic jackpot, ha.
I think LE should look at the 38 year old Fortville, Indiana man arrested yesterday ( for :

"wanted on child molestation charges has been apprehended in Bledsoe County, Tennessee."

There are mug shots of him (without beard), on the net, from arrests in 2015, and, IMHO, those photos could fit the Delphi suspect sketch.

arrest 2015:
Height: 5′ 9″ (1.75 m)
Weight: 158 lb (72 kg)
Hair Color: BRO
Eye Color: HAZ

His initials are SLC. (middle name is Lee)

I have notified police.

Hope it is ok to post this.
I know several people have posted their own opinion of a behavioral profile of this killer, but of course they're lost in the thousands of other posts on this case. I don't know much about profiling outside of having read about the process and listening to Jim Clemente on the Real Crime Profile podcast.

I thought I'd try to open some discussion of what other think may be key things to attempt a profile of this killer. If nothing else, it will be a good sleuthing exercise and hopefully if the perpetrator is caught, we can use it to see how right or wrong we were.

Here are my thoughts:

1. I believe he has killed before. Reason: this crime was committed in daylight, two victims, in an area that was not entirely secluded, meaning he had confidence he could do it quickly and leave the area.

2. I don't think he is young, simply due to the fact that I think he's experienced.

3. I think he travels extensively. Reasons: Because I think he has killed before and obviously gotten away with it, which leads me to believe he's killing in areas so far flung from each other that no one has put the cases together. Also, LE's placement of billboards enforces this thought, but obviously that's not part of a behavioral profile, just reinforcement of my thought.

4. I lean towards thinking this was not a sexually motivated crime. Reasons: same as in #1, making it unlikely that he would have time to sexually assault one or both girls. But if it's not sexually motivated then what is the motivation? I think it was simply an innate desire to kill, which would indicate either mental illness or pure evil.

I know the police Profile said to look for someone who changed their appearance and was either very interested in or avoided talking about the case, but I feel like this guy probably just went on about his business as usual. Left the area, kept on living his regular life.

Obviously without knowing cause of death or how the bodies were left it limits some of the speculation on this topic.

Makes sense to me!

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I really wished I also believed the same, but I don't. Imo, if they really knew who this murderer is they would have arrested him by now, and not put out a sketch hoping someone recognized him.

They have had more than ample time to gather sufficient probable cause to arrest this man if they knew who he was. They have already labeled him as the suspect who murdered these two precious girls. To know that they already have to have evidence it is HIM (the man in the photo). The photo of him plus his statement on the video, his location at the time of the murders is more than enough probable cause to arrest this man.

Investigators continue any investigation once any suspect is arrested. That is when they make sure they have an iron clad case. Not before an arrest. They continue to investigate all the way up to trial time even if its a year or even longer before the trial is held.

If LE really knew who this man was they would have already arrested him to take him off the streets where he can no longer be a danger to anyone.

We have seen several cases where they arrested a murder suspect within just a few days..some within a day. No way were the investigations complete at the time of their arrest. LE makes sure their case is iron clad once they have the suspect arrested by continuing an ongoing investigation for as long as it takes before it goes to trial.

Imo, LE doesn't have a clue who this man is and that is why the sketch was put out asking everyone to call in if they recognize who this man is. LE knows this man is a danger to society until caught. They aren't going to let him stay out there free if they already know who he is. If they did know who he is they would come out with his picture (mug shot or FB photo etc.) along with his name asking everyone to be on the lookout for this man, and to call in disclosing his present location. IMO

Hopefully, since they said they have received over a 1000 tips they will get multiple tips on the same man. The more tips that are given specifically identifying one particular individual the more LE will take notice. They may have even purposefully put the wrong cap/hat on him in the sketch and if people call in and say 'I think it is so and so but he wears a different kind of cap/hat' and then explains the type of hat/cap they have seen him actually wearing and describing it in great detail.

LE may have other still photos from the video that shows more details about the kind of cap/hat he was wearing. If one or many of the tips describes the head covering in great detail that would be one of the ways LE knows they may actually know BG. LE could have purposefully left that detail out in order to rule in or rule out credible tips.


Just a perhaps....maybe he is in jail already for another crime and the public is they build their case.
I noticed Mark Redwine looks like BG.
I realise that's impossible but the likeness is striking IMO.

I noticed that as well. In his earlier pics I think he had reddish brown hair, but I think he may be grayish now. I think BG will end up looking kinda similar to MR.

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BG's cap (in Feb) was probably a winter cap. It's summer now.

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ITS UP TO US?! Is this another case where we have to rely upon a witness spotting him somewhere? (like in the TCummins case)
Geez, and how many people don't even know about this case?!

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I think LE should look at the 38 year old Fortville, Indiana man arrested yesterday ( for :

"wanted on child molestation charges has been apprehended in Bledsoe County, Tennessee."

There are mug shots of him (without beard), on the net, from arrests in 2015, and, IMHO, those photos could fit the Delphi suspect sketch.

arrest 2015:
Height: 5′ 9″ (1.75 m)
Weight: 158 lb (72 kg)
Hair Color: BRO
Eye Color: HAZ

His initials are SLC. (middle name is Lee)

Hope it is ok to post this.

Checked this out. His photo looks like he could be Charles Manson's son, yikes. This is a good example of how "common" BG looks are tho - this guy appears to have a large-ish nose, wide set eyes, and facial hair (tho the article points out that he is now clean shaven). I'm sure he will be checked out by LE.
I noticed Mark Redwine looks like BG.
I realise that's impossible but the likeness is striking IMO.

Why is that impossible? MR has been to Indy in the why not Delphi in February? Respectfully MOO.
Why is that impossible? MR has been to Indy in the why not Delphi in February? Respectfully MOO.

Redwine killed Dylan in a rage, angry with both him and his mother. It wasn't random.
There seem to be no limits to Redwine's depravity. It wouldn't hurt to consider him in this case as well. I wouldn't put anything past someone who would (allegedly) murder his own son.

Speculation and opinion only.
I have so many thoughts on MR and some interesting things I've read in articles from 2013 (possible connections to this case). I don't think I can share it here, but can I share it on the threads about MR from back when it happened?
I don't see the probability of Dylan's creepo narcissist dad being responsible for Delphi. Filicide is a whole different kettle of fish imo. Is there actually any evidence that he visited that area to visit a relative? Bc that seems unlikely.

I don't see any reason to suspect Redwine in this, either. There are literally no similarities other than the kids being in their early teens. A solitary boy killed in a private location by his father. Divorce conflicts and the exposure of weird *adult* fetishes are part of the crime. In the other, two girls are accosted by someone in a public place. We have no reason to believe that there was any family conflict, and there surely wasn't one with Redwine, since he's not related to either of them. If a fetish was involved, it would have been hebephilia or pedophilia, which weren't the case with Redwine. I am not sure why he would even be suggested as a possibility.

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Great sleuthing, but I'm sure LE has checked out these potential suspects.
That's really unusual. A recessive gene is responsible for blue eyes, so 2 people with blue eyes shouldn't be able to produce a child with brown eyes. I guess there's still a lot that science doesn't know. I'm not suggesting that you're not wrong about their eye color or that some must have had a different parent (I've known a few other people who had the same experience), but that the science doesn't appear to be set in stone. MOO

eye color isn't a single gene trait.
He may not have been very tech savvy and thought if he destroyed the phones all the data would be gone.

Possibly, however I think he's likely somewhat tech savvy as I strongly suspect an interest in child *advertiser censored*.
Possibly, however I think he's likely somewhat tech savvy as I strongly suspect an interest in child *advertiser censored*.

I think his actions in relation to the.cell phone indicate a relative lack of tech savvy that might
suggest he lives alone, probably doesnt have kids or grandkids and is a loner.You cant stay ignorant of developing cell and digital technology with kids and a family around - it seeps into your pores to some extent. Just a theory. Dude likely has family of some kind though, and it would be nice if one of them recognized him from the sketch and made a call like the Unabomer's brother did.
I think his actions in relation to the.cell phone indicate a relative lack of tech savvy that might
suggest he lives alone, probably doesnt have kids or grandkids and is a loner.You cant stay ignorant of developing cell and digital technology with kids and a family around - it seeps into your pores to some extent. Just a theory. Dude likely has family of some kind though, and it would be nice if one of them recognized him from the sketch and made a call like the Unabomer's brother did.

Yep~~Tinypeeps~~~I agree. I started to put what I thought would be a good profile together, but then got busy and stopped.

I'll add to what you've already mentioned.

TP 1. Not tech savy
TP 2. Lives alone, no kids or grandkids. I'll add to this. I believe if he has kids, they are old enough to be on their own. I'd also say divorced or never married, but has a significant other.
BCA 3. Blue collar worker. This guy almost is never seen in a suit. Most likely unemployed with wife or significant other picking up
the slack, giving him free time away.
BCA 4. Most likely has hunted in the past, but not his favorite past time. Likes the outdoors, possibly fishing or hiking.
BCA 5. Has had personal trauma in his past. IE: Parents divorce or accident involving his personal appearance
BCA 6. He has rage toward women/girls. Whether this is mother, sister, aunt. Has likely been rejected by love interests. Cheated on by a number of lovers. This fuels his rage.
BCA 7. When he is in a relationship, he likes to be in control. He is demeaning to his significant other.
BCA 8. Socially inadequate. Doesn't like to be around people. When he is forced to participate, he's the quite shy guy just watching
everyone. In this way, he has ample opportunity to study and size up those around him.

Anyone else, feel free to add or disagree.
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