IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #63

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At the risk of being thought of as completely over the top about this, I will repeat my assertion that it's not just the 13th of the month that connects these murders, but more the date reversal.

The Iowa cousins were abducted on 7-13-12. Writing those numbers backwards in exact order is 2-13-17. That's the date Abby and Libby were abducted. I cannot believe that is mere coincidence. Imo, it is so far out of the range of coincidence, it would be like a bunch of monkeys jumping up and down on a computer keyboard and producing a book. I cannot dismiss it.

Also, the Iowa cousins were found in Seven Bridges park, near the water's edge. Abby and Libby were abducted from the Monon High Bridge and found near the water's edge.

I believe the perp is a serial killer who killed both sets of girls. He appears to be fixated on finding young girls in sets of two, on the 13th of the month to be his victims. He is also obsessed with finding a wildlife area with 'Bridge' in it's name, and leaving their remains near the water's edge.

I believe this is his known M.O. There may be more to it that LE has not revealed, but imo, this much can be clearly deduced.

As for LE, I don't believe they were intentionally misleading the public. Though they have likely been looking for any connections from the beginning, I imagine they are very reluctant to show their hand.

It would be premature. That's one thing that seems to be true about all LE investigations. Their primary goal is to catch the perp, and not do anything to jeopardize their cases. Keeping the public informed is secondary. Therefore, every word to the public is very carefully chosen.

I interpret their statements to mean, "This is all we want you to know at this time." NOT that what they say is ALL they know.

Again, only my opinion, and I'll be more than happy to be wrong if LE would just nail this guy!

I'm open minded about a connection there are as you say significant similarities. I would need to know the murder method and the positioning of the crime scene to say for sure yes or no but it could be the killer does not kill the same way consistently.
Quote Originally Posted by BigCityAccountant
Yep~~Tinypeeps~~~I agree. I started to put what I thought would be a good profile together, but then got busy and stopped.

I'll add to what you've already mentioned.

TP 1. Not tech savy
TP 2. Lives alone, no kids or grandkids. I'll add to this. I believe if he has kids, they are old enough to be on their own. I'd also say divorced or never married, but has a significant other.

BCA 3. Blue collar worker. This guy almost is never seen in a suit. Most likely unemployed with wife or significant other picking up
the slack, giving him free time away.
BCA 4. Most likely has hunted in the past, but not his favorite past time. Likes the outdoors, possibly fishing or hiking.
BCA 5. Has had personal trauma in his past. IE: Parents divorce or accident involving his personal appearance
BCA 6. He has rage toward women/girls. Whether this is mother, sister, aunt. Has likely been rejected by love interests. Cheated on by a number of lovers. This fuels his rage.
BCA 7. When he is in a relationship, he likes to be in control. He is demeaning to his significant other.
BCA 8. Socially inadequate. Doesn't like to be around people. When he is forced to participate, he's the quite shy guy just watching
everyone. In this way, he has ample opportunity to study and size up those around him.

Anyone else, feel free to add or disagree.

Hi Dee!! :seeya:

Nope, no grandkids or children in my post...LOL

Internet savvy...I would have to say can use a computer, but is not a computer geek. IMHO, there are different levels of internet savvy. I believe he can use a computer, but prefers other activities. He looks to me to be the age of someone who grew up before the first Nintendo game came out. He doesn't look the type to sit down at a computer for long periods of time. IMHO, he'd rather be in a bar, rebuilding a car, or outdoors, perhaps camping.

When I said, blue collar worker I was referring to someone who does not sit behind a desk. He's not a resume guy, he's an application guy.

LOL..all too familiar with OTR drivers, hubby was one for 10 years and dated a guy (who happens to be 5'8" and drives one pretty darn well)

I think this guy is adaptable. I also think he is a sociopath. With that said, sociopath's often have a domineering voice. (past experience, not once but twice :blushing: )

Totally agree with the appearance being deceiving. I don't think this guy is heavy set. There is not much weight in his hips.

My misunderstanding, as the children / grandchildren being in BGs profile were written and posted originally by TP and never by you. My apologies.

Thank you. There are no height requirements for commercial truck drivers. If one can pass the commercial driving test, one earns a license to drive big rigs.

I cannot agree with #8. As a sociopath, he does play the game of a chameleon and slips into any environment yet prefers control in a situation. His sexual compulsions are difficult to keep under wraps.

Nevertheless, about BGs thighs, I see, although they are covered, as chunkier as they are thick and muscular. Guessing that his arms are muscular, too, we just can't see them nor can we tell if he has any remarkable tattoos which would help toward ID, also.

BG has friends. He's hanging out. He is not a hermit. A couple of those like minded friends may have assisted in, or after, the crimes, as alluded to by LE of another POI possibly being involved. Having a 2nd man at the end of High Bridge sure helps BG corral the girls down the hill.
Ok, Visual~~~I'll buy into it~~Yes, I see shes behind the BG. See image below.

I also see what appears to be LE's attempt to block out a gun. With that said, I now believe LE knows there were 2 perps for sure.
IMO~~The coat jacket is just that~~but it's not Libby's or Abby's. If you look at your computer screen from right to left on an angle, you can see the tip of a handgun, the other portion of it is shaded in the appear like the background.

So, at this time I now believe Abby was in back of BG and the other perp was facing BG pointing a gun at Abby. I would also have to speculate that BG was going over to grab Libby.

All JMO of course.

I love images in a case. LE instructed us, from the beginning, to notice his right hand. So, we are noticing that his right hand may be holding a gun on one of the two girls and not shoved into his pocket at all and the wrist watch is not a watch at all but a part of the actual gun reflection from the sun. This is landmark, BCA.
People, with all due respect, we have a Verified Imaging Expert who spent many hours examining the photos of BG.
Hours. Not only by himself, but with his colleagues. You can choose to disregard what he said, but a number of us also spent hours upon hours on the image thread analyzing the stills.

Billy Mabou has professional experience and contributed his knowledge.

Nin posted very detailed enhancements of various portions of the stills. Nin helped narrow down what the shoes looked like and gave a very good reason to believe it is a watch on his right arm.

WebSight posted many comparisons and spent hours lining up images and doing a video to still photo experiment. In fact it was WebSight who determined Libby took the video pointing the camera towards herself and over her shoulder (apologies if other's also determined this, Web is the only one I remember).

Standing on the platform, or not standing while taking the video. Measurements were extracted. The trees, bridge ties, all played a factor in determining who was where and the distance from point A to point B

Point is, the image was thoroughly inspected on the image thread. I personally took great advantage of picking the brains of the experts. It was fascinating to learn about compression artifacts. One thing we always were told to keep in mind is this was a video to photo and blown up to a degree that caused irregularities with clarity.

Perhaps the mods will open the image thread up again so you can present what you feel you are finding and the expert can again weigh in. I am confident with the conclusions we came up with but would love to have the expert hear your thoughts.
I had a deputy friend from New Mexico over for a meal and asked him questions about the sketch. He had NO knowledge about the case and had not seen or heard about the sketch. He works in a city of more than 100,000 people. This really bothered me.

BG has had ample time to relocate and virtually disappear. He is smart enough to elude LE this long, so he is clever enough to realize he is much less apt to be caught as far away from Delphi as possible.

I hope LE is putting effort into looking at the relocation of men from Indiana to other areas. Working for the military comes to mind.

Interesting you've mentioned a military connection. Maybe a contractor?

Guy at work told me about Grissom air base, recently: I met a contractor years ago, who contracted strictly with the USAF. Think Dover and several others east of the Mississippi. He was a traveling contractor.,_Indiana
If he walked them across the creek, was he thinking about throwing off the scent of dogs?
Interesting you've mentioned a military connection. Maybe a contractor?

Guy at work told me about Grissom air base, recently: I met a contractor years ago, who contracted strictly with the USAF. Think Dover and several others east of the Mississippi. He was a traveling contractor.,_Indiana


The voice sounds authoritarian, even military.
I'm open minded about a connection there are as you say significant similarities. I would need to know the murder method and the positioning of the crime scene to say for sure yes or no but it could be the killer does not kill the same way consistently.

Thanks for your comments. You bring up some good points and you're correct about the murder method and positioning. They are usually part of the M.O. and yet, we may never know what they are for either of the cases.

The remains of the Iowa cousins were not found until December, 2012, five months after they were abducted, so it's possible that even LE could not determine the COD for sure. LE has never released any information.

With Abby and Libby, I would fully expect the COD to remain under seal too until a trial.

Even if we did know, as you pointed out, the killer could change his methods. His methods may evolve to fit his newer fantasies.

For me, the date reversal is enough to put me firmly in the serial killer camp. The only other way I could see is if a copycat killer saw that date reversal in his mind a long time ago, and decided to find two young girls, on a Bridge, on 2-13-17.

Even though that's my theory I like reading everyone else's opinion and theories too. Really good points brought out here, and always interesting information.

It makes me so sad though to wonder how long we're going to have to be here discussing it. Regardless of who did it, all that matters is that we find the killer(s) and put them behind bars forever.
The dates have always fascinated me as well. Coincidence? Maybe.

My biggest hurdle about a SK or random killer is the location. I've opined so much about this I won't bore everyone again. But my question to you is, do you think he found a way to lure the girls there, or was hoping someone would show up? Because if the date was important, I can't see going to that specific location expecting to find a target.

Thanks for your comments. You bring up some good points and you're correct about the murder method and positioning. They are usually part of the M.O. and yet, we may never know what they are for either of the cases.

The remains of the Iowa cousins were not found until December, 2012, five months after they were abducted, so it's possible that even LE could not determine the COD for sure. LE has never released any information.

With Abby and Libby, I would fully expect the COD to remain under seal too until a trial.

Even if we did know, as you pointed out, the killer could change his methods. His methods may evolve to fit his newer fantasies.

For me, the date reversal is enough to put me firmly in the serial killer camp. The only other way I could see is if a copycat killer saw that date reversal in his mind a long time ago, and decided to find two young girls, on a Bridge, on 2-13-17.

Even though that's my theory I like reading everyone else's opinion and theories too. Really good points brought out here, and always interesting information.

It makes me so sad though to wonder how long we're going to have to be here discussing it. Regardless of who did it, all that matters is that we find the killer(s) and put them behind bars forever.
Jmo, and maybe OT, but so many cases I have seen on dozens or more shows, the cause of death, however awful, is quite often revealed on the day the victims are found, if known, or within days, even with children. Not sure what makes LE decide to keep this info private.

At this later stage, with no apparent suspect known, the cause of death, i.e choice of weapon etc. could lead to ringing bells with people who might know a possible suspect but did not link it until they hears he used a "fill in blanks" as a method.
Ok, Visual~~~I'll buy into it~~Yes, I see shes behind the BG. See image below.

I also see what appears to be LE's attempt to block out a gun. With that said, I now believe LE knows there were 2 perps for sure.
IMO~~The coat jacket is just that~~but it's not Libby's or Abby's. If you look at your computer screen from right to left on an angle, you can see the tip of a handgun, the other portion of it is shaded in the appear like the background.

So, at this time I now believe Abby was in back of BG and the other perp was facing BG pointing a gun at Abby. I would also have to speculate that BG was going over to grab Libby.

All JMO of course.

Hello, first time poster here and have been following this case recently.

Am I the only one who can't see Abbys shoe behind the BGs photo? Can someone circle Abby's shoe in her pic and point out where that is in the BG photo? Sorry trying to see what others are seeing. Praying this guy is caught quickly before he robs someone's else's life.

So sorry the family of these girls.

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Hello, first time poster here and have been following this case recently.

Am I the only one who can't see Abbys shoe behind the BGs photo? Can someone circle Abby's shoe in her pic and point out where that is in the BG photo? Sorry trying to see what others are seeing. Praying this guy is caught quickly before he robs someone's else's life.

So sorry the family of these girls.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

:welcome: and I can't see it either, but I am biased :cheers:
I love images in a case. LE instructed us, from the beginning, to notice his right hand. So, we are noticing that his right hand may be holding a gun on one of the two girls and not shoved into his pocket at all and the wrist watch is not a watch at all but a part of the actual gun reflection from the sun. This is landmark, BCA.

Agreed, it sure looks like they pixelated a weapon, there, and I'd wondered why the hand wasn't visible.

The hand is there, and it's gripping a gun of some sort.
Jmo, and maybe OT, but so many cases I have seen on dozens or more shows, the cause of death, however awful, is quite often revealed on the day the victims are found, if known, or within days, even with children. Not sure what makes LE decide to keep this info private.

At this later stage, with no apparent suspect known, the cause of death, i.e choice of weapon etc. could lead to ringing bells with people who might know a possible suspect but did not link it until they hears he used a "fill in blanks" as a method.

I think law enforcement keep these details private for investigative purposes and in the event of false confessions they can determine whether the details are real of fake.
The dates have always fascinated me as well. Coincidence? Maybe.

My biggest hurdle about a SK or random killer is the location. I've opined so much about this I won't bore everyone again. But my question to you is, do you think he found a way to lure the girls there, or was hoping someone would show up? Because if the date was important, I can't see going to that specific location expecting to find a target.

Thanks so much, and you've really hit the nail on the head about the problem with location. That has been the hardest part for me to fit into my theory.

How he did it, how he got them to that particular location.

I don't believe he just wandered around the area that day, hoping someone would land in his clutches. Had that been the case, if the girls had not had the day off from school, he could have easily had no victims. (I don't believe he wanted a random victim. They HAD to fit his preferred profile, two young girls.)

He was not going to chance that. This date was way too important. It HAD to happen on 2-13-17, at a park with 'bridge' in its name, and of course with water. In my mind I see him planning this murder for years. As soon as he 'saw' that date reversal he decided THAT would be the date. That date became his ultimate goal

He planned for it. 'Trained' for it, in the way that other people may train for a marathon. This was HIS 'marathon.'

I've wondered often how he knew both areas. It was said of Seven Bridges park that it too was remote, and that only someone who really knew the area well could have placed the Iowa cousins there. It didn't sound like a place a stranger would just happen to find by accident.

The same has been said of course for the Monon High Bridge.

I've read there is a meat processing plant near Evansdale Iowa too. Similar to the one in Delphi. I've wondered if that's the connection, an employee who travels between both, or perhaps a trucker supplying both plants?

I believe he knew for sure the girls would be there on that date. I'm torn between whether he 'lucked out' and saw their plans online, or whether he actively lured them there himself.

I would hope if there had been any computer or phone contact that LE would have found it. However, I'm aware there's several anonymous apps that are very hard, if not impossible to trace, especially if he had a burner phone.

So my long-winded answer to all this is I really don't have any clue how he pulled this off.

My fear now though is what is he planning next? So many parks with 'bridge' in their names. Every month has a 13th. So many young innocent girls too who are too trusting of the world. They know nothing of this type of evil that is waiting to prey on them.

LE, please find him! Please keep these girls from being his next victims...
We know she had her phone out and recorded audio. Was the sketch possibly done from cell phone photo? Did she take a photo of the guy, why just audio? Did she take video?
We know she had her phone out and recorded audio. Was the sketch possibly done from cell phone photo? Did she take a photo of the guy, why just audio? Did she take video?
The still images that we have of BG - there are 3 of them - are frames from a video. If Libby had taken a photo the image quality would be much better than what we have to work with. The audio was pulled from the video recording.

So the short answer is Libby took video. As far as we know that is all that she took.
Hello, first time poster here and have been following this case recently.

Am I the only one who can't see Abbys shoe behind the BGs photo? Can someone circle Abby's shoe in her pic and point out where that is in the BG photo? Sorry trying to see what others are seeing. Praying this guy is caught quickly before he robs someone's else's life.

So sorry the family of these girls.

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It's not just you. It's actually not there at all. Some people think that Law Enforcement edited the images to remove the girls from the pic, to remove a gun from the pic, to move him from where he was actually standing to placing him on the bridge. They didn't. The enhanced the pics for as much clarity as possible and that is all.
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