IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #64

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This, in particular, is something that I find significant. At the time LE would have been well aware of what time in the video the still images of BG came from and the time within the video that "Down the hill" was spoken. The difference in time alone would be adequate evidence to know if there was another person involved. If the amount of elapsed time would make it either impossible for BG to have covered that distance to the end of the bridge or if it indicated BG had to run or double/triple-time it to get to the girls then there has to be more than one person involved. It is quite clear from the audio that BG is not out of breath or even breathing heavier.

Everything is significant until it's proven not to be in a murder investigation. When BG was not apprehended shortly after the murders, it tells me that he lives a life with little exposure to society, although, by no means is he a hermit.

LE knows whether or not more than one is involved for the very reasons you mentioned about the recording and also because of the scientific discovery known of as DNA.

My key question is why it was that Libby was concerned enough to start recording but not make any attempt to get out of there. Remember there isn't anything indicative of immediate threat in the images of BG at that time in the video where the still images came from which was already after Libby determined she was concerned enough and needed to start recording. Since the speaker of "Down the hill" was not out of breath we also know he didn't have to chase after them.

It is enough for me to know that a crime was about to commence when Libby captured the image of BG as she was backing away from BG while at end of the Bridge.

So, for me, that leaves two possibilities. Either Libby was concerned enough to record but not concerned enough to try to get out of there and simply waited for BG to walk to them or there was one or more individuals involved aside from BG and were near the girls while BG was still on the bridge - Thus, it wasn't BG keeping them where they were. I believe strongly that there is at least two individuals responsible for the murders or Libby and Abby.

Many have questioned why the two girls just didn't make a break for it and take off running. I think we know the answer. The girls were trapped. Someone was waiting at the end of the Bridge as BG approached. Perhaps, it is his no nonsense, controlled voice that we hear.

<> Yet, LE has not made such a declaration even after all this time. I don't understand why it is they would leave something this significant dangling out there.

I do not understand why LE does not become clear about some facts just as GH is doing with his new debunking videos.

There is admiration in GH's work. His skillful productions were tremendously helpful for the Long Island murders, McStay murders, and Travis Alexander's murder to mention a few.

I hope everyone realizes GHs Flow of the Crime Scene is based on his opinion. GHs Crime Scene Flow videos have never once been verified by LEO. However, his videos will continue to be beneficial for many other reasons.
Ah, my apologies. I thought the stripe was in reference to a certain YT video. (I consider that person's video's based on a number of rumors).

Though I do stand by my assertion that if there was a distinctive stripe, LE would have mentioned that as it would definitely be important to identifying the coat.
I watched the video. I would not put stock in the black lines that appear on his screen. Including the one that appears to start at the perps mouth and run down the lengh of his chin.
Interesting comment by Gray Hughes while narrating the video:

"I do believe this image, though, was cropped from a larger image so there is other information in the larger video but we haven't been able to see that yet."

Many posts throughout these threads alluded to LE possibly cropping someone/something out of the picture. I always assumed BG was the only one on the bridge and they cropped the image to zoom in on him.

The way I understand Hughes' statement is he feels LE cropped around BG to put the to put focus solely on him.
Interesting now to wonder if there is anything/anyone else in the video. :thinking:

This would fit with potentially cropping Abby out by accidentally leaving part of her jacket. I've wondered if part of the reason they haven't released even a second of him walking is if it's too difficult to do so without heavy manipulation of the video-- for ex maybe Abby waving her arm in front of the frame or something.
Since I have not seen the video taken by Libby I can not say that she intentionally captured his image. She may have been doing a panorama video for all we know. So, I don't know that they were suspicious of BG until it was happening. BG could have grabbed the phone and put it in his pocket without realizing it was still recording. He may have pulled a weapon and they thought they were being robbed. We don't know because we haven't seen or heard everything on the phone.

If there was any hint that this was the act of 2 persons working in concert, you can be sure LE would make that very clear.

Therefore, I think that they simply didn't think much of him at all until it was too late to run. I do not think there was another person blocking their escape. And until LE tells me otherwise, I am sticking with the lone perp theory.

Agree with your last two paragraphs.
I believe this was one man, no accomplice. I think he showed a weapon, whether or not the weapon he used as murder weapon, to gain compliance. Imo, if there were two perps and LE has indication of two or multiple perps and is holding that info back, that in itself is almost criminal, Imo.

Agree. I can't even imagine any reason they would keep sure knowledge of additional perps secret, since publicizing that info could only increase their odds of making an arrest. Perhaps they cannot completely rule a second participant ( for example someone not at the scene who had some involvement) out and are being conservative in their language.

I think one creepy guy with a gun could have controlled these kids, and they were kids, without help. A boyfriend of mine in the 80s was robbed on the street he lived on when he went to open the trunk of his car to take xmas gifts he'd purchased out and then felt a cold gun at the back of his neck. He didnt scream, much less run, even tho he was on a populated residential street, albeit late at night.

I've often wondered if he impersonated a police officer/detective or other authority figure initially to get their cooperation. Or employed a ruse like "..your sister who dropped you off has been in a car accident, come with me..etc.)

It also struck me as more than just theorizing when Mike Patty said that thing at the presser about [paraphrasing] 'both girls were heroes, one likely had a chance to make a run for it, but chose to stay with her friend..etc.' If in fact LE believes that was the case (and I dont know that they do), then clearly they suspect there was only one perp.
I wonder if the cop that said that was referring to another cop.
A former cop would have been trained to control people and would have used his voice and body language to project authority. He would have been able to get the girls to stay put on the bridge without an accomplice, although he might have had one.

After comparing the still images pulled from the video to the sketch that was released, I believe that the suspect's lower face is wider and heavier than what the sketch shows.
Sigh. Very burdensome to have to refute stuff/backtrack to previous posts continuously. This was a 'discussion' by WS members, not the police, on the IMAGE thread. Some people said they saw stripes on the BG jacket sleeves, others did we know why eyewitnesses can be the least credible of certain sources.

When we were all blowing up the pics,many of us saw what appeared to be a stripe down the sleeve thats in the light.Not rumor.It's in these threads.
I see the discussions about what LE might or might not be saying so I would just offer that just because they don't tell us,it doesn't mean it did or din't happen/take place or way it is or isn't.An example being is that I don't recall LE telling the public in any pressers that they found some clothes.It was a reporter that had said that if I remember correctly.<modsnip>
Websleuths is not the only scanner feed transcriber on the internet which is why I said A scanner thread,not our scanner thread.However I shall refrain from using the word scanner in future posts.
Sigh. Very burdensome to have to refute stuff/backtrack to previous posts continuously. This was a 'discussion' by WS members, not the police, on the IMAGE thread. Some people said they saw stripes on the BG jacket sleeves, others did we know why eyewitnesses can be the least credible of certain sources.
The discussion I refer to was before the image thread was even open.And yes it was discussed by WS members.
Websleuths is not the only scanner feed transcriber on the internet which is why I said A scanner thread,not our scanner thread.However I shall refrain from using the word scanner in future posts.

Are you thinking of the reporter, J. Kyle Keener, who was working for the Pharos Tribune? He was photographing the search and posted on his FB page that he could see girls' clothing in the creek . We talked about it a lot.
Are you thinking of the reporter, J. Kyle Keener, who was working for the Pharos Tribune? He was photographing the search and posted on his FB page that he could see girls' clothing in the creek . We talked about it a lot.
I remember we talked about it but I honestly don't remember the reporters name.
Are you thinking of the reporter, J. Kyle Keener, who was working for the Pharos Tribune? He was photographing the search and posted on his FB page that he could see girls' clothing in the creek . We talked about it a lot.
Thanks for pointing out J. Kyle Keener. I just looked him up on FB and that's the first time I saw the detective photo.That looks like the same detective that is in the background at the sketch release presser.
Sigh. Very burdensome to have to refute stuff/backtrack to previous posts continuously. This was a 'discussion' by WS members, not the police, on the IMAGE thread. Some people said they saw stripes on the BG jacket sleeves, others did we know why eyewitnesses can be the least credible of certain sources.
We have a pic of the perp which is rare. What posters saw in that pic is valid opinion. Some new posters will not be aware of the discussions that were had so it is good manners for us to bring forward or politely repeat. In fact, some opinions may even have changed tbh. I know opinions whether it was RL has changed over these months. So sometimes we rehash.
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