IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #66

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Here's a method by which you can tell if you are near a meth lab. I know why this theory keeps popping back up, but it makes no sense. Just because two events occur, in the same town, or even the same family, does not mean they are related. You still have to find a direct link between those events.

This is a great article/resource. Thanks for posting.

Meth is sooooooo disgusting...reading this article, yuk!!

(Eta: o/t, my poor friend who works interior renovations got called into a house to do some work...she got very, very ill, and learned afterwards iirc it was a former meth house...I guess that stuff gets in the paint, and everything...also, I have another friend who told me about a test one can do when going into a new prospective home, to find out if it has ever been a meth house. Bad stuff...)
when a guy gets you in a car it's like trying to fight in a cage. NEVER HITCH..never get into an unmarked car. so sad.
<modsnip>Anyone have any thoughts on my idea of a house sitter/ snow remover/(similar role) staying the winter at or frequenting the Snowbirds' Place or someone squatting on their property may have noticed the girls and became interested ... ? Did the Snowbirds know him but think he couldn't possibly commit such a heinous act so are not forthcoming? Maybe a family member or friend of theirs? Or someone who was staying with RL? Or who RL gave a ride to?? Something along these lines seems likely to me.

Agreed. I thought it was interesting too in the last interview where they mentioned LE had to go back and double canvas due to some snowbirds not being home.
It is unpredictable, certainly. It decreases his control of the situation. There are so many downsides to trying to control two victims at once that it keeps me wondering if this is not one killer but two working together.

However, a killer who specifically hunts two victims at once is not unheard of. There is the serial killer Gerard John Schaefer. He was a Florida sheriff's deputy who was stripped of his badge for kidnapping two hitchhikers. (These victims were able to get away, but after he posted bail he went on to abduct and kill at least one more, probably 2 pairs of women.) His MO was perhaps not dissimilar to what we know of the Delphi killer. On 3 separate occasions, he brought his victims in pairs to wooded areas to torture and kill them.

Well, he was quite a dandy fellow...wonder how many girls he did murder as a duo. Quite scary being a police officer first.
This is out there, but what the heck. I'll share... Was thinking about the "man in black" who was seen on the trail. Some here have speculated he was BG. Sunset in Delphi on Feb 13, 2017 was at 6:13 pm, i believe. Could BG picked this outfit purposely since he knew he was going to wait in the woods until dark when he could walk down the road without being easily seen with such a dark outfit? If he was a planner, he may have planned this too.
I've read every post in every thread on this topic and don't recall this point being brought up at all. Early in the case a friend of Abby and Libby said mutual friends were on the trail that day but didn't see Abby or Libby. They did however see a man supposedly dressed in black and according to the friend he "seemed out of place" and didn't reply when the mutual friends said "hi". Do we know what time those mutual friends were there and how many were in that group?
My point being... why Abby and Libby? It seems there were at least two other teenage girls there that day.
Here is an interesting article on portable meth labs. Notice the fertilizer...
Also, aquarium pump and tubing
I am kind of freaked out by this,. I was not leaning towards a drug connection but now I'm not ruling it out.
I haven't thought about RL for months but this grabbed my attention...tropical fish store alibi. Could RL have supplied items to someone? Also, who was the 70+ yr old man that GH debunking video 6 refers to?
This is all farfetched IMO but this caught my attention.
Well, he was quite a dandy fellow...wonder how many girls he did murder as a duo. Quite scary being a police officer first.

Yeah...and he kept trophies from his victims too. He was stabbed to death in prison and good riddance but...for cases like the Delphi murders, don't you wish we could go back and find out what made a murderer like him make the choices he did? He could have chosen a single hitchhiker but probably 3 or more times he chose a pair of girls. Maybe it's unique to his own twisted fantasies or maybe there's something there that can be applied to cases like this one and the double abduction/murder in Iowa.
the cops know its not a meth lab murder, they would say so....he didn't want to be seen , paranoid? he would have taken the phones....he would not have left the phones. This theory makes no sense. Also if he was carrying his precious portable meth lab under his jacket how did he secure his victims without spilling and destroying his lab? it just does not fit with the EVIDENCE. why did he not kill all the other people around there that day.

seriously the cops would say... Drug crazed maniac killed girls...they have recordings...they know what happened. you are WAY OFF THE MARK!

MOO and OOO and timbuktu!
Any device that made contact with Abby or Libby surely would have been traced to the source within six months, with all types of LE agencies at their disposal. I don't find that to be a viable theory right now. Jmo
Also...most murders due to meth or by "meth heads" would probably not be so difficult to solve, imo...
I can understand why people from areas riddled with these meth freaks etc, would want this to be a meth crime...then you could kind of understand it in your head, rather than know in your heart that someone did this for the sheer joy of it...which no normal person can wrap their brain around.

it is very hard to grasp the utter lack of humanity, a soul devoid of conscience, a person who is lustful for death and pain.

yes very difficult and I can understand wanting to typecast this killer as a druggie.

but lets be careful because this killer is more likely to be a girls softball coach.

I can understand why people from areas riddled with these meth freaks etc, would want this to be a meth crime...then you could kind of understand it in your head, rather than know in your heart that someone did this for the sheer joy of it...which no normal person can wrap their brain around.

it is very hard to grasp the utter lack of humanity, a soul devoid of conscience, a person who is lustful for death and pain.

yes very difficult and I can understand wanting to typecast this killer as a druggie.

but lets be careful because this killer is more likely to be a girls softball coach.

Do you have someone particular in mind?
Thread #66 and no justice yet! Hoping soon the monster(s) are put behind bars!!!!!!!!!
believe me if I did, you would know.
No I don't need to know but the Tip line does is all I was going to say, if you did know of course.
(ETA I did tip a softbal coach already and would have no hesitation doing the same if I had meth or drug names too for LE to check out)
<modsnip>Anyone have any thoughts on my idea of a house sitter/ snow remover/(similar role) staying the winter at or frequenting the Snowbirds' Place or someone squatting on their property may have noticed the girls and became interested ... ? Did the Snowbirds know him but think he couldn't possibly commit such a heinous act so are not forthcoming? Maybe a family member or friend of theirs? Or someone who was staying with RL? Or who RL gave a ride to?? Something along these lines seems likely to me.

I think any and all theories are worth exploring and the fact that there was a vacant property nearby (snowbirds) has really peeked my interest. Seems like a good spot to sit, wait, watch from afar, and even plan and commit criminal activities.

IMO BG could be dressed like a squatter, not unlike many homeless men I see in my area. That could explain the heavy coat worn on a rather warm day in feb.

How large and secluded is the snowbirds' property? I wonder if someone could get by living in the yard, in the house, or somewhere on the property. It seems doable if the owners were hardly ever around and if one could get a sense of their comings and goings.

What is the proximity and orientation of the snowbirds' property compared to where the bodies were found?

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For the sake of maintaining decorum in a serious thread, could we all please stick to using the WS recognized acronyms (i.e. MOO, JMO, IMO).

I know a few months ago ppl mentioned his jacket may be inside out. I'm leaning to this every time I see bg photos. He can slip away without any evidence of a crime being visible.

Also, another thing from the past...what if he's dead? So anyone that might recognize him brushes it off now.

This is so difficult to solve or get close to, being all the bg evidence that is around.
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