IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #68

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i think they have 'other' charges lined up just in case.

AS for

the sketch of 'bridge guy' and mr. nations is uncanny.

however, the photograph on the bridge taken by the girls? well i would have never guessed DN as the man in the photograph.

the picture of 'bridge guy' looks like a huskier man and older... but... like people have said and i have also thought perhaps he was bundled up to look bigger and more intimidating, even having a spare set of clothes on under the top layer to make a cleaner getaway... who knows.

i know what people kinda mean when they can't really accept this might be it. i WANT it to be the guy just to end the pain the families have of not knowing, but yeah, i'm not feeling it 100% mostly because i thought it would be one of the public that would out him (and it's ironic that pix of him in another case were evidence too (if it is him who murdered the cyclist).

it would be great if they could find connections and get both sets of murders (and perhaps more) solved and bring much needed closure to all families that may have been involved in this man's crimes (including his wife and children).

If it does turn out to be him, I would bet that the multiple layers of clothing were circumstance and not related to a plan to disguise himself etc. Around that time it seems IMO that there were issues at home and I don't think he was living with his wife (conjecture, no MSM to prove this). If he was camping out or homeless it would make sense he was wearing more of his clothing.

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Add my name to those who say they are "not feeling it" about this guy.

Followed this case closely from the start, but had to completely disengage when the threads became overwhelming with all the possible, (and many, many impossible ) theories and "suspects". People were seeing BG everywhere, ( even in the mirror, in one case Ha!).

Initially I desperately hoped this case wouldn't go cold, and now after all this time, I can sure understand the hope for any kind of a break but I also feel that sort of wishful thinking that can often come into play when one wants something badly enough.

People were "seeing" things that just were not there all throughout this case's threads. I see very little about Daniel Nations that makes me think he's BG. The age, weight, even the arms in the selfie (from Five Things), do not fit BG (Nation' arms seem too long imo)....there are some similarities, but the eyes in the composite of BG do not have that FAS look, that's quite distinctive imo. This guys FB posts make me think "whiny" not authoritative, which is what I hear in the, "down the hill" recording. I have always thought Abby and Libby's killer was a cool headed SK killer. In and out and GONE. Not hanging about the search area, or making multiple drive by's...

I hope they are able to definitively prove one way or another, what this guy, Nations, is guilty of. But I can't say I know what that is, or even believe it might be, other than what his prior convictions/currant charges suggest. I just don't personally feel he is the perp in this case.
I think they also have to place that red car in Delphi that day as well. They already may have for all we know. You have to believe that his wife is being put through the ringer right now to remember details of what DN was doing on or around the dates the girls were murdered.

I wonder if he has a "thing" about walking trails etc? I'd like to know more about that.

From what we can glean from the various msm reports, he sounds somewhat "unhinged". Domestic violence, drugs, sexual offences. He just seems to be all over the place. Driving without a license. No respect for the "rules" of society. His FB seemed to reflect an inner struggle.

I want it to be him. It will be quite the letdown if it isn't. I also don't want this to become so tainted that we try to make the pieces fit only to screw this whole thing up.

Does he work? I'd like to know more about his supposed military service. Was he really a marine? Did he get in trouble there?

I'm taking a breath. I think he could be our guy. Please let it be him.

Add my name to those who say they are "not feeling it" about this guy.

Followed this case closely from the start, but had to completely disengage when the threads became overwhelming with all the possible, (and many, many impossible ) theories and "suspects". People were seeing BG everywhere, ( even in the mirror, in one case Ha!).

Initially I desperately hoped this case wouldn't go cold, and now after all this time, I can sure understand the hope for any kind of a break but I also feel that sort of wishful thinking that can often come into play when one wants something badly enough.

People were "seeing" things that just were not there all throughout this case's threads. I see very little about Daniel Nations that makes me think he's BG. The age, weight, even the arms in the selfie (from Five Things), do not fit BG (Nation' arms seem too long imo)....there are some similarities, but the eyes in the composite of BG do not have that FAS look, that's quite distinctive imo. This guys FB posts make me think "whiny" not authoritative, which is what I hear in the, "down the hill" recording. I have always thought Abby and Libby's killer was a cool headed SK killer. In and out and GONE. Not hanging about the search area, or making multiple drive by's...

I hope they are able to definitively prove one way or another, what this guy, Nations, is guilty of. But I can't say I know what that is, or even believe it might be, other than what his prior convictions/currant charges suggest. I just don't personally feel he is the perp in this case.

I am grateful that LE in Indiana is now aware of him, I also wonder if they considered him before given his record. He is innocent until proven guilty, but I am highly suspicious of him in regards to the murder of poor Tim Watkins. That should be easy to clear up quickly given that police in Colorado recovered a gun in DN's car. As to his connections to Abby and Libby he looks like the sketch to me, JMO and that's really all we know. The police will know a lot more that should rule him in or out pretty quickly, IMO.
DN and his possible connection to Abby and Libby's murder was mentioned on the Today Show this morning! I have a pic of the screen not sure how to post it here?

There's just more to the connection than they are publicizing. Kind of like they're saying, "trust us, it'll all come out." This is BG....I can feel it in my bones, but I could be clouded by excitement.
I think the ears are not too prominent when the hair is long, also who notices ears? unless they are huge or unusual..? hmmmm. MOO

I think they nailed that sketch if this is BG. Right down to the bags under the left eye.
I'm just glad this guy was caught. He was spotted by a friend of a murdered man, acying strangely enough to get his picture in his car! And he had a hatchet in the same area people were being threatened with a hatchet. Even if he doesn't have anything to do with the girls, he seems like he needed to be found and looked at carefully for many things.

Now, as for him as bridge guy.... his face seems very similar, as far as the photo on the bridge and several of his photos, with the wider portion of the nose. And the facial hair. The clothes don't particularly seem 30 something, to me, but it has long since been discussed that the bulk is not an actual belly, but a kill kit of sorts. If it is him, I think that's sadly the case. His legs don't look extra "thick". And the height and weight match with what was released. So no matter what the photo appearance is, they have given us some guidelines and this dude is within them.

I am most optimisic about the fact that they said there are "many similarities" to delphi. Not just he kind of looks like the guy. My brain won't go all in, yet, but I am hoping that this link will help the families at least have that piece solved.

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I think they also have to place that red car in Delphi that day as well. They already may have for all we know. You have to believe that his wife is being put through the ringer right now to remember details of what DN was doing on or around the dates the girls were murdered.

I wonder if he has a "thing" about walking trails etc? I'd like to know more about that.

From what we can glean from the various msm reports, he sounds somewhat "unhinged". Domestic violence, drugs, sexual offences. He just seems to be all over the place. Driving without a license. No respect for the "rules" of society. His FB seemed to reflect an inner struggle.

I want it to be him. It will be quite the letdown if it isn't. I also don't want this to become so tainted that we try to make the pieces fit only to screw this whole thing up.

Does he work? I'd like to know more about his supposed military service. Was he really a marine? Did he get in trouble there?

I'm taking a breath. I think he could be our guy. Please let it be him.


Yes he was a Marine and yes he did get into trouble..4 times at least!
A Parris Island Marine is behind bars for exposing himself. Port Royal Police arrested Daniel Nations for indecent exposure after they say he exposed himself in his car while in the BiLo Parking lot and then again to a woman and her child riding their bikes in a Port Royal neighborhood.

But this isn't Nations' first offense.

Police say Nations was arrested for the same crime four times while stationed at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, and then again in Spartanburg, South Carolina, earlier this year.

Police say he was still on probation for that offense when he committed these two crimes in Port Royal
There's just more to the connection than they are publicizing. Kind of like they're saying, "trust us, it'll all come out." This is BG....I can feel it in my bones, but I could be clouded by excitement.

Oh I do hope and pray that you're right! They did the same at the beginning of this case though, saying that the "public at large was not in danger" and then later on they intimated that they had DNA and made a lot of noise about a possible suspect(s), when they really had...Nothing much.

But it does seem cruel to the girls's families, to suggest a connection without strong evidence. So hopefully there is more to this than we are hearing about. :/
Apologies, my head is spinning. Do we know where DN was in Nov 2011? I've been looking at trail murders. There is one on Websleuths that appears unsolved. David Michael Grubbs, walking home on a bike trail in Oregon, nearly decapitated. :(

The 23-year-old’s body was found on the Central Ashland Bike Path near the Hunter Park tennis courts at about 5:35 p.m. Saturday. Police said he had been dead less than 30 minutes when the body was discovered.

While today’s autopsy revealed that “multiple sharp force injuries to the head and neck” killed Grubbs, police have publicly identified the weapon only as “a very sharp, possibly medium to large-sized, edged weapon.”

A homemade hatchet found was turned over to police:

When Ben Treiger waded into Wagner Creek behind his Talent house last December after a rainstorm, he expected to pick out the standard debris that flows into town after such an event.

This time, however, he discovered a hand-made hatchet crudely fashioned from what appeared to be a saw blade. He showed it to his wife, Rachel, who turned ashen.
“I looked at it and I was like, oh my God, that’s what they were looking for,” Rachel Treiger said.

The hatchet is one of about 80 blades, including machetes, inspected by Ashland police during their investigation of the Nov. 19, 2011, murder, which has turned cold without a suspect, police said.

Just reading the first page of posts, Ashland Oregon sounds eerily like Delphi. People left their doors unlocked. The murder location was on a bike trail near RR tracks. The websleuths link:
Oh I do hope and pray that you're right! They did the same at the beginning of this case though, saying that the "public at large was not in danger" and then later on they intimated that they had DNA and made a lot of noise about a possible suspects, when they really had...Nothing much.

But it does seem cruel to the girls's families, to suggest a connection with out strong evidence. So hopefully there is more to this than we are hearing about. :/

I feel 100% confident that there is way more we just don't know. I'm HOPING it is not the hatchet that connects the cases :(. This morning on GMA they played recordings of the parents saying they hope this is the guy. Maybe it's just me, but I just do not think the parents would be making statements like this if LE wasn't giving them a reasonable level of confidence that this case is finally coming to a close.
I think they also have to place that red car in Delphi that day as well. They already may have for all we know. You have to believe that his wife is being put through the ringer right now to remember details of what DN was doing on or around the dates the girls were murdered.

I wonder if he has a "thing" about walking trails etc? I'd like to know more about that.

From what we can glean from the various msm reports, he sounds somewhat "unhinged". Domestic violence, drugs, sexual offences. He just seems to be all over the place. Driving without a license. No respect for the "rules" of society. His FB seemed to reflect an inner struggle.

I want it to be him. It will be quite the letdown if it isn't. I also don't want this to become so tainted that we try to make the pieces fit only to screw this whole thing up.

Does he work? I'd like to know more about his supposed military service. Was he really a marine? Did he get in trouble there?

I'm taking a breath. I think he could be our guy. Please let it be him.

I'm going to speculate the red car is hers, not his-or at least in her name with his record. They may not need to put the car in Delphi.

IF he is "Hatchet Man" (and I suspect that he is) then it appears he is very comfortable on trails. Makes me wonder if he is more comfortable in nature than around people-trust issues perhaps?

He was a Marine. I'm going to take a look at that next.
It seems to me like a very bold move to publicize a possible link between DN & Abby and Libby. I think back to Ron Logan and I guess I can see the location link but I don’t recall any other media mentions of possible POIs. I suppose it’s just me being impatient wanting to know how significant this possible development could be.

So the sketch got the ears wrong...but IIRC, I thought that there was a strong possibility that he was wearing a hat, even with ear flaps, that would've covered those big ears. To me, those ears are distinct and memorable....worthy of covering if you're trying not to be noticed or remembered.


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Looking at the mugshot where he was hefty, compared to the composite, it seriously looks like it was drawn based on the mugshot. Not necessarily the hair, but look at the lines under the eyes. They are eerily similar IMO.

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Looking at the mugshot where he was hefty, compared to the composite, it seriously looks like it was drawn based on the mugshot. Not necessarily the hair, but look at the lines under the eyes. They are eerily similar IMO.

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They really nailed the undereye bags!
This guy is like a chameleon. Is it just me or does his former mug shot, current mug shot and Facebook photos look like 3 different people?!
Wow, according to his last known sex offender registry address, this guy apparently lived 7 minutes from where I live per Google Maps. Also, he was arrested in May 2017 in the town I live, in Greenwood Indiana for drug paraphernalia and a suspended license. I'm just surprised, that if he was involved in the Delphi murders, that the Greenwood police didn't connect fingerprint or DNA evidence to him for the crime in Delphi. Anyway, just my thoughts only.

I was wondering that same thing.. I "assumed" every sex offender within a hundred miles of delphi had been questioned and cleared
I'm going to speculate the red car is hers, not his-or at least in her name with his record. They may not need to put the car in Delphi.

IF he is "Hatchet Man" (and I suspect that he is) then it appears he is very comfortable on trails. Makes me wonder if he is more comfortable in nature than around people-trust issues perhaps?

He was a Marine. I'm going to take a look at that next.

I think it's safe to assume he is, indeed "hatchet man" . There are wittiness to attest that. As for being "more comfortable in nature" ... Many people are, myself included, hence the popularity of trails in general. There is nothing inherently aberrant in being a lover of nature.
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