IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #68

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<modsnip> i did call. at 10am tuesday. <modsnip> So i was following the story. I never follow these types of things, but it is close to my home. <modsnip> Needless to say, everyone around here is watching closely. When i googled daniel nations monday night, I saw all of the things you are seeing. I got excited because he looked like the pics of the delpi killer. I called and spoke to a lady at the INDY FBI office, who took down all the info and was calling teller county. She took my info. Strangely, she asked for my social. Then, i started to get excited and dropped some of this info on this site and facebook because I wanted to see if anyone could offer anymore info.
Okay - so you called him in AFTER he was already arrested. Sorry if you have already answered this. Were you suspicious of DN before he was arrested in CO?
HIs sex offender charge is several years old and from SC. Could it be his case was prior to regular DNA testing for sex offenders? Also, I think his charges were for exposing and fondling himself, so perhaps never made contact and thus DNA wasn't collected for that level of offense. If he was charged with more than that, please bring me up to date.

If anyone know the laws about this, please chime in.

As a marine his DNA would be on file it has been said. Is that confirmed?
Do you recall early on a witness statement about seeing a man and a woman around the scene that day?

Yes, absolutely I remember a post about a man and woman being seen in the area. I passsed it off as being a harmless couple, but now must question if there were in fact two suspects involved, and that one of them might be female.
no i was not. i paid no attention to this case other than seeing that sketch on facebook a few times over the summer.
If no DNA, how did LE rule out all those sex offenders early on? Did they all have iron-clad alibis?
Yes and it could be coincidence he has been in a Colorado trail area where a brutal murder took place but I don't believe in coincidences.

I used to not either (believe in coincidences) until I became a member here and have seen crazy coincidences you wouldn't believe...I think if I was a new member I'd be sold that its gotto be him, but Im afraid if these could becircumstantial coincidences. Unfortunately, for every one sicko out there there are many more. Considering I see people everyday who look like BG, some more than this guy imo, I'm not sold. Again, though, there are many many reasons, timing, location, appearance,criminal history,etc which are valuable reasons to comsider him, obviously. Him being a drifter, the similarity of the trails, blabla...the list truly is endless, no doubt.
Also disgusting and from your link:
July: Nations was arrested after deputies say he hid in the stall of a women’s restroom at a Rickers gas station on U.S. 31 and was caught peeping and pleasuring himself. Court documents show he made bail for those charges but skipped his court appearance. A warrant was issued for his arrest.

"Nations has been on the sex offender registry since 2007 when court records show he was convicted of exposing and pleasuring himself in a WalMart parking lot in Spartanburg County, South Carolina the previous year. *

Per court documents from that incident, the witness told police that Nations exposed himself and then asked her, “You want to get on this? It’ll be fun.”"


There's a video at the above link which shows a collage of all or at least many of his mugshots...
"Nations has been on the sex offender registry since 2007 when court records show he was convicted of exposing and pleasuring himself in a WalMart parking lot in Spartanburg County, South Carolina the previous year. *

Per court documents from that incident, the witness told police that Nations exposed himself and then asked her, “You want to get on this? It’ll be fun.”"


There's a video at the above link which shows a collage of all or at least many of his mugshots...

Even when you take out the three (ALLEGED) murders out of the equation, Nation sounds like the epitome of walking human garbage. Can you imagine the crimes he's committed that we may never know about? *shudders*
Except that he did live at that address, according to the manager, until May 12. So, LE knew his current address until then, three months after the murders. He even called LE to report his change of address and then registered his change of address in person on April 12. So, he didn't seem to be avoiding contact at that time.

I don't think the image from Abby/Liberty's phone image looks like him. I don't think the sketch was out then, which looks like him.
Mount Herman Road

This is a long deserted dirt road.

I wonder what he was thinking peeking around the corner.

""Even though some of the evidence may seem to support the same person may be responsible for both, law enforcement doesn't have the luxury of speculation and using that for probable cause and charges, so we have to investigate," Kirby said.

Kirby stressed the office is as desperate to find the killer as the public.

"We know our community is desperate for an answer. We are desperate to put somebody behind bars for the murder or Mr. Watkins and also get this threat off the road, the person who's threatening individuals with a hatchet.

"... We are one step closer, but there's still a lot of work to be done.""
IF this ends up being the perp, I don't think there's any way his wife didn't know it was him. Unless she literally lives under a rock.
I am curious to see photos of him in Feb 2017. Did he have long hair? Seems he keeps it short but he's got a good head of hair, I can imagine it grows fast pretty easily.

The blurry areas on the jeans are compressed artifacts, decompressed pixels from the video made into a still shot.

I agree about the jeans. That "blurry" spot simply looks to me like decompressed pixels from a image that's been cropped, isolated, and zoomed.
Just reading over the Media thread, the early posts that document what Leazenby and LE were saying to the media very early on....February and March. Does anyone else find it curious that LE and the detectives CONSISTANTLY referred to the possibility that more than one person was involved in the murders, that the officers investigating the case were particularly disturbed by what they had found, and that there may be a twist in this case, an unusual outcome etc etc. Can't seem to bring quotes over from that thread to here. Leazenby also makes a direct appeal to the killer/killers to come forward, we can work it out, do the right thing if you know anything....the kind of softer language one would use to appeal to a female perhaps...
And now we have a possible connection with a suspect arrested in Colorado in an unrelated case, but arrested in the presence of a female, a mother, with children.
Is it also possible a woman did actually participate in the Delphi murders, willingly or against her will, and so perhaps it would be her DNA that is at the crime scene, and since she has no prior record, her DNA is not registered?
Is it possible that the girls in Delphi were in fact decapitated and, being an unusual manner of death, it was imperative that LE prevent this detail from becoming public, for obvious reasons on all levels?
Personally I can't see the accomplice thing. Also at first they didn't think the voice and BG were one person then later they did. I don't think it helps to speculate on COD ATM.
I am confused about the possibility of having no DNA from the 2 girls crime scene. If it is true there is none, then does that mean there was no SA? And if not, what was the motive for their murders?

Katy, this is interesting because they have kept the DNA aspects close to the vest.

So, again, I gueeess there is DNA due to the "nonblue eyes", but that is moo.

Now, if they dooont want the public to know about the DNA specifically, and IF DN is ruled out based on this, then they will have the option to say DNA didn't match, which would then ackwowledge obviously they do have DNA, or vs maybe just say "we have ruled him out" without giving a reason (their prerogative) oooor may list another reason, true or not.

The interesting thing about DN is SA is an option, as well as non SA (TW case). Considering he's an RSO though I would lean towards SA, but he obviously doesn't need to kill only for sexual purposes (going to assume here TW wasn't sexual assaulted).

Additionally, my response from NOCO Task Force re: a heads up the TW and the possible similarity to Jacoby's killing, not sure DN was even in CO then, but of course sent a heads up anyway...they likely already know about it via CBI, etc, but in case:
"Northern Colorado Shooting Task Force typically takes a week or more to reply".
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