IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #78

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IF DN - what if the whole reason behind the sketch release is they want him to think that there are multiple witnesses...? That the mug shots are soooo different from each other it has confused 'the' witness. Lots of people have speculated that it looks like the sketch was straight from his one mug shot. It is one way to actually get a pic out in public without using an image in order to crank up that heat because LE is having to pursue this RSO in order to rule him out. The sketch was released in July, remember, which is after multiple attempts to find him at a registered Greenwood address with a detective . IMHO
Posted by emptybottles...

(Not using reply with quote as your post was very long)

Am I clear that you think this person killed the girls so he wouldn't get another public indecency charge?

If that is what you are saying, that makes zero sense.


Does anything DN has done "make sense?" If one is "emotion driven" (as DN seems to be) "making sense" is not part of his "modis operandi." Logical reasoning doesn't appear to be in his repertoire. MOO
Merry Christmas everyone.🎄
I've considered this before, but what throws me off is the "down the hill" didn't sound upset.

IMO BG sounds like he is a foreman, giving instructions. I never heard any anger or frustration in the DTH audio clip. I will admit, when LE stated that BG sounded exasperated, I kind of bought into that. But later, after listening to it again, I came back to my original thought. BG was using a direct instruction & was very clear & calm about it. He knew exactly how to corral the girls & get them “down the hill”. I still believe he had a gun & perhaps that is why he was so calm, he had that leverage & it gave him the confidence he needed to get the job done, so to speak. Again, IMO

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IF DN - what if the whole reason behind the sketch release is they want him to think that there are multiple witnesses...? That the mug shots are soooo different from each other it has confused 'the' witness. Lots of people have speculated that it looks like the sketch was straight from his one mug shot. It is one way to actually get a pic out in public without using an image in order to crank up that heat because LE is having to pursue this RSO in order to rule him out. The sketch was released in July, remember, which is after multiple attempts to find him at a registered Greenwood address with a detective . IMHO
This is exactly what I thought too. After all some of us searched through RSO mugshots looking for men who looked something like BG and did our own behind the scenes sleuthing, eliminating many from consideration because they were too tall or old or something. Surely LE took a similar tactic as they drilled down to those of interest to their investigation. Then when they got this reaction it moved him higher on the list.
Same here. I'm stumped on how he and his wife ended up in IN, much less Delphi. He was arrested in both Morgan and Johnson counties in IN though for driving with a suspended license. So he was driving regardless of what his wife says.

There has to be some other charges.

One other thought. He was convicted and sentenced in 2007. Could he have been transferred to a federal prison in IN? then moved to FL before grandma kicked him out?

I'm stumped why they landed in IN as well. But in regard to your federal prison question, to my knowledge IN has only one Federal Prison in Terre Haute. (See Locations tab at link to verify this.) I checked the Federal Bureau of Prisons site and it has no record of DN having been in any federal prison location:
He is accused of scaring people off the trail with a hatchet here, in addition to threatening another driver who he felt ran him off the road.

KN Interview.Then, a chance encounter with an erratic driver seemed to send him over the edge. Katelyn said the family was driving down Mount Herman Road in August or September, she couldn't remember the date, when a passing truck took a corner too fast and edged into their lane. Daniel whipped the car to the right to avoid crashing, but the maneuver brought the vehicle dangerously close to tumbling off the side, Katelyn said. "That set him off," Katelyn said. "He jumped out and took off screaming after them, but I was so scared about what happened I never looked back. If he had a hatchet, I never saw it." Daniel's explosion lasted only about five minutes, Katelyn said. The truck never stopped. That was Daniel's only aggressive interaction on Mount Herman Road that Katelyn said she witnessed or was aware of, though police said in his arrest records that a man and woman resembling Daniel and Katelyn Nations were involved in menacing complaints in the area on Aug. 23 and 24.

switch out the truck for a guy on a bike, then swap the hatchet for a gun...just sayin liars are twisty turney and adjust the facts and tweak and perfect ..just a thought. MOO
I agree and especially since he must have at some point planned HOW he was going to walk that bridge too. Slow, let them get ahead just so much, then fast and then faster as he nears Abby and Libby at the end of the bridge . You have to have a pretty good idea of the lay of the land on such a treacherous and relatively short bridge to know how long its going to take you to get there without scaring the girls into running away and be confident enough of your own footing to anticipate a sudden approach at the SE end of the bridge . A gun will certainly help control most variables but it wont help if you"re slipping and stumbling and BG looked supremely confident as he moved in on Abby and took control of both girls . He was looking down but not tentatively This guy KNOWS that bridge very very VERY well... jmo
(ps Sorry I' m Australian . We dont get the news about this case at all so if I make dumb mistakes or repeat info forgive me .no excuse for poor research I know but I try to keep up because I want this SOB behind bars !!... Happy Christmas to all WebSleuthers :)

Hi Franci..DN is a trained Marine ( military) they are trained to cross bridges and manage many different geological and man made obstacles. moo
The only facts we have to go on at this point is what LE says.

Unfortunately that has never stopped some from believing what they choose to believe.

Which is why juries send innocent people to prison and allow guilty to go free.

The justice system isn't perfect by any means as you know.

I can only hope the actual jury for this case knows to distinguish between rumor and fact.
Luckily we are allowed to believe and weigh the facts and information for ourselves to form our opinions.
Luckily we are allowed to believe and weigh the facts and information for ourselves to form our opinions.
Luckily or Unfortunately? Lol sorry I couldn't help it.

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Something I wonder about.....

My scenario is purely speculative. Someone suspects somebody is BG but has no real evidence. Someone could be a wife, mother, brother, child, coworker, neighbour, anybody, doesn't really matter. But say that someone is somewhat fearful of the person whom they suspect and they realize it is not likely LE will have enough evidence to immediately lay charges. They are extremely concerned that if LE comes knocking on the door just to talk to him, he will suspect who tipped off LE. As a result of their suspicion they fear at the very least an extremely difficult relationship going forward, if not outright malicious retaliation.

So that same fear is expressed to LE who in turn becomes equally concerned about a way to approach the situation in order to ensure the confidentiality of the tipster.

How would that play out? Would LE watch and patiently wait until an opportunity arose for the POI to be arrested for some sort of unrelated minor infraction and then question him about the Delphi case as a matter of investigative routine?

Does anybody else know or wonder how LE would proceed in such a scenario?
The problem is if LE comes knocking then the perp will know who has informed. The only way it can be done is very carefully and all those close to the informed upon may need to be arrested- as much for protection as anything else. What if the informant is wrong and has to suffer the consequences? It is a very tough situation.
I'm stumped why they landed in IN as well. But in regard to your federal prison question, to my knowledge IN has only one Federal Prison in Terre Haute. (See Locations tab at link to verify this.) I checked the Federal Bureau of Prisons site and it has no record of DN having been in any federal prison location:

do we know when DN and KN moved to Indiana? Perhaps this dating of relocation will relate to running from some other crime(s). Perhaps there is a pattern of behavior of running from his crimes to evade the law.
When the sketch was released in July 2017, LE verified that there were witnesses, or, at minimum, a witness. I believe link is in media thread. If the BG was observed before the crimes, he would’ve been fully aware that he could be placed in the area by a witness. This seems like a bad idea for the BG, yet he still committed violent crimes... in the middle of the day... on a Monday. Seems like he was confident no one that saw him would know him. Being a stranger to Delphi trail users juxtaposed with being on a lesser-known trail that most people aren’t aware of has been my hang up. Speculation only here.

switch out the truck for a guy on a bike, then swap the hatchet for a gun...just sayin liars are twisty turney and adjust the facts and tweak and perfect ..just a thought. MOO

Although the COD for TW is gunshot, I'll bet there are other wounds inflicted before or after death. This was a rage killing imo.
Luckily or Unfortunately? Lol sorry I couldn't help it.

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Definitely luckily, we live in countries where we can discuss our opinions freely, Unfortunately, opinions often upset others. You cannot make an omelette without breaking some eggs. :smile:
Sorry I did not post yesterday- I am behind with my comments so the topics have probably moved on but catching up still.
When the sketch was released in July 2017, LE verified that there were witnesses, or, at minimum, a witness. I believe link is in media thread. If the BG was observed before the crimes, he would’ve been fully aware that he could be placed in the area by a witness. This seems like a bad idea for the BG, yet he still committed violent crimes... in the middle of the day... on a Monday. Seems like he was confident no one that saw him would know him. Being a stranger to Delphi trail users juxtaposed with being on a lesser-known trail that most people aren’t aware of has been my hang up. Speculation only here.


That packing co. that hires RSO's is why the perp was in the area, obtaining drugs under the bridge, a know hangout for drug users, was shared with him from others that work there or knew of the going ons in the area.
So many ideas have been shared since last night.

Thinking specifically about why the killer’s eye color can’t be blue.

The eye color is unknown, but according to one witness, his eyes are not blue.

Why publicize a statement like that, from one witness, who can’t identify the exact color, but could only say the eyes weren’t blue? Strange.

That could bias the public needlessly.

As I recall, it was also stated in a press conference. If anyone has a link, please share.

My thoughts on this were always that his eye color was dark. You can tell they weren’t blue, but not sure what the color was. Even hazel eyes are hard to pick out sometimes.

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When the sketch was released in July 2017, LE verified that there were witnesses, or, at minimum, a witness. I believe link is in media thread. If the BG was observed before the crimes, he would’ve been fully aware that he could be placed in the area by a witness. This seems like a bad idea for the BG, yet he still committed violent crimes... in the middle of the day... on a Monday. Seems like he was confident no one that saw him would know him. Being a stranger to Delphi trail users juxtaposed with being on a lesser-known trail that most people aren’t aware of has been my hang up. Speculation only here.


again, trained marine, trained to scope out the landscape and take his post so he has the advantage, trained to access the best point of exit, trained to take prisoners, trained to kill quickly without alerting enemies.

I don't either, I don't even get what's so important about a blurb last July regarding eye colour. That was the witness's opinion and sometimes witnesses are wrong, sometimes right. More importantly, I have never noticed LE asking for tips to exclude blue-eyed people. The FBI poster makes no mention of eye colour and even more recent media articles state eye colour to be "unknown".
So are you doubting the "not blue statement from LE? They may have DNA from the CS that backs up the witness statement also.
So are you doubting the "not blue statement from LE? They may have DNA from the CS that backs up the witness statement also.

The "not blue" statement was attributed to the witness, not LE. My point is that LE continues to ask for tips without any mention of eye colour,
this truly is a bizarre case. although I can remember other cases of young girls being found murdered together..I seem to recall one case where two girls were found shot on the side of the road awhile back, I just can't remember all the details. One girl was a real animal lover. Does anyone remember this case? then we have the two girls in Iowa, this is different I think, weren't these girls found much much later and they couldn't find a COD?

Sounds like a screenplay..violent sex criminal returns to the small town where he was incarcerated to torment and murder it's residents.

I do think it is possible though. It has to be a factor. I would not want to live anywhere near a meat processing plant that hires SRO's, or anywhere near that state hospital for violent sex nuts...add in the drug bridge and you've got a virtual portal.

But that said , I also think people like DN would be drawn to Delphi, either for a possible job or to try to find someone, to score drugs or to wander the trails exposing himself and maybe commit murder to satisfy his urges.

Weleetka. Taylor and Skylar. There is a thread on here I believe. Kevin Sweat was the killer. That was a drug fuelled killing IIRC- he used two different calibre weapons and said he saw monsters. Another similarity was that the killer's brother had recently died. A real nut job. He killed his girlfriend years later and the ballistics was what got him for the girls murders.

I just hope this case can move towards an arrest in the New Year.
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