IN - Abigail Williams & Liberty German, Delphi, Media, Maps, Timelines NO DISCUSSION

DNA Solves
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<modsnip> [video=youtube;4yNdRfD23p0][/video]
There is this video (2:46 long), captioned: "13WTHR News Developing Story, "Delphi Girls Murdered"
Owner of Property where girls were found speaks out
At 0:18 - Reporter David MacAnally segues into interview with property owner: who speaks beginning at 0:29.

Hundreds of new tips come in after Delphi victim's grandfather speaks
PUBLISHED:03/10/17 04:14 PM EST.
UPDATED:03/11/17 01:09 PM EST.

"DELPHI, Ind. (WTHR) - Investigators were back at the scene of the Delphi double murder Friday evening.

At least a half-dozen deputies and detectives worked in the wooded area of Carroll County. They were near a crime scene Libby German's grandfather, Mike Patty, has visited, too. The experience, he said, "was very nerve-shaking. Just leave it at that.""


"Since Patty made a public plea for information Thursday, the tips coming in have jumped 200 percent, with 650 tips coming in just the past 24 hours."


""We're going to get through this. We're going to get to the bottom. I truly believe that these tips keep coming in. We're going to get the break we need. We're going to get the tip we need," Patty said.

After his public appeal Thursday, the number of tips tripled."
"Police continue investigation of several &#8216;people of interest&#8217; a month into Delphi murder investigation
UPDATED AT 10:04AM, MARCH 13, 2017

Indiana State Police Superintendent Doug Carter told FOX59 News that he thinks the clue to solve the murders of Abigail Williams and Liberty German is not yet among the more than 13,000 tips that an FBI database sifts through around the clock in order to give Delphi investigators a solid lead in the hunt for their suspect.

&#8220;To say we&#8217;ve identified a single individual would not be accurate, but we have identified several people of interest,&#8221; said Carter, who admitted investigators need to seal off several blind alleys before narrowing their focus in the search for the man in the images and audio Libby captured on her cell phone minutes before she was led to her death."
Tips about who might have killed 14-year-old German and 13-year-old Abigail Williams substantially jumped after Patty's pleas, but no arrests have been made related to the killings, Indiana State Police Sgt. Kim Riley said Monday.

Carroll County Sheriff Tobe Leazenby said Monday that tips jumped about 200 percent after that news conference, and officers are tracking those down leads.

In the process of talking with people during the investigation, Carroll County has cleared several outstanding warrants, Leazenby said, who cautioned Monday that none of these arrests are related to the killings.

Initial response from law enforcement was massive. Agents from the FBI joined in the hunt for the killer from Day 1, as did Indiana State Police. Other agencies then sent resources to help shift through the leads. The help came from police departments as far south as Bloomington and as far east and north as Fort Wayne.

On Monday, Leazenby said there is still a strong presence of investigators from various police agencies across the state, but it's not the 20-something that were on hand a few weeks ago.

Some agencies have scaled back while pledging to jump back into the hunt if they are needed, Leazenby said.
This is the telephone interview that 'Michael Stroup', a local, and 'youtuber' with 7000 subscribers to his channel, did with Sheriff Leazenby on March 7th. In it he asks the direct question, 'do you have DNA'. The Sheriff explains how that misconception occurred. I have also transcribed the interview. It may not be perfect. There were a couple of times when I couldn't quite catch the exact word being said.


Transcription of telephone interview (MS is Michael Stroup and SL is Sheriff Leazenby):

Operator: What, what is your name sir?

MS: Michael Stroup, S T R O U P

Operator: Okay, give me just a second, okay?

MS: All right.

SL: It's Tobe Leazenby.

MS: Uh yes. This is Michael Stroup, I was calling about the interview?

SL: Yes Mr. Stroup, how are you sir?

MS: I'm doing fine, hope you're doing well.

SL: Oh yeah, hanging in there.

MS: Okay, uh, was, okay, the DNA evidence, uh, that was at the crimescene.. uh, was there DNA?

I can't confirm or deny either way Mike, uhhhmm, that's.. that's one of those parts that's still part of the, the evidence process; I really can't speak to that.

Uhhmm, I know and I think, I may know, maybe not, umm, there was some confusion I know, when I went live with uh, uhh Fox59 there a couple weeks back; uhhh there was a lineup of questions that was presented to me all basically in the same sentence, and I know they included the word DNA, and what, what reply I was wanting to offer, actually, was that in evidence, excuse me, in essence, all evidence when asked the uh lab to actually uh fastrack or expedite that process so we could get results back, and that was the purpose of my statement.

Umm for what it's worth, I have uh, since received a, in person, umm, apology, uhh from an executive director, or producer I should say, uhh from the station, in regard to that, cuz they went back and reviewed their video and audio and discovered that I did not actually discuss DNA, they were the ones that initially prompted that, and I did not respond ehh, specifically, so I was addressing in regard to all, all physical evidence.

Umm, all crimescenes have some form, whether it be minute, all the way up to larger items, have physical evidence, and so um, to say that there's no evidence would, would not be a correct statement, so there is evidence, it's just our focus now is trying to get those lab results back.

MS: Okay. Alright. Yeah we got, it's been like 3 weeks, and I was kinda curious if there was DNA, cuz it seemed like that would've been back by now.

SL: Mmm hmmmm.

MS: Ya know.

SL: Yeah. Umm, the thing is, we're kinda, uhh, we're at the liberty of the, the labs involved; umm that's, obviously we have no, you know, in-house lab of our own, and so, umm, you know, we, we can't exactly call the shots, so to say that, you know, 'we want this back by Tuesday', that's not the way it works. And so we're kinda, we're on *their* timeline as far as that's concerned.

MS: Okay. Now if she had taken video, was there further video and audio than what we've been given.

SL: (Big breath). Again, I, I really can't speak to that because that's still something being evaluated with the investigation. Ummm, there, there is, you know, there was, video, but uh, you know, I, I think you can understand this, that obviously we, umm, feel, that, uh, whoever's responsible for this, they could very well be watching, themselves, and so it's kinda like, to a certain degree, uh, whether we wanna put it this way, but it's kinda like a game of poker, you don't wanna, you don't wanna, reveal your hand, so...

MS: Okay. Now in what way is the FBI helping with this case.

SL: (Big breath). Ummmm. Several, actually several avenues, and, and I guess I'll speak to the, you know from a federal agency standpoint, their resources are, you know, uh, far more than what we have at the local level, so, we have uh, have them on board mainly from the aspect of uh manpower, (big breath), and assisting us in going after and following up on the tips and leads that, that still pour in. And then um, also from a, um, I guess I'll say a, a forensics standpoint as well. So uh, there may be CSI aspects, so practically everything they can offer, they've offered, and, and uh, maybe not *every* aspect or every resource, but a good, good portion of what they have to offer, they've offered to us, and we've accepted obviously.

MS: Yeah. That's why I figured that the DNA could be back rather quick, if it was working through theirs, you know I figured that that would've taken a lot less than 3 weeks.

SL: Ye, ye, yeeaahh. Yeah. I follow what you're saying there, umm again it's just, you know, uhh, all aspects of the evidence that um we anticipated but it's also I guess, I'll also resort back to, umm, you know, we're going to end up, I feel confident we're going to end up in a court of law one of these days with this situation and for us to put too much of a rush on this, ehh, you know, like I've been saying, we're double crossing the T's and double dotting the I's, because it's, you know, you may or may not be aware of, in a court of law, if there's just one little spark of doubt that's claimed(??) in a court of law, we lose the case. And we don't want that.

MS: Okay. Now. On the crimescene, I don't know whether you can speak on that or not, but is there evidence that there could've been more than one suspect.

SL: (Big breath). Umm. (Pause). In relation to the crimescene itself, I um, again, I can't really speak to that. In general, over the whole situation, in that we.. can't, we don't specifically know whether or not, how many we may be involved with, that's why you keep hearing us say, 'the individual or individuals', umm, you know, as far as the evidence is concerned, you know, I really can't speak to anything in relation to that, but umm, you know, we're, we're still, because we *don't* know, at this stage, umm, we're using the plural and saying 'individuals' as well, because, we *believe*, we *lean* toward the single individual, that, that's pictured, but, it, you know, it's uh, it is quite possible there may have been more than one individual involved, so that's, that's still an avenue we're pursuing.

MS: Yeah. If I, if I was looking at a crimescene, you know, it seems that it would have been like one person, and there would've been another person in tow. You know, where you could've seen that there would've been more than one uh person, that's why I was asking on that.

SL: (Clears throat). Yeah.

MS: Now, do you think that he is from this locality.

SL: Another good question Mike. (Big breath). Umm. (Pause). Ya know, initially that's where we, obviously with most investigations, if, you know, the local focal point is not gaining us anything, that's, that's why the uh, the search is expanded, because at this stage nothing's really turning up that I'm aware of, at the, at the local level, so that's why it's expanded, you know, in essence, uh, nationwide, and uh, so that's why we reach out to people nationwide at this stage, to, to provide us with information, so, uhh (big breath), you know, again, I can't really speak to, obviously, you know, once we have someone in custody, um, we'll, we'll know, but at this stage it's uh, you know it's uh, it's a guess. Huh.

MS: Yeah. You know it happened like 2 miles up the street from my father's house, and when I seen it on Fox News I was like, wow, you know, that's really close(??)

SL: Whispers: Yeah.

MS: And I figured that, that an arrest would've been a couple days, I mean, off the top. Because I figured it was a local guy, local area, he knew the place..

SL: Right.

MS: He wouldn't have traveled just to that little spot.

SL: Yeah.

MS: So I figured with the picture, I might've known the guy. But I'd never seen him.

Sure. Yeah. Yeah. Uhhmm that was the same obvious concept or thought process we had as well because um, you know, as I've (stumbles on words and says Excuse me) shared with other outlets, that we've had our share of, even double homicides, but they were elderly folks back in the 90s and it turned out to be, um, unfortunately, grandchildren involved in their deaths, and uh, so yeah, we were able to catch those pretty quick, but uh, umm, this one's just, it's, it's got a whole new, it's got a whole twist to it that, even I, as a 30 year veteran, have never seen.

MS: Hmm. Well that's about all the questions that I had. I just wanted to clear up, you know, what was goin on, and what if it's like you did have what(??) DNA and such.

SL: Yeah. Yeah. (Coughs). Pardon me.

MS: Go ahead sir.

SL: No, I was just, clearing my throat, I'm sorry.

MS: Okay. Well yeah. That's prety much it. I thank you for your time and uh, you know, God bless the families, uh, that are involved in this, and the community and I very much thank you for uh having this interview with me.

SL: Not a problem sir, have a good afternoon Mike.

MS: Bye.
"We're getting tips on local people. We're getting tips on people from all over. We've looked at investigations all the way from the east coast to the west coast. We're not focusing on within 10 miles of Delphi. We're focusing on the whole country," explained Riley about the scope of the investigation.

Investigators have sent evidence to the state lab for testing to determine what, if any, DNA evidence may have been left at the scene.

Riley would not say if the results of that testing had come back.

"I'm not going to comment one way or the other," he said.

Police also addressed rumors about the case that have emerged on social media from the public.

"When somebody says we've got an arrest here and when we don't, that can make people, that can make the bad guy feel more comfortable now cause they went after this guy and not him or her and so it can really mess up the investigation all together," Riley said.
Investigators are anxiously awaiting full DNA test results being compiled by FBI forensic analysts.

&#8220;I go back before DNA and cell phones,&#8221; said Ives who remembered prosecuting criminal cases in Carroll County with less evidence than in this case since 1987, &#8220;and I certainly would have said, if experienced investigators, as we have in this case, had the evidence that was available in this case, I would expect them to solve it within a month. That&#8217;s without DNA and cell phones which are a big part of what&#8217;s going on here.

&#8220;No arrest is imminent,&#8221; he said. &#8220;No case is close to being developed.&#8221;

That extraordinary evidence came from Libby&#8217;s cellphone as the young girl&#8217;s device yielded at least two images of a man dressed in blue clothes walking along the bridge and captured his voice as he ordered the children, &#8220;Down the hill,&#8221; to their deaths.

&#8220;If you see that picture and you hear that voice, and you&#8217;re going to call in a tip, explain why,&#8221; urged Ives. &#8220;&#8217;I&#8217;ve seen him wear those clothes, I know the way he walks, I know that combination of clothing, I know that voice, I know something about him.&#8217;

&#8220;&#8217;Not only do I know that person, but he said something to me, I saw something about him.&#8217;&#8221;
Investigators say they&#8217;ve possibly met the killer or killers, or may have the clue that will wrap up the case. They just don&#8217;t know it yet.

&#8220;I think there&#8217;s an excellent chance that in these tips, somebody has named the right person,&#8221; said Ives of the more than 13,000 submissions that have come in to investigators. &#8220;When you ask me, &#8216;Is it possible some police officer has talked to him?&#8217; I think it&#8217;s extremely likely that&#8217;s happened.

&#8220;I think that&#8217;s possible, yes.&#8221;

From a command center on the town square in Delphi, authorities have served approximately 70 subpoenas and a couple search warrants approved by Ives in pursuit of the man who abducted and murdered the girls near the Monon High Bridge Trail east of town on February 13.

Indiana State Police&#8207;
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@IndStatePolice 42m
42 minutes ago

@dbursten says media reports connecting Ronald Logan to #DelphiMurders is FALSE. Probation Violation; no connection to murder investigation
Some of the alibis given to police investigating Liberty German and Abigail Williams' killings turned out to be less than truthful.

&#8220;We&#8217;re going deeper with alibis that are provided,&#8221; Carroll County Sheriff Tobe Leazenby said. &#8220;Part of the reason &#8230; we have learned of people who have lied to us on the alibi.&#8221;

That doesn't make them suspects, per se, Indiana State Police Sgt. Kim Riley said, but it does mean that police want to find out the truth &#8212; whatever that might be.

"They&#8217;re seeing that maybe there are some discrepancies going on," Riley said about rechecking the alibis.&#8220;It&#8217;s just making sure we don&#8217;t miss something.&#8221;

Investigators are attempting to independently corroborate alibis that didn't add up, and if need be, find out why there are discrepancies, Leazenby said.
&#8220;We find out where they live, where they&#8217;re from, what they&#8217;ve been doing,&#8221; Indiana State Police Sgt. Kim Riley said. &#8220;We run their driver&#8217;s license information to see if they&#8217;re wanted.&#8221;

Investigators in Delphi work 24/7 following up on tips, hoping it will lead to an arrest in the double homicide case. But it&#8217;s led investigators to other crimes.

&#8220;We&#8217;ve found out there are warrants on them,&#8221; Riley said about potential suspects. &#8220;One person was arrested for having drugs on him when we went to talk to him.&#8221;

Riley says more than 300 people have been questioned. About thirteen of those people have been arrested for unrelated crimes.
Some of the success has been through misinformation given during questioning.

Riley says some people are not being truthful because of lingering criminal records. But that also stalls the search for Abby and Libby&#8217;s killer.

&#8220;So then we&#8217;ve got to do a little bit more digging, and it just makes it more difficult and time-consuming for us to clear them,&#8221; Riley said.

Both Riley and Leazenby say these unrelated arrests have not taken any attention off the double homicide investigation.
Riley gave a glimpse into the organization of this investigation.

For example, a team of investigators pore over the leads from the phone tip line &#8212; 844-459-5786 &#8212; and the email tip address &#8212; This team discards tips that already have been cleared and assigns investigators to follow up on new leads, Riley said.

Those investigators file reports after interviewing people, Riley said. Those reports, in turn, are read by other investigators, who often suggest there might be holes, omissions, lies or unasked questions. This sends the investigators back into the field for followup and more reports.

Alexis McAdams&#8207;
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@AlexisMcAdamsTV 6m
6 minutes ago

New: Attorney representing Ron Logan tells me Ron had no involvement in the heinous crime - asks people to stop jumping to conclusions.
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