IN - Aliahna Maroney Lemmon, 9, Fort Wayne, 23 Dec 2011 - #1

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Looking at the post count of some of the active members I don't know how you do it. The heartbreak....

I discovered this forum due to lack of information coming out of traditional news sources. On Saturday morning I passed the crime scene on the way to a relatives (10:00 am), a few heavy rescue trucks, police cars, seemed like something serious was going on. However, on the way home (3:00 pm) is when I knew something was really wrong (20+ fire/rescue trucks, boats, ATV's, etc.). I nearly got sick to my stomach and immediately told my wife that if someone was missing from that area it wouldn't end good. The trailer park is referred to locally as Pedophile Park, and is sandwiched between several nicer areas of Ft. Wayne. It feels like a sick joke, 15 RSO's + other convicted felons it is a blessing this hasn't happened more frequently.

The real reason for my post is to commend the active members. Until this case I didn't know how to access scanner feeds online, or the power they can posess for everyday people trying to help. It is like they always say, things don't seem real until they hit close to 10 minutes away and passing the search in full swing has certainly opened my eyes in a way that will help better protect my children.

It is obvious none of you veteran members get used to the sadness or anger, and while I doubt my personality type will allow me to participate in the way you guys do (for sanity), I wanted to say that with every sad case you guys are probably helping more people that you will ever realize.

Welcome to WS! So very sorry of the circumstances that brought you here though. Hope you like it here, information overload and very smart, resourceful, respectful posters here.

I live about 30 miles from FW, lived in the same area all of my 42 years. I am familiar with the north end of Ft. Wayne, never been by "Pedophile Park", never knew it existed as there are nicer mhp and homes around it and has always been known to me to be one of the "nice" or "good" parts of town, one I have no fear frequenting. I had my last baby at Dupont Hospital, the new Parkview Regional Medical Center is awesome and I had no idea such a craphole was so near such a nice area of town! I will definitely stay away from PP! Yikes!
I have not posted on here for quite a while.. This story struck me due to her illness. I have issus with the mother and in the world do you let your children stay with a man for a week and previous sleepovers and/or visits in the past... a man with 3 girls.. is NOT thier friend.. MOM OH MOM... YOU did not protect your babies..

A few concerns of mine.. did mom have the "flu" .. for a week.. little odd.. did she go to dr or free clinic even if no insurance.. or did mom wants some alone time.. did the children like to go over there... did she look for clues right in front her.. single man alone with a record.. 3 little girls alone.. .that is a no brainer.. I Have been sick with flu, and even worse.. It was hard but I kept my kids at home with me.

This little girl was the least likley to talk and tell.. her disabilities and PTSD is from a past TRAUMA.. perhaps she was terrified to tell... but even so.. grooming.. the secret of molestation is a dirty secret.. kids are brainwashed to be scared to tell.. the brave take that chance.. and it is a big chance...

I suspect all those little girls were in danger with him.... I know, I know.. some may say ohhh accident happened... bull.. accident goes back to the logic of Casey Anthony.. accident in 100 percent of cases 911 is called.. or hey what about mom next door...

I hope <modsnip> will come back on Nancy Grace and admitt that she was blinded by pure denial and did her grandaughter a huge diservice by taking the side of the number one suspect..

The cigar.. yea to have him at a place he could be seen.. my first though on a cigar was to calm down and think out what to do next.. or even more sick.. a cigar or cigarette is a natural crave after an sexual release.. smokers know this...

sick world.. how dare a person take a life of a child... may whom ever had any part in this get the maximum sentence ... someone needs to take a hard look at mom.. I dont believe she was sick with flu... just doesnt make sence...
I think warrants expire and have to be re-issued often if they are long time outstanding warrants. At least that is how I understand it, but only from word of mouth.


I thought the same thing Patty did when I saw the date on the warrant but I think you are correct, warrants do have expiration dates so are re-issued.

According to court records, Plumadore has a previous conviction of forgery and auto theft dating to 2007.

psst...they might want to call Florida and get ALL of his charges before they start listing his priors...:furious:

That's nothing's battery...fighting LEO/firefighters/ems
He absconded on his 1 year probation~!
None of his previous convictions that I've seen have been for criminal sexual conduct of any kind. Not making excuses for him but he's not an RSO.
In case this link is new...
Maybe I missed this in an earlier post?

About a half-dozen people in black windbreakers, several of whom identified themselves as FBI agents, were at the mobile home park in Fort Wayne where Aliahna Lemmon went missing from a family friend's home on Friday. Some with search dogs were seen at a nearby storage facility.

FBI agents also were outside a trailer identified by the girl's step-grandfather, David Story, as her mother Tarah Souder's home. A box truck was backed up to the mobile home Monday night, and a sheriff's official said a forensics team was sweeping the trailer|head

The step grandfather referenced: is this Tarah's husband's dad or her mom's husband?

ETA: Because I notice that he earlier said (before Ai was found) that no way did she just walk away, which seemed to conflict with what Tarah's mom said.
I saw a picture of Mom sitting beside the Grandmother and she looked very very sick.

I read somewhere she had been taken to the hospital upon receiving the news that this little angel had been found deceased.
That's nothing's battery...fighting LEO/firefighters/ems
He absconded on his 1 year probation~!
None of his previous convictions that I've seen have been for criminal sexual conduct of any kind. Not making excuses for him but he's not an RSO.

I have wondered if he lost his temper, snapped and beat her???
I am deeply saddened by the news of Ali's death....but I am not surprised. This one had that awful feeling to it right from the start, and it wasn't hard to figure out who the guilty party was either.

I hope Ali's sisters didn't witness anything.

RIP Ali. I am so sorry that this happened to you.

THANK YOU GOD she was found...JUSTICE CAN BEGIN :furious:
Florida is a very scary place as concerns crimes and sex offenders and one of the reasons we left there. After Jessica Lunsford and reading about her predator, Couey, we did a sex offender search in our neighborhood, a nice deeded beach access community and it scared the life out of us! We would have never guessed. They seem to migrate there. Maybe they spread the word among themselves that Florida is soft on pedophiles, I dunno. But Ali's predator was up for parole violation, right? VERY very lagging in followthrough.

My husband suggested we move to Florida for the winter so he can work in warmer weather. He holds a a journeyman carpenter union card so can easily get work down there. I said "you're kidding right?" He wasn't kidding. We own a home and can't just pick up and move plus we have 2 school aged children who wouldn't be very happy about moving. I said "see ya and don't forget to send money!!" lol So far this winter hasn't been as harsh as last year, plus he got battery operated warm socks and coat for Christmas. He was happy!
I have not posted on here for quite a while.. This story struck me due to her illness. I have issus with the mother and in the world do you let your children stay with a man for a week and previous sleepovers and/or visits in the past... a man with 3 girls.. is NOT thier friend.. MOM OH MOM... YOU did not protect your babies..

A few concerns of mine.. did mom have the "flu" .. for a week.. little odd.. did she go to dr or free clinic even if no insurance.. or did mom wants some alone time.. did the children like to go over there... did she look for clues right in front her.. single man alone with a record.. 3 little girls alone.. .that is a no brainer.. I Have been sick with flu, and even worse.. It was hard but I kept my kids at home with me.

This little girl was the least likley to talk and tell.. her disabilities and PTSD is from a past TRAUMA.. perhaps she was terrified to tell... but even so.. grooming.. the secret of molestation is a dirty secret.. kids are brainwashed to be scared to tell.. the brave take that chance.. and it is a big chance...

I suspect all those little girls were in danger with him.... I know, I know.. some may say ohhh accident happened... bull.. accident goes back to the logic of Casey Anthony.. accident in 100 percent of cases 911 is called.. or hey what about mom next door...

I hope <modsnip> will come back on Nancy Grace and admitt that she was blinded by pure denial and did her grandaughter a huge diservice by taking the side of the number one suspect..

The cigar.. yea to have him at a place he could be seen.. my first though on a cigar was to calm down and think out what to do next.. or even more sick.. a cigar or cigarette is a natural crave after an sexual release.. smokers know this...

sick world.. how dare a person take a life of a child... may whom ever had any part in this get the maximum sentence ... someone needs to take a hard look at mom.. I dont believe she was sick with flu... just doesnt make sence...

I deleted a post I posted when the news of her death came in, not being aware of her body being found, saying much the same as you. I agree with all you've said above. I also hope that the other two little girls are checked for sexual abuse.

I also am not sure the mom was only suffering from the flu - her illness is personal, but seems flimsy for having the girls gone for so long. Most moms want their babies with them NO MATTER WHAT, and the girls were old enough to have possibly been a help to her. Ali was certainly old enough to fix something in the microwave for her sisters, and they could have been quiet during the day watching TV or movies.

As others say - there's something hinky going on here.

*edited to say - not stating Ali was sexually abused, because we don't know at this point, but I think it's something that should be considered in this situation.
The step grandfather referenced: is this Tarah's husband's dad or her mom's husband?

ETA: Because I notice that he earlier said (before Ai was found) that no way did she just walk away, which seemed to conflict with what Tarah's mom said.

It is her mom's husband, Tarah's step-father.
The step grandfather referenced: is this Tarah's husband's dad or her mom's husband?

ETA: Because I notice that he earlier said (before Ai was found) that no way did she just walk away, which seemed to conflict with what Tarah's mom said.

At the link above there's a picture with the description stating Amber Story as being Tarah's mom - so her mom's hubby I'm guessing.

*sorry twall - must have been composing when you were posting.
I saw a picture of Mom sitting beside the Grandmother and she looked very very sick.

I read somewhere she had been taken to the hospital upon receiving the news that this little angel had been found deceased.

I wonder if it is the same pic I saw. I really couldn't tell anything from it concerning illness. Tarah looked like she had wrapped a jacket's sleeves or something around her wrists, but that's all that looked odd to me. I wouldn't doubt that she had many thoughts going through her mind at the time and much stress too, but there is no way I could tell from the pic whether or not she had been sick with a flu or fever.
I thought it would probably end this way, but I was hoping and praying it would not.
So sad. Not many details in the article, but I'm sure more things will come to light. She didn't even get to enjoy Christmas :(

Hope her sisters are okay.
It is well past time for these types of stories to end. We have had the Jacob Wetterling Act, Megan's Law and countless other laws to end the abuse and murder of our children.

It is time for one law 'the you sexually abuse and murder a child and you die law'. When will it be apparent to those who are supposed to keep law and order that the children of this country, this world, are the most precious thing there is? There are too many children who die at the hands of predators. It has to end.

Ali, baby girl, I am so sorry that you have passed. You should be playing with your sisters, giggling and laughing and happy with the presents you got for Christmas. You should still be here, enjoying your school vacation. Safe home, baby girl, safe home. No one will ever hurt you again.
Florida is a very scary place as concerns crimes and sex offenders and one of the reasons we left there. After Jessica Lunsford and reading about her predator, Couey, we did a sex offender search in our neighborhood, a nice deeded beach access community and it scared the life out of us! We would have never guessed. They seem to migrate there. Maybe they spread the word among themselves that Florida is soft on pedophiles, I dunno. But Ali's predator was up for parole violation, right? VERY very lagging in followthrough.


I remember reading a newspaper article in the early part of 2010 that stated that Florida is one of the toughest states in the country for a convicted sex offender to find housing and be in compliance with the registration requirements. The reason the article stuck in my mind is because it stated 50men and two women who were RSO's were living under a bridge in Miami because they couldn't find housing they could afford AND be in compliance with the registration!

For whatever it's worth, I don't believe MP is a convicted sexual "predator," and I think I read here on WS that the parole (or is it probation?) violation is not for a sex crime.

Thank you for sharing!
That's nothing's battery...fighting LEO/firefighters/ems
He absconded on his 1 year probation~!
None of his previous convictions that I've seen have been for criminal sexual conduct of any kind. Not making excuses for him but he's not an RSO.

No, he's not. But I don't understand--if he had an outstanding warrant from 2001 in Fla, and then was convicted of something in another state in 2007, wouldn't that signal LE in Florida as to his whereabouts, so that he could face the music there?

Isn't there a national databank of some sort? Geesh, I guess emotions ARE running high, but I can't help but sit awake and wonder why?? The ball seems to have been dropped so many times. I ache for that little girl.

Side note--so glad to be a member here, with so many caring and wonderful people. I am still stunned by the diligence, love, and respect that I see here. You all should be proud.
That's nothing's battery...fighting LEO/firefighters/ems
He absconded on his 1 year probation~!
None of his previous convictions that I've seen have been for criminal sexual conduct of any kind. Not making excuses for him but he's not an RSO.

He is now.

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