IN - Amanda Blackburn, 28, pregnant, murdered, Indianapolis, 10 Nov 2015 - #1

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I just got home and came here to catch up. I'm kind of saddened to read the discussion revolving around a critique of this poor woman's funeral. Also a discussion of their marital problems. Did I miss something? Didn't LE say her husband was "100% cleared as a suspect"? RIP Amanda. May justice be swift and severe!
Okay. I'm done for the night. No harm no foul and no jabs at the hubby intended.

But LE needs to truly step this up. Because Darron Wint was discovered by dna and prints in 1 day in the dc mansion murders.

But we are not as lucky on this case so far. So hopefully things change soon.

Good night my dear friends. Much obliged.
They got married 8/1/2008, just after graduating college.
I just got home and came here to catch up. I'm kind of saddened to read the discussion revolving around a critique of this poor woman's funeral. Also a discussion of their marital problems. Did I miss something? Didn't LE say her husband was "1005 cleared as a suspect"? RIP Amanda. May justice be swift and severe!

They spoke about their relationship in a series of public church videos. TMI for me but they were trying to counsel people.
I can't see his social media -- you may be correct, but during the Q & A video Amanda didn't sound like they had known each other that long (3 yrs) before they got married.

The 3 years they dated before they got married was all long distance since they went to different colleges. He initially met her when he was on a school break.
I want to know how come the photo isn't clear enough to be released yet it's clear enough that they know a suede hoody was worn.
That information might have come from one of the eyewitnesses who saw him walking around the neighborhood.
Blackburn also asked his followers to invite as many people as possible to church who do not know the Lord and warned them not to speak with the media if they are approached.

"Her heart would be that you invite as many people as possible to this celebration service that do not know the Lord. Amanda's story has attracted national news. I know that Jesus is going to make good come from this, so in the event someone from the media tries to speak with you, simply respond by asking everyone to join us in prayer for my family. You can let them know that we have extremely heavy hearts and although we are hurting tremendously, we are still hoping and believing that great things are still yet to come," Blackburn ended.

Just another weird thing. Trying to control what is said to the media - if anything. I would think I would want the media involved and anyone of my fellow Christians that feels led to say anything then say it with my blessings.

I don't find anything odd about his sermon request. I took it as not to feed into the media frenzy, not to spread gossip, etc. Keep the message about Amanda's pure heart and obedience to her faith.
Please correct me if I am wrong. I realize the LE have allot on their plate, BUT a vicious murderer is out on the streets in INDY.
is there any flyers describing him? any rewards for capture? photo of SUV? any questions to the public? Like do not buy certain items? Look for suspicious changes in a friend (s)............the HOODIE??? Warning the public?
Finding it odd.........warn oter neigborhoods etc.
I'm confused too. I was just thinking. What are the odds that two different burglers/killers did two houses, two houses apart, in one morning at almost the same time?

I saw about 15 LE on that stage at the press conference. Never saw so many at a presser before.

Something I read said the press conference Friday had already been planned to discuss crime in the city, and then after Amanda was killed it became a press conference for her investigation, too. That's why there were so many there.
In my small city, even when there is a pack of cigarettes stolen and there is a photo on a cheap camera, no face just clothing.....a pic is on the news. Sometimes I must laugh because it is only the back or side of the person but someone always seems to ID them from there clothes?actions, they way they stand.................I remember the WINT photo a man carrying a bucket down the street.............yet nothing on this case but words. Maybe LE knows the person and keeping tabs on him? seeing where he will lead them? I just find it so odd, JMOO
This case really has me thinking of something other than they are reporting. But I didn't read where there was stuff taken from the house. Was there items missing from the house?
This case really has me thinking of something other than they are reporting.


Same here. It's been 6 days since the shooting, 3 since the presser, and still no photos? No plate number? No real description of the suv?

I'm having a hard time believing that the stills aren't good enough to prevent every black man from being reported. A photo would help really narrow down possibilities if I knew someone who was short and light skinned in the area.

And I don't buy that they're still "enhancing" it. If it needs 3 days worth of work, it might as well be a blank screen. I know LE doesn't have to share everything but in this case it appears they have nothing to share. Imo. I hope I'm wrong and Amanda will get justice.

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Okay. I'm done for the night. No harm no foul and no jabs at the hubby intended.

But LE needs to truly step this up. Because Darron Wint was discovered by dna and prints in 1 day in the dc mansion murders.

But we are not as lucky on this case so far. So hopefully things change soon.

Good night my dear friends. Much obliged.

Always a pleasure reading your posts and watching you 'walk the line'! You bring interesting thoughts to the discussion.
That information might have come from one of the eyewitnesses who saw him walking around the neighborhood.

True but if they had video INSIDE the first home burglarized, per social media and all the neighbors have cameras mounted plus eyewitness reports how come we don't have a picture of the darn hoodie. Or at least a picture of what one might look like.

I spent some time trying to find a suede hoodie and had no luck. All suede or some with a bit of suede with Football teams. What is it?

John Q Public needs to know and frustration mounts.

Tick Tock on witnesses that might remember things about that day. What day was it again??? Oh yes Tuesday.
I found this on CODIS Law in Indiana. Perhaps somebody can better advise what this all means. Would a petty thief be included? I know a lot of states including VA have opened the door to more being entered since Morgan Harrington and Hannah Smith murders.

PEB-15 CODIS Page 1 of 3 Issuing Authority: Division Commander
Version 8 Issue Date: 03/31/15
INTRODUCTION: The Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) is a computer database of DNA profiles used to solve crimes across the United States. In Indiana, DNA profiles obtained from the following categories can be entered into CODIS: convicted felons, crime scene evidence, missing persons, relatives of missing persons and unidentified human (remains). The purpose of the database is to generate investigative leads by identifying matches between these categories. A continued “life of crime” or the high incidence of recidivism in criminals is the concept upon which the DNA database program is based. If a convicted offender’s profile matches crime scene evidence, this can identify a potential suspect(s). The database can also link multiple unsolved crimes to identify serial offenses and connect agencies who can then work together in the investigation. Finally, CODIS can be used to identify human remains by matching them to missing persons or to their biological relatives. To maximize the value of this program, biological evidence from unsolved crimes and missing persons cases must be analyzed and entered into CODIS. Please also see Physical Evidence Bulletin 21 for Missing Persons/Unidentified Remains.
DNA samples (usually oral swabs) are collected from all individuals convicted of a felony by Department of Correction, county officials or contract personnel.
A. Unsolved cases with potential DNA evidence unambiguously relevant to the crime, including those with no suspects,
The 3 years they dated before they got married was all long distance since they went to different colleges. He initially met her when he was on a school break.

Amanda's sister was dating Davy's best friend, the best friend introduced them. Later they had a double wedding according to their videos.
True but if they had video INSIDE the first home burglarized, per social media and all the neighbors have cameras mounted plus eyewitness reports how come we don't have a picture of the darn hoodie. Or at least a picture of what one might look like.

I spent some time trying to find a suede hoodie and had no luck. All suede or some with a bit of suede with Football teams. What is it?

John Q Public needs to know and frustration mounts.

Tick Tock on witnesses that might remember things about that day. What day was it again??? Oh yes Tuesday.

Yes!!! What in the world could the hold-up be? This is a KILLER! If this were my husband, I would be breathing down LE's neck to get something out to the public so the killer could be caught. I know Davey's statements don't focus on that, but someone needs to because this suspect has had SIX DAYS to get rid of evidence, and flee to who knows where! I believe and trust that LE has a reason for the way they are handling this case, but so far, I am completely baffled.
Map of 2015 Indianapolis Homicides ~ As of October 1, over 100 homicides had occurred.

Amanda Blackburn lived at 2812 Sunnyfield Court which is considered to be in the northwest portion of the city.!6m1!1e1

Other maps of the districts in the city's homicides

I wonder how tall she was. The crook shot her in the head. If he was only 5'4", wouldn't the bullet need to be traveling upward if she was 5'5" or taller?

It is hard to believe, and so senseless, that a 28yo pregnant woman's home was invaded so early in the morning and she was shot in the head over a television.

RIP Amanda
Okay. I'm done for the night. No harm no foul and no jabs at the hubby intended.

But LE needs to truly step this up. Because Darron Wint was discovered by dna and prints in 1 day in the dc mansion murders.

But we are not as lucky on this case so far. So hopefully things change soon.

Good night my dear friends. Much obliged.

Darron Wint also ate a pizza and spent a bit of time with the victims so more of a chance of leaving DNA.
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