But in what I am saying is based on suggesting Taylor didn't do it and his DNA wouldn't be at the crime scene.
As far out as this sounds, admittedly it sounds that way to even me, I question whether he is being threatened to take the rap. Consequences for not being, whatever a gang might do to you for refusing.
The reason he doesn't leave is because he is 18, and if he doesn't go along they deal with him. Why do you think that many people won't report a crime perpetrated by a gang ? It's because they fear the consequences, I would assume.
Also the difference is that if my theory were true, AB KNOWS his DNA is there. That's the situation in which you would leave to avoid the OBVIOUS.
It's arguable that all these guys felt maybe they weaseled out of this by not being arrested immediately after questioning.
Kind of convenient that the story is -- taylor was the only one there and he told us he'd kill her if we didn't come back and then he did and told us exactly how it went down - and that story excludes all of us from being there. Oh yeah, and I lent this guy my coat for the robbery that I didn't know he was going to be doing.
Well, just a thought, and I don't put too much stock in it. But it does feel like they are all throwing him under the bus. Maybe it's completely the truth.
But just a thought based off the idea that someone would lend their jacket -- something that could be traced back to them - to perpetrate a robbery. But I do see it as more plausible that they were dumb enough for such a thing and it was more about having a dark colored jacket ?
Wasn't there a guy in all white at san clemente robbery ?