IN - Amanda Blackburn, 28, pregnant, murdered, Indianapolis, 10 Nov 2015 - #3

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Her husband returned home from the gym around 7:30 a.m. that morning, but remained on the phone with a friend in the driveway until about 8:20 a.m., according to the affidavit. When he entered the house, he found his wife nude and face down in blood on the living room floor.

7:30 - 8:20
if only gone in sooner....wonder if she could of survived the head shot. So sad for this family.
Her husband returned home from the gym around 7:30 a.m. that morning, but remained on the phone with a friend in the driveway until about 8:20 a.m., according to the affidavit. When he entered the house, he found his wife nude and face down in blood on the living room floor.

7:30 - 8:20
if only gone in sooner....wonder if she could of survived the head shot. So sad for this family.

Horrific. I can't believe this man's composure after having gone through that.

This morning they reported on this story on GMA and made no mention whatsoever about the sexual assault. They said that Larry told his buds he shot Amanda when she charged at him.
Once the crime scene is sealed then they wouldn't let the owner take objects or pets away but before that point? I suspect it has a lot to do with whether the owner asks/tries to retrieve their dog or whether they just leave and let the police sort it out especially if the dog was locked in the backyard when the crime occurred inside the house.

Two other cases here that are recent and are current on Websleuths. Savapolous in Washington DC and Sievers in Bonita Springs Florida.

Both were homicides and both were filmed taking the dogs away by LE.

One of those cases had the dogs afterwards and took samples from those dogs per media reports :moo:
So... let's review from the PC statement:

So ABull's (identifying him this way so as not to confuse him with the same initials as Amanda) girlfriend tells LE she knows Gordon, Watson and Taylor, and they were all at her place on Brendon Way West Drive until they left about 3:30am the morning of the shooting. Oh, and sometimes Watson wears her bf's coat, and by the way officer, it was either Watson or Gordon that left this here pistol (Taurus 9mm) under my bed. Then ABull is questioned and says yep, sure enough one of them boys left here wearing my Pelle-Pelle jacket.

LE interviews a CI and the CI tells them Taylor, Watson and Gordon left ABull's apartment because they wanted money and Taylor was carrying a snub nose .38 and "possibly" wearing a Pelle Pelle jacket. CI goes on to tell LE what all went down that morning with the burglaries and then says Watson and Gordon (after the first ATM transaction failed and then the second transaction was successful for a withdraw of $400) were going to leave Taylor behind but Taylor threatened to kill "the woman" (which was Amanda) if they left him.

At this point, ABull called and said Taylor was family and they could not leave him. They all end up back at ABull's place and Taylor tells them all he killed "the woman".

Now, some thoughts/questions.

1. Why would girlfriend tell LE one of them left a gun under HER bed?
2. Wouldn't she sort of have to have been okay with that?
3. Why does girlfriend tell LE Watson sometimes wears ABull's coat?
4. Why does ABull confirm it?
5. What were they all sitting around talking about just prior to 3:30am?
6. Who is the CI?
7. The CI admits the 3 left ABull's apartment because they wanted money - so the CI knew full well what they were about to do.
8. Who did ABull call and tell not to leave Taylor behind? Gordon or Watson?
9. How did ABull even know Taylor thought they were going to leave him behind?
10. Did Taylor call ABull and tell him?
11. Why him? What kind of pull does ABull have, that Taylor knew if he told HIM, it would be enough to get Gordon and Watson to come back and get him?
12. ABull knew exactly where they were and what they were doing, so why isn't he being charged as well?
13. Isn't it curious how ABull pulls the "family loyalty" card on Watson and Gordon but at the first chance throws them all under the bus by telling LE his jacket was missing and one of them was wearing it that morning?

Yeah, so much for honor among thieves. Seems to me, Watson's sister, ABull and the girlfriend should all be charged as well.
Yeah that reminded me of the Manson Family and their creepy-crawly game (crawling around on the floor getting as close to the sleeping victims as possible while robbing the house).

That is one thing that could never happen in my house. I sleep with 5 rescue dogs so there is no possibility of some freak creeping into the bedroom at night.

Others kept talking about the dog and the press conference. I wonder if Converse brought it up because the poor older dog was living in the yard and desperate for attention, if the dog had been allowed to live in the house with the family would that have prevented this crime? The photo of the dog showed a dish of food/water in the yard, and the dog does not seem to be in any family photos with the baby.

I can't imagine misguided youths of this type entering the house if they saw that the dog was inside, and if they entered and THEN saw the dog they would have shot the poor animal first, they surely wouldn't have wandered around the house robbing and raping while ignoring the animal.

No, it wouldn't have prevented this at all. So many of us here know tragically dogs inside a home do not stop horrible people from doing horrible things to humans. There were huge pit-bulls (2) inside the Greone home when Duncan invaded their home. He already knew beforehand the two large dogs were inside when he came in. He later told Shasta as he held her captive he thought he would have to shoot the two dogs, but didn't, since all they did was whimper, and run and hide under the dining room table and stayed there the entire time he was bludgeoning three adults to death with a hammer.

It shows dogs are just as unpredictable as human beings. What one may do the other one will do the opposite and these kind of home invaders we are seeing don't care one bit if there is or isn't a dog in the home. Imo, they come prepared either way.

I just saw a video on FB a couple of months back and this couple had installed a nanny cam in their home. Two hoodied home invaders broke into their home to burglarize it. The family had two huge dogs inside their home. It showed the criminals coming up to both dogs and petting while the dogs just laid there on the couch loving the attention. Even when Jessica Lunsford was kidnapped from her own home she had a dog sleeping in the bed with her. It never made a sound as Couey the pedophile/murderer took her out of her home without anyone hearing one thing.

I don't think for one minute their dog wasn't taken care of well. I saw a photo of him when the neighbor is taking care of him now. A lot of people have outside dogs who they let into their home often.

I have seen some police say if a homeowner is going to buy a dog or dogs to be inside of a home it is far better to get a small breed because they are the ones who are yappers if they hear something. rather than a large dog that doesn't bark at his/her shadow. They did say though even though you may have a small dog/s inside put a large bowl outside of water and food dish outside and that way the crooks will think you have a big dog in case they do happen to be one of those who is fearful of large dogs. Home invaders/robbers/rapists and murderers are high risk takers to begin with. I think its in their genes. We see all the time in cases here what high risks they are willing to take.

So no, imo, it wouldn't have prevented this at all. They would have probably beat the dog to death with the gun like he hit Amanda. We are dealing with evil here and very rarely is evil scared of anything when they are in full control.

But imo, it wouldn't have stopped these men anymore than it has ever stopped all others who have invaded homes with dogs in them. I wish it had but there are so many cases out there that show dogs can be just as fearful of evil as human beings are.

What misguided youths are you talking about? All of these criminals are of adult age. I don't see anything misguided about any of them. They did what they wanted because they felt entitled to do so. Sounds very typical of pretty much all of the criminals we hear about today.
No, it wouldn't have prevented this at all. So many of us here know tragically dogs inside a home do not stop horrible people from doing horrible things to humans. There were huge pit-bulls (2) inside the Greone home when Duncan invaded their home. He already knew beforehand the two large dogs were inside when he came in. He later told Shasta as he held her captive he thought he would have to shoot the two dogs, but didn't, since all they did was whimper, and run and hide under the dining room table and stayed there the entire time he was bludgeoning three adults to death with a hammer.

It shows dogs are just as unpredictable as human beings. What one may do the other one will do the opposite and these kind of home invaders we are seeing don't care one bit if there is or isn't a dog in the home. Imo, they come prepared either way.

I just saw a video on FB a couple of months back and this couple had installed a nanny cam in their home. Two hoodied home invaders broke into their home to burglarize it. The family had two huge dogs inside their home. It showed the criminals coming up to both dogs and petting while the dogs just laid there on the couch loving the attention. Even when Jessica Lunsford was kidnapped from her own home she had a dog sleeping in the bed with her. It never made a sound as Couey the pedophile/murderer took her out of her home without anyone hearing one thing.

I don't think for one minute their dog wasn't taken care of well. I saw a photo of him when the neighbor is taking care of him now. A lot of people have outside dogs who they let into their home often.

I have seen some police say if a homeowner is going to buy a dog or dogs to be inside of a home it is far better to get a small breed because they are the ones who are yappers if they hear something. rather than a large dog that doesn't bark at his/her shadow. They did say though even though you may have a small dog/s inside put a large bowl outside of water and food dish and that way the crooks will think you have a big dog in case they do happen to be one of those who is fearful of large dogs. Home invaders/robbers/rapists and murderers are high risk takers to begin with. I think its in their genes. We see all the time in cases here what high risks they are willing to take.

So no, imo, it wouldn't have prevented this at all. They would have probably beat the dog to death with the gun like he hit Amanda. We are dealing with evil here and very rarely is evil scared of anything when they are in full control.

But imo, it wouldn't have stopped these men anymore than it has ever stopped all others who have invaded homes with dogs in them. I wish it had but there are so many cases out there that may show dogs can be just as fearful of evil as human beings are.

BBM - I agree with you about the dog being well taken care of. On Amanda's social media accounts, there are quite a few photos of the dog - laying on a dog bed in the house, laying on her (Amanda's) leg, in the back seat of the car, a video of the dog licking baby Weston. One mentions that she 'ran off in the nice weather', but she was returned after her microchip was scanned - this indicates that she was not fenced. I think she is a friendly dog.
I don't think we can assume the dog was kept outside all the time just based on a photo of food and water in the yard. Maybe he hangs out there during the day (fenced yard? invisible fence?) sometimes, who knows. What I do know is that I'm now super paranoid about letting my dog out when it's dark out! I mean, I leave the door open/unlocked while he's doing his business and do not stand there with a loaded gun. He's not of a "guard dog" breed either. This case really has me thinking about safety in my own home.

We have two inside dogs but we place food and water for them whether they are inside or outside running around in the fenced in backyard playing or just laying out enjoying the weather on a nice day.

ITA! This should be another wakeup call and people do have to be more cautious. I leave my doors unlocked from time to time during the day because I am always busy walking in and out to get something out of one of our out-sheds or working in my flower gardens. I do try to always look around me and my surroundings even though like Amanda and Davey, I live in a very safe- no violent crime area (so far) with fingers crossed.:) Now when it becomes dark outside is when our alarm system is set for the night and fully activated.

Once the crime scene is sealed then they wouldn't let the owner take objects or pets away but before that point? I suspect it has a lot to do with whether the owner asks/tries to retrieve their dog or whether they just leave and let the police sort it out especially if the dog was locked in the backyard when the crime occurred inside the house.

A family friend's husband committed suicide two weeks ago, and even though she asked, LE had animal control hold the dogs for a day or two until their investigation was done. I have also seen it done with more serious cases. As I said previously, maybe that's just the norm in my area, but even if the owners ask, LE doesn't release the pets immediately. :twocents:
I don't think we can assume the dog was kept outside all the time just based on a photo of food and water in the yard. Maybe he hangs out there during the day (fenced yard? invisible fence?) sometimes, who knows. What I do know is that I'm now super paranoid about letting my dog out when it's dark out! I mean, I leave the door open/unlocked while he's doing his business and do not stand there with a loaded gun. He's not of a "guard dog" breed either. This case really has me thinking about safety in my own home.

I came across a very clever tip for being safe in your home. It was to keep your key fob by your nightstand at night and if you hear someone or something that could be a break-in, you grab your key fob and push the alarm button. I hadn't ever thought about it, but that would throw a burglar off for a few minutes and give you time to escape, hide or call 911.

I keep my key fob with me at night now... Just in case.
The way we feel about our two dogs is we didn't get them so they can attack someone who may have intentions of doing harm to us. Now since they are both small dogs they are certainly yapper poochies and if they did alert me and my hubby to a break-in by barking loudly they would probably both be fed filet mignons for a month. :D

One little precious dog we had did alert me one time that there was a snake in my hallway. She was smart enough to stay far away from it though, and that was the best thing to do since it turned out to be cottonmouth, but she sure let me know something just wasn't right about that dark brown thing in the hallway.:D Believe me, she was my hero that day.:)

In fact I would never be able to live with myself if either of our dogs tried to protect us and then were beaten or kicked or stomped or even killed by the evildoers. The first thing my hubby and I would both do if someone was trying to break in is get our handguns, and we would quickly scoop up our babies, and yes, they are our babies too, and quickly put them in a room and shut the door so they couldn't be hurt by the one/s wishing do to us harm.

Just the way we feel about it though.
I came across a very clever tip for being safe in your home. It was to keep your key fob by your nightstand at night and if you hear someone or something that could be a break-in, you grab your key fob and push the alarm button. I hadn't ever thought of it would, but that would throw a burglar off for a few minutes and give you time to escape, hide or call 911.

I keep my key fob with me at night now... Just in case.

They also say to put a can of hornet's spray on your nightstand in case you find a perp in your bedroom while you are in bed.

Oh and another one. Never go toward the one who is illegally entering your home. Let them come to you. They don't know the do. If you are in the bedroom/s then stay there, get your firearm ready if you own one, if there is more than one person in the room, they can call 911 even if they cant talk but just stay on the line. Make sure the bedroom door is locked. And then when the invader finally gets to the occupied bedroom once they start breaking the door down you .........boom.....well ya know.......let 'em have it. They say never walk outside to check things out when you think you hear someone outside. Its dark and you have no idea where the perp could be hiding but he can see you as you exit your door because his/her eyes have already adjusted to the dark.

There are really a lots of good tips about trying to prevent something like this. Its not going to work every time of course but it will work and if one life is saved its worth it.

So... let's review from the PC statement:

So ABull's (identifying him this way so as not to confuse him with the same initials as Amanda) girlfriend tells LE she knows Gordon, Watson and Taylor, and they were all at her place on Brendon Way West Drive until they left about 3:30am the morning of the shooting. Oh, and sometimes Watson wears her bf's coat, and by the way officer, it was either Watson or Gordon that left this here pistol (Taurus 9mm) under my bed. Then ABull is questioned and says yep, sure enough one of them boys left here wearing my Pelle-Pelle jacket.

LE interviews a CI and the CI tells them Taylor, Watson and Gordon left ABull's apartment because they wanted money and Taylor was carrying a snub nose .38 and "possibly" wearing a Pelle Pelle jacket. CI goes on to tell LE what all went down that morning with the burglaries and then says Watson and Gordon (after the first ATM transaction failed and then the second transaction was successful for a withdraw of $400) were going to leave Taylor behind but Taylor threatened to kill "the woman" (which was Amanda) if they left him.

At this point, ABull called and said Taylor was family and they could not leave him. They all end up back at ABull's place and Taylor tells them all he killed "the woman".

Now, some thoughts/questions.

1. Why would girlfriend tell LE one of them left a gun under HER bed?
2. Wouldn't she sort of have to have been okay with that?
3. Why does girlfriend tell LE Watson sometimes wears ABull's coat?
4. Why does ABull confirm it?
5. What were they all sitting around talking about just prior to 3:30am?
6. Who is the CI?
7. The CI admits the 3 left ABull's apartment because they wanted money - so the CI knew full well what they were about to do.
8. Who did ABull call and tell not to leave Taylor behind? Gordon or Watson?
9. How did ABull even know Taylor thought they were going to leave him behind?
10. Did Taylor call ABull and tell him?
11. Why him? What kind of pull does ABull have, that Taylor knew if he told HIM, it would be enough to get Gordon and Watson to come back and get him?
12. ABull knew exactly where they were and what they were doing, so why isn't he being charged as well?
13. Isn't it curious how ABull pulls the "family loyalty" card on Watson and Gordon but at the first chance throws them all under the bus by telling LE his jacket was missing and one of them was wearing it that morning?

Yeah, so much for honor among thieves. Seems to me, Watson's sister, ABull and the girlfriend should all be charged as well.

Wow, great to see I'm not a complete nut in mentioning so many of these same things being odd. All this communication with ABull during the course of the blackburn robbery feels like an attempt to create a narrative about what happened. I don't remember seeing it in the report, but were the calls to ABull confirmed ? As well as who called who ? narrative being -- Taylor is a crazy train who wants to murder at every turn and they are uncomfortable with that, and they were trying to get off the crazy train.

The report even mentions Gordon and Watson having to talk Taylor down from murdering the woman from first burglary because he felt he was caught on camera.
Wow, great to see I'm not a complete nut in mentioning so many of these same things being odd. All this communication with ABull during the course of the blackburn robbery feels like an attempt to create a narrative about what happened. I don't remember seeing it in the report, but were the calls to ABull confirmed ? As well as who called who ? narrative being -- Taylor is a crazy train who wants to murder at every turn and they are uncomfortable with that, and they were trying to get off the crazy train.

The report even mentions Gordon and Watson having to talk Taylor down from murdering the woman from first burglary because he felt he was caught on camera.

I guess I misread that from another report. I thought it was Amanda that he thought had seen him on tape. I don't follow his line of thinking. How is murdering one after suspecting of being caught on camera going to save your butt? I think he just wanted to kill someone... anyone... Poor Amanda! Just thankful I don't think like these pukes do...
Sorry I missed a couple of days. Is there somewhere I can read the pc? Thank you.

Quote Originally Posted by Ontario Mom View Post
So... let's review from the PC statement:

Thank you for posting this link. There's a video report by Justin Mack of that summarizes yesterday's events that is worth watching. I'm unable to link it here from my phone.

My heart is deeply hurt by what we know so far that Amanda suffered on that fateful morning. She will forever be remembered, in my mind, as a brave young mother who gave her life to protect her child. Every time I think of what she experienced, the tears fall, and the absolute injustice grips my soul. We should be allowed to feel safe in our homes! :no:
I can only pray Amanda's surviving family find the grace and strength to continue on in the wake of the overwhelming tragedy of the violent and senseless loss of her life and that of her unborn child. :cry:

May these monsters pay, and pay dearly.

:rose: :rose:

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Sorry I missed a couple of days. Is there somewhere I can read the pc? Thank you.

Quote Originally Posted by Ontario Mom View Post
So... let's review from the PC statement:

AFAIK, there are two versions of the Probable Cause statement. This is the one I posted to the Media Thread, and it was originally posted upthread by MsMarple :bow:

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They say Amanda was found partially nude. I bet she was in the shower when they broke in. I know when my child was an infant, I would take my shower when she was asleep and my ex was at work, it was time for myself and to relax. She probably had just gotten out and was getting dressed. Dang I really hate this case, so sad all the way around. Feel sorry mostly for Weston, he will have to grow up without his mother, and she seems like such a sweet girl from the videos I had seen of her. Those monsters deserved the death penalty if they have it in Indiana.
I guess I misread that from another report. I thought it was Amanda that he thought had seen him on tape. I don't follow his line of thinking. How is murdering one after suspecting of being caught on camera going to save your butt? I think he just wanted to kill someone... anyone... Poor Amanda! Just thankful I don't think like these pukes do...

I believe he attempted to rape Amanda, thus removing her panties and pulling her shirt up. But when he went to do the deed he could not complete it. Probably no Viagra to help him out. It can infuriate a rapist when they cannot "perform" when it actually comes down to it. It is a reflection of their masculinity and "hood" credit, especially with co-****s watching or knowing.

This could explain why they found no "evidence" that a rape actually occurred.

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