IN - Amanda Blackburn, 28, pregnant, murdered, Indianapolis, 10 Nov 2015 - #3

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They say Amanda was found partially nude. I bet she was in the shower when they broke in. I know when my child was an infant, I would take my shower when she was asleep and my ex was at work, it was time for myself and to relax. She probably had just gotten out and was getting dressed. Dang I really hate this case, so sad all the way around. Feel sorry mostly for Weston, he will have to grow up without his mother, and she seems like such a sweet girl from the videos I had seen of her. Those monsters deserved the death penalty if they have it in Indiana.
I don't think she was in the shower. I hate to type this, but her panties were on the floor near her body, which was in the living room. Her shirt had been pushed up.

They say Amanda was found partially nude. I bet she was in the shower when they broke in. I know when my child was an infant, I would take my shower when she was asleep and my ex was at work, it was time for myself and to relax. She probably had just gotten out and was getting dressed. Dang I really hate this case, so sad all the way around. Feel sorry mostly for Weston, he will have to grow up without his mother, and she seems like such a sweet girl from the videos I had seen of her. Those monsters deserved the death penalty if they have it in Indiana.

PC doc says she was nude from waist down, underwear on the floor next to body, tshirt pulled up as if attempted to be removed.

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What a horrific thing to walk in on and his wife too. Awful, awful, awful. I don't know how Davey is even functioning. I wouldn't be able to..
I hate to say this, but I have to agree with you both jggordo and bessie.


There are no words to describe this :censored:

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I guess I misread that from another report. I thought it was Amanda that he thought had seen him on tape. I don't follow his line of thinking. How is murdering one after suspecting of being caught on camera going to save your butt? I think he just wanted to kill someone... anyone... Poor Amanda! Just thankful I don't think like these pukes do...

It's not about taylor, it's about Watson and Gordon creating a narrative that THEY weren't looking to murder. Unless I am reading the PC document wrong, it was noted that Taylor wanted to kill the woman at the San Clemente residence earlier in the morning.

Go to page 11 of the PC document :

"They discovered they were on video and disconnected the camera. Taylor wanted to kill the occupant because he was seen on camera. Watson and Gordon convinced Taylor to leave. "

Again, nothing I am saying is going to mean anything to Taylor. Much of what I am talking about is that IF ABull is involved more in this, and possibly even the ringleader calling shots, I would prefer that he gets charged.
The way we feel about our two dogs is we didn't get them so they can attack someone who may have intentions of doing harm to us. Now since they are both small dogs they are certainly yapper poochies and if they did alert me and my hubby to a break-in by barking loudly they would probably both be fed filet mignons for a month. :D

One little precious dog we had did alert me one time that there was a snake in my hallway. She was smart enough to stay far away from it though, and that was the best thing to do since it turned out to be cottonmouth, but she sure let me know something just wasn't right about that dark brown thing in the hallway.:D Believe me, she was my hero that day.:)

In fact I would never be able to live with myself if either of our dogs tried to protect us and then were beaten or kicked or stomped or even killed by the evildoers. The first thing my hubby and I would both do if someone was trying to break in is get our handguns, and we would quickly scoop up our babies, and yes, they are our babies too, and quickly put them in a room and shut the door so they couldn't be hurt by the one/s wishing do to us harm.

Just the way we feel about it though.

Agree. We have a little barker who loves to chase our 5 cats and mark his spot at the dinner table and spot on the bed at night.

But besides barking and a possible leg bite attempt; I doubt he would be of any threat to home invasioners. Besides simply barking his machismos off. Lol

But we feed him good though. Just in case. Lol.

He's cheaper than adt alarms. Lol. Happy Thanksgiving to you guys.

They say Amanda was found partially nude. I bet she was in the shower when they broke in. I know when my child was an infant, I would take my shower when she was asleep and my ex was at work, it was time for myself and to relax. She probably had just gotten out and was getting dressed. Dang I really hate this case, so sad all the way around. Feel sorry mostly for Weston, he will have to grow up without his mother, and she seems like such a sweet girl from the videos I had seen of her. Those monsters deserved the death penalty if they have it in Indiana.

I don't think she was in the shower. She was found with her underwear next to her body...

Amanda Blackburn was found nude with her underwear next to her and her shirt pulled up "as if someone tried to pull it off."
It's not about taylor, it's about Watson and Gordon creating a narrative that THEY weren't looking to murder. Unless I am reading the PC document wrong, it was noted that Taylor wanted to kill the woman at the San Clemente residence earlier in the morning.

Go to page 11 of the PC document :

"They discovered they were on video and disconnected the camera. Taylor wanted to kill the occupant because he was seen on camera. Watson and Gordon convinced Taylor to leave. "

Again, nothing I am saying is going to mean anything to Taylor. Much of what I am talking about is that IF ABull is involved more in this, and possibly even the ringleader calling shots, I would prefer that he gets charged.

The main point is stuff happens during invasions even if all invaders don't want to hurt anyone.

So in order to deter home invasions. We must charge them all with murder if it occurs while they are invading homes.

Just like a business is held accountable if an employee screws up. Home invaders are held accountable if their partner screws up. Jmo
sorry if this has already been posted :

Back in 2009, they called themselves the FAM Gang.


Two of its members back then? A then-14-year-old kid named Jalen &#8220;Lil Watt&#8221; Watson and a teenager named Diano &#8220;D-Loc&#8221; Gordon, who was 17 years old and had the words "FAM GANG" tattooed on his forearms.

Could the robbery spree that culminated in Blackburn's murder also be a gang crime, perhaps even an initiation?

When asked Monday, Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department spokesman Sgt. Kendale Adams emphatically said no.


"Gangs are fluid," Adams said. "There was no known gang activity connected to this particular crime."

It is not known whether Taylor had any ties to the "FAM Gang," though court records show that Watson and Gordon were members as recently as 2011.


&#8203;Less is known about Taylor. Juvenile record were not available; his only charge as an adult is an open public indecency case.


Noting Taylor's age, IMPD Chief Rick Hite suggested Monday that the older men &#8212; Watson and Gordon &#8212; may have had an influence.

&#8220;These are his mentors. Look at the mentoring," Hite said. "It&#8217;s about association. It&#8217;s about the environment, and the people they choose to hang around with...

"We talk about those things. This is why, because an 18-year-old man should not be walking around with a handgun thinking about killing someone."
The main point is stuff happens during invasions even if all invaders don't want to hurt anyone.

So in order to deter home invasions. We must charge them all with murder if it occurs while they are invading homes.

Just like a business is held accountable if an employee screws up. Home invaders are held accountable if their partner screws up. Jmo

If you're the getaway driver in an invasion and burglary case do you face the same charges as the burglars who broke in?
I don't think she was in the shower. She was found with her underwear next to her body...

Amanda Blackburn was found nude with her underwear next to her and her shirt pulled up "as if someone tried to pull it off."

At 6am. I'm sure she wasn't bundled up since she was barely waking up.

So are they saying she was raped. Or did Taylor tried to scare her as if he wanted to rape her or what?

I'm out of town and my access to slueth is limited.
If you're the getaway driver in an invasion and burglary case do you face the same charges as the burglars who broke in?

Yes you do if you are a willing get away driver for a crime. But if someone just asks you for a ride and wait. But you are not told anything. Then you should be OK. Unless they gang up to implement you as well with the knowing.

But if a getaway driver has a good lawyer via Jose Baez; Then they may be able to minimize things whether they knew or not. Jmo.
What do you make of Taylor's alleged concern that Amanda would scratch him? That was the reason for firing the first shot(s). If true, it makes me doubt he intended to sexually assault her. He seemed to want to keep distance between himself and Amanda.
No, it wouldn't have prevented this at all. So many of us here know tragically dogs inside a home do not stop horrible people from doing horrible things to humans.

Dogs inside the home are known to be one of the best deterrents against burglary/home invasion. These guys were creeping into houses and stealing a phone off a night stand with the victim sleeping right there! They wouldn't have tried that if they knew there was a dog inside the home, if the dog alerts the humans then the humans can become a deadly threat to the intruder.

It is true that the vast majority of dogs won't actually attack intruders (unless trained to) and they shouldn't be expected too, dogs are not bullet proof. Regardless criminals almost always look for the path of least resistance, when there are several houses on a street and they are choosing one to rob a barking dog at the window is a reason to pass by that house and go to the next one.
I don't think she was in the shower. I hate to type this, but her panties were on the floor near her body, which was in the living room. Her shirt had been pushed up.

If we assume that what Taylor allegedly told Gordon, Watson, Bull and whoever was at the apartment when they got home, I find it hard to believe that Taylor would want the narrative to be :

I tried to rape here.
She resisted.
I shot her in a struggle for her to get free.
I then shot her in the head, so she couldn't refute what I will tell you happened or identify me

instead he says :

She came after me
I was afraid of being scratched.
I shot her
I then finished her off in a very creepy way watching her bleed. -- This to me feels like again, maybe Gordon, Watson, ABull adding to details that they knew via Taylor possibly ? But plausible he did. However possibly odd that he'd want to characterize himself that way. Can see motive in why Watson/Gordon/ABull would want to characterize him in that way though.

My opinion is that narrative #1 is likely true. I can see why he'd not want to tell anyone he tried to rape her, and would rather make it sound as if he did it out of panic.

Also, the what they say Taylor tells them only has mention of 2 shots. There were 3 shots based on what we see in terms of wounds.

So lets examine the bullet evidence

How do you get a bullet going in your lower arm going upward to the bicep ? I think that's consistent with possibly taylor being over someone on their back on the ground or maybe standing up and then extending their arm at the gun.

So, we might have a case here where he was in the process of trying to rape here, extended her arm towards the gun he shoots and after bullet goes in, she hunches over going down and forward and he fires another frantic shot to stop her that goes into the back and out the abdomen as described. Next he applies the head shot to make sure she can't identify him.

So there's plausibility here that he TRIED to rape here , but she thwarted that attempt which led to the shooting.

Of course it makes perfect sense that he'd not mention he tried to rape her. But panties off and on the ground and shirt up. Seem plausible that he made that attempt.

Was she standing or on the ground when that attempt was made ? I would guess the ground. So then the next question is how does she get on her stomach ? possibly after the first shot, she would turn over in an attempt to either attack him or flee ? If she did try to flee, and he immediately stood, that would make sense as to why the gunshot to the back was downward trajectory as well. going into back an out abdomen.

My opinion is that it went like this --

-she's on her back, he's trying to get on top of her
-she resists by putting arm forward towards gun
-he shoots once at that frantic attempt and bullet goes up her lower arm into her bicep
-she turns over and attempts to get up/flee,
-he shoots in back from above before she can get up,
-he shoots in back of head.
What do you make of Taylor's alleged concern that Amanda would scratch him? That was the reason for firing the first shot(s). If true, it makes me doubt he intended to sexually assault her. He seemed to want to keep distance between himself and Amanda.

I think that the scratch concern wasn't borne out of concern for DNA as evidenced by the package of Swisher Sweets left behind. I think it had more to do with him being asked by LE/someone how he got the scratches. He didn't want evidence left on HIS body. I don't think he cared one iota about Amanda. The last line of the PC document is chilling to the core.

**P.S. I love your username**
Even most gang bangers don't condone rape. Like most mobsters didn't condone sleeping with another mobsters wife.

So taylor may have tried to minimize what he told his accomplices. Jmo
Important to note that if what I just posted is how it went down. There will be no sexual DNA evidence.

So at that point the goal is to

Put Taylor in that house at time of murder - which the cell tower data does and he's alone.
Have any kind of DNA evidence that links him to the location as well - otherwise he might say "my phone was there... I wasn't"

I don't even think a jury would have a hard time convicting if those two things were satisfied.
~~snipped for space~~

My opinion is that it went like this --

-she's on her back, he's trying to get on top of her
-she resists by putting arm forward towards gun
-he shoots once at that frantic attempt and bullet goes up her lower arm into her bicep
-she turns over and attempts to get up/flee,
-he shoots in back from above before she can get up,
-he shoots in back of head.

At one point he used the butt of the gun to her face. She had a split lip and a tooth knocked out.
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