IN - Amanda Blackburn, 28, pregnant, murdered, Indianapolis, 10 Nov 2015 - #3

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Do we know who "Cheese" is, or is that just lies spewing from Taylor's mouth? Or is it a slang term for money, more TV's?? Ugh! They're all just a waste of oxygen!
Is "hedious" a combination of heinous and odious? Because it absolutely applies and is totally appropriate in this case. This picture turns my stomach.

I agree. The FB pic just makes me gag!

Liltexans, I couldn't get the video to play of Amanda's dad. Can you summarize what he said?
I agree. The FB pic just makes me gag!

Liltexans, I couldn't get the video to play of Amanda's dad. Can you summarize what he said?

This might be a better link and it includes an article that quotes some of her dad's statements:

He speaks of how much he wants to be like his daughter in her unwavering faith and kindness towards others. He also says he will leave the punishment of her murderers up to the justice system because it is not for him to judge. It's a pretty long interview of around 10 minutes.
If we assume that what Taylor allegedly told Gordon, Watson, Bull and whoever was at the apartment when they got home, I find it hard to believe that Taylor would want the narrative to be :

I tried to rape here.
She resisted.
I shot her in a struggle for her to get free.
I then shot her in the head, so she couldn't refute what I will tell you happened or identify me

instead he says :

She came after me
I was afraid of being scratched.
I shot her
I then finished her off in a very creepy way watching her bleed. -- This to me feels like again, maybe Gordon, Watson, ABull adding to details that they knew via Taylor possibly ? But plausible he did. However possibly odd that he'd want to characterize himself that way. Can see motive in why Watson/Gordon/ABull would want to characterize him in that way though.

My opinion is that narrative #1 is likely true. I can see why he'd not want to tell anyone he tried to rape her, and would rather make it sound as if he did it out of panic.

Also, the what they say Taylor tells them only has mention of 2 shots. There were 3 shots based on what we see in terms of wounds.

So lets examine the bullet evidence

How do you get a bullet going in your lower arm going upward to the bicep ? I think that's consistent with possibly taylor being over someone on their back on the ground or maybe standing up and then extending their arm at the gun.

So, we might have a case here where he was in the process of trying to rape here, extended her arm towards the gun he shoots and after bullet goes in, she hunches over going down and forward and he fires another frantic shot to stop her that goes into the back and out the abdomen as described. Next he applies the head shot to make sure she can't identify him.

So there's plausibility here that he TRIED to rape here , but she thwarted that attempt which led to the shooting.

Of course it makes perfect sense that he'd not mention he tried to rape her. But panties off and on the ground and shirt up. Seem plausible that he made that attempt.

Was she standing or on the ground when that attempt was made ? I would guess the ground. So then the next question is how does she get on her stomach ? possibly after the first shot, she would turn over in an attempt to either attack him or flee ? If she did try to flee, and he immediately stood, that would make sense as to why the gunshot to the back was downward trajectory as well. going into back an out abdomen.

My opinion is that it went like this --

-she's on her back, he's trying to get on top of her
-she resists by putting arm forward towards gun
-he shoots once at that frantic attempt and bullet goes up her lower arm into her bicep
-she turns over and attempts to get up/flee,
-he shoots in back from above before she can get up,
-he shoots in back of head.

Not sure how this relates to your theory but I don't see anything that says a bullet exited her abdomen,I don't think "bullet #2" traveled into Amanda"s abdomen from her upper back,if that was correct...unless it followed an extremely fortuitous path it would have been nearly as lethal as the shot to her head especially when you consider that she was laying on a floor with no medical attention for close to 90 minutes.

Another thought is that she wasn't necessarily facing her killer when she sustained the shot that traveled
up through her arm to her left upper arm (humerus)

From the PC Document:

-----> Amanda had a "through and through wound which entered and exited her upper back,the back wound was downward"
This might be a better link and it includes an article that quotes some of her dad's statements:

He speaks of how much he wants to be like his daughter in her unwavering faith and kindness towards others. He also says he will leave the punishment of her murderers up to the justice system because it is not for him to judge. It's a pretty long interview of around 10 minutes.
Glad Amanda's father states he will leave punishment of her murderers to the justice system. This will allow prosecutor to pursue the death penalty. I hope Davey is in agreement with his father-in-law.
Not sure how this relates to your theory but I don't see anything that says a bullet exited her abdomen,I don't think "bullet #2" traveled into Amanda"s abdomen from her upper back,if that was correct...unless it followed an extremely fortuitous path it would have been nearly as lethal as the shot to her head especially when you consider that she was laying on a floor with no medical attention for close to 90 minutes.

Another thought is that she wasn't necessarily facing her killer when she sustained the shot that traveled
up through her arm to her left upper arm (humerus)

From the PC Document:

-----> Amanda had a "through and through wound which entered and exited her upper back,the back wound was downward"
I agree. There was no shot to the abdomen. I also agree with this from MaxManning

My opinion is that it went like this --
-she's on her back, he's trying to get on top of her
-she resists by putting arm forward towards gun
-he shoots once at that frantic attempt and bullet goes up her lower arm into her bicep
-she turns over and attempts to get up/flee,
-he shoots in back from above before she can get up,
-he shoots in back of head.

Her panties were off, and her shirt was pulled up. That tells us she was already lying on the floor. It makes sense that as he was on top of her, she raised her arm to push him off, at the same time twisting her face and upper body away from him.

Her left arm is up; he shoots into her lower left arm.

Arm goes down, her upper body is turned sideward; he shoots downward into the upper back.

Then he shoots again into the back of her head (probably on the left side).

ETA: I believe someone said AB was left-handed, judging by her photos on Pinterest. Someone else speculated that Taylor was left-handed. I'd like to know if that's true.
I still stand by my opinion based on the other multiple cases of home invasions where the victims' did have inside dogs or dogs. It didn't stop any one of them nor deter them. I don't see why these criminals would be any different. Any criminal that is bold enough to stand on a victim's front porch, invade that home, and most likely brutally raped her, and then shoot her in the head certainly wouldn't be deterred by dogs. IMO

From the crimes I have read in recent years it seems many no longer try to avoid high risk taking nor do they care if animals or humans are inside the home. They come prepared for whatever just like these jerks did. They would have shot and killed the other lady too if she had woken up when he was stealing her cell phone by her head. It shows they have become ruthless and possess very little normalcy or logical thinking. If they 'almost always' as you say, avoided dogs there wouldn't be so many break-ins because there are millions upon millions of dogs inside homes all across this country. I don't see it as a deterrent to anything actually when it comes down to it. All the dog may be able to do is alert fast enough hopefully to let those inside know something is happening. If all it takes is to have an inside dog to prevent violent break-ins every home in America would have an inside dog and then this type of crime would plummet instead of home invasions being on the rise.

Their dog came right up to the police officers so I don't see him/her doing anything but coming up to the jerks who did this wanting to be petted just like the crooks did in FB video I mentioned earlier. So whether he was inside or out it would not have prevented it from happening. IMO

My youngest brother was living in Louisville, KY while going to college and working night shifts at UPS. He had a small window of time to sleep in the morning before he went to class. His bedroom had a door that opened to his backyard. He was sleeping in his bed around 9am when his large Chocolate Lab started to growl inside his kennel in the bedroom. My brother told him to hush, but the usually obedient dog continued. My brother got up and noticed the dog appeared hyper alert and his hair on his back was standing up and he was staring at the wall growling. My brother perplexed opened his kennel to let him out. At that very moment, someone violently kicked in my brothers bedroom door, hitting my brother and knocking him to the floor. As wood splintered and the door swung back and was kicked again, my brothers large dog leapt through the air over my brother and attacked the intruder. My brother's chocolate lab, bite the intruder who screamed and took off running through the yard with the dog in hot pursuit. My brother, adrenaline pumping and wearing only tighty whiteys, grabbed a baseball bat and ran after his dog and the intruder. He made it outside just in time to see a bleeding and terrified criminal jumping over the tall privacy fence while kicking at the dog trying to grab his leg. My brother jumped the fence after the guy, but soon was surrounded by cops with weapons drawn telling him to put down the bat and get on the ground. They had received a call of a crazy man running around in his underwear waving a bat, lol! When it was all said and done the cops let him go to the house and get dressed and took a report, but the intruder or intruders were never caught. My brother believes if it weren't for his dog the door would have been kicked open and he would have been robbed and possibly killed. In his case his dog is the sole reason this did not happen. The dog is still alive today though now getting elderly but we love that dog so much. He gets treated like the hero he is. He very possibly saved my brothers life that day and for sure saved him from being robbed and assaulted.
Important to note that if what I just posted is how it went down. There will be no sexual DNA evidence.

So at that point the goal is to

Put Taylor in that house at time of murder - which the cell tower data does and he's alone.
Have any kind of DNA evidence that links him to the location as well - otherwise he might say "my phone was there... I wasn't"

I don't even think a jury would have a hard time convicting if those two things were satisfied.

i thought a cell phone tower ping only places a phone in the tower area, not a specific locale.
I have a chocolate lab also named Tucker.
When he growls and his hair stands up we take notice. It's always for a very good reason.
i thought a cell phone tower ping only places a phone in the tower area, not a specific locale.

This is true. But that's alot of cell tower data matching with specific events and locations. When you put it all together, it's very convincing. I personally think it's the strongest evidence we've seen so far.
What do you make of Taylor's alleged concern that Amanda would scratch him? That was the reason for firing the first shot(s). If true, it makes me doubt he intended to sexually assault her. He seemed to want to keep distance between himself and Amanda.

Excellant point. Also, at the first residence they said one person stayed just at the door and did not go in. Has it been made public which one that was?
i thought a cell phone tower ping only places a phone in the tower area, not a specific locale.
The affidavit doesn't mention cell tower records in regard to the Verizon phone number, which is Taylor's. It states a SW was obtained for the Verizon number, and "records show" the location. GPS would place him at an exact location, or pretty darn close.

ETA: The language in the affidavit is different for the Sprint and T-Mobile numbers , and the Verizon number. For the Sprint and T-M numbers, the address of the tower is included, or it's says the number was "near" a location.

For the Verizon number, it reads: "...was at 2812 Sunnyfield Court at on November 10, 2015, from 6:38 A.M. to 7:10 A.M.
What do you make of Taylor's alleged concern that Amanda would scratch him? That was the reason for firing the first shot(s). If true, it makes me doubt he intended to sexually assault her. He seemed to want to keep distance between himself and Amanda.

As gross as it is to think about, I suppose it's possible that he was "exposed" in some way and he was concerned for those parts. I would imagine Amanda might have gone after those. That makes more sense to me. Than him sounding like a wimp that a woman would just scratch him- like in the face.

We now have to pay for Taylor's living and eating and medical for the next 70 years. Wow.
At one point he used the butt of the gun to her face. She had a split lip and a tooth knocked out.

AKA pistol-whipped... :notgood:

According to the report Taylor hit her in the mouth with the gun early in the robbery.I'm thinking it"s possible that she was defiant and possibly combative with the losers that broke into her home.

Also this from the report:"They discussed leaving but Taylor then walked to the car and threw a couple of cards in the car,Watson drove to an ATM on Michigan road with Gordon in the car as well."

OK:Taylor walked out to the stolen car and tossed Amanda's credit/debit card to Watson and Gordon.He left Amanda (who supposedly hadn't been shot yet) in the house and walked out to the car ? Why would they give Amanda an opprotunity to call 911 ?

Remember: Police later found her cell phone next to the bed in the master bedroom,the master bedroom was located on the first floor
,her son Wesley was sleeping upstairs.

How the heck would things occur that way,am I missing something here?
The affidavit doesn't mention cell tower records in regard to the Verizon phone number, which is Taylor's. It states a SW was obtained for the Verizon number, and "records show" the location. GPS would place him at an exact location, or pretty darn close.

Is gps automatic within the capabilities of Verizon and their customers. Or do you have to request gps for Verizon to keep tabs of your phone?
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