IN IN - Amiah Robertson, 8 months, Indianapolis, 15 Mar 2019

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That would be great!

We’ve had people do that in a few recent cases, and it’s always helpful.
Am I allowed to post pics or vid from just me? God knows you know I got some timeouts in the Shanann (#shinelikeshanann always) case @MassGuy

But I am definitely happy to head to both areas Sunday if I am allowed to post
Am I allowed to post pics or vid from just me? God knows you know I got some timeouts in the Shanann (#shinelikeshanann always) case @MassGuy

But I am definitely happy to head to both areas Sunday if I am allowed to post
Haaaa. Very true.

I’d verify it with @Tricia but it’s never been a problem before.
I'll do my best. Stressed with exams here and trying not to lose my 4.0 lol... I'm a perfectionist.

But it's very easy for me to go to both areas east or west on Sunday. If you have particular areas let me know.

But not Eagle Creek please. It's not close to the areas or addresses we have on the east and west side. Imo the creek is a red herring. None of them live anywhere near there.

Please don't do anything that is unsafe.'s not worth it. It sounds like this is a very bad area!
Good. I'm pissed off enough about how Shannan ended and was treated and feeling a bit self righteous enough about these same (sorry for the language) stories showing up over and over again that I will. And hopefully it will help.

Because in Indy Amiah is getting seconds of news on television. Seconds of television news coverage.

So if you guys can figure it out good. Because they aren't. I'll go to the addresses Sunday. At least it will give you an idea of what we're working with.
Would you guys please watch the video again and let me know what you think? I've watched it over and over. My observations don't line up with the news reporter's narrative.

I do think it was a guy leaving the house alone at around -1.12, presumably RL.

At -.45 seconds or so, to me it looks like a woman leading the two people back into the front gate of the babysitter's house. Doesn't it look like a woman with a blonde ponytail? Is it Amber? Is she being followed by RL? It looks like both are wearing red jackets. While this is happening, the news reporter says, "A few minutes later, Lyons comes back to the house, this time empty-handed and with another man." At -.35, it looks like Lyons is leaving the house, followed by Amber.

Is there an Indianapolis police officer in the background as the two people are leaving the house around -.35?

I'm with you on this. This is what I see, too. Maybe AR, RL & the babysitter all know what happened, but once Amber started talking, she couldnt keep her story straight, and screwed up their story? The neighbors account probably put a dent in their timeline, too. In the video, it looks like AR & RL packed their stuff and moved out of there. I'm wondering if the cops popped up to make sure they were moving their stuff out. I'm assuming they don't want those three around each other while they're investigating. I have a few of my own theories as to what happened to Amiah, but it's probably not very contructive to speculate. I will say this...being that the town is described as drug and crime riddled...i do think drugs played a large part in this baby's disappearance. I also do not believe that RL was ever supposed to be "dropping Amiah off at the babysitters", it was just part of their narrative to throw off the police. & if the neighbor is being truthful about seeing her Friday night...i think what she possibly saw (if my theory is close) was Amber semi-panicking after something happened to Amiah inside the house...buuuttttt, of course JMO!

I do have a question about the neighbors account though. Did she ever clarify whether she saw them leaving the house or were they just outside the house in the yard?
So confusing. who is 'the baby sitter'? I also didn't miss the question about a woman being taken off in hand cuffs,in the interview with SGT. Gilespie. True, not true?
The neighbor saying she saw the mother carrying the baby in front of her speed walking on Friday night is very concerning.
Does Amber live in a shed behind the baby sitter or not?
Amber's father said "They are being really hard on Amber" and "they help her out as much as they can".
Is the Babysitters house Amber's parents? And she lives in a shed behind their house? ( sorry so hard to tell) who,what,when,where)
The question about,and answer about Amiah being sick too. The mother doesn't know except to say she's teething, and takes tylenol.
What in the Bloody Hell is going on?
No wonder SGT Gilespie is so irritated. He's looking for an 8 month baby,and keeps getting the run around.

I don't think I've ever seen WSleuthers as confused as we are on this one. Just when I think I understand something, it changes!

Not aiming this remark at you AgeofAquarius, I feel your frustration and share it. There's nothing funny about this, but it's either laugh or scream. Or cry.

Please, LE, find little Amiah soon! And fgs, please ARREST someone! Arrest EVERYONE! Bring this baby girl back to safety.
I have exams. And I'm tired lol. The news here is giving less than 20 seconds of coverage on television to this story now.

I was thinking about Sunday when exams are finished going out and showing pics of these places so maybe sleuths can get a better picture. Would they be allowed?
Please don’t go. If these areas are as dangerous as you say, it’s not worth the risk. (Says this college Mom). Good luck on exams!
I was under the impression we could post such things with a disclaimer **Rumor Alert**
We just can't link?

Regardless, now the new local poster knows the rules. We can stop the shaming ...

Thank you kindly. I wish I had just continued lurking because it was never my intention to cloud the discussion regarding Amiah's possible whereabouts. Her case is haunting me and my sister. Seeing police actively searching the banks of the White River far south of town just a few minutes ago (it's about 4:30 AM here) just hit us like a ton of bricks. I grew up near the west fork of the White River near 465/ State Rd. 37, so we unfortunately experienced a lot of murders and bodies pulled from the river near our family home. It is a very common dumping ground. Everyone in the area wants baby Amiah found as we all feel increasingly sickened and on edge knowing she could be anywhere out here. The prayers and hopes are of course that she is safe, but the fact that a baby her age literally doesn't just up and walk away keeps us all up at night. Hoosiers are typically heavily invested when children are missing. We don't take to child abusers kindly at all. We all want this case closed. We are all hanging on the edge of our seats. It's hard to keep from searching being so close by, but we would never hinder an investigation nor risk damaging evidence z. There is no active search party to my knowledge. Can anyone confirm this?

Sick to my stomach and lacking sleep over sweet baby Amiah
Eh, nevermind.
I'm with you, though. I never personally saw that statement in an interview, but Inread the MSM and hearing that the RL knows where she is and is trying to use her bargaining chip makes me livid. He's sick and it is likely just another one of that family's misrepresentations. LE unfortunately has their hands tied with this reckless family. It's truly mind boggling .
I can't make sense of her. She's either on something (meth and crack are predominant in that area) and a lying murderer, on something and lost track of her baby and one of the criminal people in her life murdered her, or.... no, just those two options on my mind.
Either way, this does not end well for little Amiah

Heroin and elicit opioid use is the preference in that area for sure. According to LiveStrong, opioids do alter polygraph results.
Thank you for sharing that! Damn... what a good find!

Damn... pardon my language. I keep saying damn sorry. That address on the eastside, that area, is just all drugs, prostitution, and crime.

When I said you wouldn't walk around in the west side neighborhood mentioned I meant it.

But this eastside neighborhood is so, so much worse. This is a don't dare go out for milk after dark area.

I can't even begin to speculate what they're going to unravel here as far as drugs, etc. this is not good as far as lifestyle, surroundings, anything.

I'm sure other Indy people would back me up in this assessment.
ETA you wouldn't want to go out for milk in the daylight. This is Eastside area is just very simply a drug and prostitute ridden area. I can't even express that enough.

I could not agree with your assessment more if I tried. It's really bad, and no one talks! Unless there is money involved, I don't think we'll begin to see any worthy answers. I get what another sleuth said about LE not posting a reward for information, but these people in these specific neighborhoods are not the type to talk without monetary benefit and a guarantee to anonymity and immunity. MOO
If the earlier video was taken on 3/17, I dont see how RL can be in it. That missing person report from 3/16 shows him being arrested that afternoon after 2 PM.

Earlier video being people carrying a tote and garbage bags. I didn't see a time stamp on the video though.
I just noticed that the top of the document actually says "For public release" by IMPD, so I'm just going to share... I edited out phone numbers and driver's license numbers because regardless of it being public info, I'd rather err on the side of caution.
It appears you have a different capability for incident reports. You may be interested to check out
To be clear regarding Eagle Creek....there is a recreation area by that name that is 20 minutes away.
But Eagle Creek/Little Eagle Creek (running off of White River) is 1/2 mile from S. Holmes "babysitter" residence. (near W. McCarty & Sadie St.)
This is the separate police report for the domestic incident involving RL, filed at the same time as the missing persons report. The interesting thing is that if you search for the incident, you can see Logan Hull is identified as connected (seemingly, he's a witness, which would put him at the location at the time the crime was reported? but they don't actually list the names of the witnesses in the report itself--I think their system removes personal information for witnesses even though it is recorded into their system).

Phone numbers and license numbers edited out by me.


  • IP190026829.pdf
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Screenshot of the search for the incident report uploaded above, you can see Logan Hull and someone named Jason Pruitt are connected to it, although their names are redacted as witnesses.


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    Screen Shot 2019-03-23 at 10.09.22 AM.png
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