In Case You Missed It. . .2012 is a Great Year for the Truth in the JBR case

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From a legal aspect- NO suspect can be cleared in an UNsolved murder. Regardless of the inane comments of an incompetent DA, she had no legal right to clear ANYONE because the perp has not been named. Only after the killer is named, tried and found guilty of the crime can it be considered solved/closed. and other suspects cleared.
The DA at the time had a personal agenda and vowed to "clear" the family before Patsy died. So...without ANY evidence to the contrary and without a legal right to do so, she simply said they were "cleared".
But the present DA has said that NO one is cleared, including the parents, at this point because the killer is still unknown.

IMO, If it looks like a rat, smells like a rat, than it is a rat. This case is another botched investigation by both LE and their need to look efficient to the public, followed by the media allowing the Ramseys to plead their innocence and gain pity from the public whilst covering their asses from going to jail for the rest of their lives and some people buying we all remember the Anthony case? Same problem. The logic is so apparent here, a cast iron pan to the head is more subtle. Why do you need to go on a rampant claim of innocence if you actually are innocent?
Waiting..waiting...waiting...what comes around must go around....the law of karma.
Well, I think it's also probably Jim Kolar and his new book and info he has....breaking silence after 6 someone else said earlier....the new Foreign Faction book...

that's my vote anyway...
I don't understand why you would think it is solved. We have had 3 district attorney's and none of them have filed charges. It ain't a conspiricy, it is a lack of evidence. I assume tomorrows news will be about someone trying to make a buck at JonBenet and her family's expense. But I will keep an open mind about it. Sometimes any publicity turns out to be good publicity.

What about all the bucks the family made at JonBenet's expense?
Is it me or did the same thing happen to my last post as well?

I think so... And I think I have my answer...
Face facts. There is no evidence a Ramsey was responsible for this type of brutal death of a beloved child. This was no accident and most likely the crime was what it appears to be. A kidnapping gone bad by amateurs--someone that may have known JR or may not have known him....and a police department that got embarrassed early in the media because they were ill-equipped to handle the first call. Not that complicated.

I admit my memory eludes me as to the facts of this case, but I do remember something about the ransom note specifying the same amount as something to do with JR's pay check, the bonus wasn't it though I can't say with certainty.
So how would these amateurs who didn't know JR know how much his bonus was in order to put it in the ransom note ?

Not trying to be disagreeable, just asking for information / opinion. TIA :)

These aren't the droids you're looking for. Is Who in JBR Case

IMO, the key person with new information is likely to be someone on the above list. My best guess is Pam Archuleta, former wife of the Ramsey's pilot. I've always believed that cold cases can get new info from witnesses already interviewed when people with " loyalties" divorce or otherwise split up. The loyalty factor goes away completely.

My next best guess would be a young adult who saw or heard things as a child who was a friend to JonBenet. Not sure how viable their childhood recollections would be, though.

My third best guess as to the SOURCE, not necessarily the same person as the one who will be speaking with Tricia, would be a friend of Patsy's. Now that she's long dead, bonds are broken. I firmly believe that Susan Stine knew many things. Not that SHE would ever talk, but for every Stine we know about, there are probably 3 people who weren't in the spotlight at any point in time.

Lastly, JonBenet's name has been mentioned in connection with " Toddlers and Tiaras" a lot lately. It has caused me to wonder if a mother who had a child in the same pageants as JonBenet saw/ heard things which would be interesting to know. Again, the age of the other pageant girl might be the reason for the long delay in this becoming public knowledge. It may not be right, but I think many people in this and other cases protected their own interests first and foremost.
Does the news have to do with sexual abuse? If so, is the abuser the killer?
Would love to stay and wait, alas it's after midnight.
See you all on the flip side.
Does anyone know if Tricia mentioned a time when this news would break?
Does anyone know if Tricia mentioned a time when this news would break?

I don't think so. She said an article would appear on the The Daily Beast, and I assume she meant before the radio show tonight. We still have 10 and a half hours until it airs. I just keep checking Google News.
Anyone heard anything from the much-maligned (by me also) doctor Meyer lately? Just speculating here... but...

Considering the subject of the other thread Tricia started recently, could it be that after his retirement in 2009, he is a little more free to discuss past cases, and the good doctor wants to mend his public image or clear up some misconceptions about what did or did not happen at the autopsy? He is still practicing in Boulder:

Again, I'm only speculating here just to pass the time while we wait for some news. My finger is getting tired pressing "reload" on the Daily Beast site.

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