In Case You Missed It. . .2012 is a Great Year for the Truth in the JBR case

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Did I miss something in this article. I don't see anything new? Is this so we will buy the book. I am confused and disappointed.

Me, too. The discussion of JB's sexual trauma by experts and possibility of prior intrusion is not new. We've been discussing that for years. I was hoping he named a suspect- even a dead one- so that the world will know, finally, WHO did WHAT. I hope the book has this information.
I hope this is worth listening to. We've known about the spider web for a long long time. Didn't know about the child's toy, or dna on the garrotte.

I hope it is real DNA on the garrote and not just Patsy's fibers (which have been known for years). I wanna know WHOSE DNA is on that garrote.

And because it will be a while before I can get that book - is there anyone here who has read the book or knows the answer that it willing to post exactly what the murder weapon is (according to Kolar). I mean, we have been discussing possible murder weapons for YEARS here- flashlight, golf club, etc. Now apparently police KNEW what it was. And I'd like to know too, and hope I won't have to wait to get the book to find out. I was hoping SOMETHING would be revealed here and now, on WS, after so many years of posting. Something we didn't know- like what the murder weapon was. I can't get the show and there apparently is no transcript.
Well I am somewhat uncomfortable in knowing that clothing purchases contain various anonymous DNA. When the testing techniques become more advanced we will soon know exactly who knitted the scarf we are wearing. If it came to that probably next of kin will be the ones knowing.
A big thank you to Trish for your fight in keeping JonBenet out there and for her tragic murder to never be forgotten. Thus far, someone and/or persons have gotten away with murder. Thanks to you, James Kolar has a place to come to and tell us what he knows and share his investigation with. I commend you for your tenacity and I think you are a true hero, and Mr. Kolar, as well. As we know, this information and book will not come without backlash. I am confident there is new information that the public was not privy to.

I'm very anxious for tonight's radio show.

Thank you, again.
Oops, spelled Tricia's name incorrect.
I hope it is real DNA on the garrote and not just Patsy's fibers (which have been known for years). I wanna know WHOSE DNA is on that garrote.

And because it will be a while before I can get that book - is there anyone here who has read the book or knows the answer that it willing to post exactly what the murder weapon is (according to Kolar). I mean, we have been discussing possible murder weapons for YEARS here- flashlight, golf club, etc. Now apparently police KNEW what it was. And I'd like to know too, and hope I won't have to wait to get the book to find out. I was hoping SOMETHING would be revealed here and now, on WS, after so many years of posting. Something we didn't know- like what the murder weapon was. I can't get the show and there apparently is no transcript.

He didn't say on the radio show what caused the head blow...he did say he thought that came first then the strangulation....he did say that the garotte was used to effect the strangulation and that this was done while on her stomach outside the wine cellar....there is her urine stain on the carpet pad outside the room ...evidence that she died there and that she was on her stomach by the staining on her leggings that she wore that night.
Face facts.

I would, if that post of yours HAD any! The way I see it, I'm not the one who needs to be lectured about facing facts!

There is no evidence a Ramsey was responsible for this type of brutal death of a beloved child.

Like *advertiser censored**, there isn't! I've probably forgotten more about this case than most people will ever learn, but I damn sure remember enough important parts to render your assertions laughable, if they weren't so frustrating.

This was no accident and most likely the crime was what it appears to be.

Really? Because it APPEARS to be a theatrically staged cover-up. It didn't take long to figure out, either.

Not that complicated.

NONE of this is complicated if you just THINK about it!
You are so right Maikai. All the kidnappers I've known always write 3 page ransom notes, some even longer! Sorry, couldn't help myself :floorlaugh:

Also, kidnappers always leave the victim..Oh, God, I'm dying here :floorlaugh:

it WOULD be funny, 4jacy, if it weren't so frustrating.
So a brilliant drug-addled incompetent kidnapper managed to copy Patsy's handwriting and linguistic style while fiddling around on Patsy's notepad with her pen, while awaiting the Ramsey return that night--using her grocery list?

The same drug addict planned to hide...somewhere...without fear of any of the many, many family and friends dropping by as per usual in the active Ramsey household during the Christmas holidays, many with keys, to hear Team Ramsey tell one of their many versions of a break-in...or not.

Then this raging addict...who apparently didn't need his drugs while in the home for hours, amazingly enough...hid for an hour or more...somewhere (not under JAR's bed, either, because Patsy HERSELF told LE there was NO ROOM under there to even store anything), not making a sound, until all was quiet as a dark church, at which point he sneaked into JB's room and stunned her...when her parents did not hear THE RESULTING SCREAMS OF BLOODY MURDER WHICH A STUN GUN INVARIABLY PRODUCES FROM THE TARGET...and took her downstairs kicking and feed her pineapple.

After which he then took her kicking and screaming into the basement and managed to leave Patsy's and John's clothing fibers on the ligature, body, and then the duct tape, which HE APPLIED FOR SOME UNKNOWN REASON AFTER SHE WAS DEAD.

And amazingly enough, NONE of this kicking and screaming and fighting for her life produced even ONE mark of defensive bruising or marking. Not when she was on her stomach being strangled from behind, not when the ligature was being tied on her neck, not even when something was being painfully shoved up her vagina.

And just to make sure he was understood by the parents so he could collect that big old ransom, this brilliant drug addict proceeded to wipe and redress the body and leave it in the cellar room, though he easily could have taken it out a number of open, unlocked, swinging doors, according to Team Ramsey. Heck, he even had a suitcase he could cram it in--AND DID, according to Lou "packing peanut" Smit.

But being a genius of a drooling master criminal, this guy not only left the body, wrapped up papoose-like, but also left the pristine ransom note he'd hidden...somewhere...during all this time, because clearly he had no fear of the death penalty while waiting for a father who was a CEO for one of the largest defense contractors in the world to hand over $118K without so much as a chance he might end up being caught by the FBI in spite of his impaired capacity to pull off so much as a successful attempt at rehab.

Yet he was brilliant, it must be admitted, because THERE IS NOT ONE PIECE OF EVIDENCE HE LEFT BEHIND WHICH HAS LED TO SO MUCH AS A HINT AS TO WHO HE IS IN 15 YEARS! Not only that, but his forgery of Patsy's handwriting is so spot on, not to mention his PURE LUCK that the child had chronic vaginal injuries to prove someone CLOSE TO HER was already sexually abusing her BEFORE THAT NIGHT, has put the Ramseys in the category of FOREVER SUSPECTS IN THE ABUSE AND DEATH OF JONBENET RAMSEY.

Yeah, that's so logical, I'm sure it will become a movie one day. Under the category of bad fiction.

KK, I know a place where people like you and me could do some good!
It does my heart good to see that most Americans have not bought a word of the IDI theories.

I sincerely hope this reflects on JR's book sales, and he stops publicity seeking and profiteering from his daughter's death, and goes away forever...preferably by being arrested and put where he belongs, which would be gen pop of the nearest prison IMO.

That would give "Ring of Fire" a whole different meaning!
Contrary to popular Team Ramsey delusions. we're not all as easy to snooker as the average Ramsey supporter.


Truth be told, KK, the idea that the supporters are "easy to snooker" as you put it, is the optimistic notion. The alternative is even more disturbing.
Yes.....I think a drug addict explains the rambling note.

That makes two of us!

Only red fibers were found on JBR's body...funny the black ones wouldn't have transferred...

Not so funny, since it was a red sweater.

but even if they were Patsy's, it could have been a simple transference.

Oh, SUUUURE, it could. Just HAPPENED to be on four specific areas directly connected to the crime with an explanation that is directly contradicted by both police AND Ramsey sources.

Really, Maikai: if you're going to pull this stuff, you could at least make a solid effort.
That makes two of us!

Not so funny, since it was a red sweater.

Oh, SUUUURE, it could. Just HAPPENED to be on four specific areas directly connected to the crime with an explanation that is directly contradicted by both police AND Ramsey sources.

Really, Maikai: if you're going to pull this stuff, you could at least make a solid effort.

The red fibers could easily be on "four specific areas directly connected to the crime" by secondary transfer. JB could have had fibers on her from innocent contact with PR while PR was wearing the sweater/jacket. Four specific areas just means 4 areas that have been named, or, IOWs, 4 areas. Not hard for 2ndary transfer to happen in 4 areas, if the fibers went from JB to the object/areas. Seriously, the red fiber evidence is inconclusive. Could be primary or secondary transfer.

The black fibers, apparently, did transfer, they were found in the crotch area, inside the panties. A little harder to see that as secondary transfer. I'm not sure what Makai is talking about here.
I sure hope you are kidding. :banghead:

BOESP is certainly NOT kidding. Neither am I. The way the family has exploited JB's death is nothing short of VILE. And it's a damn shame that you can't--or WON'T--see that. (Like so many other things.)
Actually, when you look at the evidence lists, BOTH red and black fibers from Patsy's fleece sweater/jacket were found, not just the red. There is some confusion about Patsy's clothing that night. She wore a solid RED sweater UNDER the red/black fleece sweater jacket. It was the fleece acrylic fibers from the sweater jacket that were found.

The dark fibers found in the panty crotch were wool from JR's shirt. The red and black fibers in the garrote, paint tote and cord were acrylic, from Patsy's red/black acrylic sweater jacket.
Actually, when you look at the evidence lists, BOTH red and black fibers from Patsy's fleece sweater/jacket were found, not just the red. There is some confusion about Patsy's clothing that night. She wore a solid RED sweater UNDER the red/black fleece sweater jacket. It was the fleece acrylic fibers from the sweater jacket that were found.

The dark fibers found in the panty crotch were wool from JR's shirt. The red and black fibers in the garrote, paint tote and cord were acrylic, from Patsy's red/black acrylic sweater jacket.

Thank you. Shedability - the potential for fabric to shed fibers, is dependent, in part, on the fabric material. The potential for shedding by fabric type is wool, acrylic, cotton, polyester, nylon.

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