IN - Couple charged with abandonment of adopted child after legally changing her age, Sept 2019 #2 *not guilty*

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When I first read this story I was baffled and didn't know who was telling the truth or what the facts were. As I looked at N's photos that started to come out, I thought N was surely younger than 22 when her age was changed, and possibly only in her teens.

Then I felt there was so much evidence that was completely consistent with the birth certificate age that I no longer thought she was maybe a few years older than that.

Initially I thought the Barnetts had honestly thought N was older, that they had fooled themselves by misreading signs, out of ignorance not cruelty. I still felt sorry for them, even though at that point I couldn't see it being true that medical experts had truly suggested there was strong evidence that N was over 18.

The amount of cruelty that has been inflicted on N, in various ways and for so long, and that it's ongoing, and that they knew full well the dentists and the bone density tests were coming back consistent with the birth certificate age and they withheld operations to reduce her pain and help her mobility....this is outright cruelty, not a tragic error.

And to compound all these wrongs by going on TV and talking to reporters complaining that *they* are the victims and throwing around horrific allegations about a minor child who they mistreated and abandoned at 8 years old, not leaving her as an 8 year old who could be adopted by a kinder family, but even removing that opportunity from her by having her age changed to 22.

I am absolutely disgusted. Don't anyone let me feel sorry for them when the possibility of a custodial sentence comes up again!
They would be absolute fools to go through with a trial if this ends up being felony 3 neglect charges. Gambling with max of five years is one thing... They'll be OAPs in 20 years.

You're right, and I've been thinking that as the evidence mounts that surely K and M's attorneys will be advising them that they should settle. But I want N to have the maximum vindication possible, so I kind of hope this does go to court and get massive coverage of every little detail where they've lied about this child.
If dentist visits in 2011 and 2012 both gave a maximum estimated age of 9, why does the McLaren letter claim that N had "adult dentition"?

This gets more appalling every time new information comes out! MB knew N was suffering increased pain and needed those operations, but instead of helping N get the operations and taking care of her while she healed from them (I presume some of the ops would be serious enough to further impede N's mobility while she healed?) they chose to come up with a complete pack of fabrications to get her age changed to 22 so that she'd no longer be their legal responsibility. And now the chickens are coming home to roost.

I figure the "adult dentition" claim is because she had lost a couple milk teeth by that time. :rolleyes: To these people, a single adult tooth would have fit their purposes well enough to assert it.

I can't speak to Natalia's particular medical records, but I had a friend with dwarfism in college, who distinctly remembered surgical discussions in her teens. The surgeon in question, outlined a procedure that would involve my friend having both her legs forcibly broken and re-set :rolleyes:, which would then in turn come along with a minimum 6-month bed convalescence involving tutors for her education, etc. My friend was quite funny in the retelling: "I looked over at my mother, and it looked as if she were actually considering this as an option. I said "Mom, no. Just no. I'm not doing that."

So yes, I would guess that whatever these unsung surgeries being discussed for Natalia are, they were no picnic in the park either, and would have severely hampered the Barnetts' mobility with genius Jacob; which is the new clincher of motive for me. I can't recall if I never knew that surgeries were being discussed for N, or if they were discussed and I just glossed over them as unreal, but either way, it seems clearly obvious in retrospect that N's surgical recovery would have seriously hampered the Barnetts' ability to fly free in their glorious career as spark-nurturers.
Exactly!! Like Cynthia said "surgeries are gonna hold this baby down". It's really, really tough and limits every aspect of family life. It's long term, intensive care. She was totally gonna cramp their style. Kristine has wanted Jacob to be famous since he showed the first signs of being gifted and she wasn't about to let this rando (in her opinion) hold the family back. Natalia was an investment for them, for social points and attention. Turned out she was bad investment so they were thinking how the hell do we get out of this without looking like total a-holes.
Exactly!! Like Cynthia said "surgeries are gonna hold this baby down". It's really, really tough and limits every aspect of family life. It's long term, intensive care. She was totally gonna cramp their style. Kristine has wanted Jacob to be famous since he showed the first signs of being gifted and she wasn't about to let this rando (in her opinion) hold the family back. Natalia was an investment for them, for social points and attention. Turned out she was bad investment so they were thinking how the hell do we get out of this without looking like total a-holes.
I don't think she wanted Jacob to be famous. She wants to be famous. I watched an interview with them. He looked so bored,and done with it, being put on display,and even told her he was worried she would do more interviews. Out of the mouths of babes.
I am so relieved that there is mounting evidence against these two people. TO adopt a child and, then, systematically, refuse to provide her care while making her a villain is just so disgusting. She deserved so much better. I hope we here from the organization that placed her with these monsters.
Same. I was just saying a couple days ago I dont think felony 6, five year sentence is enough for what they've done to her. It was beyond simple neglect, it was malicious. Upping the charges must mean the prosecution are pretty confident theyve got this in the bag. @gitana1 what do you think?

Do you think the agency did something wrong? I mean at least on paper there was nothing wrong with the Barnetts.
Same. I was just saying a couple days ago I dont think felony 6, five year sentence is enough for what they've done to her. It was beyond simple neglect, it was malicious. Upping the charges must mean the prosecution are pretty confident theyve got this in the bag. @gitana1 what do you think?

Do you think the agency did something wrong? I mean at least on paper there was nothing wrong with the Barnetts.

I want to make sure that the agency followed proper procedure and any requirements that were set by the state were adhered to. I guess I wonder how the Barnett's get custody and, ultimately, adopt a child with NO oversight or post placement reports. Here they are a few years later questioning her age, not following through on medical needs. If the agency didn't do what they were supposed to, I want the world to know and for there to be some oversight of them. Children with special needs (and all children in general) who are vulnerable and in the world of adoption should have well defined safeguards and protections. I am concerned there were none here.
It makes no sense, anyone who has had a baby with medical issues or stayed in the NICU would know it was BS. She sounds like a fantasist child telling an ill-thought-out story. I don't know why she hasn't been outed as a fraud before now with all this out there. This was supposedly an audience of highly intelligent people, would love to have seen their faces as she told this fish story about her nephew. And then there's Jacob being diagnosed with the mildest form of autism (Asperger's) but she's told by literally every expert that he wouldn't ever speak and they were all "baffled" when he started to talk. And middle child diagnosed with something never diagnosed in babies and they're told he would probably die??

You know I’m betting there were many people who knew what a fraud she was but were drowned out by those praising her.

I mean consider how many professional book reviews she had. All were totally positive and none were incredulous.

It was a minority of random readers who noticed the absurdity and impossibility of the things she wrote about.

That’s sort of troubling, actually.
I think it’s probably normal. I’ve sent over four separate discovery requests in civil matters. They are probably still investigating and gathering evidence to present at trial. The defendants couldn’t seem to keep their mouths shut up until the Judge finally issued the gag order.

True. I haven’t seen that in criminal cases though. But frankly I’m not that familiar with criminal procedure and discovery.
Same. I was just saying a couple days ago I dont think felony 6, five year sentence is enough for what they've done to her. It was beyond simple neglect, it was malicious. Upping the charges must mean the prosecution are pretty confident theyve got this in the bag. @gitana1 what do you think?

Do you think the agency did something wrong? I mean at least on paper there was nothing wrong with the Barnetts.

Morally I think they did something wrong. It was so rushed. But legally I don’t have enough info to say.
To support the new “neglect causing bodily injury” charges, prosecutors cite doctors who said Natalia required surgery she has not yet gotten. One doctor told them the conflict between Natalia’s “legal” age and her physical age meant treatment was denied until the conflict was resolved.

Another said that because of delays in medical care and surgeries, future surgeries will be more involved and the treatment will take a longer period of time.

One also said her medical problems could have been lessened if they had been taken care of at an appropriate age, and Natalia appeared to be “medically neglected.”
Couple accused of abandoning adopted child faces added charges
Morally I think they did something wrong. It was so rushed. But legally I don’t have enough info to say.
I meant what do you think this says about how confident the prosecutor is? Increasing to felony 3 charges must mean they think convicting them on felony 6 would be easy.
(Not that I didnt want your opinion on the adoption agency - you know I like to hear your views on everything lol)
I see on the court website that Michael has motioned to quash a subpoena for Herd Strategies. Herd Strategies appears to be a public relations firm. Does this mean Michael (and by extension Kristine) had hired Herd to guide him through all his television appearances?? Could this be how he got all of those appearances? I didn’t see this reported on, but perhaps I overlooked it.
A doctor in Boston examined Natalia in 2008 when she arrived in the United States as a Ukrainian orphan. An interpreter helped the doctors communicate with Natalia during the 2008 examination, according to the affidavit.

Natalia's medical records charted the surgeries she needed and set a timetable for the operations, according to the affidavit. The Barnetts had copies of these records.

Michael Barnett sent a letter Natalia's school in Westfield noting he was aware that Natalia's surgeries needed to be done in a timely manner and that she was suffering because the surgeries were delayed, according to the amended affidavit for the new charges.
Michael and Kristine Barnett face more charges of neglecting daughter, Natalia
A doctor in Boston examined Natalia in 2008 when she arrived in the United States as a Ukrainian orphan. An interpreter helped the doctors communicate with Natalia during the 2008 examination,
The shameless lying of these people. Michael actually saying on Dr Oz that he doubted NB was even from Ukraine. Outrageous. They knew the whole time but said anything they could to cast NB in a bad light and frame themselves as the victims. It is beyond revolting.
A doctor in Boston examined Natalia in 2008 when she arrived in the United States as a Ukrainian orphan. An interpreter helped the doctors communicate with Natalia during the 2008 examination, according to the affidavit.

Natalia's medical records charted the surgeries she needed and set a timetable for the operations, according to the affidavit. The Barnetts had copies of these records.

Michael Barnett sent a letter Natalia's school in Westfield noting he was aware that Natalia's surgeries needed to be done in a timely manner and that she was suffering because the surgeries were delayed, according to the amended affidavit for the new charges.
Michael and Kristine Barnett face more charges of neglecting daughter, Natalia
Grrrrrrrr what a piece of work. My heart breaks for the suffering this 'dynamic duo' put Natalia through. I'm so happy that Mans found her,and she's in a very loving home now. May Justice be Swift,and Karma be as mercy less,and horrid as Kristine,and Michael.
I see on the court website that Michael has motioned to quash a subpoena for Herd Strategies. Herd Strategies appears to be a public relations firm. Does this mean Michael (and by extension Kristine) had hired Herd to guide him through all his television appearances?? Could this be how he got all of those appearances? I didn’t see this reported on, but perhaps I overlooked it.
Interesting, I missed that.
I guess that would have fallen under crisis communications.


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I meant what do you think this says about how confident the prosecutor is? Increasing to felony 3 charges must mean they think convicting them on felony 6 would be easy.
(Not that I didnt want your opinion on the adoption agency - you know I like to hear your views on everything lol)

I mean I think the evidence we know of is super strong. Like beyond a reasonable doubt strong. I’m happy they upped the charges.

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