IN - Couple charged with abandonment of adopted child after legally changing her age, Sept 2019

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I’d like to tag a further question into Linda’s already excellent points;

We know she had a bone scan in 2010 which said she was roughly 8. We know she had another in 2012 saying she was 11.

Are you suggesting that

a. The first bone scan was wrong
b. A 19 year old’s skeleton grew in a fashion consistent with that of an 8 year old?

JMHO, I'd still like to see Dr. Jen Arnold's professional opinion of those bone scans:


A small amount of Google-fu indicates this pediatrician has the the same form of dwarfism. Unusual, but far from unknown to pediatricians.

JMHO, I'd still like to see Dr. Jen Arnold's professional opinion of those bone scans:


A small amount of Google-fu indicates this pediatrician has the the same form of dwarfism. Unusual, but far from unknown to pediatricians.

I would like to hear her opinion, too. She is very intelligent. She does not have the same condition as Natalia, however. Dr Jen does have osteochrondrodysplasia (aka Skeletal Dysplasia), while Natalia has Spondyloepiphyseal Dysplasia Congenita, a much rarer form of dwarfism.
I’d like to tag a further question into Linda’s already excellent points;

We know she had a bone scan in 2010 which said she was roughly 8. We know she had another in 2012 saying she was 11.

Are you suggesting that

a. The first bone scan was wrong
b. A 19 year old’s skeleton grew in a fashion consistent with that of an 8 year old?
My thought is this- she has an extremely rare form of dwarfism and scans in and of themselves are not conclusive.
I can not understand why in 2019 we do not have a definitive way to “carbon date” husband, who is tired of listening to me arguing both sides of this case....suggested I saw a leg off and count the rings.....he’s mad I didn’t find this funny!
This is one of the worst parts for me - using her early onset menstruation against her. Scary enough as is without an adult freaking out and telling you you're not who you say you are because of it. Carrie mom vibes. If they'd even done the most cursory research they would have found that precocious puberty is 15-20 times more common in internationally adopted girls. Why is no one in the media pointing this out? This supposed smoking gun evidence that the girl was so much older than claimed is very easily explained. I'd bet Dr Riggs informed her of that when she took her to him but it went in one ear and out the other. I also think they are likely massively exaggerating how much hair she had that first day. It was probably Tanner II or III at most but Kristine is dramatic AF.
The absence of noting what Tanner Stage Natalia was in, was another one of red flags with the Dr Andrew McLaren letter. Further, the neuropsychological exam he notes has NOTHING to do with a person’s physical characteristics or age. It is testing on a computer of things like memory and processing speed, etc, with an interview by a neuropsychologist, who holds a psychology degree Not a medical degree like a physician. It can distinguish mental issues that may be caused by a potential brain abnormality or injury. A neuropsychologist is Not Even Close to a Neurologist MD. That letter was written by a moron irrespective of whether it’s genuine or fraudulent. (Edit Neurologist)
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My thought is this- she has an extremely rare form of dwarfism and scans in and of themselves are not conclusive.
I can not understand why in 2019 we do not have a definitive way to “carbon date” husband, who is tired of listening to me arguing both sides of this case....suggested I saw a leg off and count the rings.....he’s mad I didn’t find this funny!
My husband is growing weary of my interest in this also. I asked him to watch this Inside Edition clip and give me his assessment of Michael’s credibility. He thought the guy was a “nut job” and very obviously lying. If you haven’t watched this, you absolutely have too. Ask your hubby to take one for the team and watch also! It’s short.
I would like to hear her opinion, too. She is very intelligent. She does not have the same condition as Natalia, however. Dr Jen does have osteochrondrodysplasia (aka Skeletal Dysplasia), while Natalia has Spondyloepiphyseal Dysplasia Congenita, a much rarer form of dwarfism.
I just did some quick googling... Bill has SED and Jen has SED Strudwick type according to two sources.
It has just struck me - and I sincerely hope that it’s pure imagination on my part - that having her period is not the only possible reason for those areas of her clothing being bloody, or for her feeling shame and wishing to hide it.
Same horrible thought occurred to me when I first read Kristine's interview.
I'm wondering about this too. I'm 100% satisfied the girl was a child in 2010 btw and I think I've got a pretty good idea of why the Barnett's did what they did. The only mystery left for me is if and why Dr McLaren wrote that bizarre letter and what actually happened during this mysterious psych ward stay. I know whenever I've taken my children to hospital or urgent care they ask for my ID and they take their medical history from me. They've never asked for my kids' IDs or any proof of what I am reporting about their past illnesses. They don't cross reference. Maybe if this psychiatric facility believed Natalia to be over 18 and a headcase it was because the Barnetts insisted she was. (Dee Dee Blanchard convinced doctors - and Gypsy herself - that she was 14 when she was really 23.) Then they had her age changed based on those medical records that were just going off the parents' information.

Looking over the Barnett's divorce proceedings... Kristine filed for a mental health evaluation of Michael. I'm speculating that that's something she likes to do to her, shall we say, adversaries. I think she's the one in need of a psych eval.
How many cases have we read of kids undergoing completely unnecessary surgeries because their moms suffer Munchausen syndrome by proxy?
All those doctors missed vital clues because more faith was put in the words of a mentally ill mother. They doctor hop until they get the diagnosis they want.

I agree with you - KPB is the one with a mental disorder
My thought is this- she has an extremely rare form of dwarfism and scans in and of themselves are not conclusive.
I can not understand why in 2019 we do not have a definitive way to “carbon date” husband, who is tired of listening to me arguing both sides of this case....suggested I saw a leg off and count the rings.....he’s mad I didn’t find this funny!

If they weren’t conclusive, any doctor worth their salt would have said so, rather than putting an age on her. Not that the poor lass seems to have come into contact with the cream of the medical profession.

I think the closest we’re going to get to a definitive answer is if there’s a DNA test done on her and on the woman claiming to be her mother. The combination of that and supporting paperwork would be compelling.
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Why would Kristine be “S C A R E D!” seeing Natalia in the tub ? Wouldn’t a normal reaction be Concern, or confusion? Why Fear? Dramatic Fear? I mean, this was before any claims of attempted poisoning or anything.
Also, creepy AF for this MAN who barely knew Natalia to see her naked in the bathtub!!!
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Posting 3 screenshots from the above Inside Edition/MB interview.

And reiterating the closing comment of the story: “by the way NB has not been charged with any crimes.”

websleuths rules is supposed to be victim friendly, right?


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<modsnip: quoed post was removed>Why would Kristine be “S C A R E D!” seeing Natalia in the tub ? Wouldn’t a normal reaction be Concern, or confusion? Why Fear? Dramatic Fear? I mean, this was before any claims of attempted poisoning or anything.
Also, creepy AF for this MAN who barely knew Natalia to see her naked in the bathtub!!!
Right?! That was a strange and over the top reaction. Histrionics much?

Is a medical report from that incident to support their concerns for early onset?
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Posting 3 screenshots from the above Inside Edition/MB interview.

And reiterating the closing comment of the story: “by the way NB has not been charged with any crimes.”

websleuths rules is supposed to be victim friendly, right?
That last photo!!! 2 Bio sons are wearing freaking NorthFace jackets while Natalia doesn’t even have a coat that fits!! That’s “a labor of love” right there, NOT. Did Super Mom never hear of alterations?
That last photo!!! 2 Bio sons are wearing freaking NorthFace jackets while Natalia doesn’t even have a coat that fits!! That’s “a labor of love” right there, NOT. Did Super Mom never hear of alterations?
Good catch. She looks a mess in that picture compared to the boys.

When I showed my husband the DM article he was wondering why they'd dressed her like a fifty year old art teacher in one of the photos.
:cool: I would love to hear her thoughts on all this.

And for the English :p

What is spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia, how is Warwick Davis’s condition treated and what is the treatment?

Harry Potter and Star Wars
Warwick Davis suffers from the life-long illness, while his two children have the same form of dwarfism as he does.

Warwick Davis and his family filming at Camp Bestival.

As for the Aging?

12-year-old Warwick Davis
;) Ooops!


Carrie Fisher with a 12-year-old Warwick Davis

Warwick now.
The Sun
This is him in 2001, aged 31. If anything I think people with this condition look older than they are, not younger.


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How many cases have we read of kids undergoing completely unnecessary surgeries because their moms suffer Munchausen syndrome by proxy?
All those doctors missed vital clues because more faith was put in the words of a mentally ill mother. They doctor hop until they get the diagnosis they want.

I agree with you - KPB is the one with a mental disorder

If the statements made in the physician's letter don't make any sense medically and the letterhead doesn't jibe, I'm going out on a limb and saying KB forged said letter.

My decision is circumstantial, I grant; but let's not forget, KB is a person who attempted to carve a whole career out of the persona of a mother who, basically, refused to accept what the medical profession told her about her genius son.

Is it really then surprising that someone with her other obvious personality flaws (grandiose behavior, etc.), now adds to it "thinks she knows more than doctors and thus, is overstating her abilities to forge a credible doctor's letter"?

I can also see her thinking she "knows better than everyone else" about the onset of puberty, because in her mind, "growing pubic hair = the time at which I, myself, began to grow pubic hair". Whereas the most cursory research I performed on the concept of "precocious puberty", said that the overwhelming majority of instances of childhood PP had no known etiology.
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