In defense of George and Cindy.

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Thanks, but no thanks.

I suspect George and Cindy of a heck of a lot more than just making bad choices. I see no reason to afford them any more of my compassion as they squandered the first portion.
Thanks for the thread Ladybass. I greatly respect your opinion and I see where you are coming from, in part.
I do see the Anthonys as victims. I always have and I continue to do so. I do feel very sorry for their loss. They may seem now to care more for casey but they must suffer terribly the loss of Caylee. I wouldn't wish that on anyone.
It's a very horrible situation they are in - to lose a beloved grandchild to murder and then have one's own child charged with the crime. I can't wrap my mind around that. I think it is clear from things we have seen - videos, interviews, etc., that they dearly loved Caylee. They provided for her, took care of her, set up savings accounts for her - all the things casey should have done. does seem that family pride, dysfunction, delusioned loyalty for their princess daughter and just plain rottenness, have caused them to act in a bizarre, outrageous and ugly manner and that Caylee is being shortchanged as a result.
I can't fault them for standing behind casey or refusing to believe she did it. They are facing a Greek tragedy of epic porportions. But the manner in which they do so is beyond the pale, IMO.
You know, I have defended them repeatedly in the past because I felt that while they lied to they media, they were truthful, for the most part, where it counted: In Court and LE interviews. However, watching their depos has caused me to change my opinion. What was merely surprising, annoying, aggravating and disappointing has become something much worse.
They are now completely lying, under oath, for their daughter. They have likely covered for their children and each other for years, and from what I have observed, it seems they have done so out of a sense of entitlement, a snobbish desire to look better than others by making sure no one ever sees them in any negative light. I feel they now are continuing this behavior at a time when the truth is of utmost importance. That rankles a great deal.
I think of Mark Hacking's family, and the Unibomber's brother. They handled horrific tragedies caused by their own loved one in a quiet, honest manner. These families suffered horribly but they acted much differently despite their suffering. Both of these families have spoken about their unconditonal love for their criminal relations but neither lied to get them off, and both worked to make sure their loved one took responsibility.
Then , I think of other families like SP's parents and Neil Entwhistle's mother. These people acted in a much different manner and frankly, I found their antics to be completely reprehensible. Mrs. Entwhistle actually tried to besmirch the name of her murdered daughter-in-law, accusing her of murdering her own baby and SP's family did horrible things to Lacy's grieving parents, like keep her belongings and the unborn baby's things hostage, or telling them "f#*k you" when Lacy's step-father tried to show compassion. I think the Anthonys are of this ilk and it is very nasty.
True, I am not in the Anthony's shoes. It is a good reminder to at least try to feel some compassion for them. I have in the past and I will continue to try. But, frankly, I can no longer be understanding. Simply, I find the Anthony family to be plain disgusting and I do believe that their conduct since the initial calls and conversations with LE, after discovering that little Caylee was missing and her mother's car reeked of death, tells us all a lot about how this abhorrent crime was able to happen to begin with. They did not deserve to lose their granddaughter. I'm sorry for that. But little Caylee did not deserve to be executed at the hands of the one who was supposed to protect her and regardless of the circumstances, little Caylee deserves much more than a family that will lie, cheat and steal to prevent her murderer from taking responsibility for that. JMO.

Thanks G:
this is a very good post....
Sad... But T R U T H F U L ! ! !
Little CAYLEE is indeed Not here...

and GA/CA are so delusional or how ever you spell it....
Out of touch with reality.... so blinded by their own /fear/hurt/anger/
sadness/unbelief... etc...
it is just UNREAL ! ! !

but at any time.... Their eyes could be opened... this is probably
a human defense to protect them from going totally insane
with the reality of their own flesh in blood daughter taking the
life of her toddler ( 2 year CAYLEE) their only flesh in blood Granddaughter.... & at this point and time in GA/CA lives...
this is all they can handle and believe...:confused::confused::confused:
Later in life they might come to more realization of the facts...

I will continue to pray for them... as I would hope people would
continue to pray for me !

*** I might be old fashion... but I still believe
people to make C H O I C E S ~ to Change their lives ! ! ! ***

~ ~ ~ He Allowed me to * C H O O S E * to C H A N G E ! ! ! !
God Bless !
Thanks to ladybass0711 for this thread, and to all who posted their opinions. I find it very difficult to disagree with any of the posters here...I'm not wishy-washy, I think it just speaks to how complex this situation is, and how much the WSers care about Caylee. And also the reason I'm so proud to be a member.
I think it takes a really nice, kind hearted person to be able to feel sorry for the Anthony's.....with that being said, I simply can't feel sorry for them....not one bit.....because they continue to do what they do to protect and cover for their daughter....whether or not she's had a trial or not really isn't the point....I mean c'mon, do we really need a trial to know she's guilty? I mean technically yes....and yes she does deserve a fair trial, but I'd say about 99% of people who know this case have no doubt who killed Caylee! And for them (The Anthony's) to keep this "Casey didn't do it" world tour, is ridiculous!! Because they're not happy to just support and love their daughter, they want everyone else to feel the same way and that's just not going to happen....I think the issue for me at least, is the "All about me" attitude of Casey and her parents who not only buy into it but do their best to make everyone else buy into it too! Casey would rather drag her family through the mud, cost the state millions, etc, then come clean......and her family knows her best, they tried to give warnings to people....why do you think that is? Because they know her....they know she's not a good person in general! So to now backtrack just because her butt is on the line isn't isn't fair to Caylee, and just because I wouldn't want to be in The Anthony's situation, doesn't give them a pass! I don't think anyone would fault them at all for loving and supporting their daughter.... it's the covering for their daughter.....the whole, "My kid isn't a murderer"'d have to have a pretty big ego to think your child couldn't be a murderer for no other reason than it's your child....and for me at least, it's that selfishness that makes it impossible for me to feel any sympathy for the Anthony's....we all know people like that in our daily lives, the "All about me" people who can't ever look at the other person's point of me me....they don't do anything unless it benefits them somehow.....and then there's their parent(s)....right there to cover for their son or daughter....since the child was knee high...right or wrong, there they are, defending their child....some parents mistake this for love....but they don't teach their child anything other than how to be "All about me"....they think there's no limit to how much you can love a child or how much you can do for a child and take no consideration in how their making their kid a spoiled rotten brat!....there's no black or white....right or wrong....just me me me!! Well that's my opinion.....she might have told certain friends to stay away from Casey....but when push came to shove, she defended Casey....even to her own mother!! Cindy's mom said she didn't want to press charges because of Cindy and Caylee....also she said Cindy told her she(Cindy) would pay her(grandma) back.....I mean right there....why wasn't it, "I'll make sure Casey pays you back mom" from Cindy? It was "I'LL pay you back"'s every time someone thinks about how bad the Anthony's got it, keep in mind they've done most of this themselves! Instead of justice for Caylee, George sits up on the early show on CBS and complains about how no other case gets this much exposure...what?? They wanted the exposure when they were "looking" for Caylee but now that it's working against Casey, it's too much....No George, you guys are too much!!
It really doesn't do any good to tell other people how they should react to the A family. I personally feel that the one person who has been "doubly a victim" is Caylee. She had no power and no choices and couldn't defend herself, and now she's gone. Everything else is less significant than that, IMO. The adults making questionable or awful choices in the aftermath of her murder will have to deal with the consequences of those choices. That's what responsible adults do. It can't be avoided in a real world that has other inhabitants with rights, laws, a court system, etc. Sometimes I think the endless analysis and debate about these people ends up just being a sideshow that detracts from the focus on Caylee alone and the real issues. Maybe that is intended. It's a long time until trial and there are a lot of the ups and downs of litigation yet to come. I sometimes think the best thing we could all do is ignore them, no matter how much they take to the public stage and insert themselves into the public debate. But of course I know it isn't for me to say.
It really doesn't do any good to tell other people how they should react to the A family. I personally feel that the one person who has been "doubly a victim" is Caylee. She had no power and no choices and couldn't defend herself, and now she's gone. Everything else is less significant than that, IMO. The adults making questionable or awful choices in the aftermath of her murder will have to deal with the consequences of those choices. That's what responsible adults do. It can't be avoided in a real world that has other inhabitants with rights, laws, a court system, etc. Sometimes I think the endless analysis and debate about these people ends up just being a sideshow that detracts from the focus on Caylee alone and the real issues. Maybe that is intended. It's a long time until trial and there are a lot of the ups and downs of litigation yet to come. I sometimes think the best thing we could all do is ignore them, no matter how much they take to the public stage and insert themselves into the public debate. But of course I know it isn't for me to say.

May I just say :bow:
Thanks to ladybass0711 for this thread, and to all who posted their opinions. I find it very difficult to disagree with any of the posters here...I'm not wishy-washy, I think it just speaks to how complex this situation is, and how much the WSers care about Caylee. And also the reason I'm so proud to be a member.

Feelings are NOT ~ Right or Wrong they belong to the individual !

Opinions belongs to each person & Thank God we do have the
right to voice our opinion.... that is within "REASON"

Thanks !
God Bless!

*** JMO This is a Tragic Case & very complex & yes.... it
could happen to anyone...

I'm curious, what would you do with a sociopathic child? Unless you have personally dealt with a sociopath in your life it is really hard to understand how difficult it can be.

I know how difficult sociopaths are. I'm a psych nurse, and also have a couple of degrees in psych. Dealing with sociopathic children is very hard work, because one must always be vigilant to words and actions.

However, most sociopaths do not commit violent crimes. Some are quite successful in business or politics, because they are not impeded by normal feelings.

Some commit white collar crimes, however. And, many of them marry, a lot, and have addictive disorders.

A chief strategy, however, is confronting lies and removing privileges in the presence of bad behavior.

A crime committed by the child would get the normal consequences.

For instance, a young man vandalized a car. His father reported him, and he spent a brief time in jail. After his release, his father got him a summer job digging house foundations on a construction crew. He never did anything like that again, having learned that crime has consequences. He didn't like the consequences, because they impinged on his personal freedoms.

The strategy is setting behavioral boundaries and enforcing them. Not caving to tantrums, manipulations, or acting out.

If KC had been arrested the FIRST time she stole, she might have decided that crime is too expensive in terms of personal freedoms. By endorsing her lies and repeatedly bailing her out of trouble, she learned that her parents will always protect her from the consequences of her action.

I recently had a young sociopathic male, on my caseload. He was in a day treatment program for a co-morbidity (psychiatry doesn't work on sociopathy). He broke into a locked office, to play with the computers. He was immediately put into a more restrictive program level, for a few weeks. He never did it, again.

BTW-- LOVE the White Album!:-)
(bolding by me)


Thanks for sharing your thoughts/feelings with us on this sad matter. I appreciate your ability to disagree with another poster in such a graceful manner. :)

I would like to respectfully comment re: the confirmed reports of the A's receiving this money ($250,000) for pics of Caylee. I have seen many posters saying this, but the only report of this, outside of possible media rumors, is in the interview LE did of D. Casey. In the interview he stated that he was told by JH that Baez recieved this amount, possibly on the behalf of KC, for videos of Caylee. Casey specifically says that George and Cindy did not receive this money.

So, what I'm saying is that this report was secondhand, and it wasn't about George and Cindy. And, even if it is true about Baez receiving it on KC's behalf, it isn't confirmed as yet.

If there is other information out there concerning this that I'm unaware of, please someone feel free tp point me in that direction. :)

Hi Carrie, I appreciate your comments. Because I do not have any links towards that confirmation, I will reconsider my stance about the money issue. I'd like to hope no grandparent would take such money, even them.

I do have 1 question about that. They had huge financial issues from the time Caylee was missing, I am curious how they are paying all their bills and surviving. Without either of them working, there has to be a financial source somewhere.

I believe if the A's or KC could find a way to implicate anyone here, including you Ladybass, they would in a heart beat. So I would say, be careful who you bring into your heart, it just makes it easier for some people to hurt you.

The A's and the daughter they are so proud of, have damaged nearly everyone who has tried to help them. Only time will tell who they will go after next, JG, TonE, A, but you can take it to the bank, there will be a lot of people pushed on to the tracks before this is over.

I do not believe they care one bit who they hurt in the attempt to free their guilty daughter.
I have been mostly lurking here, but I feel I must say this. My 19yr daughter is bi-polar. Everyday it it a test of wills with us as to what boundaries are acceptable and what are not. I refuse to treat my daughter any differently, or let her "get away with" things that teenagers should NOT get away with. She knows right from wrong, and is punished when she steps out from the rules and boundaries that we all as parents must teach our kids. The Ant's, imo failed miserably at this. They enabled kc and continue to do so, at the expensive of an innocent baby. I feel nothing but hatred for them , may God forgive me.
Answer to PattyCake's question above:

I'm sure they found a way to scheme themselves into the Social Security Disability Program. That would be a perfect life style for these two charlatans. My opinion only.
You found a great quote, Lady Loves Lurking. I think it says everything. I believe saving Casey from being put to death is what keeps George and Cindy going.

Looks like I am going to be the first to defend George and Cindy.

I think they see Casey the same way I would view my dog if it were whining to get out of the cage at the pound wanting to go home after it had bitten a neighbor child and received a death sentence. Yes, it would be my fault for not training the dog better. But, THAT wouldn't prevent me from feeling bad for the dog that was begging to go home and that wa
s going to die.

No, I would not do anything to prevent the death sentence.

But that wouldn't make the dog's cries for me coming from the kennel cage less painful. And I am talking about a dog. Casey is George's and Cindy's child.

While I think Casey deserves to die, I can understand how the whole situation is a nightmare beyond imagining and the pain unbearable.


Okay, but, if the dog had bitten you yourself repeatedly most people would have trained the dog not to bite before allowing it near children. Just sayin'.
Isn't she? Don':clap:t ya just want to have her for a neighbor?

For Sure! She has the same morals and values per our off thread chats. I am worried about her though. There cannot be any hair left on her chest.
George and Cindy are victims. When they lie, they become perpetrators.
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