IN - Delano Wilson, 1 mo., Indianapolis, 27 Aug 2014 - #2

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Thanks so much, MsMarple and Tillicum! I knew I had read that info but couldn't remember the specifics or where to find it again.
Here's what all she said:

Prior to her getting into the shower (around 10 am) she felt Delano's arm and said he was cold. She also said she put her hand under Delano's nose and felt warmth. She also said she felt his stomach and it felt full. She saw “snot” coming out of his nose. Earlier she said clear snot like liquid was coming out of Delano's mouth, which WW wiped away.

So the question is whether Delano was alive or dead at that point. If he was dead how then could she not notice from all that touching? Is it even possible to miss the obvious, like rigor mortis? And if he was alive and finally sleeping peacefully then why would WW kill him?

Hinky stinky.

I am wondering if he was already very badly injured, and hovering between life and death? Poor Sweet Boy. :rose:
:seeya: Kimi found it yesterday, I just went back to her post :)
I am wondering if he was already very badly injured, and hovering between life and death? Poor Sweet Boy. :rose:

I think if what TP said happened is true then it happened before 10 am. Otherwise what was WW doing near the alley at 8:30?
I am wondering if he was already very badly injured, and hovering between life and death? Poor Sweet Boy. :rose:

Awww man, that hurts to read.

Even more so because I really think you might be onto something :tears:


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8:30 am - CR sees WW run out of the alley onto Henry St. and head east towards Chase St. He's “drenched in sweat.”

What do we think he was doing at this particular point? I keep thinking about that industrial area and the dumpsters they would have there.

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Do we know for sure the Samsung belonged to TP? I may have missed that, my eyes are beginning to cross :(

As far as I know it has never been said straight out "the Samsung phone belongs to TP". However, there is this from the PC statement:

When TP and WW went to IMPD headquarters WW was placed in an interview room and as per departmental policy all of his personal property was removed from his pockets. This was his wallet, Samsung phone, Kyocera phone and a baggie of pot.

On Aug. 27th at 2:04 a recorded statement was taken from TP in which she mentioned WW was on the Samsung using FB messaging to talk to his mother (roughly 10:45). This implies the Kyocera phone wasn't able to do this and/or wasn't working for whatever reason.

She further states during that same interview that when she couldn't find WW and Delano she used her sister's phone to call her phone, which WW had in his possession, but the call went straight to voicemail. This indicates to me the phone he had in his possession that was working, was the Samsung - her phone.

On Aug. 29th a search warrant for the Samsung was obtained. The same phone (Samsung) WW was using to communicate with his mother via FB is the very phone that had the suspicious searches performed on it between 9:24 and 10:23am the morning Delano disappeared.

Granted, I could be way off base but it does suggest to me that the working phone he had on him that morning was the same phone LE pulled the records on and found that TP had used her sister's phone to call her phone in WW's possession. The Kyocera phone is only mentioned once in the PC statement and all the other activity on a phone that day was on the Samsung.
I think if what TP said happened is true then it happened before 10 am. Otherwise what was WW doing near the alley at 8:30?

I think whatever initially (physically) happened to Delano happened at 3:00 am when TP was heard screaming by the neighbor how "this should have never happened". I do find it interesting that the creepy searches WW performed on the Samsung phone were done AFTER he was seen running down the alley turning onto Henry toward Chase. He was either out looking for a place to get rid of Delano or he'd already done it.

I still can't figure out what the heck WW and TP would be doing at 10-10:30 coming over the guard rail at Holt & I-70 when TP's brother claims she woke him up at the house at 10am. Kind of tricky to be in two places at once, unless someone is lying or someone is mistaken.

Maybe TP didn't actually know he died, Reading all your posts I could see the incident happening at 3am, he was still alive, so they went to bed- didn't take him to ER or etc. because of WW's prior abuse case ( or just didn't think he was injured badly? or just pure negligence.) she checked him in the later morning because of the incident,- that could be why she was so touchy/observant- thought he was alright, or whatever...he may have officially passed while she was in the shower/not with WW, WW freaks out and takes off. She freaks out when she cant find WW and Delano, and it goes from there. Although, again, still possible she was with WW to ...ugh... dispose of Delano..:( :( :(

I don't know, just throwing some more thoughts out there. My ^^ may not add up with any timelines, but at this point, I have no idea which timeline is even accurate lol. My head hurts with all the different stories these people have given.
Maybe TP didn't actually know he died, Reading all your posts I could see the incident happening at 3am, he was still alive, so they went to bed- didn't take him to ER or etc. because of WW's prior abuse case ( or just didn't think he was injured badly? or just pure negligence.) she checked him in the later morning because of the incident,- that could be why she was so touchy/observant- thought he was alright, or whatever...he may have officially passed while she was in the shower/not with WW, WW freaks out and takes off. She freaks out when she cant find WW and Delano, and it goes from there. Although, again, still possible she was with WW to ...ugh... dispose of Delano..:( :( :(

I don't know, just throwing some more thoughts out there. My ^^ may not add up with any timelines, but at this point, I have no idea which timeline is even accurate lol. My head hurts with all the different stories these people have given.

All the different timelines confuse me too but I've wondered the same thing you've mentioned. Did she freak out and demand WW show her where Delano is? Does he take her there and then they follow the tracks to where they come out at the guard rail? Taking the tracks would keep them more out of sight while they did their "missing children" searches and planned their story.
I think whatever initially (physically) happened to Delano happened at 3:00 am when TP was heard screaming by the neighbor how "this should have never happened". I do find it interesting that the creepy searches WW performed on the Samsung phone were done AFTER he was seen running down the alley turning onto Henry toward Chase. He was either out looking for a place to get rid of Delano or he'd already done it.

I still can't figure out what the heck WW and TP would be doing at 10-10:30 coming over the guard rail at Holt & I-70 when TP's brother claims she woke him up at the house at 10am. Kind of tricky to be in two places at once, unless someone is lying or someone is mistaken.

View attachment 68990

I don't trust what any of them have to say. Not TP, not WW, not TP's brother or mom.
If TP really loved Delano she should show where he is. She gave birth to him and I know that doesn't make someone a good mother but I just can't imagine going through with any part of this. Her playing on her phone while WW was giving interview still blows my mind, but so does her touching him and knowing he was cold and not grabbing him from WW.

I believe Delano died at 3:00am.

I think the 8:30 run was looking for a disposal site.

I think they both disposed of him together near where the scent trail led, probably the river.

I think they then walked along the tracks down to Holt where they were seen by the witness, then walked back home.

I think TP is a liar face and is trying to save her own butt while subtly trying to point all fingers at WW. She knew Delano was dead at 3am, IMO.
Being a pattern-seeker (not always a good thing) I couldn't help but notice that the family's statements all seem to center around the same times. Clumping them together (roughly) here's what I got. I didn't flesh anything out - Ontario Mom is better at that part; I keep hitting a point where all I see is “blahblahblah.” Also note the discrepancies...

12 am – 1 am:
12:48 am – TP wakes up because Delano is crying. WW feeds Delano a bottle (TP statement two).
12 am – TP wakes up because Delano is crying (TP statement three).
1 am – Trina P wakes up to use the bathroom. Delano is crying.

3 am:
3 am - TP wakes up, finally admits she “probably did” yell at WW about taking care of the baby (TP statement three).
3 am – Trina P wakes up to use the bathroom, sees WW coming out of bathroom with Delano in carseat.
3 am – RP gets up to go to work, sees TP sleeping, WW awake with Delano, feeding him a bottle.

7:45 am – 8:45 am:
8:45 am – TP wakes up, smokes and talks with WW and RP until 10:45 (TP statement one).
8 am – TP wakes up (TP statement two).
8:30 am – Trina P leaves for work.
7:45 am – RP returns home from work.

10 am – 11 am:
10 am – WW wakes up (WW statement one).
11 am – WW leaves the house to walk Delano (WW statement two).
10:45 am – TP gets ready to shower (TP statement one).
No specific time mentioned – TP says as she was getting ready to shower, Delano is cold (TP statement two).
10:45 am – TP wakes up, no mention of shower (TP statement three).
10 am – RP is woken up by TP who says she can't find WW and Delano.

11:45 am -12:02 pm:
11:45 – TP can't find WW and Delano, calls her cell. Walks to corner of Chase and Oliver, sees a police car at her house (TP statement one).
12:02 pm – WW calls 911.
I'm a pattern-seeker as well and what stands out faster than the speed of light to me is inconsistency. I see it all over these statements and can see why by the end of the day (probably) the day Delano went missing LE probably didn't believe them either.

I do think: the brother is lying, TP is lying and WW is lying. WW is lying to cover his own self, TP is lying to cover WW and herself as well, and RP is lying to cover his sister.

I don't think TP's mom is. I think she genuinely thought Delano was sleeping when she left.

What I want to know (aside from where Delano is) is, was TP's sister also in the house that morning? The sister TP had to borrow her phone from to call her own phone because WW had it on him? No mention at all about her even being there, but then why was her phone there? What girl doesn't have her phone on her (or at least a hand's reach away) at all times??
"What girl doesn't have her phone on her (or at least a hand's reach away) at all times??"

TP. Maybe it's a family trait :thinking:
When does Trina get to sleep?
1 am goes to bathroom
3 am goes to bathroom
3 am takes RP to work (page 30 probable cause)
8:30 am leaves for work
When does Trina get to sleep?
1 am goes to bathroom
3 am goes to bathroom
3 am takes RP to work (page 30 probable cause)
8:30 am leaves for work

She said she went to sleep around midnight.

I find it hard to believe she didn't hear any arguing at 3 am. She said she got up to use the bathroom, she said TP and WW argue and get loud frequently. She said she could hear her neighbors through the wall when they have arguments.

I don't think she was involved though - all those extra statements sound like it made her nervous to deny the 3 am arguing but I think she's just trying to protect TP. That's what I think - for now.

Also, I spent an hour watching early videos of the parents, trying to spot the sister. No luck but wow, just wow!

First video is a about 9 minutes. It includes scenes from some of the searches, pleas and crying from both parents. Next up is the 911 call - the whole thing, 7 long minutes. Then comes two videos of mom's "emotional pleas." Gak.

The fifth video includes a woman labeled LJ "Delano Wilson's aunt" (around 1:27) but recent reports name her as his cousin, not his aunt. The poor woman is heartbreaking in the video. :( She said something interesting though. As she was pleading with "whoever" took the baby she says "... we love the baby so much, just give him time to bond with mom and dad." Probably doesn't mean anything but it did make me wonder if WW and TP were having trouble adjusting to a new baby.
I tried to watch the early videos of TP and WW again and I felt like throwing up in my mouth. Seriously, I had to turn them off.

As for TP's mom, it seems like she's really the only one who gave a statement and while being questioned didn't *insist* on this or that but agreed yes, it was possible they were arguing at 3am (I do believe it's possible she didn't hear them, especially if she's used to it, she may have slept right through it, or that may have been what woke her up at 3am and she didn't even realize it) and yes it was possible Delano wasn't actually in his bed, she just assumed he was because he wasn't in his swing. Nor did her story change at all (that we're aware of, at least). One thing I sure wish was in that PC statement was Trina P.'s statement about where TP, WW and RP were at 8:30 when she left for work. I'm sure they asked her but it just bugs me it wasn't included in the PC.

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