IN - Delano Wilson, 1 mo., Indianapolis, 27 Aug 2014 - #2

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I always felt like TP was acting. I personally wonder if she could have had PPD..I just get an odd vibe (I know, I know lol)

*edited because my computer did not type a few words LOL
MsMarple, I think you're on to something here. I don't think TP ever bonded with this sweet baby the way most moms do. Maybe it was a rough pregnancy, maybe it was a huge shock to her when she brought him home and finding out what newborns can really be like? Who knows. But she seems SO detached, and so willing and eager to defend WW above and beyond taking Delano's side first. Even in her very first media appearances she talks more about her family and herself and WW than she does about Delano. She doesn't even mention him BY NAME, and that was always huge to me. I know the name was new to her, HE was new to her, but with each of my kids they WERE who I named them and had anything like this happened to them I would have said their name 8 million times to make sure everyone knew who they are. She didn't do that.

To her, Delano was just "my child". That says a heck of a lot more about HER, than it does about HIM.

MOO, of course. I know all new moms deal differently, but most of us deal pretty much the same, with *minor* differences, not major ones that make us go "whoa, that's so no right". They call them red flags for a reason.
Maybe WW had TP convinced she'd end up in jail like his other baby mama, while he walked away a free man again.

I think you're spot on. I think WW did something in frustration due to lack of sleep, fatally injured Delano and when the reality of it hit him, he went into Damage Control Mode. I think he convinced TP to go along with him because she believed him that it wasn't intentional and that's her story now and she's sticking to it. I think it was easy for her to do this, because she never really bonded with Delano the way most new mamas do, for whatever reason. She had/has a tighter bond with WW and that's where her loyalties are.

All MOO, of course.
I always felt like TP was acting. I personally wonder if she could have had PPD..I just get an odd vibe (I know, I know lol)

*edited because my computer did not type a few words LOL

I think she was acting as well. Saying and expressing the right things she assumed was expected of her. She knew the entire time, Delano was gone. Without even realizing it I'm sure, she was "channeling" Susan Smith.
I confess I have SUCH a hard time with this case due to personal circumstances. Baby Delano was only a month+ older than my youngest grandson born September 8th. I see him all the time, play with him, hold him, feed him, snuggle his fat little self, love him to pieces and see pics of him from his mama (my daughter) and his daddy on FB all the time. Last weekend we had them over for dinner and him and I did The Carlton (okay that may be dating myself, I don't even care) sitting at the dining room table while listening to vintage classic rock after dinner.

The point is, THIS is what Delano should be doing right now too. Granted, his aunties and uncles and extended family members might be having him do a different dance on the dining room table but loving the snot out of him, adoring him to pieces and taking 800 pics of him is what they all ought to be doing the way we are with our Baby Dude.

Delano didn't deserve this :( He was brought into this world and deserved to be protected, loved, doted over, made to do funny dances, and have had every opportunity to grow up and taught how to be an awesome MAN, worthy of respect and admiration. He was robbed of that and that simply breaks me.

BOTH his parents need to own what actually happened and HONOR this little person with the truth. No matter what it costs, to them. He - Delano Anthony Wilson (yes, I even know his middle name!) DESERVES that, at the very least.
I confess I have SUCH a hard time with this case due to personal circumstances. Baby Delano was only a month+ older than my youngest grandson born September 8th. I see him all the time, play with him, hold him, feed him, snuggle his fat little self, love him to pieces and see pics of him from his mama (my daughter) and his daddy on FB all the time. Last weekend we had them over for dinner and him and I did The Carlton (okay that may be dating myself, I don't even care) sitting at the dining room table while listening to vintage classic rock after dinner.

The point is, THIS is what Delano should be doing right now too. Granted, his aunties and uncles and extended family members might be having him do a different dance on the dining room table but loving the snot out of him, adoring him to pieces and taking 800 pics of him is what they all ought to be doing the way we are with our Baby Dude.

Delano didn't deserve this :( He was brought into this world and deserved to be protected, loved, doted over, made to do funny dances, and have had every opportunity to grow up and taught how to be an awesome MAN, worthy of respect and admiration. He was robbed of that and that simply breaks me.

BOTH his parents need to own what actually happened and HONOR this little person with the truth. No matter what it costs, to them. He - Delano Anthony Wilson (yes, I even know his middle name!) DESERVES that, at the very least.

Very well said. I am hoping Delano's mother has a change of heart concerning "standing by her man" soon. Maybe since he is locked away she will have time to reflect on who her priority needs to be. If she doesn't, then I hope she NEVER is able to get pregnant again.
Very well said. I am hoping Delano's mother has a change of heart concerning "standing by her man" soon. Maybe since he is locked away she will have time to reflect on who her priority needs to be. If she doesn't, then I hope she NEVER is able to get pregnant again.

And well said by you too! A baby isn't just a toy or something you acquire to "fix" a relationship - it's a lifetime commitment.

Girls, you have to know and appreciate yourself before you bring another human into your life. Being a woman means much, much more than popping out a baby. Learn it. Embrace it.
And well said by you too! A baby isn't just a toy or something you acquire to "fix" a relationship - it's a lifetime commitment.

Girls, you have to know and appreciate yourself before you bring another human into your life. Being a woman means much, much more than popping out a baby. Learn it. Embrace it.

You are sweet, thank you!

I agree with everything you state here. As far as the bolded part, I used to shun our schools getting too involved with personal morals/standards however, I am beginning to see SOMEONE has to advocate and educate because we are seeing these things repeated way to often. SOMETHING has to change!
Well, if he was responsible for the first child's injuries, and that Mom is in prison for them, it's not far fetched to believe Delano's Mom could have been threatened with the same thing. Saying look, I'll get by with this, but you'll take the fall, remember what happened before? Well the same can happen again! They believed me then, and they will now. Who knows??

If the relationship involved domestic violence, as insinuated by the frequent yelling/arguing between the two, it's really no telling her frame of mind.

At any rate, I pray I never loose the sight to always put my kids before a man, or a man's needs. Even though mine are officially adults now, I pray I never turn my back of them for some man.

Someone please do the right thing, and tell the truth about Delano!! You owe it to yourself to free your conscious, and you owe it to Delano!!
I went back to listen to the press conference linked below because I thought I heard in reference to TP that she was not under arrest and should not be. This is what was said around the 4:41 mark "...we do not believe she is under arrest, should not be under arrest, there are no charges against her..."

I am not sure what to think of this statement/remark.

To me, based on the neighbors' testimony (those in the other half of the duplex) and the eyewitness account of the septic truck driver, I believe TP knew after the fact about Delano's murder and she was an accessory to hiding his body. I pray she will change her mind and tell where this child is, asap.
I went back to listen to the press conference linked below because I thought I heard in reference to TP that she was not under arrest and should not be. This is what was said around the 4:41 mark "...we do not believe she is under arrest, should not be under arrest, there are no charges against her..."

I am not sure what to think of this statement/remark.

Thank you for posting this perfectingpink.

I watched it, and IMO, it sounded like LE left it as an open-ended statement. At this juncture, TS is not under arrest. They did not state she would not be arrested, and thy charges would not be filed against her.

So, it is important to take it for what was said, as well as what was not said.

Considering everything we've read in the PCA, I remain dumbfounded that charges haven't been filed. I can only hope that LE has a greater plan.

I've learned from my time here that the PCA is often only the tip of the iceberg as far as evidence goes. We are in this for the long haul for #JusticeForBabyDelano.

Perhaps they are waiting, in the hopes not charging her will mean bringing this precious child home.

I truly hope so.



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I'd really like to believe TP is 100% innocent of any wrongdoing and genuinely had no idea anything was critically wrong with Delano. Unfortunately both the PC statement and her own inconsistent statements throw that out the window. Which makes it even more puzzling why she wasn't charged with anything.
It's maddening! This little guy is missing and she was videotaped typing away on her phone. I just want to walk up to her, take away her phone and ask "Where is Delano?"
Some have been so moved by the baby's disappearance, they're planning to release balloons Sunday in Garfield Park to honor him.
"With the recent information and not knowing if his body will ever be recovered, we just want to give that baby some sort of peace," Nuckles explained.
The balloon release starts Sunday afternoon at 3:30. Meanwhile, Delano's family said they are preparing to have their own vigil on February 27.

This makes me so sad. It's a shame that the community cares more about Delano than his own father, who knows exactly where Delano's body is. I'd like to organize a torch and pitchfork march to the county jail. :furious:
I'm a bit dubious about the truck driver's sighting of WW and TP. I believe he saw two people coming out of the woods but the timing doesn't fit well with the Internet searches.

There's msm video from February 4 that talks about the evidence from the PC statement. The sidebar says the driver picked WW and TP out in a photo lineup so I think the driver identified them correctly. But timing wise, that means someone (WW) searched the Internet from about 9:23 to 10:24 and just minutes after (about 10:30), WW and TP were seen coming out of the woods near the RR tracks at S. Holt and I-70, which is approximately 2 miles from their house.

It just seems odd that the two would be walking, doing whatever, while searching the Internet. Hopefully LE knows if that connection was via wi-fi or cellular, which would narrow down the location. And if TP's Samsung phone pinged off a different tower that would also help clarify things.

Maybe that's exactly what happened or maybe the driver got the time wrong. I dunno. There are a couple of other possibilities but currently my speculation is out of bounds for our discussion.
The 27th is the 20 year anniversary of my father's death. I was barely out of my teens when I lost him to lengthy illness. He had served nearly 4 decades in the Army, a highly decorated helicopter pilot and 3-war veteran who loved my mother and his two daughters more than anything in this world. One of my deepest regrets is that he never got to meet his granddaughters The cycle of life is SO precious, and this case infuriates me, because IMO it highlights how some people have no respect for life whatsoever. :rose:

I will be out on the coast on Sunday, as I am every year to memorialize him with flowers in the surf. I will make sure Baby Delano is honored on this day as well. :rose:


It has been long enough without answers. The time to step up, and do right by this Forever Angel.

Delano Anthony Wilson has left an indelible imprint upon my heart and soul. He taught me to listen a little closer to my instincts, and to trust my HinkyMeter as a case in unfolding. I will forever associate "A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing" with WW (ad minimum - :cow: ) because of Baby Delano. :(

There is only one way to honor and respect him, especially for those who know what happened in this crucial hours, and that's for them to tell the truth so he can come home! :please:

May the light of truth and justice shine brightly, especially now. Let it lead investigators to whenever Little Delano may be, so they can bring him home for a proper goodbye, so this community can begin the healing process and begin to make systemic changes in his name.

We will NEVER stop searching, sleuthing, hoping, praying, or fighting this fight for you, Baby Delano! No matter how long it takes for justice to be served - on anyone who brought you harm
- and the same can be said regarding bringing you home!
:heartluv: :candle: :heartluv: :candle: :heartluv:



Image via posted via MsMarple (CORRECTION: Memorial Scheduled February 15 2015)

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Some have been so moved by the baby's disappearance, they're planning to release balloons Sunday in Garfield Park to honor him.
"With the recent information and not knowing if his body will ever be recovered, we just want to give that baby some sort of peace," Nuckles explained.
The balloon release starts Sunday afternoon at 3:30. Meanwhile, Delano's family said they are preparing to have their own vigil on February 27.

This makes me so sad. It's a shame that the community cares more about Delano than his own father, who knows exactly where Delano's body is. I'd like to organize a torch and pitchfork march to the county jail. :furious:

The embedded video was poignant and a must watch. Thank you SO very much MsMarple for posting this!

Here are a couple more screen grabs of Baby Delano from the video:




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Accidents do happen but once you search and download about unfound kidnapped kids 30 minutes before calling the cops means that you are guilty of murder. If it was a accident then call 911. But once you go through the whole theatrical performance along with the mind blowing internet searches then this tends to mean that this was far from a accident.

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