In Fairness To Cindy

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I don't think the parents and grandparents of other missing children specify a difference to searchers who are willing to help pass out flyers, look anywhere and everywhere. It hasn't been my experience, at least.

People know and are told by LE that the first hours in a missing child case are the most critical. It usually is the difference between life and death when days and months go by as told by all the statistics. 31 days had already passed when they began searching for her which meant the chances of finding Caylee alive were slim to none.

It wasn't long until the FBI and LE told the A fam that decomposition was found in the car and still they turned down help in finding her. This only says they did not care if she was found, imo, since they did not want others to recover her body.

You cannot compare the Smart case to this one. They didn't wait a month to call in LE. They began an all out search immediately. They did not cover up, lie to LE, or otherwise try to thwart the investigation or the searches. They took LDTs and freely answered any or all questions presented to their family honestly. They cooperated fully with LE. They did not ask for people to only search for Elizabeth to be found alive. They were looking for EVERY sign of her in hopes of finding her no matter what. They did not recover anything which pointed to her not being alive as was the case with Caylee. There was much evidence to say that she was deceased.
Spot on! ITA.:clap:
I was viewing emails written by Shirley P. (Cindy's Mom) and another person and there are comments about George being away and Cindy taking George back, and comments about a possible divorce. The link is as follows:

Anyone know anymore about this or have any comments, please. Please post if more information is available.
Because I'm a genius.


Actually the most recent jailhouse tape release really softened CA for me however I have thought long and hard about how would I feel if I were in her position. I would not admit my daughters guilt in public but nor would I disparage the KIND people like TM and TES and everyone else who was trying to help. It is one thing to want to believe Caylee was alive but to go after good people time and time again is not acceptable.

If KC was my daughter I would do one thing- just SHUT MY MOUTH. Who knows what she knows or doesn't know but please don't take out innocent, good people. Throwing Jesse and Amy under the bus? I am sure they are not saints but they did not deserve that. After CA told Tone and Amy that KC would steal from them and then finding out KC did, she still disparaged Amy.

That being said, that woman needs some serious prayers. At some point we have to put our big-girl pants, own up and move on. I work in the recovery field with women who have been molested and abuse, one that was shot in a mass murder of 13 people. They could have ridden the "poor me, look at what life handed me" train for the rest of their lives and who would have blamed them? Now they are productive members of society and wonderful woman who feel that their job on earth is not to be the victim but to be there to serve their fellow man.

Ultimately, I feel she has dropped the ball in the most important area. She should stand up for CAYLEE. Caylee has no one to advocate for her. There is no JB for Caylee. I am just sad that she has been forgotten and victimized over and over...
This thread is titled "In Fairness to Cindy"? How about changing it to "In Fairness to Caylee" and see what kind of fairness the "A"'s applied to that subject?!

I don't buy it. Not for one second. If I did, I would be bending just like the A's do when they're speaking to KC. Just for the mere fact that CA is STILL proclaiming that KC had nothing to do with it is totally unfair to Caylee. At least be open-minded enough to think it COULD be true!! Nope.......I don't buy it.

Bolded by me
IMO Cindy has reacted like most mothers would, trying hard to believe that her own child could not or would not harm her grandaughter and not being able to admit it to the public that her gut feeling tells her different.

Lord I hope not! Not wishing to believe your child is a murderer and going to the extremes Cindy has gone to are not the same thing. Not at all. She has lied to police and the public, she has withheld and destroyed evidence, and she has dragged innocent children into the situation by broadcasting their pictures and claiming them to be "sightings" of a live Caylee.

I have no problem with her zipping her lips and grimly standing beside her daughter. But the rest of it has been a travesty.
Well, KC has a FATHER too. I am surprised at how many believe CA is responsible for how her child turned out but GA gets a pass. Every time a kid "goes bad", the press and the public always analyze the mother of the perp, unfairly IMO.

Other than that, I do agree with your post.

I don't think they give George a pass so much as they just disregard him. Cindy locked him manhood up long ago and it's pretty clear that he has had little input into anything that goes on in that house. Parenting or otherwise.
magic-cat, I agree with everything you said except for the last line. Making Casey accountable her whole life may not have changed that evil, vile, murdering person one iota. Sometimes people are evil through and through, and I believe Casey is one of those people.

Yes, Cindy could have done things differently with all her family members, but I don't think any of it would have helped Casey. I believe evil is inherent in KC and nothing anyone could have tried would have changed her. She knows right from wrong and doesn't care. It's all about what Casey wants. JMO

You are so right.

Cindy isn't likeable or truthful and has even tried to cover up for her evil child. I agree with those things.

But, she didn't kill Caylee. She couldn't have anticipated the horrors to come. No amount of therapy could have changed Casey. Kicking her out is what most "experts"who have dealt with sociopaths would have recommended. (Yes, that is the theory...throw them out if they break the rules, because they have got to hit rock bottom before they will be open to change.)

And look how that turned out.

IMO, CA loved Caylee very much, like a daughter. My heart goes out to her BUT she didn't and should never of lied or not help LE find CAYLEE dead or alive. CA KNEW CAYLEE was dead and that kc was behind it. If she did the OJ, then like everyone else CA will have to do the punishment. Ca did not have to be so nasty and lash out at people trying to help them like TES.
Have any of our posters ever been through the death of a grandchild at the hands of your own child? I would love to hear your take on CA and GA's actions thus far.

Never having been through this personally, I have NO idea how I would react.TYIA :)


I have a severely bipolar child / adult.
She can act very nice sometimes, but nobody can make her take her meds, and she goes off the meds very very often. She is a danger to herself and verbally abusive and hurtful to others whenever she is not on her meds. (to often)
The things she has done have changed me.
A mom is only as happy as her unhappiest child. I am often scared for her.

SO...for all the people here who have good standing morals, good ethics and know how they would behave if they had a Casey all I can tell you is:
I was raised in a religious home, my ethics and morals are of high standard,
but my daughter comes first.
I never know what I may have to do to save her and I do it.
I DO IT, because I don't want things to get worse.
It always does make it better for a while. But it is a circle :(

I bet Cindy does not want Casey in the general population of prison,
they know she is going away, it will be less Violante for her if she is not in the general population;
Yes they have to morn Caylee, give her a proper burial, but as parents they also hope that Casey will not be tortured physically while serving her time. They know they lost both, they know their lives will never be the same.

I watched Casey with Cindy and all I can tell you is I feel for Cindy; I know that pain first hand of having a daughter that is so out of touch with reality, Yes I saw them together. It broke my heart - Cindy can't win no matter what.
And while Cindy acts out of balance at times, I know that a child like Casey can make you feel out of balance often times.
Yes...well according to some friends...she took Caylee to adult parties where they were getting drunk and doing drugs while leaving her alone on the sofa to party outside with other friends. She also left Caylee in the care of a male stranger while she spent time with her boyfriend in the bedroom, according to his (Clint's) story.
So I guess not ALL accounts from her friends and family paint her as a good and loving mother.

I am rather OT, but wanted to add to this, a lot of times at these big parties, people show up who nobody even knows and anything could have happened to Caylee while she was passed out and everyone else was outside. I speak from experience, my ex was a big druggie and had these parties and many times people would show up that none of us knew, just looking for a free high, I guess.
This is just an opinion and based on GA's interview with LE, if I remember right. But I think I remember hearing GA talk about his sister having some sort of disorder and being difficult in her life and GA saying how he thought Casey may have the same problems, passed along genetically. If this is the case, then CA and GA have been dealing with Casey's issues all along and know what she's capable of. While I do feel extremely bad for them over the loss of their granddaughter and I understand family loyalty, I want to see some loyalty towards Caylee.
I read on one of the threads as well that there were mental issues in George's family, and that he had a big gambling problem and that the marriage was rocky and that he was gone for a period of time, as well as filing for divorce, but then it was learned that he would get 1/2 of the house as well as alimony. Such a sad state of affairs and I don't know how Cindy could support him as well as a daughter who lies and steals from her own elderly Grandmother.
I read on one of the threads as well that there were mental issues in George's family, and that he had a big gambling problem and that the marriage was rocky and that he was gone for a period of time, as well as filing for divorce, but then it was learned that he would get 1/2 of the house as well as alimony. Such a sad state of affairs and I don't know how Cindy could support him as well as a daughter who lies and steals from her own elderly Grandmother.

Yeah, ain't life grand? GA gets rewarded with half the house and alimony, all for not supporting his family. Maybe that's where KC got her work ethic from?

My opinion only
Terribly sad and it's got to have been so tough for Cindy to carry this family financially all of these years and now to have her whole life turned upside down.
I don't think they give George a pass so much as they just disregard him. Cindy locked him manhood up long ago and it's pretty clear that he has had little input into anything that goes on in that house. Parenting or otherwise.

His job history is sporadic and his gambling debt/scam debt cost the family dearly. I don't agree that CA locked up his manhood; he is an adult and if he wanted input into the house and parenting, he certainly could have participated. It is more likely (IMO) that he preferred to let CA do it all because it took the responsibility away from him. Perhaps he's a bit lazy.

I think KC learned by watching her father that CA would come to the rescue and bail her out. CA shouldn't have done it but GA is just as responsible for the free-wheeling lifestyle KC was living. GA and KC both put the financial burden of the household squarely on CA's shoulders.

The point I wanted to make (originally) was that people are so quick to blame the mother of the perp, but the father of the perp is not held by the same standard. He was not an absentee father. He was there every day, watching his favorite cooking show.

For me, it's not about what I would do if I were in CA's position. It's about the fact I would expect the same response from society if I defended my daughter for murdering my grandchild. CA may be acting on her own set of instincts, but society is acting on its own set of norms to compensate for it. It's not personal, it's about protecting the innocent from the KC's of the world even if it means condemning the parents compelled to go down with their murdering child's 'ship'.

I truly think if Cindy and George would have not accepted her nanny story, KC would not have continued her obscene lies. If they had asked her the hard questions and NOT went a long with a stupid "she's giving us clues" theory, this would have been over a long time ago. LE could have used their limited resources on solving other crimes. The FBI and SA's office would not be collecting 1000's of docs on this case and spending thousands of dollars on the investigation (which we all fund). Several reputations would not have been put into question i.e. ZG, the officer that was fired for lying about his relationship, RK...etc etc. And finally, the little girl who didn't deserve any of this, would have been laid to rest by now.
For me, it's not about what I would do if I were in CA's position. It's about the fact I would expect the same response from society if I defended my daughter for murdering my grandchild. CA may be acting on her own set of instincts, but society is acting on its own set of norms to compensate for it. It's not personal, it's about protecting the innocent from the KC's of the world even if it means condemning the parents compelled to go down with their murdering child's 'ship'.


You said it!! :clap: :clap: :clap:
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