IN - Hannah Wilson, 22, IU student, murdered, Brown County, 24 April 2015

DNA Solves
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<Three IU women have either disappeared or died since 2000, the latest being Hannah Wilson. Is it a safety concern or an anomaly?

There's a road just outside of Bloomington where Jill Behrman took her last bike ride and, in Morgan County, a swampy thicket where her remains were found nearly three years later.

There's a path through Downtown Bloomington with several noteworthy points &#8212; a bar, an upscale apartment building, a row of townhouses &#8212; that were Lauren Spierer's last-known stops. The final one was a dark corner she turned before walking out of sight forever.

And now there's the hotel in Bloomington where Hannah Wilson partied with friends the night she died, the house where a cab dropped her off one last time. And just off a narrow country lane in Brown County the place where her body was found. Memorials mark the spot now. Flowers and trinkets. A poem. A ceramic angel.

In and around Bloomington, there's a grim and growing list of such landmarks, places where a young woman &#8212; a student at Indiana University &#8212; was last seen, where she disappeared, where she died or where her body was discovered. They are the locations for a series of tragedies that sometimes fade in the collective memory but never quite disappear.

What to make of the grisly array is difficult to say, but together they raise some important questions.

Does IU &#8212; and by extension, Bloomington &#8212; have a problem with young women falling prey to murdering opportunists?>
I always felt in the Jill Behrman case, they got the wrong guy. First they tried to railroad others for her disappearance, then after the body turned up they found another patsy. Just my opinion. I wonder what Messel was doing at that time.
I always felt in the Jill Behrman case, they got the wrong guy. First they tried to railroad others for her disappearance, then after the body turned up they found another patsy. Just my opinion. I wonder what Messel was doing at that time.

I have always thought the same!

<Three IU women have either disappeared or died since 2000, the latest being Hannah Wilson. Is it a safety concern or an anomaly?

There's a road just outside of Bloomington where Jill Behrman took her last bike ride and, in Morgan County, a swampy thicket where her remains were found nearly three years later.

There's a path through Downtown Bloomington with several noteworthy points &#8212; a bar, an upscale apartment building, a row of townhouses &#8212; that were Lauren Spierer's last-known stops. The final one was a dark corner she turned before walking out of sight forever.

And now there's the hotel in Bloomington where Hannah Wilson partied with friends the night she died, the house where a cab dropped her off one last time. And just off a narrow country lane in Brown County the place where her body was found. Memorials mark the spot now. Flowers and trinkets. A poem. A ceramic angel.

In and around Bloomington, there's a grim and growing list of such landmarks, places where a young woman &#8212; a student at Indiana University &#8212; was last seen, where she disappeared, where she died or where her body was discovered. They are the locations for a series of tragedies that sometimes fade in the collective memory but never quite disappear.

What to make of the grisly array is difficult to say, but together they raise some important questions.

Does IU &#8212; and by extension, Bloomington &#8212; have a problem with young women falling prey to murdering opportunists?>

yes it does, and then factor in the rapes both reported and unreported, all of them murders waiting to happen. not to mention muggings slight and severe. It's a big enough problem to easily say it is definitely NOT safe to be out alone here, whether or not it feels safe.
I always felt in the Jill Behrman case, they got the wrong guy. First they tried to railroad others for her disappearance, then after the body turned up they found another patsy. Just my opinion. I wonder what Messel was doing at that time.

Over on the Lauren Spierer thread, someone found a sketch of a suspect from an attempted abduction that occured around the time as Behrman's disappearance in IN and compared it to DM.


ETA: More details about where the sketch comes from via unsolvedmysteries wiki:
One of their most viable tips was about an 18-year-old woman, who claimed that two weeks after Jill vanished, she was walking past an old black Fork pickup truck in Elletsville at around 10:30pm when the man inside the vehicle grabbed the woman's arm and attempted to pull her inside except she broke free and escaped. However, nobody has ever been arrested in that case. Elletsville is just three miles from where Jill's bike was found and authorities believe that the two cases may be connected. A composite of the unknown man who attacked the young woman has been on Jill's missing posters in hopes that someone may recognize him and bring him to justice.
I find it odd that this case isn't getting more attention with the possible connection to toher cases. When JLM was suspected of being involved with Morgan Harrington, WS went kaboom!

On a side note - the name - Hannah - and a taxi driver? So similar to JLM.
I totally agree. So many sketches slightly resemble the actual person, but this one is right on.

yes. He looks exactly like the man who attempted to abduct a woman around the time of the Jill Berman abduction/murder. This cannot be denied, but then to say he was the one who abducted Jill, now that is going too far.
John Meyers was turned in by his grandma! Of course, not initially, but she had extremely useful info that helped convict him, among other things, she admitted knowing he was holding a woman captive in his trailer.
There was also a woman around the time of Lauren's abduction who claims a man jumped out at her and tried to strangle her in an area close to 5N. Also, a purse was found in Lauren's crime scene area, turns out it belonged to another woman who was killed the same weekend by her boyfriend, or was it her husband.
So, because someone attempts to commit/commits a crime during the same time period as another criminal, does not make them guilty of another's crime. That being said, there was another criminal,Jeremiah Clouse, that was identified by a woman as having killed Jill Berman and she had alot of inside info, this guy seems much more likely to be in on Jill's murder than DM. The woman stated that more than one person was involved, and I believe that.
Also, DM does look exactly like the sketch. No question of that. But, IMO, LE has at least
one of the guys responsible for Jill's death in prison.
Edited to say I am not trying to say that DM is not guilty of other crimes, I am sure that he is.
Elletsville is one of those previously bucolic places that has turned into a problematic meth haven.
I have personally talked to a woman who claims she knows exactly who killed Crystal Grubb
and she is also a meth user like Crystal was. She knew all the same people as Crystal, and it gave me the absolute creeps to know that half of Elletsville knows who did it! Not only that, but some of them have reported it to Elletsville LE to no avail. I worked with this woman who knew Crystal. The problem with my profession is that it is one in which many unqualified people get hired and usually subsequently fired, for meth use. meth is destroying the rural areas around Bloomington and making a very good inroad here in destroying the tranquility of the food service industry.
I find it odd that this case isn't getting more attention with the possible connection to toher cases. When JLM was suspected of being involved with Morgan Harrington, WS went kaboom!

On a side note - the name - Hannah - and a taxi driver? So similar to JLM.

LE said that moving forward, they were going to keep quiet. I think that's why we haven't seen as much attention as we would like. They have their suspect, the victim has been found, and now we wait, until more is revealed.

The sketch Lucky7 posted is remarkable. Did he drive or have access to a truck? I wish we knew.

<Maryan has filed a motion with the court for a hearing to review a petition to hire a public defender investigator. That investigator would review all of the evidence in the case and conduct interviews with witnesses on behalf of the defense team.
The court has set a preliminary jury trial for 8 a.m. on July 22.
If convicted of murder, Messel could face a 45- to 65-year sentence.
Police say Wilson had "significant trauma" to her head with a substantial amount of blood pooling under her head. Blood splatter was found all around the body in the grass.

On April 24, police received a missing person's report from Wilson's fellow sorority members of Gamma Phi Beta. Police then began retracing her activities. They then got a call from a neighbor that Daniel Messel had returned home.
When police arrived, Messel was carrying a plastic garbage bag full of clothing out of his home. Police collected it as evidence. They noticed that Messel had several claw marks on his forearms. Police also found blood splatter on the driver's side door of Messel's 2012 silver Kia Sportage and blood splatter in the interior and a clump of long-dark hair on the console.
Police arrested Messel for murder and transported him to the Bloomington State Police post for questioning. Once there and advised of his rights, Messel refused to answer questions.
According to Brown County Coroner Earl Piper, Wilson had been dead for 10 hours or less when she was found. An autopsy report says Wilson received 4 blows to the head. The blows were delivered with such force they crushed Wilson's skull.>

Forgive me for the graphic snips, that's what stood out to me in the article :( I still think we are dealing with a serial killer. JMO....

<Maryan has filed a motion with the court for a hearing to review a petition to hire a public defender investigator. That investigator would review all of the evidence in the case and conduct interviews with witnesses on behalf of the defense team.
The court has set a preliminary jury trial for 8 a.m. on July 22.
If convicted of murder, Messel could face a 45- to 65-year sentence.
Police say Wilson had "significant trauma" to her head with a substantial amount of blood pooling under her head. Blood splatter was found all around the body in the grass.

On April 24, police received a missing person's report from Wilson's fellow sorority members of Gamma Phi Beta. Police then began retracing her activities. They then got a call from a neighbor that Daniel Messel had returned home.
When police arrived, Messel was carrying a plastic garbage bag full of clothing out of his home. Police collected it as evidence. They noticed that Messel had several claw marks on his forearms. Police also found blood splatter on the driver's side door of Messel's 2012 silver Kia Sportage and blood splatter in the interior and a clump of long-dark hair on the console.
Police arrested Messel for murder and transported him to the Bloomington State Police post for questioning. Once there and advised of his rights, Messel refused to answer questions.
According to Brown County Coroner Earl Piper, Wilson had been dead for 10 hours or less when she was found. An autopsy report says Wilson received 4 blows to the head. The blows were delivered with such force they crushed Wilson's skull.>

Forgive me for the graphic snips, that's what stood out to me in the article :( I still think we are dealing with a serial killer. JMO....

I've never had a child murdered. I can only imagine the horror her parents must feel knowing how frightened Hannah must have been. And how bravely she fought back.

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The man accused of killing Indiana University senior Hannah Wilson wants the county to pay for an investigator.

Daniel Messel was in court Wednesday morning.

The hearing was a video hearing from the Brown County Jail to a monitor in the county courthouse.

Messel sat at a table in front of the camera and looked stoic the entire time,never saying a word. Instead, the attorneys did all of the talking.

His defense attorney asked for the court to approve $5000-$10,000 for an investigator in his case.

The prosecution didn't object saying they want Messel to have a fair trial. But, they said the asking price was way too high.

The judge agreed and granted $3000 for an investigator. She said if they need more, they can petition the court for more later. That wrapped up the hearing.

According to the Herald Timesm Messel was not in the actual courtroom, but he appeared via a video stream from the Brown County jail.

Messel is accused of murdering Indiana University student Hannah Wilson last month. Wilson’s body was discovered by a passerby in Brown County on Friday, April 24. An autopsy determined Wilson died of several blows to the back of the head and may have suffered some defensive wounds to her hands.

Investigators found Daniel Messel’s cell phone at the scene, and he was arrested a short time later.

The next hearing in the case is set for July 22.

Wait - what? Really?

Is Daniel Messel responsible for other missing women from Bloomington?

<An investigator has pointed out that there is a similarity between the death of Hannah Wilson and missing Lauren Spierer.

Murdered: Hannah Wilson was last seen at a party at the Hilton Garden Inn and then walked to the Kilroy's Sports Bar. Her friends said she was too drunk to go into the bar so they paid for a cab for her and gave the cab driver the address. The next morning, Hannah's body was found in a vacant lot about 20 miles from the bar.

Arrested: Daniel Messel, 49, of Bloomington was arrested on April 24, 2015 and was charged in connection with Hannah's death. The details of her murder are horrible as she was struck 3-4 times on the back of the head with an unknown object. But I need to divulge as killers tend to kill the same.

Missing Indiana Women: Jump over to Lauren Spierer, who was last seen in 2011, was at Kilroy's Sports ...

So, there you have it. With the information compiled on one page it is easier to decide for yourself if Daniel is responsible for any missing women from Indiana.>


Snipped for 10% copyright rule. Direct link is at

In order to determine if any of these other missing women are connected to the suspect in Hannah's case, it would be really helpful to know where these women ended up and if deceased, their COD. Hannah was left in plain sight, the back of her head bludgeoned. In fact her body was found about the same time the missing persons report was filed. Meaning, he left her in a field but didn't go to great lengths to hide or bury her. But looking at cases like Alma's, we have yet to find her body and therefore, don't know the cause of death if there is one. Killers usually have a similar MO in each case, oftentimes progressing as they get bolder. So what is DM's MO? It appears blunt force trauma to the head, no sexual assault, and little to no cover up (he even left his own phone at the scene. Very sloppy). Why haven't we found these other women yet? Is there another serial killer on the loose? I wish we knew....but we do see a pattern here with college age women disappearing in a small area. Could it be DM was spotted in the midst of dealing with Hannah and he fled quickly? If so, I think there's a good chance he is connected to more victims.
Sadly, Alma Del Real's body was found tonight and a suspect is in custody. We can rule out Alma as being a victim of DM.
The big mystery at this point is "under what circumstances did Messels and Hannah come to interact" ?
From the affidavit it apPears there was blood spatter on the grass on three sides of her body and blood spatter on the drivers side door. From the affidavit, I assumed it was the outside of the door. I'm thinking she got out of the car and ran and he chased her down in that field, jumped out of his car, caught her and then bludgeoned her outside his drivers side door. The affidavit said they also have tire tracks. I think this poor girl did everything she could to fight for her life. I also think this monster should be looked at very closely in all the other cases. He obviously didn't want Hannah to get away, probably because he's never been caught before. His downfall was the phone. For all we know, Hannah put or threw it there and in his rage he never saw it.

Rest in peace Hannah. This son of a gun won't hurt anyone else.

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