GUILTY IN - Kegan Anthony Kline, 27, arrested Aug 29, 2020, 30 Counts associated with CSAM

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I've no doubt KAK is not telling the whole truth about whether or not he contacted Libby through that anthony_shots account.

Only thing besides a very bad error on part of LE's techs of not finding that anthony_shots account on KAK's device, would have to be LE thinking they were using him in some way to find the killer only to be duped?

I'm as puzzled as you that such a deviant wasn't charged back in 2017.

Can you please link that Gray Hughes video where he says Libby's younger friend met with KAK and she told LE about it back in 2017. I've do not recall ever listened to that! A time stamp would be most appreciated too, GH's programs tend to be so very long, it's hard to find the time. TIA

Gray Hughes is nearly an expert on the Abby and Libby case. He's had a lot of information sent to him throughout the years, some of it he can share and other info he can't.

@ 48:50

KAK lied during the interview. He's trying to play the victim by claiming LEO are harassing him.

KAK did meet with minors. I know of one, in particular. He met with one of Libby's younger friends as she's the one who introduced the a_shots acct to Libby.

GrayHughes has had possession of the child's communication with KAK since 2017 when she reported him to LEO. He's discussed it several times on his YT Channel since KAKs arrest.

KAK did not give them this last iPhone until he was able to delete the various information and apps you mentioned in the OP. Therefore, I'm puzzled over why they didn't charge him with interfering with an investigation.
How would KAK meet with the minors when he didn't fit the description of who they thought they had been talking to on SM, ie Anthony_shots?
What measures did he take to get them to meet him? Did he just start talking to them as a stranger to them when he met them? He knew who they were and things about their lives but to them he was a stranger? Did he tell them Anthony_shots sent him with a message about why he couldn't make it but will meet at another time?
I just don't get it. How dis KAK pull off meeting with any minors?
I think he probably did, but I would like to know how he pulled it off.
Starry, you nailed it I think. I'm leaning towards someone dropped ball with that last phone that KAK turned over to LE days after the search warrant. LE must have missed finding it at the residence but it would seem maybe also missed exploring the device thoroughly or even at all?

There were so many devices confiscated together in that one day of the search warrant. When KAK actual came in and voluntarily gave them another it's possible it was of the same brand and therefore was subsequently overlooked by techs as already being searched?

If GH video has him saying a young girl came in to LE and gave them the anthony_shots info back in 2017...then I'm at a total loss of how that happened...unless someone involved deliberately disregarded what she was telling them.

Why KAK wasn't arrested for all the stuff he had and admitted to back in 2017...still an unknown, maybe he was an informant?

I agree with all of this.
It seemed to me LE just took KAK’s word that he knew nothing about Delphi, but they never checked into anything themselves. I’d love to know who made that decision, and to quote Doug Carter, “One day we will.”
I took another look at ISP’s statement they released about Kegan Kline after the anthony_shots information came out.
Some things that stuck out to me…

Your questions are certainly relevant as they relate to a long, complex, and extremely complicated murder investigation.
All those folks saying this wasn’t about Delphi, this would suggest otherwise I think.

We understand there was a period of time that passed between 2017 and 2020 when Kline was not arrested and incarcerated for Possession of Child *advertiser censored*. Once the Indiana State Police presented the criminal case to the Miami County Prosecutor in June of 2020, immediate action was taken by both the Indiana State Police and the Miami County Prosecutor’s Office, which ultimately resulted in Kline’s arrest.
LE acknowledges the delay in KAK’s arrest with no explanation given. “Once the ISP presented the criminal case…” Hmmmmm…

We do not believe that any person has done anything intentionally wrong
Ah…there’s the explanation! Let’s reverse engineer this sentence. What it really says is “Somebody or a group of somebodies, and we could name names but we won’t, did something wrong…i.e. messed up, forgot to do something, dropped the ball…but we don’t think they did it on purpose. We’re not completely convinced there was no intent but we’ll err on the side of what will cause us the least amount of grief. The person/persons responsible for this epic failure still works here as firing them would require us to take responsibility for it.”

Just my thoughts.

Wow! You really nailed it!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and reading through the lines.
I personally have a hard time reading between the lines, so I’m (very) grateful for your comment/post!

How would KAK meet with the minors when he didn't fit the description of who they thought they had been talking to on SM, ie Anthony_shots?
What measures did he take to get them to meet him? Did he just start talking to them as a stranger to them when he met them? He knew who they were and things about their lives but to them he was a stranger? Did he tell them Anthony_shots sent him with a message about why he couldn't make it but will meet at another time?
I just don't get it. How dis KAK pull off meeting with any minors?
I think he probably did, but I would like to know how he pulled it off.
One thing that pops into my mind is that he probably lied. Elaborate lying. Made up some kind of ruse. Maybe saying something along the lines of telling them that he was his (the guy in the photos) friend or relative, and that he was unable to make it bc some emergency came up but that he (anthony shots) didn’t want them (the underage girls) to feel like he left them hanging so he sent KAK his friend to meet up with the girls. He could’ve even gone as far as saying that he, KAK, saw their pics and complimented them, making them feel more at ease. Or something like that.
I remember when I was young I went on a date with a guy that showed interest in me through his friend who I met as a lifeguard. He told me that he had a friend who thought that I was pretty, and wanted to go out with me. He was 5-6 years older than me, in his early 20s. But it wasn’t a date. It ended up being me over at his house watching a movie, offering me alcohol, and him taking advantage of me. It was never his intent to date me, but I was green and didn’t know any better.
It happens a lot. Girls, especially young naive ones just like the attention, they like feeling wanted, and pretty by the opposite sex (if their heterosexual), and they don’t realize that there are predators amongst them. I mean they may know, have the knowledge about these types of people but they don’t think that they would’ve be a victim to one of them. This has been my experience anyway.
What KAK has said...

Kline said police told him that the anthony_shots account was the last to communicate with Libby German before her murder. When MacDonald asked Kline if he talked to German on Feb. 13, 2017, Kline said, "That's what they said. That's what the police told me."

Kline said he is not sure if the search warrant police served him with in 2017 was connected to the Delphi murders or the child exploitation and child *advertiser censored* case.

"I had no clue. I asked them, 'Hey, what is this about?'" Kline told MacDonald.

When asked if he had any recollection of talking to Libby, Kline responded, "No, not at all. I told them 100 times. I've done everything they've wanted me to, and it's like they're just harassing me."

MacDonald said that Kline told her he gave police a DNA sample and a hair follicle sample.

When asked if if he had anything to do with the murders of Abby and Libby, Kline responded, "Not at all." When asked again if he was involved in the killings, Kline answers, "No, 100% not."

Kline told MacDonald he doesn't remember communicating with Libby and does not believe he will be charged in connection with the Delphi killings."

What LE has said...

"...On Feb. 27, 2017, Kline contacted police, claiming he had located his iPhone 5. Investigators said they found images of females posing nude, but investigators could not determine their ages. Investigators also found much of the data from Facebook, Instagram, MeetMe, Snapchat and Twitter had been deleted. A review of the phone found that hours after police released him the day they searched his home, Feb. 25, he had uninstalled and deleted Snapchat and Instagram. The following day, MeetMe was uninstalled and deleted. The browser search history had also been deleted the morning of Feb. 27 before the phone was turned in to authorities."

Kegan Kline jailhouse interview discusses Delphi murders case |

Seems to me LE had KAK dead to rights in 2017 on child *advertiser censored* charges. Only possible reason(s) that come to mind that they didn't arrest him is...

He was only found with pictures and not communications with minors.

Instead of bringing charges, KAK agreed to become a confidential informant to help LE "search" his "world" to try and find information on who the Delphi killer(s) were.

The original devices LE confiscated must have convinced them he was not an active person to person threat to children, meaning no meet ups or online contacts, just sitting in his home on the computer...and not sharing just downloading?

That last phone he himself turned in had a lot deleted from it including Snapchat and MeetUp apps. I'm wondering if that phone wasn't checked as well as the the others?

It's possible, I suppose, that KAK became a kind of trusted source? Maybe when fresh eyes reviewed things, that last under-inspected phone (that must have been hidden fairly well to escape the search warrant) was throughly restored and was the only one using the anthony_shots account? LE finds that on the fresh-eyes review and info and LE actions unfold?

I'm using the question marks because it's all just my supposing.
Just to edit this...I've since read the KAK affidavit and it has the only mention of anthony_shots being on his iPhone4.

It also seems the information on that iPhone5, that KAK himself turned in after deletions, had no recoverable data from thos deletions.
Bit of a rant ahead...

In the search affidavit, it says that KAK told LE the main device he used at that time was his iPhone 5, the one he later turned in. Where was it during the search? LE would have found out about it through phone records, so it was no use trying to hide its existence, but he was erasing stuff off of it less than two hours after he was returned from his polygraph, so the phone couldn't have been too far away. Were his dad and the house being watched during KAK's polygraph? How about in the days afterwards.

What I keep coming back to is how during his interview, KAK said he was "f'ed" and he had brought an extra bag to Vegas because he was planning on taking off. I'm reading that like before they left for their Vegas trip, KAK already knew he was in trouble and planned to sneak back to Vegas after he and his dad returned. Clearly, he was concerned about this before they left, which was when? We don't know, but I bet you it was after the Delphi murders. Jmo. But at no point did he delete other devices, nor did he delete the iPhone 5 prior to the search warrant. Had he just not thought of it? Didn't have time before they left for Vegas? WTH? And why was he using his Samsung Galaxy 5 phone during the Vegas trip? There's reported messages about meeting people and prostitution between 2/23 and 2/25/17.

And why did they happen to go to Vegas during that time? Was it pre-arranged? When were the tickets purchased? Where did KAK stash this "other bag" that supposedly he was going to return to use while fleeing? Fleeing from what? CSAM that just happened to occur around the same time as two girls in his targeted age range, whom he likely was in communications with, get murdered? And then we have aggravated factors to lots of charges on 2/17/17, four days after the murders.

The FBI knows about a_shots at some point prior to 2/25/17 and informs ISP Cyber Crimes unit. This results in the search warrant. IMO, LE knew about a_shots communicating with L very early on, but the a_shots accounts all go back to IP addresses from the same house in Peru. Okay, so who had access to that house besides KAK and his father?

LE specifically asks about the "creator" of a_shots. Unless someone copied the name and photos to make a second a_shots account, the "creator" is KAK. He admitted to it. And we don't have knowledge of a second IP location for any a_shots accounts. Of course, that doesn't mean there aren't any, I guess. Who knows.

LE doesn't arrest his *advertiser censored** until 2021. They say nobody intentionally made mistakes. Probably not. Because it's not an intentional mistake to use KAK, knowingly or unknowingly, in their investigation. JMO.

a-shots tips go to the A&L murders tip line, in Carroll County. KAK says LE told him he's the last to communicate with L. a_shots "likes" one of L's posts. There's just too much here to deny KAK as some kind of connection, even peripherally, to the crime. Like many others, I'm not convinced he is the killer, but I very much believe he's the weaver of the web.
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Bit of a rant ahead...

In the search affidavit, it says that KAK told LE the main device he used at that time was his iPhone 5, the one he later turned in. Where was it during the search? LE would have found out about it through phone records, so it was no use trying to hide its existence, but he was erasing stuff off of it less than two hours after he was returned from his polygraph, so the phone couldn't have been too far away. Were his dad and the house being watched during KAK's polygraph? How about in the days afterwards.

What I keep coming back to is how during his interview, KAK said he was "f'ed" and he had brought an extra bag to Vegas because he was planning on taking off. I'm reading that like before they left for their Vegas trip, KAK already knew he was in trouble and planned to sneak back to Vegas after he and his dad returned. Clearly, he was concerned about this before they left, which was when? We don't know, but I bet you it was after the Delphi murders. Jmo. But at no point did he delete other devices, nor did he delete the iPhone 5 prior to the search warrant. Had he just not thought of it? Didn't have time before they left for Vegas? WTH? And why was he using his Samsung Galaxy 5 phone during the Vegas trip? There's reported messages about meeting people and prostitution between 2/23 and 2/25/17.

And why did they happen to go to Vegas during that time? Was it pre-arranged? When were the tickets purchased? Where did KAK stash this "other bag" that supposedly he was going to return to use while fleeing? Fleeing from what? CSAM that just happened to occur around the same time as two girls in his targeted age range, whom he likely was in communications with, get murdered? And then we have aggravated factors to lots of charges on 2/17/17, four days after the murders.

The FBI knows about a_shots at some point prior to 2/25/17 and informs ISP Cyber Crimes unit. This results in the search warrant. IMO, LE knew about a_shots communicating with L very early on, but the a_shots accounts all go back to IP addresses from the same house in Peru. Okay, so who had access to that house besides KAK and his father?

LE specifically asks about the "creator" of a_shots. Unless someone copied the name and photos to make a second a_shots account, the "creator" is KAK. He admitted to it. And we don't have knowledge of a second IP location for any a_shots accounts. Of course, that doesn't mean there aren't any, I guess. Who knows.

LE doesn't arrest his *advertiser censored** until 2021. They say nobody intentionally made mistakes. Probably not. Because it's not an intentional mistake to use KAK, knowingly or unknowingly, in their investigation. JMO.

a-shots tips go to the A&L murders tip line, in Carroll County. KAK says LE told him he's the last to communicate with L. a_shots "likes" one of L's posts. There's just too much here to deny KAK as some kind of connection, even peripherally, to the crime. Like many others, I'm not convinced he is the killer, but I very much believe he's the weaver of the web.
Great rant! That the FBI were the ones to tell ISP about anthony_shots account before the search and seizure of KAK's devices means they did know from Libby's phone. I'm certain it was given to the FBI to investigate. IMO
.... basically let him loose for a few years after 2017 correct? ... Somehow though I think there is more we just don’t have privy to them (the additional charges) right now/YET.

I suspect you are absolutely correct. The only reason I can think of, for KAK not to have been arrested immediately, is that he was providing information in some very big investigation--very possibly the Delphi Murders. They might have left him on the street, with strict monitoring, as part of an agreement, in exchange for his cooperation in finding L&A's murderer(s).

Of course, it might also be sheer incompetence and laxness on the part of LE/prosecution, but I'd prefer to think there's a better reason for it.
I suspect you are absolutely correct. The only reason I can think of, for KAK not to have been arrested immediately, is that he was providing information in some very big investigation--very possibly the Delphi Murders. They might have left him on the street, with strict monitoring, as part of an agreement, in exchange for his cooperation in finding L&A's murderer(s).

Of course, it might also be sheer incompetence and laxness on the part of LE/prosecution, but I'd prefer to think there's a better reason for it.
ITA with everything you said!
IMHO it really is the most logical reason (to me) for allowing him to be *set free* but with heavy supervision as you said.

PS: Good morning. :)

I have a call in for Tricia about the recent release by Murder Sheet of the transcript of KAK's interview with LE.

Until such time as Tricia is able to weigh in on this matter do NOT discuss that document until we've had clarification.

Thank you for your understanding. We'll get back to you as soon as possible.
Spoke with Tricia. She says unless she receives a formal legal request to have the information removed, the KAK transcription discussion at Murder Sheet is allowed.

Also, a very special Thank You going out to the Murder Sheet from Tricia and Websleuths for getting the copies of the KAK transcripts.

Murder Sheet
‎Murder Sheet on Apple Podcasts

And ... a reminder that our members ensure they are only posting the redacted copy.
Has anyone taken time to listen to KAKs music?
Kegan Kline

26 Year old Native American musician born & raised in Indiana now residing in Las Vegas. He is Signed to Artery Management Foundation, Which is in partnership with Razor & Tie. He has co-wrote songs with Beartooth, The Traditional, Cute Is What We Aim For. He is currently working on multiple projects with multiple artists for 2020 & 2021. 
 - Ken Miller, Las Vegas Magazine

I listened to his songs on Spotify although, admittedly, I did not study the lyrics. He wasted his talent as a singer/songwriter. Drugs will do that to many folks. Moreso, I think his father was a horrible influence in his life that damaged him in numerous ways.

There's a photo of KAK with some buddies on his Tw acct. Most of them had a million or more followers so this creepy guy had the opportunity to do good but chose evil instead.

All moo
Has anyone taken time to listen to KAKs music?
Kegan Kline

I listened to his songs on Spotify although, admittedly, I did not study the lyrics. He wasted his talent as a singer/songwriter. Drugs will do that to many folks. Moreso, I think his father was a horrible influence in his life that damaged him in numerous ways.

There's a photo of KAK with some buddies on his Tw acct. Most of them had a million or more followers so this creepy guy had the opportunity to do good but chose evil instead.

All moo
I don’t know if you know this or not but you can actually buy followers on most social media platforms including Twitter. Back in the day you couldn’t do this but I can’t even remember several years ago I wanna say maybe 2015-ish and that’s just a rough estimate guess, people started buying followers. And not real followers but to make it look like the number of followers that you had was more than you actually had. It’s a thing. Or at least it was.
Has anyone taken time to listen to KAKs music?
Kegan Kline

I listened to his songs on Spotify although, admittedly, I did not study the lyrics. He wasted his talent as a singer/songwriter. Drugs will do that to many folks. Moreso, I think his father was a horrible influence in his life that damaged him in numerous ways.

There's a photo of KAK with some buddies on his Tw acct. Most of them had a million or more followers so this creepy guy had the opportunity to do good but chose evil instead.

All moo
Or the number of followers he and his buddies have could also be indicative of how many creeps there are among his crowd. IMO
I don’t know if you know this or not but you can actually buy followers on most social media platforms including Twitter. Back in the day you couldn’t do this but I can’t even remember several years ago I wanna say maybe 2015-ish and that’s just a rough estimate guess, people started buying followers. And not real followers but to make it look like the number of followers that you had was more than you actually had. It’s a thing. Or at least it was.

While that may be true about the ability to purchase followers on SM platforms, your comment forced me to dig deeper. TYVM 3 of the 4 tagged, not including KAK, have blue check marks = Verified Accts.

One of the guys (w/2.5m followers) has 15.5 million subscribers to his YT channel. Over 284,000 watched his latest fascinating video posted 2 days ago. Can you by views for YT Channels?

The 1st guy tagged in the 2014 image w/ KAK has a YT Channel w/ 6.1 million subs. Last vid has over 661,000 views. I pray our own TG could get as many views.

My point was not how many followers KAKs buddies have but that they appear to be successful: an entrepreneur, a filmmaker, and a popular vlogger.

Not for a minute do I believe there are millions of creeps like KAK among their crowd of followers.

My Honest Opinions
While that may be true about the ability to purchase followers on SM platforms, your comment forced me to dig deeper. TYVM 3 of the 4 tagged, not including KAK, have blue check marks = Verified Accts.

One of the guys (w/2.5m followers) has 15.5 million subscribers to his YT channel. Over 284,000 watched his latest fascinating video posted 2 days ago. Can you by views for YT Channels?

The 1st guy tagged in the 2014 image w/ KAK has a YT Channel w/ 6.1 million subs. Last vid has over 661,000 views. I pray our own TG could get as many views.

My point was not how many followers KAKs buddies have but that they appear to be successful: an entrepreneur, a filmmaker, and a popular vlogger.

Not for a minute do I believe there are millions of creeps like KAK among their crowd of followers.

My Honest Opinions
Tysm for doing the digging! I very much appreciate your willingness to search for the answer(s) about my statements.

Sending you love and huggies. <3

Has anyone taken time to listen to KAKs music?
Kegan Kline

I listened to his songs on Spotify although, admittedly, I did not study the lyrics. He wasted his talent as a singer/songwriter. Drugs will do that to many folks. Moreso, I think his father was a horrible influence in his life that damaged him in numerous ways.

There's a photo of KAK with some buddies on his Tw acct. Most of them had a million or more followers so this creepy guy had the opportunity to do good but chose evil instead.

All moo
I saw some songs available on Amazon, but all 3 had another artist listed first and then said "with Kegan Kline." So, I wonder if he was in fact on the recording or if he was only claiming to be so.

I also saw on his everybodywiki page (ETA: "Kegan Kline" is listed as the author of it) that he associated himself with the Van's Warped Tours and several of the bands that performed on them, but I'd be very surprised if that is true.

However, it's clear he knew what to associate himself with if he was trying to attract middle-school aged girls. My husband and I accompanied my daughter and several of her friends to those for a few years and there were plenty of creeps circulating within the large crowds. I chased a few off after witnessing them groping young teens uninvited and got a lot of practice throwing my "keep your hands off unless you want to pull back a stump" look.
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