IN - Kimberly Camm, 35, & 2 children murdered, Georgetown, 28 Sept 2000 *2 earlier trials OVERTURNED

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DNA Solves
beyond a reasonable doubt obviously has no place in america. neither do alibi witnesses, exclusionary dna, a supsect that says 'well if you find my dna there i must have done it'
no, instead cases are built soley on affairs, junk science, bogus implications from convicted felons, jailhouse snitches who only lie to broker better deals in there own cases........bogus molestation claims that have not one shred of credibility.
resaonable doubt is key...not beyond all doubt...
most murders do not have eyewitnesses but are still tried
if we had to go by only forensics, criimes would never have been solved before the 1990's. sometimes the most obvious answer is the right one.
i don't think the molestation allegations should have been allowed in first trial, they had not been proven to any degree, but they were not needed, IMO only.
I lived in Floyd County, the same county David and Kim lived in, most of my life and wanted David to be guilty . . . but after reading everything about this case, I could not convict him. I could convict him of being a poor husband and an arrogant power-pushing cop, but not of Kim and the kids' murders.
There is no evidence that he even knew Boney. There is no factual evidence that Jill was even molested. There were experts that testified that the blood stains were transfer stains, not blow back spatter. I don't like him, but I don't think he's guilty. I especially don't think Floyd County taxpayers should pay for another trial. As for Camm's family paying for the 2nd conviction to be overturned .. . . IMO they don't have what it takes to pay for anything anymore, let alone to buy someone to overturn the conviction. There is reason to believe, because of the connection to Karem's meat market, that he knew Kim's schedule.
As for the insurance policy, from what I read, David did not bring that up or call about it. He called Kim's place of employment to tell them of the terrible murders and Kim's boss brought it up to Dave, in that he would check it out. David did not call about the money.
In my opinion, during the second trial, the molestation of Jill was thrown in (after the pros. was warned by the higher court NOT to bring it up) because they didn't have a strong case against David. I'm no David Camm fan, but I don't feel he is guilty of these murders. The man guilty of these murders is already behind bars IMO.
resaonable doubt is key...not beyond all doubt...
most murders do not have eyewitnesses but are still tried
if we had to go by only forensics, criimes would never have been solved before the 1990's. sometimes the most obvious answer is the right one.
i don't think the molestation allegations should have been allowed in first trial, they had not been proven to any degree, but they were not needed, IMO only.

that's pretty ironic considering that the second jury said the theory that he molested his daughter was what made them find him guilty. mind you the prosecution still hasnt presented any evidence of that......just the theory of it.
As for the insurance policy, from what I read, David did not bring that up or call about it. He called Kim's place of employment to tell them of the terrible murders and Kim's boss brought it up to Dave, in that he would check it out. David did not call about the money.

From the court transcripts that I have on this case, David called Ageon (Kim's Employer) to tell them that she had been murdered....It was at this time that the Rudy Gernert stated that he would have the Human Resource Dept get back with David about the insurance policies due to the fact that he knew it would be expensive to bury 3 family members, as well as the funeral home would need the insurance information when David went to make the burial arragements....This is another one of the rumors that the Prosecutors want the public to beleive, and apparently several have...
ok, will have to agree to disagree on this one. this whole board is about personal opinions and mine won't change, no matter what the next set of 12 jurors say. There are some cases that won't ever be proven to everyone's satisfaction. That is why we have juries and this man, getting a third chance, is being given every benefit of the doubt, so be it, that is the system.
ok, will have to agree to disagree on this one. this whole board is about personal opinions and mine won't change, no matter what the next set of 12 jurors say. There are some cases that won't ever be proven to everyone's satisfaction. That is why we have juries and this man, getting a third chance, is being given every benefit of the doubt, so be it, that is the system.

I have no problem respecting you opinion, I just happen to have a different one, In the very beginning of this case I to thought that David was guilty but that was when I was going by my local media as well as what the prosecutors were saying, once the case was overturned and a 2nd trial was happening, that is when Charles Boney came onto the radar, It was at this point that I really started digging into the case, And after reading the court transcripts, It became clear to ME that this case was screwed up from jump street, I took a long while to really dig into the case in order to satisfy my own curiosity....This is when I realized there was an innocent man sitting in prison in my State, (not that he is the only one either) But what really got me fired up was the fact that Charles Boney was able to run free in my community for almost 5 years while the Prosecutor tried to do everything possible to keep from running this mans DNA thru the system and the fact that the sweatshirt came from the Dept of Corrections that should have been the first thing that was done, But because Stan Faith had been personal friends with Boney's mother, and had defended him during his Bloomington Ind arrest it became apparent that Faith as sitting Prosecutor did not want this information coming out, How would it look that he defended this man and even gave him a ride back to Floyd County only to have Boney slaughter an innocent family, that would have been political suicide, And the case has just continued from there....But as I said in the beginning I have no problem respecting your opinion and I would like for the people who think David is guilty to also respect mine.
Judge to rule on prosecutor in David Camm case

Wednesday, the judge will hear whether prosecutor Keith Henderson should be removed from the case because of a conflict of interest.
Henderson had once arranged a book deal based on the case, but says he's since stepped away from it.
my opinion on his guilt changes constantly, I am now at the point where I fall more towards him being innocent, Boney and Camm in a conspiracy just doesn't fit for me anymore,

defence still arguing over removing the prosecutor due to possible conflict of interest, I agree that he has a conflict of interest, I also think that he has had 2 goes at trying Camm getting a conviction and then being reversed, to me that says he should not be the one trying Camm for the 3rd time as to me it seems obvious his trial strategy is wrong,

and I think a fresh prosecutor may take a look at the evidence and view it differently, maybe a new prosecutor would not even retry him

defence still arguing over removing the prosecutor due to possible conflict of interest, I agree that he has a conflict of interest, I also think that he has had 2 goes at trying Camm getting a conviction and then being reversed, to me that says he should not be the one trying Camm for the 3rd time as to me it seems obvious his trial strategy is wrong,

and I think a fresh prosecutor may take a look at the evidence and view it differently, maybe a new prosecutor would not even retry him

The Indiana Supreme Court ruled in favor of Camm. Keith Henderson is currently off the case. The state has the right to appeal the ruling so this may drag on for awhile.

Link to article

Link to ruling

Keith Henderson did not prosecute Camm in the first trial. Stan Faith did. Henderson won the election after Camm's first trial and tried him in the second trial.
thanks for the update, it has been dragging on forever already, 2 trials, 2 reversals, and Boney in the mix,

I still often wonder if they had tested the sweatshirt pre the first trial whether Camm would ever have been tried,

at the moment I have fallen off the fence completely and I now think Camm had nothing to do with the murders, but I have flip flopped over his involvement from the outset so who knows if I will be jumping back on the fence

and thanks for correcting me over the first prosecutor

Judge will now appoint special prosecutor, who will have to take his/her time to get up to speed on the case, and who knows maybe it will be decided not to prosecute him again they do have that option,

I think this is one for the defence, fresh eyes may see the evidence differently, over time I know I have changed my position and I now think it is highly likely Boney acted alone

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