IN - Kimberly Camm, 35, & 2 children murdered, Georgetown, 28 Sept 2000 *2 earlier trials OVERTURNED

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I can see how he was convicted in the prior trials but don't think he will be this time since this jury will hear all about Boney and the prior jurors did not. As far as my opinion as to his innocence I used to think he was guilty and waver back and forth a lot now but lean towards innocence but there are still some lingering questions I would like answered before I beleive he is 100% innocent. I guess you could call me a fencie atm. :fence: JMO

I thought that Boney was mentioned in the 2nd trial? I could be totally wrong on that though! Didn't Camm's 2nd trial run at the same time as Boney's? Maybe that's what I'm thinking of.

Boney is supposed to testify this time, right? He never did before. I'm not sure if that will help/hinder either side. He's told how many different versions of his story now?

For me personally there are just too many things pointing to guilty. For one, I can't see Boney acting alone. I know he had a violent past committing armed robbery, but to my knowledge, he'd never killed anyone or hurt kids. Is it just some HUGE coincidence that he chose Kim Camm? IF it is a coincidence, what made him choose her? Why did he kill her instead of just robbing her?
I thought that Boney was mentioned in the 2nd trial? I could be totally wrong on that though! Didn't Camm's 2nd trial run at the same time as Boney's? Maybe that's what I'm thinking of.

Boney is supposed to testify this time, right? He never did before. I'm not sure if that will help/hinder either side. He's told how many different versions of his story now?

For me personally there are just too many things pointing to guilty. For one, I can't see Boney acting alone. I know he had a violent past committing armed robbery, but to my knowledge, he'd never killed anyone or hurt kids. Is it just some HUGE coincidence that he chose Kim Camm? IF it is a coincidence, what made him choose her? Why did he kill her instead of just robbing her?

Boney and Camm were tried at the same time. Maybe the Camm jury did hear about Boney, I can't remember.

January 2006 – Camm and Boney are tried simultaneously, Camm in Warrick Co/Boney in Floyd

January 26, 2006 – Boney found guilty of three counts of murder and one count of conspiracy – Sentenced to 225 years

March 3, 2006 – Camm found guilty of killing his family after the jury deliberated 4 days. The judge dropped the conspiracy charge against him earlier in the trial on a directed verdict.

yes, Boney is supposed to testify.

I have read Boney had stated he was going to kill a cop and his family. He lived with his mother after his release from prison in the same area where Kim's sister and bil had a meat market that he shopped at. He described the back of Kim's vehicle which had a ISP sticker on it and he more than likely knew Camm was LE. (former at the time of the shooting) If he acted alone maybe he did not know the kids were in the vehicle and shot them so they could not id him. Maybe he did not want anyone to be able to id him so he shot them all. Was there anything missing from the home? Did he rob them?
Maybe he was in the process and she came home and he freaked out and shot them. Crimes and cons can escalate, just because he did not kill anyone before doesn't mean he could not do it later.
At this point the only link I see to Camm and the crime is the blood on his shirt if it indeed is high velocity blood spatter from shooting a gun. Boney first denied knowing Camm but then changed his story, again and again.

My opinion.
Thanks for explanation Twall. And, no, I can't get those videos to play....I keep getting a message that Time Warner dropped CBS so vids aren't available...I'm not. Time Warner customer though. I'll try something else because I really want to watch them again.

Try this-it's on page 30

It used to be on You Tube but I am not finding them there. :(
ME testified today, was allowed to testify about the petechia found on Jills chest which suggested some compression type injury pre her death but not about the injuries the ME found on her vagina, state not allowed to speculate about what may have happened to cause chest petechia as his conviction was overturned due to speculation about alleged sexual assault of her by her father being a motive,
ME testified today, was allowed to testify about the petechia found on Jills chest which suggested some compression type injury pre her death but not about the injuries the ME found on her vagina, state not allowed to speculate about what may have happened to cause chest petechia as his conviction was overturned due to speculation about alleged sexual assault of her by her father being a motive,

This is ludicrous to me. If the child has damage and it is part of the facts of the case then let the jury decide..

Insanity to me.
This is ludicrous to me. If the child has damage and it is part of the facts of the case then let the jury decide..

Insanity to me.

Yes - I too do not understand why it isn't allowed and why it was what caused the earlier trial verdict to be overturned.

I'm sure Kim's mom/Jill's grandmother won't be allowed to testify either.

Supposedly, Kim's mom (Jill's grandmother) was helping Jill get dressed for dance class the day of or the day before the murders. Jill complained that she was sore in her private area. Her grandmother asked if something had happened and Jill told her "daddy did it".

I heard this "story" within days of the murders, possibly even before Camm was first arrested.

Also, wasn't DC's semen found on Jill's bed sheets?
testimony is now focusing on DNA and whose it is and where is was found,
Today will be an uncomfortable day for Stan Faith as we start to hear the testimony about how he tried to get state DNA analysts to say they found Camm DNA on the Boney sweatshirt, and threatened them to try to make them do this when they refused, and he never asked them to run the unknown profiles from the sweatshirt through Codis, Boneys DNA was in Codis and he would have been found before the first Camm trial if they had run the profile, I am of the firm belief that if Boneys DNA was found pre the first trial then Camm would never have been tried

defence is calling him to testify in this trial which he must be dreading,
Jury are asking very pertinent questions of the investigators, focusing on what was not done during the initial investigation,
today testimony is about the 8 spots of blood on Camms t shirt which state experts argue is high velocity blood spatter, I have always found it odd why if there is only 8 spots they caqn decide with any level of scientific certainty what the spots represent, surely there should be more than 8 spots if it is high velocity blood spatter
states first expert on the blood on t shirt evidence has conceded that blood spatter evidence is subjective not objective
Boney is testifying today, before defence cross him they are requesting the judge allows them to ask Boney about all his criminal convictions not just the limited ones the state wants them to, defence wants to be able to ask Boney about his admitted foot fetish,
wonder what is in the statement of Boneys ex girlfriend, and once again we see evidence revealed that has been hidden from the defence for years

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