IN - Kimberly Camm, 35, & 2 children murdered, Georgetown, 28 Sept 2000 *2 earlier trials OVERTURNED

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DNA Solves
JMO. . but I think that if David were going to do a "hit for hire" deal, he would have gone with someone more professional, as opposed to using Boney. If you check out Boney's rap sheet, it makes no sense that David would align himself with a low rate criminal such as Boney.

Maybe there were no better class or more professional hit men for hire? After all, what kind of person does this kind of work anyhow.
Maybe there were no better class or more professional hit men for hire? After all, what kind of person does this kind of work anyhow.

Well, you're right, they'd all have to be pretty low to do something like this.

I still don't believe that David ever knew Boney. If David had known him, why did David set in jail for 4 1/2 years before his name was ever brought up? I think that had David been involved with Boney, he would have thrown his name out there in the beginning.

Kimmer, I didn't know that touch DNA was ever done on the shirt. That's interesting. Was this brought up at his 2nd trial? So Boney brings the gun to the house wrapped in his Backbone sweatshirt. The shirt has gun oil, but none of David's DNA. Yet, the shirt has Boney's girlfriend's DNA on it, but she leaves the country.
I'll say it again, it would be wrong to have a 3rd trial!
If David had never met or had any other connection with boney, than david sitting in jail 4 1/2 years and NOT throwing his name out would make sense, right? I found it kinda odd that Boney would go to all that trouble of finding out things about Kimberly; like where she lived, when David would not be home, just to "get a cop". I'm not saying it is impossible to have boney to "happen" upon Kimberly just as she was driving in the garage and David not with her or even home for that matter. If there is no connection between David and Boney, we have to assume Boney waited with a gun and girlfriend outside (or inside?) for Kimberly and the kids to get home. I'm not saying impossible.

I thought I read somewhere that David and Boney went to school together? And I want to point out that while being an continuas adultress does not make you a murderer; it does put his character in a darker light.

2. Had David left the basketball game and went home and either killed his family or been a witness (that was close enough to his daughter to get High Velocity Spatter on his t-shirt) Then why was there no forensic evidence (IE: Blood, hair, fibers,GSR) found in David's pick-up truck....There is no way that this man was within 4 feet of his daughter when she was shot, as well as being in the garage when his wife and son were killed and him be able to get back in his vehicle and drive back to the church without transferring some forensic evidence into his truck..

These are just 2 questions out of several that I have, Since we have such good sleuthers on here can anyone make sense out of this lack of evidence?[/quote]

Although I do not believe David pulled the trigger nor was a witness; simply saying that he is innocent because there was no transfer of forensic evidence in his truck would be like OJ Simpson is innocent because there was no transfer evidence in his bronco.

I wonder if David Camm and this other guy weren't in on the murders together. Maybe Camm felt he couldn't murder his own kids so he brought this guy in to do that. I watched, I believe it was the second trial, and for whatever reason I thought he was guilty. Seems like there was a sweatshirt belonging to the other guy left at the scene and it had blood on it. I would like to keep up with this case. I wonder if the Pros will even bother with a third trial.
They are talking about a 3rd trial. I think the defense said they were preparing as though there would be one. I don't think a third trial should happen. There was never any evidence that David and Boney even knew each other. The sweatshirt that Boney left at the crime scene didn't have any of David's DNA on it, only Boney's and his girlfriend's.
They are talking about a 3rd trial. I think the defense said they were preparing as though there would be one. I don't think a third trial should happen. There was never any evidence that David and Boney even knew each other. The sweatshirt that Boney left at the crime scene didn't have any of David's DNA on it, only Boney's and his girlfriend's.

Was anything missing from the house? This Boney probably didn't know this family and so he wouldn't have gone to their home just to murder the wife and kids. He would have had to have gone their to steal or something. How did he know that David was at a ball game or some type of sports event from what I remember?

What does Boney say about it?
Was anything missing from the house? This Boney probably didn't know this family and so he wouldn't have gone to their home just to murder the wife and kids. He would have had to have gone their to steal or something. How did he know that David was at a ball game or some type of sports event from what I remember?

What does Boney say about it?

Not trying to shoot down anyone's theories; but I do believe there are bad people out there who just, for no reason what so ever, kill. Just because nothing was stolen or distroyed doesn't mean that Boney couldn't have done this alone.(Hence the killing spree in South Carolina and the DC sniper) Although, I do not believe that was the case with the Camm's murders.

I've been following this one too. Camm has a hearing Wed. asking to be released from jail till he is retried. The pros. has said he has new evidence in the case, supposedly an admission of guilt to someone unspecified.

Floyd County Prosecutor Keith Henderson announced yesterday that he will retry the case based on new information and a confidential informant who has come forward. Henderson made the announcement yesterday afternoon amid a crowd of reporters and many of Camm's family members.

Floyd County Prosecutor Keith Henderson filed an amended probable cause affidavit that, among other things, points to possible molestation of Jill Camm as a motive. The affidavit states that the young girl had "blunt trauma to the vagina that was consistent with sexual molestation." Indiana State Police Det. Gary Gilbert, lead investigator in the case, also stated in the affidavit that he interviewed a medical expert who advised that she studied Jill's autopsy "and came to the conclusion that the trauma to Jill Camm's vaginal area is consistent with" sexual abuse.

Gilbert also stated numerous sexual devices were found in the master bedroom of the Camm home. He also stated that a cover was found on David Camm's bed in the master bedroom that had sperm of David Camm and body fluids from Jill Camm.

The affidavit also speaks to a confidential informant in the investigation. Henderson did not give many details on the informant, other than it was someone who had recently spoken to investigators. In the affidavit, Gilbert stated that "During my investigation, I received information from a confidential informant that advised me that David Camm told him that Camm shot and killed his wife and two children."


The defense filed discovery motions today arguing that the pros. failed to disclose the name of that witness and other things. I'll post a link when I locate it.

as someone with knowledge in this area, unless the "ci" was wearing awire, the guy/girl is paid by the state (thru either mone or leinency) to lie for them.
Prosecutor announces there will be a third trial for David Camm.

The request to the Indiana Supreme Court to review the appeal again was turned down on Nov. 30.

D. Camm is currently incarcerated and will go before a judge for a bond hearing soon.

unless he can get a new judge this time i ooubt third time is the charm.

dont expect bond to be set either, given the debacle over his release last time.
Well there is another development in this all be wild case, Current Prosecutor Keith Henderson has penned a book and signed a book deal while this case was still active and under appeal before the 2nd trial was overturned....Now the defense has filed a motion to have Henderson removed from this case and a Special Prosecutor brought in....The very next day after this motion was filed Henderson stated he would try this case for the 3rd time....I have been trying to find out from David's family as well as his defense team if a special prosecutor is brought in would it then be up to them to decide if it will be tried for a 3rd time, but I have yet to get an answer to that question....Since I am close to this area and getting the regular media updates I will be spending more time on this case....All I can hope and pray for is that at some point the Floyd County team will finally realize that they have been wrong all along and let David go free, but with as much money as they have put into the last 2 trials I have a feeling that dropping all the charges would be political suicide for Henderson and Faith....If anyone has any questions about this case feel free to PM me and I will do my best to answer you..

Also thought I would let you know that I have spoken with David's family about me writing a book on this case once David is aquitted or the charges are dropped, they seem very responsive to the idea but they want to wait until everything is over as to not make any of the sitting prosecutors or judges mad and make the decision made during the 3rd trial not go in David's favor..

For those that may not know much about this case there are 2 places to get really good info on this case.


2. 48hrs Murder on Lockhart Road---You can google this and it will show you all the way thru trial 2.
of course henderson wants to retry it himself.......this is his career meal ticket.
as someone with knowledge in this area, unless the "ci" was wearing awire, the guy/girl is paid by the state (thru either mone or leinency) to lie for them.

During the 2nd Camm trial the prosecutors used 4 jailhouse snitches and they all tesified in one manner or another that David confessed to this crime...I do not beleive one bit of it..One of the snitches was let out of jail and put on house arrest and then cut off his ankle monitor and has been a fugitive ever since....My feeling on this are the only people that the proscutors want to interview are people that will help them continue this farce of a case, They never interviewed the 11 ballplayers that were with David the night of the murders...They never interviewed the previous victims of Charles Boney and they never used any of Boney's previous victims in Boney's trial, that was because they did not want any of that information to be on the record as it would then appear that Boney did this crime alone, or with his then girlfriend whos blood was also on the sweatshirt and was mixed with Kim Camm's blood....There is so much wrong in this case....When the 2nd trial was overturned the proper thing to do would have been to have admitted there mistake and dropped all the charges against David....And as far as the bedspread, the prosecutors have tried like hell to get this into 2 trials and have yet to be able to do so, One of the main reasons is because the sperm that was found on it was mixed with Kim's dna (David's wife)...The dna of Jills was just that DNA not bodily fluids..If they would have tested the bedspread for Brad's DNA I would imagine it would be on there also....All kids get in bed with there parents from time to time that does not mean that they were being molested by there parents...I pray that #3 does not have any of the accusations that David molested Jill being as that has been one of the main reasons that #1 and #2 were overturned by the ISP...But the only way the prosecutors will get a 3rd conviction is if they continue to do a Character Assination of David Camm so I unfortunatly doubt that #3 will be much different.
During the 2nd Camm trial the prosecutors used 4 jailhouse snitches and they all tesified in one manner or another that David confessed to this crime...I do not beleive one bit of it..One of the snitches was let out of jail and put on house arrest and then cut off his ankle monitor and has been a fugitive ever since....My feeling on this are the only people that the proscutors want to interview are people that will help them continue this farce of a case, They never interviewed the 11 ballplayers that were with David the night of the murders...They never interviewed the previous victims of Charles Boney and they never used any of Boney's previous victims in Boney's trial, that was because they did not want any of that information to be on the record as it would then appear that Boney did this crime alone, or with his then girlfriend whos blood was also on the sweatshirt and was mixed with Kim Camm's blood....There is so much wrong in this case....When the 2nd trial was overturned the proper thing to do would have been to have admitted there mistake and dropped all the charges against David....And as far as the bedspread, the prosecutors have tried like hell to get this into 2 trials and have yet to be able to do so, One of the main reasons is because the sperm that was found on it was mixed with Kim's dna (David's wife)...The dna of Jills was just that DNA not bodily fluids..If they would have tested the bedspread for Brad's DNA I would imagine it would be on there also....All kids get in bed with there parents from time to time that does not mean that they were being molested by there parents...I pray that #3 does not have any of the accusations that David molested Jill being as that has been one of the main reasons that #1 and #2 were overturned by the ISP...But the only way the prosecutors will get a 3rd conviction is if they continue to do a Character Assination of David Camm so I unfortunatly doubt that #3 will be much different.

i worked on the kirstin blaise lobato case in las vegas. i can first hand tell you, prosecutors will never ever admit a mistake if they dont have to. i have seeen them pull every dirty trick in the book. they once clamed 'well it's not proven that he raped this other woman' to try to claim she and her buddies had no reason to kill him. then they turned around and said 'yeah he's a rapist, so he must have tried to rape miss lobato' to us it as a motive against HER.
the most unbelievable thing in this case was how they dropped the charges against him only to reisntate and add new ones in the county where the case had already been moved from bias. if that wasnt misconduct i dont know what is.
I would really like to get some of the good people on Websleuths to help me sleuth this case...I have been working on it for the past 3 years, and this is probably the only case on here where the person that has been accused is actually an innocent man sitting in prision for just coming home to find his family slaughtered....Anyone who would like to help me with this case would be greatly appreciated..
I'm sorry, but it is only my opinion, have followed this case for years and i am convinced both juries got it right...i don't mean to be cruel to those who believe in him, but i just do not. i think he not only belongs in prison but that he should own up and keep his family from having to spend and spend and spend to keep paying lawyers, etc...Kim's family deserves him to be a man for once, instead of a whiner who did nothing but hit on every woman he came in contact with when he had his tough-guy uniform. Of course he would not ever admit that he had met Boney-that would seal it for good. Boney had no motive to kill anyone, he is a crazed pervert and a , but i cannot imagine he would know anything about Kim's schdule without a little help from David...again, sorry, but i will never believe he is innocent, no matter how much money is spent by state and his family...
I'm sorry, but it is only my opinion, have followed this case for years and i am convinced both juries got it right...i don't mean to be cruel to those who believe in him, but i just do not. i think he not only belongs in prison but that he should own up and keep his family from having to spend and spend and spend to keep paying lawyers, etc...Kim's family deserves him to be a man for once, instead of a whiner who did nothing but hit on every woman he came in contact with when he had his tough-guy uniform. Of course he would not ever admit that he had met Boney-that would seal it for good. Boney had no motive to kill anyone, he is a crazed pervert and a , but i cannot imagine he would know anything about Kim's schdule without a little help from David...again, sorry, but i will never believe he is innocent, no matter how much money is spent by state and his family...

I agree.
I have lived my whole life in Indiana and to me it is a shame the IN Appeals Court has over-turned his conviction twice and IMO the reasons for doing it are lame. Camm's adultery and possible molestation of Jill are motives for him wanting his family dead. It makes me wonder if someone on the appeals panel isn't being paid off by Camm's family. He gets another trial-all I have to say is 3rd times a charm. Buh-Bye!

i hope they convict again...this is ridiculous.
can anyone who defends him explain why he would call his wife's job the very next morning to ask about how to get her $ and pension? it's not as though he needed it for the kids...i am sure he would say he wasn't thinking clearly...but he appaerntly called at 7:30AM before they were even open-

but the high impact blood spatter can't be explained cannot get those microscopic dots of blood by "cradlling" someome covered in blood as he claimed...
i am so sick of this case and imagine anyone lviing in that start and paying taxes must be that much more so...

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