IN IN - Kristy Kelley, 27, Boonville, 15 Aug 2014 #2

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It does give me hope for Kristy now that Joelle has been found. I'm sure LE will do a thorough investigation and look into any other missing person's cases that are now pending. Maybe Joelle has some information that could help. *fingers crossed*
I agree with all this. We don't know everything that LE knows, and they are not required to tell the general public everything. I would rather they remain tight-lipped if it will help ensure a conviction in the end, should this case come to that.

Also, I don't think family members can demand that the FBI show up and investigate.

That's the downside of a small town. People will support each other, but they can also be very quick to turn on each other and to bad mouth each other. I'm not sure such harsh criticism of the Scales family is warranted yet, when we really don't know all the details. :(

Agreed. I have to be honest... I was pretty shocked reading the post saying the community is starting to resent Kristy's parents. I think that is false. A minority might, because they aren't being spoon fed every detail of the investigation, but we don't know what has and hasn't been done. We don't know all the facts.

One thing I can say is the FBI is involved and actually has been in town. They haven't been running around with a swat team, but just because it doesn't look like TV doesn't mean they aren't involved. If they really do have zero credible leads, then they have no evidence of foul play. Kristy could have taken off, so until they have some evidence of her being taken they are limited in the type of help they can get. Can you imagine if the FBI sent officers out every time a woman went missing and the lead went cold? They couldn't possibly have the resources to do that. So, while I think the FBI might have assisted in some of the investigation, because there are no leads on where to search, no evidence of foul play, I am guessing they are spending time on other cases with more information and a clear indication the victim has been taken.

There have been at least three different search teams brought in, one of which was trained by Equusearch. They have had dogs, canoes, drones, boats, ATV, driver and on foot searches. This community has more man power than the National guard or the FBI could bring in given this isn't yet a murder or kidnapping investigation. We all don't think Kristy would take off, but thinking something doesn't make it so. If she is found safe, the same people yelling that the FBI and military should be called in will be screaming about a waste of taxpayer money and government resources.

We don't know everything LE knows, and we shouldn't. We don't know what the family has and hasn't tried and what the response has been. We should stop making assumptions and focus on helping them find Kristy.

I was appalled last night at the number of people on Facebook, the same people who spent time looking for Joelle, immediately start yelling about the time and money they lost when she was found. They assumed she left on her own without knowing all the facts and were quite rude. Once again, the full facts were not known so people jumped to conclusions.
I posted this a few minutes ago over on the Joelle Lockwood thread, I guess it makes sense to post it here as well.

Great that she was found, but this is EXACTLY what has me concerned about the Kristy Kelley case right down the road from this town.

Private Property.

No reason for anybody to suspect these people knew anything about her missing.

No warrants can be issued because there is no sign a crime was committed.

The property owners may (or may not have) participated in the searches for her.

The property owners would no doubt refuse to let searchers comb their property for signs of her, or just make themselves unavailable to grant permission.

The property owners had probably assured everyone that they had "personally" scoured their property for the missing woman, if they were asked.

There was two perps involved, working as a team.

Private, private, private, private..................I think that is a BIG part of the problem in the Kelley disappearance as well. Access to all of this private land.

I personally believe that's why they haven't found her or her SUV yet. It's located on private land.

After all of the raving and ranting though, I guess the big question remains: What can be done to overcome this obstacle ?
I'm sure LE is interviewing everyone who KK has been involved with, checking alibis, etc.Its a slow and tedious process but with little physical evidence that we know of, hopefully something will develop out of it. As far as searching private property unless given permission, reasonable cause has to be presented to a judge. My feeling is the SUV is on private property on a large tract of land, hidden by natural cover..just a feeling mind you.
I'm sure LE is interviewing everyone who KK has been involved with, checking alibis, etc.Its a slow and tedious process but with little physical evidence that we know of, hopefully something will develop out of it. As far as searching private property unless given permission, reasonable cause has to be presented to a judge. My feeling is the SUV is on private property on a large tract of land, hidden by natural cover..just a feeling mind you.

Right. And that would go a long ways in explaining why neither she nor her vehicle has been located after numerous searches. I'm not surprised that people's fuses are getting pretty short in this case. If I was out doing the searching, I would be completely frustrated when pulling up to a gate in front of 40 acres of overgrown land that has "No Trespassing" signs posted every 50 feet along the right-of-way. Nobody can find the owners, and nobody can set foot on it without a warrant.

40 acres of wooded land-----no access to it. Only a criminal trying to hide something would ignore the signs and drive back in there in the middle of the night, especially if they were used to going back there, knowing it was their little hiding spot.
Right. And that would go a long ways in explaining why neither she nor her vehicle has been located after numerous searches. I'm not surprised that people's fuses are getting pretty short in this case. If I was out doing the searching, I would be completely frustrated when pulling up to a gate in front of 40 acres of overgrown land that has "No Trespassing" signs posted every 50 feet along the right-of-way. Nobody can find the owners, and nobody can set foot on it without a warrant.

40 acres of wooded land-----no access to it. Only a criminal trying to hide something would ignore the signs and drive back in there in the middle of the night, especially if they were used to going back there, knowing it was their little hiding spot.
That's what drones are for...unfortunately wooded property is a tougher search...
That's what drones are for...unfortunately wooded property is a tougher search...

Agreed Topcat, you know it wouldn't take that much to hide an SUV from sight. You and I could figure out a way to do it in 10 minutes. Hell, just a big blue tarp thrown over it in a backyard, or tucking it into a thicket of trees and bushes would get the job done. It doesn't have to be sophisticated, just hidden from the road and tucked under something to avoid aerial surveillance. But here we find ourselves again.........private access.
Agreed. I have to be honest... I was pretty shocked reading the post saying the community is starting to resent Kristy's parents. I think that is false. A minority might, because they aren't being spoon fed every detail of the investigation, but we don't know what has and hasn't been done. We don't know all the facts.

There are always at least a few people who like to complain and kick others while they are down. Small towns love their drama, real or manufactured.

However, I think the majority still support the family. I think it's kind of cruel to say that the family somehow isn't doing "enough" to get their daughter back, like they don't care or something.

And I don't think that it would be a good move for the family to jam their way into an active investigation and try to tell the authorities what they should or shouldn't do. Again, we don't know all the details.
Im willing to consider kk could have left on her own and her car could be sitting in someones garage. We dont know what was going on in her life and her head. Parents are usually the last to know. With all the attention her case has gotten she may be scared now. Its rare that the car is missing this long too.
Im willing to consider kk could have left on her own and her car could be sitting in someones garage. We dont know what was going on in her life and her head. Parents are usually the last to know. With all the attention her case has gotten she may be scared now. Its rare that the car is missing this long too.

Well, I would be so happy if that is the case, "concerned mother" -- if she is just off on her own accord and safe.

I greatly appreciate all of the locals who have come on here. There is no doubt in my mind that everyone wants the same thing -- for Kristy to be found. I can also understand the various comments of frustration, confusion and desperation to find her. This is such an emotional thing, so of course people are going to experience a multitude of emotions. Heck, my emotions have been up and down seeing this play out, and I'm obviously not in the same boat as those so close to this difficult daily situation.

Of course her family desperately wants her home, and I'm sure LE is really trying...and if they know things and are operating off info that can't be disclosed because it would hinder the investigation, of course nobody wants that...but if outside help is needed, I am sure everyone is all for that.

Pretty much, just wanted to say I can understand everyone's feelings expressed here, from the place that they are coming from -- and that's a good place, just wanting Kristy found. Life gets messy at times, and it understandable that in such a serious and emotional matter that it can get heated at times.

But really feel for the family...and the locals dealing with this too...and everyone trying to help!

Peace~and let's keep hope alive for Kristy...
I think the argument in the bar is key here, especially if it is as I suspect and was over a man (husband). I think her 'friend' minimized it on purpose. I think they may have been waiting for her in the parking lot when she left. Reeks of Erin Corwin/Heather Elvis to me.

The HE factor has crossed my mind alot. Not necessarily anyone there that night as much as who didnt show up and who she might have went looking for.
As much as I would love to know EVERYTHING LE knows, If they're keeping it close to the vest in the best interest of the investigation, I am all for it. I don't want anything to compromise the case :) I know it sucks..
Hello all!!
What ever has happened I feel there is a crush or romantic interest behind this.
Can anybody local or anybody that has been involved with the searches say approximately how far out from the center of town that the searches have been conducted ? I've been studying a Google Map of that area, and I was just curious how far the active searches have fanned out, and mainly in what areas.
I see that there are many, many wooded areas, some with hidden pockets of water inside of them and some without. It seems the further you get from town, the more of them there are.

Just wondering if most of the energy used in searching has been within 2 miles, 5 miles, 8 miles, 10 miles, etc. from the VFW.
Can anybody local or anybody that has been involved with the searches say approximately how far out from the center of town that the searches have been conducted ? I've been studying a Google Map of that area, and I was just curious how far the active searches have fanned out, and mainly in what areas.
I see that there are many, many wooded areas, some with hidden pockets of water inside of them and some without. It seems the further you get from town, the more of them there are.

Just wondering if most of the energy used in searching has been within 2 miles, 5 miles, 8 miles, 10 miles, etc. from the VFW.

I do not know exactly but at one point they had covered most of Warrick County (all public property & private that they were given permission to search) at least 1-2 times. There was also a group that met & searched some of Pigeon Creek in Vanderburgh County by foot & at least one man who was searching the same creek by canoe (May have had someone with him). Sorry, have not been on a search team to know more.
The couple she was with are engaged but not married, however I was told they do have children together.
I do not know exactly but at one point they had covered most of Warrick County (all public property & private that they were given permission to search) at least 1-2 times. There was also a group that met & searched some of Pigeon Creek in Vanderburgh County by foot & at least one man who was searching the same creek by canoe (May have had someone with him). Sorry, have not been on a search team to know more.

Thanks for the reply. I can see from the Google map what a huge task it would be to try and investigate all of those wooded areas. All of that vegetation is going to cause a lot of visibility problems. This search may very well be more productive in December when all the leaves have fallen off the trees. I'm sure nobody really wants to wait that long though, especially her folks.
Thanks for the reply. I can see from the Google map what a huge task it would be to try and investigate all of those wooded areas. All of that vegetation is going to cause a lot of visibility problems. This search may very well be more productive in December when all the leaves have fallen off the trees. I'm sure nobody really wants to wait that long though, especially her folks.
Google maps doesn't really give a good representation either. The time of year those images were taken, there isn't much growth. There is a lot of overgrowth right now. Brush and weeds obscure just about everything. Corn fields are over 6 feet tall. I can see where it would be hard to spot anything.
I am new here, and have read all of the posts. Just wondering, if anyone knew her, the last known photo of Kristy the night she went missing... in the striped tank top, there is something at the edge of her hair, either a scrape or maybe a tattoo. Could it be a scrape? I am sure LE has gone over this photo inch-by-inch, but it has not been mentioned...
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