In late October 2008, March 2008 becomes significant - why?

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Yes, something to add that maybe you can help with and I'll go back there myself: Within those search/computer timeline threads, there is a poster who points out that there were credit card transactions that CA confronted KC with back in March 2008. First, I guess I need a link to that info.
Then, a poster points out that, a day or two after KC is (likely) confronted by CA about the money, around March 21st, KC writes a MySpace or Facebook message to Lee, thanking him for being the one to stick up for her.
If this can be nailed down with more detail, perhaps we are actually getting ever closer to showing that KC wanted to kill Cindy, not Caylee, back in March. I have never understood why a household weapon or even neck-breaking would be necessary to research when it comes to killing a fairly helpless little child. But killing an adult, I can see it. And if they got into a fight about money, then KC makes these searches, then she indicates Lee has stepped in to help them resolve, we have a better understanding what those searches may have been about.
All of the above, however, is desperately in need of linkage and back-up, so we know I have not fallen off my rocker again.

The way CA looked on the WFTV trial part 12 (during the sidebar) seemed to make me think she knows what happened in March to cause all those searches and their significance.

Okay, here's how dopey I am-

I have been looking for this stinkin thread, the one that I mentioned above, for two months now...the thread with all the info about Lee, the credit cards, etc., back in March 2008...

Tonight, as you see above, I told y'all again that I would go diggin for the thread. Well, I found it.

IT IS THIS F#$@ING THREAD!!! :banghead::banghead::banghead:

ETA-And of course some of my details were wrong, but starting on the second page of this thread, discussion turns to money issues, the searches, and a message to Lee. To the poster out there that I promised this link to a couple of weeks ago...I found it :angel:
Yes, something to add that maybe you can help with and I'll go back there myself: Within those search/computer timeline threads, there is a poster who points out that there were credit card transactions that CA confronted KC with back in March 2008. First, I guess I need a link to that info.
Then, a poster points out that, a day or two after KC is (likely) confronted by CA about the money, around March 21st, KC writes a MySpace or Facebook message to Lee, thanking him for being the one to stick up for her.
If this can be nailed down with more detail, perhaps we are actually getting ever closer to showing that KC wanted to kill Cindy, not Caylee, back in March. I have never understood why a household weapon or even neck-breaking would be necessary to research when it comes to killing a fairly helpless little child. But killing an adult, I can see it. And if they got into a fight about money, then KC makes these searches, then she indicates Lee has stepped in to help them resolve, we have a better understanding what those searches may have been about.
All of the above, however, is desperately in need of linkage and back-up, so we know I have not fallen off my rocker again.


Baez is going to say that these computer searches are all related to George and ICA was trying to find ways to protect herself from her father, not that I believe that for a moment but you could tell Baez was going in that direction today.

Baez is going to say that these computer searches are all related to George and ICA was trying to find ways to protect herself from her father, not that I believe that for a moment but you could tell Baez was going in that direction today.

JWG has done some interesting sleuthing that shows otherwise....hopefully the state will be able to somehow show a similar train of thought to the jury.

Anyone else have ANY incidents in March? Can we make a timeline of known March events, convos, etc. and see what else might be significant that we have overlooked?
One thing none of us knew when the doc dumps came out was how much time ICA was spending at RM's during the months of Feb-April 2008. His insistence that they spent four or five nights a week over there during this time is very telling, imo. That ICA would take Caylee with her to her boyfriend's apt makes me think she was escaping a rather dramatic situation at home. CA mentioned to her friends that ICA and her dad were yelling at each other a lot, altlhough she does not pinpoint a time period for that to have occurred. During this time period - Feb through April, KC is on a spending spree of hundreds of dollars of her mom's money at all kinds of places and is regularly getting into CA's bank account to pay her phone bill. (Ref

CA had to actually close her BoA account to a new one due to all the stealing.

My guess is she was attempting to offset her parents' anger about all of this by withholding Caylee from them. Caylee is pretty much her trump card it would appear.

If GA ever did abuse his daughter, I am guessing it was in a physical altercation. Maybe a fight that erupted over one of many, many things that may have been happening in that house regarding ICA and her stealing. Something like that may have happened in March and prompted the searches for self-defense subjects. Since she was having trouble getting Caylee to sleep during her time at RM's it is logical that may have also been why she was searching chloroform. Although the juxtaposition of the two types of subjects could also mean she was thinking of doing away with any and all of them. The thing is, using chloroform to kill a toddler is completely unnecessary. It would be a good way to subdue an adult though and gain a physical advantage. So ICA might have had a double interest in using chloroform; one to get Caylee to sleep for longer periods of time and two to subdue a physically stronger adult.

I think GA and CA were anxious to downplay any and all of the family drama that was occurring because it would immediately look to LE like a motive for murder.
One thing none of us knew when the doc dumps came out was how much time ICA was spending at RM's during the months of Feb-April 2008. His insistence that they spent four or five nights a week over there during this time is very telling, imo. That ICA would take Caylee with her to her boyfriend's apt makes me think she was escaping a rather dramatic situation at home. CA mentioned to her friends that ICA and her dad were yelling at each other a lot, altlhough she does not pinpoint a time period for that to have occurred. During this time period - Feb through April, KC is on a spending spree of hundreds of dollars of her mom's money at all kinds of places and is regularly getting into CA's bank account to pay her phone bill. (Ref

CA had to actually close her BoA account to a new one due to all the stealing.

My guess is she was attempting to offset her parents' anger about all of this by withholding Caylee from them. Caylee is pretty much her trump card it would appear.

If GA ever did abuse his daughter, I am guessing it was in a physical altercation. Maybe a fight that erupted over one of many, many things that may have been happening in that house regarding ICA and her stealing. Something like that may have happened in March and prompted the searches for self-defense subjects. Since she was having trouble getting Caylee to sleep during her time at RM's it is logical that may have also been why she was searching chloroform. Although the juxtaposition of the two types of subjects could also mean she was thinking of doing away with any and all of them. The thing is, using chloroform to kill a toddler is completely unnecessary. It would be a good way to subdue an adult though and gain a physical advantage. So ICA might have had a double interest in using chloroform; one to get Caylee to sleep for longer periods of time and two to subdue a physically stronger adult.

I think GA and CA were anxious to downplay any and all of the family drama that was occurring because it would immediately look to LE like a motive for murder.

Excellent post Cecybeans.What I would like to see is the prosecution bring up all the money that ICA stole just from Cindy's accounts. Just show the way she sucked money out of CA bank accounts to pay her stupid cell phone bills. I don't know if they can because it was before the crimes she is charged with.
Casey was the problem in that home with the stealing, plots, and lies. Lots of families have financial or marriage issues at some point. It didn't have to affect a grown woman who should have been working and minding her own business. She has seemed to set George up now. Maybe that was one of the plans in March. I doubt if she cared that much about their happiness or arguing, but only how it was affecting her free phone, vehicle, housing, food, etc. There were probably some demands to start paying up and paying her own way and that wouldn't work because she wouldn't.

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