IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 #10

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I asked this before at the tail end of a post on another topic, so just in case it got lost there--does anyone know if DR is related to the DR who is a former reporter turned adjunct professor at IUPUI?

The DR at issue here is from New York City. I see no DR among the current faculty list at IUPUI journalism, and research turns up a childless, 60-something DR in Indianapolis.
If it's not true that JR saw LS walk to College from his apt and turn the corner, what would be his reasons for specificity? Why not just say, "I saw her walk towards College without stumbling." I know it can sound more credible but why else....?

And, as I understand, east from JR's is the direction of JW's, correct? Would she have to turn right on College to get there?
I just don't know....and I guess it really doesn't matter to me, whoever it is needs to come forward or be caught...

I'm really trying to not spend so much time speculating/debating and trying to just follow the facts. It seems to me that LE is 'buying into' what JR (4:30 sighting) and other POIs have offered up so far, but it's not getting LE anywhere.

However, I do believe that someone has more information as to what 'probably' happened if not most of what happened. I don't think LE know who's responsible, or they'd have them.

I do think that many out there know information that would support what could have happened, i.e. LS party trends, relationships between the POIs and with Lauren, both past and most recent, calls, texts, motives, things said that night, alcohol/drugs if and when, etc.....several people most likely know and may have offered up this type of information that fills in the gaps of the story that we have to speculate about...but it appearently isn't enough to find Lauren.

I don't know......

My feeling is that they know who it is, and have a fairly good idea of what happened. And they are building their case (which may be described as "the investigation entering a new phase"?). I think it would behoove them to keep trying to get info on the location of LS, or find her, before they arrest their suspect. Anyhow, that's what I believe, maybe I'm just being overly optimistic and it's just an opinion!
I cannot answer that question. I do know that DR does not live in Indiana but in NY. FWIW.

Thank you. The NYC DR is more likely then.

I'm curious--can I link the page I found that has a DR working as a professor?
I'm very new here, have only posted a few times, but I would like to say that this is a wonderful place for talking about information that is VERY important to anyone missing a family member. Knowledge IS power and the information that those who are locals to any area of a missing person, is so very important to those of us who aren't in the immediate areas of any missing person, so I thank you who are there in Bloomington that are able to get not only info but direct contact pictures for those of us who aren't there.

I want to say that the LE in Bloomington seem to be very up to date and with NO tunnel vision are looking into Lauren's disappearance. The PC's are very useful, not because they tell us EVERYTHING, but because they at least tell us that they aren't giving up.

I think that there is a reason that the 4:30 sighting is still in the timeline and I don't find it odd at all that the 3:38 sighting isn't being addressed yet by LE. They need to further vet that sighting. In listening to the latest PC, there are vehicles that seem to be important, and the video's are being cleaned up so that LE can pinpoint perhaps times of the vehicles going by an area where it's just possible that the person who sighted Lauren falling hitting her head, the gentleman throwing her over his shoulder, that may have driven by and seen that, which would make that particular sighting credible. We don't know at this point if that could be the case, so please keep an open mind to at least the possibility.

There are a few more things that I would like to say, however the weather is getting bad here and so I will leave that for another time. Thank you.
It's going to be hard to find you a reference that is going to promote the benefits and positive effects of cocaine, but this might give you some idea...
Now I am in no way claiming that this drug is good to use, especially while driving. But I would like everyone to realize that it is NOT alcohol, it is NOT Xanax, Oxycontin, or any other central nervous system depressant - those give you noticeable impairment. It is a stimulant. Cocaine falls more with speed, caffeine (lots), adderall (ADHD meds).
From the repeated descriptions of LS it does NOT sound like cocaine was her major drug of choice for the evening. More likely alcohol and another central nervous system depressant. She may have used cocaine to clear her head from those other substances however. Not uncommon.

There is a phrase used among young people...."He was coked outta his head." I have witnessed it. I have seen the agitation, the nose bleeds, the hyper-active stage, the eyes rolling back...
My son drove his car off a cliff in this state.....
I have followed a lot of missing persons cases and they often get to a point within a few weeks where they may have an idea of what happened and who is involved, but cannot prove any of it...and cannot get any good information as to where to search. Phone pings would probably help, and it is possible they are working off of those now, with the reported search today. I know in Kyron's case, LE worked off of phone pings for the past year, seemingly, though they have not found him, so they were able to get records without making any arrests, charges, or even naming a POI.

So we may be in the for the long haul on this one...:(
If it's not true that JR saw LS walk to College from his apt and turn the corner, what would be his reasons for specificity? Why not just say, "I saw her walk towards College without stumbling." I know it can sound more credible but why else....?

And, as I understand, east from JR's is the direction of JW's, correct? Would she have to turn right on College to get there?

She wouldn't have to turn right at that corner, but at some corner she would have to turn right.
I have always felt it was possible that was where she was heading if she did leave.
Additionally, I don't think there are any cameras on most of the potential routes from JRs to JWs.
And, as I understand, east from JR's is the direction of JW's, correct? Would she have to turn right on College to get there?

Yes, right on College, two blocks down, left to 9th, continue east. It would be a 10-15 minute walk typically.
Yes, right on College, two blocks down, left to 9th, continue east. It would be a 10-15 minute walk typically.

Duh. I just pictured it. Of course she would turn right. Otherwise she would have to proceed east and turn right on Walnut which is not a good route.
Continuing my post from -

As far as JW goes, he has apparently found it more important to go home than to stay in Bloomington and help search for his "girlfriend" Lauren, and help her parents to further along the investigation. I think that sucks, and I think that he is a poor example of a "friend" let alone boyfriend. This not only makes him look like a loser, it makes him look guilty to not only the public but has to appear even worse to Lauren's family members.

What in the name of GOD would make him act the way he is acting? Surely his lawyer isn't THAT dense to think that he is safe from public view. This man/boy will NEVER be out of the public view now, so to that I would say, COME FORWARD, TELL WHAT YOU KNOW. Why did you state that you were up watching a game as late as you have stated? I hope that this man/boy has enough witnesses to speak for him to what he has stated because if he doesn't, then he will ALWAYS be the first priority of LE.
What's up with all of the broken quotes? I've fixed four here in just a short while.
why isn't is a good route???

Have to cross the intersection of 11th and College.

Walnut is one-way going north; she's headed south, so facing oncoming traffic.

She lives on College and would be more familiar/comfortable with it.
Thanks for sharing your opinion. I disagree with much of this, but I very much appreciate your reply, since I asked. Thanks. I just hope that people won't use unfair stereotypes to discriminate. Don't get me wrong... I tend to believe JR is guilty of some crime, at the very least perhaps just withholding evidence or not reporting a crime. However, I'd like to think that NO parent (regardless of income) wants to see their name in the paper, nor their family's reputation tarnished. I think that even the small-time middle class Butcher would have just as much or more to lose. A wealthier person, with a college degree, may be able to move across the country and switch companies. A middle class worker, having a skilled trade position, may not have the same opportunity. The wealthier person is probably still going to have an income. The small-time Butcher may lose local business all together. Let's face it - many of those smaller family-operated businesses remain in business b/c friends/family support them out of respect. Many people find it more convenient to get their meat, Rx, flowers, etc. at Walmart. Just one of many examples. When the middle class lose respect, they can lose their livelihood. I personally live in an affluent area, but I have great respect for ALL. BTW, I am not insinuating that you weren't respectful b/c I didn't take your post in that light. It was an honest reply with your opinion and I'm sure many people feel the same way. I thought there was something more that I was missing. Thanks.

A young college girl is missing and possibly deceased.Her parents are searching for her.These kids put their name out there,when they decided to hang around with Lauren that night and party with her.This is the choice they made.If drugs were involved, also their decision.If I were the parents of a missing daughter and I knew these kids hung around with her,that night I wouldn't give one second of a thought to putting their names out there.I believe there are too many conflicting stories about that night and they know someone is lying. I would not care how much money their parents had or who their lawyers are.I would want answers.I believe the Spierer's are not leaving without their daughter dead or alive.I can't feel sorry for these other kids,at least their parents know where they are and they are alive.LE knows a lot more than they are saying.
Continuing my post from -

As far as JW goes, he has apparently found it more important to go home than to stay in Bloomington and help search for his "girlfriend" Lauren, and help her parents to further along the investigation. I think that sucks, and I think that he is a poor example of a "friend" let alone boyfriend. This not only makes him look like a loser, it makes him look guilty to not only the public but has to appear even worse to Lauren's family members.

What in the name of GOD would make him act the way he is acting? Surely his lawyer isn't THAT dense to think that he is safe from public view. This man/boy will NEVER be out of the public view now, so to that I would say, COME FORWARD, TELL WHAT YOU KNOW. Why did you state that you were up watching a game as late as you have stated? I hope that this man/boy has enough witnesses to speak for him to what he has stated because if he doesn't, then he will ALWAYS be the first priority of LE.

I read somewhere (sorry!) that the police told JW it would be a good idea if he went home.
What's up with all of the broken quotes? I've fixed four here in just a short while.

I went back and fixed my own. When I deleted the first part of the area quoted I also deleted the bracket after the Quote command. Both the beginning bracket and ending bracket needs to be in place for the command to be recognized.. so I need to remember to check that it doesn't get deleted accidentally..
I read somewhere (sorry!) that the police told JW it would be a good idea if he went home.

Why would that be exactly? Because they know that he does have those witnesses from 1:00am-4:30am that he never left their side? Makes no sense to me at all. NO ONE is that close to someone in the early morning hours unless they are laying in bed with them. JMHO
There is a phrase used among young people...."He was coked outta his head." I have witnessed it. I have seen the agitation, the nose bleeds, the hyper-active stage, the eyes rolling back...
My son drove his car off a cliff in this state.....

Oh I am so sorry :grouphug::grouphug:
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