IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 #10

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I went back and fixed my own. When I deleted the first part of the area quoted I also deleted the bracket after the Quote command. Both the beginning bracket and ending bracket needs to be in place for the command to be recognized.. so I need to remember to check that it doesn't get deleted accidentally..
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There is a phrase used among young people...."He was coked outta his head." I have witnessed it. I have seen the agitation, the nose bleeds, the hyper-active stage, the eyes rolling back...
My son drove his car off a cliff in this state.....

That is horrible about your son! I can't imagine.

Yes, that can certainly happen (and good article by the way :clap:). For the sake of further context in this case, and for those not familiar with the effects of cocaine (blow, snow, coke, yayo, Colombian marching powder, candy cane, C, etc.), most people who recreationally use cocaine never get to the "eyes rolled back" stage. It's a stimulant and a narcotic; at low/medium doses it basically turns people into a fast-talking, hyper-charged *advertiser censored**h**e (think Jim Carrey after 6 cans of Red Bull :great:). At low/medium doses one can definitely drive without a problem. Many college kids use "bumps" (ie small doses) to stay awake and alert as they party until the wee hours. Had some beers and feeling groggy around 2am? A bump or two and you're good to go. As an alum, I can say this is common behavior at IU. Put all shock aside, it happens every weekend. This has been covered previously by other posters; I just wanted to summarize.

However, if you throw in Xanax, weed, lots of alcohol and whatever else, everything I just said is completely moot. Especially for a 90 pounder with a heart condition.

When it comes to the guys though, here's another angle. While it lasts, coke makes you think you rule the world. Confidence spikes and the brain floods with ideas (not necessarily good ones, but IDEAS MAN!). It is also known to cause paranoia, especially after repeated use. If you're high on coke and someone dies, you just might be more likely than normal to think you can pull off a crime. At the very least, coke would add intensity to such a situation.

Sorry if that's all off-topic - but it seems we're digging for anything at this point.
Continuing my post from -

As far as JW goes, he has apparently found it more important to go home than to stay in Bloomington and help search for his "girlfriend" Lauren, and help her parents to further along the investigation. I think that sucks, and I think that he is a poor example of a "friend" let alone boyfriend. This not only makes him look like a loser, it makes him look guilty to not only the public but has to appear even worse to Lauren's family members.

What in the name of GOD would make him act the way he is acting? Surely his lawyer isn't THAT dense to think that he is safe from public view. This man/boy will NEVER be out of the public view now, so to that I would say, COME FORWARD, TELL WHAT YOU KNOW. Why did you state that you were up watching a game as late as you have stated? I hope that this man/boy has enough witnesses to speak for him to what he has stated because if he doesn't, then he will ALWAYS be the first priority of LE.

I can imagine doing the same thing in his shoes. If I had given up hope that the person I loved would be found alive, I would not want to be the one searching and chance finding her body. If I thought people suspected me of being responsible, I would not want to be the one searching and chance finding her body and being accused of removing evidence. If I thought my so-called friends had anything to do with her death, or covering up her death, I would stop trusting them, and I would be left feeling alone and betrayed in a city that no longer felt very friendly. My instinct, at that point, would be to go home to be with mom and dad and friends I still trusted, and curl into a ball and cry.
Continuing my post from -

As far as JW goes, he has apparently found it more important to go home than to stay in Bloomington and help search for his "girlfriend" Lauren, and help her parents to further along the investigation. I think that sucks, and I think that he is a poor example of a "friend" let alone boyfriend. This not only makes him look like a loser, it makes him look guilty to not only the public but has to appear even worse to Lauren's family members.

What in the name of GOD would make him act the way he is acting? Surely his lawyer isn't THAT dense to think that he is safe from public view. This man/boy will NEVER be out of the public view now, so to that I would say, COME FORWARD, TELL WHAT YOU KNOW. Why did you state that you were up watching a game as late as you have stated? I hope that this man/boy has enough witnesses to speak for him to what he has stated because if he doesn't, then he will ALWAYS be the first priority of LE.

I may have missed something recent that incriminates him, but as far as I've seen there is nothing to suggest he had anything at all to do with her disappearance, or has any information that would be helpful.

Reading between the lines, it seems their relationship was about over. June 3 he was desperately trying to get ahold of her, she was out at several locations with several other men, not taking his calls or answering his texts.

I think it's good advice to tell him to walk away from there, leave that entire crowd behind and start anew, sadder but wiser. Both he and Mike B, in my opinion, have been ensnared in this vortex of dangerous, risky behavior that they had no part of and don't deserve to have anyone speculate about their innocence or guilt.

Anyway, that's how I see it. And actually, my guess is JW is completely out of the spotlight, I don't imagine many people recognize his face or his name anywhere but on sites like this.

^above^ I have circled and labeled 2 "CAMS" in lime green that IMO the direction of both of these cams would be toward College St. Which as we know was Lauren's supposed path back to her apt at Smallwood.. The first cam would literally be half a block from where JR's states he last saw LS round the corner at 11th/College St.. The first cam would be at 1/2 block and the second cam would be at 1 block from her rounding the corner.. The second cam is located at 10th/College Ave..

For me that really narrows things down tO the absolute nitty gritty.. According to JR he watched her turn the corner of 11th/College Ave.. Literally within feet of the next cam literally half a block towards Smallwood.. She is not seen there.. Nor to our knowledge is anything suspicious caught on that cam.. Then another half block there is a second cam at the corner of 10th/College Ave.. Lauren is not seen there nor to our knowledge is any other suspicious person or activity..

Do you guys realize that literally leaves a few feet(half block to first cam)that Lauren would have had to have been abducted.. With nothing suspicious showing on that cam just feet from where Jay says he watched her turn that corner..

This IMO now clearly seen with my own eyes the few feet that Lauren would have had to have been abducted within and with NOTHING OF SUSPICION TO INDICATE anything nefarious taking place to LS on a cam a few feet from where Jay last saw her.. IMO it is IMPOSSIBLE!!

Absolutely no way that within those very few feet which literally would have been 60 secs or less of time it took to walk from where Jay last saw her to the view of the cam a half block ahead.. 60secs and a few feet are all we are talking for as the amt of time and the short distance that this would have had to have been done in.. It is impossible..

The ? I have at the opposite corner of 10th/College is where the Waffle House is where there is also no testimony to any worker or patron having seen Lauren either on her short walk home..

This IMO pretty much says it all as far as what is the likelihood that she made this walk and was abducted in that 60secs within those very few feet.. Again IMO impossible..

** as far as the direction of the circled cams.. Where else would the cams be pointed?? IMO there is no other direction or area those cams would have been pointed except to surveille the front of the 10th/College Apts that runs along College Ave..

As I said this now seen with my own eyes is absolutely HUGE FOR ME!!! jmo, tho!
LE may have a theory but I doubt they know what happened to Lauren...they may believe she died, but don't know how. They may believe these men were involved but not sure which ones. And they sure don't know where she is now. Somebody will have to come forward, IMO, for that to happen...unless they get some very specific ping data.

Are there lots and lots of cell towers in a 30 or so mile radius? I would guess yes...but none of these people should have been pinging out of the downtown area, probably, between 4am-7am or so...hopefully someone did...
Continuing my post from -

As far as JW goes, he has apparently found it more important to go home than to stay in Bloomington and help search for his "girlfriend" Lauren, and help her parents to further along the investigation. I think that sucks, and I think that he is a poor example of a "friend" let alone boyfriend. This not only makes him look like a loser, it makes him look guilty to not only the public but has to appear even worse to Lauren's family members.

What in the name of GOD would make him act the way he is acting? Surely his lawyer isn't THAT dense to think that he is safe from public view. This man/boy will NEVER be out of the public view now, so to that I would say, COME FORWARD, TELL WHAT YOU KNOW. Why did you state that you were up watching a game as late as you have stated? I hope that this man/boy has enough witnesses to speak for him to what he has stated because if he doesn't, then he will ALWAYS be the first priority of LE.

Aside from your suspicion of JW that we share, are you still open to the scenario that neither JW NOR JR were the last to interact with her ? - meaning she is headed off, and then something else or someone else happens to her. That's still in play to me as well.
When it comes to the guys though, here's another angle. While it lasts, coke makes you think you rule the world. Confidence spikes and the brain floods with ideas (not necessarily good ones, but IDEAS MAN!). It is also known to cause paranoia, especially after repeated use. If you're high on coke and someone dies, you just might be more likely than normal to think you can pull off a crime. At the very least, coke would add intensity to such a situation.

Sorry if that's all off-topic - but it seems we're digging for anything at this point.

Not off-topic at all. Interesting.
1-2+(likely at least 2) persons who had been identified but not been interviewed as of 6/10. These would include members or all of the altercation group, if LS was not present there (but I believe she was). If not the same as that group, I believe that this group contains:
a) one or more individuals who were with JW until 2:30 when he went to sleep (ie who provide his alibi) - I believe I know the identity of one of these individuals but the name has not been made public and I won't specify

Let me add that this individual stated on 6/21 that they were interviewed by LE on 6/17. On 6/22, LE confirmed that they had completed interviews with the extensive second tier of individuals apart from one, maybe two, of these -

This individual also represents that no one in the frat likes JR. I won't represent that one side is more reliable than the other, but they certainly appear to me to be opposed.
I believe I am right to say all these kids are still POI's someone correct me if I am wrong.
Aside from your suspicion of JW that we share, are you still open to the scenario that neither JW NOR JR were the last to interact with her ? - meaning she is headed off, and then something else or someone else happens to her. That's still in play to me as well.

Indeed - this just may be a random violent person who knew nothing about Lauren and came upon her in a crisis, and turned that crisis into a situation of I've got her, now, what is it that I can do with her. With the stumble and fall that may have been witnessed, and I DO think that it's just possible that this senario isn't out of the realm of possibility, that Lauren hurt herself much more that anyone could realize. Now, this person who threw her over his shoulder is in the situation of, my GOD, now what?
Anyway, that's how I see it. And actually, my guess is JW is completely out of the spotlight, I don't imagine many people recognize his face or his name anywhere but on sites like this.

Except for a great big temper tantrum that someone (widely believed to be him) had with a MSM reporter at his home in NY*. Whoever it was ran the car aggressively at the reporter. I understand he may feel anger with the media, and all that, but it did make for a a big news story in his hometown.

* currently looking for link
And also we would need to know who that person was to know where his stomping grounds are, where he lives, where he's most confortable going. Is he a hunter, is he a fisherman, does he know the reservoir? It's endless.
Smooth Operator: You're right. This is really something. :woohoo:

Didn't know that about the first cam. This is why the police continue to say they have no video of her for the rest of the evening--meaning, on College.

I drove her direction last night very slowly while it was still light and didn't pick up on this. (I was taken aback at how dangerous it is due to all the construction in the area: holes in the ground, piles of dirt, heavy equipment, etc.)

^above^ I have circled and labeled 2 "CAMS" in lime green that IMO the direction of both of these cams would be toward College St. Which as we know was Lauren's supposed path back to her apt at Smallwood.. The first cam would literally be half a block from where JR's states he last saw LS round the corner at 11th/College St.. The first cam would be at 1/2 block and the second cam would be at 1 block from her rounding the corner.. The second cam is located at 10th/College Ave..

For me that really narrows things down tO the absolute nitty gritty.. According to JR he watched her turn the corner of 11th/College Ave.. Literally within feet of the next cam literally half a block towards Smallwood.. She is not seen there.. Nor to our knowledge is anything suspicious caught on that cam.. Then another half block there is a second cam at the corner of 10th/College Ave.. Lauren is not seen there nor to our knowledge is any other suspicious person or activity..

Do you guys realize that literally leaves a few feet(half block to first cam)that Lauren would have had to have been abducted.. With nothing suspicious showing on that cam just feet from where Jay says he watched her turn that corner..

This IMO now clearly seen with my own eyes the few feet that Lauren would have had to have been abducted within and with NOTHING OF SUSPICION TO INDICATE anything nefarious taking place to LS on a cam a few feet from where Jay last saw her.. IMO it is IMPOSSIBLE!!

Absolutely no way that within those very few feet which literally would have been 60 secs or less of time it took to walk from where Jay last saw her to the view of the cam a half block ahead.. 60secs and a few feet are all we are talking for as the amt of time and the short distance that this would have had to have been done in.. It is impossible..

The ? I have at the opposite corner of 10th/College is where the Waffle House is where there is also no testimony to any worker or patron having seen Lauren either on her short walk home..

This IMO pretty much says it all as far as what is the likelihood that she made this walk and was abducted in that 60secs within those very few feet.. Again IMO impossible..

** as far as the direction of the circled cams.. Where else would the cams be pointed?? IMO there is no other direction or area those cams would have been pointed except to surveille the front of the 10th/College Apts that runs along College Ave..

As I said this now seen with my own eyes is absolutely HUGE FOR ME!!! jmo, tho!

now this is sleuthing:rocker:
Indeed - this just may be a random violent person who knew nothing about Lauren and came upon her in a crisis, and turned that crisis into a situation of I've got her, now, what is it that I can do with her. With the stumble and fall that may have been witnessed, and I DO think that it's just possible that this senario isn't out of the realm of possibility, that Lauren hurt herself much more that anyone could realize. Now, this person who threw her over his shoulder is in the situation of, my GOD, now what?

I don't think LE thinks it is random and the rest has not been confirmed "heresay".What you need to remember is friends are going to protect their friends.Just like some of these new posters might have an agenda.Everyone is pointing fingers at someone else.That's ok I am sure LE has phone records,computers and tapes that we are not privileged to.If you know anything I would speak now before it all goes down.Think it's not going to happen?Read about other cases on here.Yes there has been cases prosecuted without a body
If I may break in here to invite all of you within range and ability to please come help us search this weekend. You are required to sign a waiver stipulating that you will not discuss where you've been and what you've seen there, but participating in these rougher searches outside of Bloomington may help concretize a chain of events (or at least one event) in your mind. At the very least, it may eliminate certain scenarios and questions you may have. I know it has worked this way for me.
This individual also represents that no one in the frat likes JR. I won't represent that one side is more reliable than the other, but they certainly appear to me to be opposed.

Where is this mentioned? (that no one in the frat likes JR)
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