IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 #10

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I think that's pretty standard lease language - it doesn't mean he can enter at any time with a few police friends and search your place. There's a ton of case law about this, and there are a lot of nuances in this area of law (an entire law school course is pretty much about 4th Amendment search and seizure exclusively).

The owner of the vehicle could definitely allow police to search the vehicle. Like if JR's dad owns the car he drives, dad could consent to LE searching the vehicle. But say you were leasing a car - the dealer, or whoever actually "owns" the car could not consent to the car being searched.

Wish I could give more than 1 thanks per post :) I'm sure LE is pursuing all paths to get around in-cooperative POIs, and I try not to let my desperation in this case leak out to my keyboard, just really hope they are as zealous as they can be.
Kinda O/T......Not sure how long this board has been around, or how long you all have been "sleuths', but did any of you follow the Jennifer Shmidt case? This would be about 26 years ago I think (older than maybe some of you here). She went missing from Purdue and she was my friend's roommate. She vanished in broad daylight....someone saw her on the corner by her apartment building, on her way to a final exam (also summertime). They spoke and she said she was on her way to the final. She never made it. They've never found her body to my knowledge b/c I occasionally google. I never met her. She roomed with my friend the during the summer before I met my friend. We've completely lost touch now. But I think about her case a lot and then here's another girl in an area with all of these video cameras and they can't even solve this case?? It just seems so difficult to understand!
PS - I wanted to add that there's always "standard language" in contracts, and a lot of the time it means nothing. Not that your LL can't enter your apt if he provides you with sufficient notice, but just generally speaking, there's a lot of BS in contracts. Just because it's written in legalese, which is like reading another language, doesn't mean it's valid. :)
Kinda O/T......Not sure how long this board has been around, or how long you all have been "sleuths', but did any of you follow the Jennifer Shmidt case? This would be about 26 years ago I think (older than maybe some of you here). She went missing from Purdue and she was my friend's roommate. She vanished in broad daylight....someone saw her on the corner by her apartment building, on her way to a final exam (also summertime). They spoke and she said she was on her way to the final. She never made it. They've never found her body to my knowledge b/c I occasionally google. I never met her. She roomed with my friend the during the summer before I met my friend. We've completely lost touch now. But I think about her case a lot and then here's another girl in an area with all of these video cameras and they can't even solve this case?? It just seems so difficult to understand!

It baffles me too. Just look at the "missing threads" on this site, there's many. So sad.

Did you ever hear of Brian Shaffer? He was a medical student that went missing from OH a few years back. He's on video going into a bar, but never coming out. All entrances were within view of a camera, except there was some weird way to get out which involved climbing through some sort of construction. Given the time frame and how drunk he reportedly was, the construction exit seemed unlikely, and they never found any DNA or anything in that area. Still never found him. Baffles me.

This is totally off topic too, so I apologize if it's not allowed.
It does boggle the mind how many people can just...go missing. Never be found again. Like, how do bodies just disappear? Or live people in the case of walkaways.

I have been assuming that somehow Lauren died that night and someone dumped her body pretty close (like, in the city or immediate surrounding areas). I just don't get how searches have brought back absolutely nothing. I guess one body is like a needle in a haystack though. Of course, there are other scenarios too that would complicate the one I just put forth since I could be wrong.

It is heart-breaking that so many people lose loved ones and never know what happened to them. I truly hope the Spierer family doesn't become added to that group :(
I'm still leaning in this case towards a single known individual or co-conspirators (not a large group, or stranger abduction senario), involved in the disposal of the body of an accidental death/OD by LS. Was it JR and a single accomplice? or just JR?.... I still think that using the potential "ping" evidence of key POI's cell phones between 2am and 2pm June 3rd will give us alot of answers in this case.

I myself haven't ruled out that this could have been a crime of passion, it's still entirely possible that it may have been, but I haven't heard any credible information as of yet, that tells me that JW had any movements beyond 2:30 am.

I hate to say this, but I think particularly if you are dealing with co-conspirators in this case. Who had a healthy amount of time to methodically go back, cover their tracks and intelligently dispose of a body before anybody was really looking. It's sadly, highly possible that we may not find a body in this case.

Anyone else beggining to think that this maybe a case where rumor's are endlessly whisppered about unanswered questions, as a case slowly grow's cold?
This story just came out this morning. It's kind of interesting, not a whole lot of information describes the psychological reasons that a lot of times in crises, especially those involving young people, people with information do not come forward. Seems pretty understandable--if really sad and unfortunate--to me. Many on this board have discussed the element of self-preservation that many of the POIs in this case are demonstrating.|topnews|text|News

I wonder, though, in this case, the farther removed they get from it if a) they will be more likely to put it behind them and even psychologically recreate the event in their minds so that they essentially push it completely out of their minds or create some alternative reality about it to minimize their guilt and basically carry on as normal, b) they will have so much guilt that they will not be able to really live a normal life but they will still remain too scared to come forward, c) I guess it's possible, though I think highly unlikely, that they actually don't know very much or wouldn't be able to help anyway and therefore won't feel enough guilt to come forward, or d) they will mature, become responsible adults, realize their mistakes and come to finally sympathize more with the parents and eventually contribute information (obviously preferable if this could just happen NOW instead of sometime down the road once these people have grown up a little but...) However, the optimist in me still thinks that if most of these friends involved are essentially good people at heart they will eventually feel guilty and confess something...I really hope so.
Could someone please ask at the presser today if the relevant landfills have been searched and ruled out?

I just can't shake the feeling that she might have been put in a duffle bag, thrown in a dumpster, and in the landfill before the missing persons report was even filed.

In Bloomington it is not unsual to see large, worn old luggage or duffle bags in the garbage (I've rescued a couple such bags myself).
While Qualters said he had not spoken to this witness, he
acknowledged the witness had been interviewed by police: “We had
spoken with someone.” He said investigators “do not have any video
evidence that supports what had been reported by that particular
witness.” Witness accounts can be off, he said.

“I can’t say that she didn’t see Lauren,” Qualters continued. “It does not
appear that she saw Lauren at the time that was reported by other
Any thoughts on the last line I've bolded?
(Green color in quoted material added by me,docwho3)

Hmm It sort of sounds as if other sources (others not LE, that reported
the story) had this happening at a certain time. It sort of sounds to me
as if either the whole sighting or at least the time in question, as was
reported by those other sources, has proven incorrect. He seems to be
saying it gently though.

I kind of read it as 'discount this one, it didn't pan out.'

I think that to be reading more into it at this point in the
case would be reaching. . . . .but that is only my opinion.

I do find reading all the various opinions interesting though.
I hate to lend any credence to what anonymous people post in comment sections after blogs or news articles, but can somebody local confirm or deny that there is rumors flying around Bloomington that one of the POI's (DR) is (or was) possibly a police informant for BPD? That could explain a bit of the vagueness from LE and the carefully chosen language at the Presser's. I have really wondered why LE has been so guarded about who was with LS in the surveilance video's, when msm reports all claim it was CR. Is it possible that LS was with DR? or possibly CR and DR on their way to CR and JR's apt complex? If so why would LE be so careful with that information? Something doesn't sit right.
Good morning all. Thanx for the replies to my question about who is living in MI. I think I found the parents and yes these areas are some what rich but as w/ everything there are cheaper areas with in those cities. While growing up my dad thought having a Bloomfield Hills address would make him look good but it was just a 1 room apt next to a gas station within the city limits but his license showed a Bloomfield address.
Anywhoo, with jr living in my vicinity I'm surprized our local news has'nt tried to find him. I have'nt seen anyway.

My thinking this a.m (cuz everday brings me new thoughts about this case)is "what if" LS left cr's place to confront jr about the earlier fight. Or to complain about jw. These people are all in walking distance to one another. I do not believe that jw, who had been w/ LS for a couple years and had just recently been having issues w/ that relationship, would just sit at home. (especially cause he was blowing up her phone the next day trying to locate her and kilroys txtd him back to get her phone) IMO he was fully aware of her comings and goings, from the group as a whole. Has anyone seen how much people txt? even when in the same room so that the others are'nt privy to what someone eles is saying. So I think jw knew her movements that night. Maybe she willingly left her phone at the bar cuz he was hounding her.? To me, obviously someone alerted someone that LS and cr were headed to Smallwood. The instigators seemed to b waiting, LS did'nt even go to her apt. Then she leaves w/ cr so there was prolly txts about that. She takes cr home, talks w/ mb and heades to jr's. IMO not happy at all that the fight happened. jr and jw have been friends for awhile. so jr txt jw to get his girl outta his place or jr is just sick of dealing w/ her. I think its at this point something happens. She either starts od'ing or maybe he pushes her or heck maybe she's so drunk she starts hitting on him and that makes him mad.? Maybe jw is already there and gets her out in some vehicle. And if she is dead then I'm going w/ disposal on someones route home. All JAT!

No way do I believe that jw would jump the gun on reporting her missing if he did'nt know something was up. It just is not logical,to me, to get that worried that quickly without further investigating. I don't like that jw got into LS's apt by way of ht giving him the key. What, if anything, did he take? I would be so mad if my roomate/friend let my on the rocks boyfriend into my stuff. To go thru w/ no one eles around. Seems a lil possesive if they r broken up. And if they are not broken up then I'd imaginge he was pretty livid hearing that she's out w/ cr.
Also IMO the fight was just a "quit messing w/ our friends girl" type thing otherwise it could've been way messier, bloodier, if someone really wanted to hurt someone.

What if the activity on the alley video is of a sexual nature. And jw had all eyes on locating her. Or his own eyes on her and then followed her to jr's once she got cr home.?

wow sorry long rambling. It happens when I go to sleep and wake up thinking about a case. And a pot of coffee by 6 am.

I'm praying Lauren is found during these searches this weekend.
My point was about Casey A. never being referred to as a "kid" at the same age, and no one was more on her parents' dime than she at home all her life, not working, partying like crazy, drinking, dancing etc....kind of like these "kids" in fact...

I use kid as a relative term. Casey Anthony, relative to her daughter, was the adult in the relationship. When I am speaking of her responsibilities to her daughter, I do not consider her a kid.

When we are speaking of JW's responsibilities to LS's parents, I think of him as the kid in the situation.

I do not see this as hypocritical or any particularly relevant point. I see it all the time in my real life, someone who is turning 30 feels old because relative to the life he/she has been leading, 30 feels old, and his/her 55-year-old coworker says "you're just a kid".
Agreed. If they were going to hurt someone, it wouldn't be LS, IMO.
If anything, sounds like they were trying to protect her.

I disagree. I think it sounds like their motivation in the altercation was defensiveness or protectiveness of their friend, JW. I think they could have been willing to hurt someone who hurt their friend. If they put the blame on both CR and LS, I do not think it is all that far-fetched to think that while they targeted CR while he was there, they may have targeted LS if they found her alone and they had no other target.
Kinda O/T......Not sure how long this board has been around, or how long you all have been "sleuths', but did any of you follow the Jennifer Shmidt case? This would be about 26 years ago I think (older than maybe some of you here). She went missing from Purdue and she was my friend's roommate. She vanished in broad daylight....someone saw her on the corner by her apartment building, on her way to a final exam (also summertime). They spoke and she said she was on her way to the final. She never made it. They've never found her body to my knowledge b/c I occasionally google. I never met her. She roomed with my friend the during the summer before I met my friend. We've completely lost touch now. But I think about her case a lot and then here's another girl in an area with all of these video cameras and they can't even solve this case?? It just seems so difficult to understand!

There have been a few other cases of female college students disappearing without a trace. One at Penn State in 2001, I remember, a girl left a Halloween party, not all that intoxicated, and was never seen again. Her purse and keys and cell phone were found in her apartment, I think. No trace of her has ever been found. Her last name was Song, I can't remember her first name.
There have been a few other cases of female college students disappearing without a trace. One at Penn State in 2001, I remember, a girl left a Halloween party, not all that intoxicated, and was never seen again. Her purse and keys and cell phone were found in her apartment, I think. No trace of her has ever been found. Her last name was Song, I can't remember her first name.

Hyun Jong "Cindy" Song

Thank you. I obviously remembered the details wrong, too. It says her purse and keys and phone were missing from her apartment. I'm not sure why I thought they said she clearly made it home, and went missing sometime after that. But that case got to me when it first occurred. I just could not imagine someone close to me going missing and having absolutely no idea what happened to them.
Thank you. I obviously remembered the details wrong, too. It says her purse and keys and phone were missing from her apartment. I'm not sure why I thought they said she clearly made it home, and went missing sometime after that. But that case got to me when it first occurred. I just could not imagine someone close to me going missing and having absolutely no idea what happened to them.

Unfortunately, it seems to happen way too often. I have lurked here for a long time before registering and have even dug back into some of the really old cases. No matter how often it happens, it still amazes me that people can just drop off the face of the earth with no trace. :(
Good AM,

1) Is the filed missing person report public info?
2) The report was filed within how many hours? after the sunrose that Friday am..? Am I getting the days wrong.?..the report was filed the same day, that is Friday June 3 that she was last seen (last sighting in the early hours of June 3, ..but still filed in daylight hours on Friday, right?

My opinion, if this is timing is correct, this is crazy soon to be filing a report, UNLESS someone knew that something was amiss during that antics of that night,early AM. As another WS member indicated, I would be mad if I was reported missing after being out on the town, celebrating the summer's session end, break-up perhaps? from bf, AND no job or class to report to in AM. That is college-speak talking.

3) Did the paper writer have to go to class on Fri (or leave apt) in am to turn in the papers he was working on? or is is normal now to turn papers in remotely, from comouter??

Thanks all.
I would like to know the movement and body language of these boys the day after......on video.
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