IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 #11

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There has to be more to it, though. If someone didn't have their phone, would you only check their home before considering them "missing"? What if she was on her way to Kilroys to pick up her phone? What if she was at the gym? What if she was at the grocery store?

So where did she sleep? I don't think you get to the bar, the gym or the grocery store before answering that question. When the facts suggest that question doesn't have a good answer, the person is missing. JMO.
The PT link posted upthread is fascinating. At least a few people posting there seem like actual "insiders". RUMORS include: many different people confirming that JW and JR were not friends and JR did not live with anyone from the frat; LS' family doesn't think JW is involved, but also doesn't think it was random (posted by someone who gave enough personal information that they could be identified); and LS had been to rehab for alcohol (two sources), but the types and amounts of drug use on the night in question were atypical.

Also, this "spotcrime" report (JR's apartment was apparently burgled over Xmas break) contains the names of JR's roomates (MS, ZD, MC and AF):

She may have had to attend alcohol rehab, if she did, after whatever alcohol-related charge she had, public intoxication, was it?

Are these people, whoever knows where Lauren is, really going to force her parents to go back to NY without her? Do they have the same kind of mentality/lack of humanity as a Joran VanDerslooth (sp)? Really???
So where did she sleep? I don't think you get to the bar, the gym or the grocery store before answering that question. When the facts suggest that question doesn't have a good answer, the person is missing. JMO.

I totally disagree. From personal experience, the day after a long night of partying is a time of "picking up the pieces". Everyone usually has had some sort of adventure, and the stories will come together eventually. If someone's phone is missing, it makes sense that you can't get a hold of them. LS was a known party veteran, she could have crashed anywhere - probably not unusual.
I've seen cases where "kids" much younger than these have found the strength to talk come forward to the police or other adults if they have knowledge about a's not about age, IMO.

No its not about age. I had a teenager at an all girls sleepover party sneak in alcohol and drink it until she passed out. I was shocked b/c I kept going downstairs and interacting with the girls. Not so much checking up on them but hanging out. I saw nothing amiss with any of the girls but in hindsight this girl was hiding behind the others.

Anyways when she passed out I immediately called her parents and 911.

I had adults tell me that I was stupid since I was putting myself at risk. That I should have taken her and put her off my property.

Even her parents did not want the police/emergency response team involved. They tried to pick her up and carry her but she was too large and she banged her head. I made them leave her until the medics got there and transported her to the hospital.

Yes its not an age thing since adults also will put themselves first over helping someone else if it means opening themselves up for liability.

That being said I would absolutely higher a lawyer if my son was the last person to be seen with a missing person or dating the person.

I have seen too many instances of scapegoating.

Especially if there is a guilty person who would be in the position to try and shift the blame to the person who would be more likely to be suspected which would be the last person to see her or her bf.

As far as the comments about not cooperating with LE we have no idea if JR through his lawyer is cooperating.

Cooperating and releasing info. to the public are two different things. The boys who stayed in Bloomington are more likely to make public statements to get the public off their backs.

Public statements are not for the benefit of the investigation and can actual harm it if sensitive information is released that should not be.

Public statements are not for the benefit of the family if the person is communicating directly with the family.

Public statements are for the benefit of the public unless they are pleas for information.
Are you an insider into the case Glaucon? If so, there is a very simple verification process here at WS:

Please send an email to
Please include your hat, your real name, the case you are posting on and how to reach you. All answers are strictly confidential.

Until that time, telling other posters that you have sources you have available but cannot share is considered "baiting" and baiting is not permitted per our TOS.

I understand and agree and won't use that phrase again. However, the statement I made is no different from numerous statements made by other posters, including the one I replied to.
She may have had to attend alcohol rehab, if she did, after whatever alcohol-related charge she had, public intoxication, was it?

Are these people, whoever knows where Lauren is, really going to force her parents to go back to NY without her? Do they have the same kind of mentality/lack of humanity as a Joran VanDerslooth (sp)? Really???

They seem to be. I'd rather imagine something optimist, but I think it is too late. They have no choice but to remain silent.
So who is the one friend who came to LE? Is it JW? We've seen reports that two of LS's friends filed the missing persons report, not JW. But that's two, not one. Perhaps filing the report is different from coming forward.

If it's not JW, is it HT?

Who else could it be?

could be anyone. AR. DR, MB. the list is endless. I don't think that it excludes the POIs. I just think that whomever it was, that person called and gave a statement without having LE call them.
Cooperating and releasing info. to the public are two different things. The boys who stayed in Bloomington are more likely to make public statements to get the public off their backs.

Public statements are not for the benefit of the investigation and can actual harm it if sensitive information is released that should not be.

Public statements are not for the benefit of the family if the person is communicating directly with the family.

Public statements are for the benefit of the public unless they are pleas for information.

And in my mind, public statements are frequently self-serving and untruthful

Not saying that is the case here, but I reserve the right to be skeptical.
IMO, no one passed any polygraph. The attorneys who spoke publicly were doing their jobs. Nothing more. Nothing less. Fox source must not have been accurate. Like many said, had one of them passed, damn well the attorney would have screamed that from the rooftops by now.
The PT link posted upthread is fascinating. At least a few people posting there seem like actual "insiders". RUMORS include: many different people confirming that JW and JR were not friends and JR did not live with anyone from the frat; LS' family doesn't think JW is involved, but also doesn't think it was random (posted by someone who gave enough personal information that they could be identified); and LS had been to rehab for alcohol (two sources), but the types and amounts of drug use on the night in question were atypical.

What PT link? I can't find it.
What PT link? I can't find it.

Be careful over there. Lot of crap to sift through, but I agree there MAY be some really good info from "insiders".

Note: I am assuming PT is a certain music fan message board...

EDIT: I'm guessing it was deleted for a reason and that is why I'm not linking it...
Be careful over there. Lot of crap to sift through, but I agree there MAY be some really good info from "insiders".

Note: I am assuming PT is a certain music fan message board...

Yes, some kind of Phish message board. The link is somewhere in this thread with a description about JW's and JR's friends talking about the case.'

ETA: It does seem like it's been deleted, in which case I'll stop discussing it in case it was a mod-driven deletion.
Just when you thought your heart couldn't ache more for LS' parents, the PC today proved it could. They are remarkable and so very strong. I can't imagine sending them home without answers, yet I feel like it's been too long for someone to share info now. On day 2 someone could say "alright, this is what happened..." but on day 22? The longer you keep a secret the worse it is to share. Whomever knows what happened has more to lose by telling the truth as each day passes. This sucks.
Fwiw, my #1 is JR - she never left alive, and my #2 is JW- if he couldn't have her, no one could.
FWIW, regarding the speculation about reporting her missing so early--if LS truly did take her medication daily, and it was the kind she had to take at the same time every day, her not being home in time to take it, or several hours afterwards, could be cause for concern for someone who knew her well.

I'm inclined to believe the condition was not as serious as they made it out to be (that it was more a tactic to encourage people to come forward) but I also know that I had a friend in college who had to take some type of medication at the same time every day, and I would have been far more concerned about her if she had missed that window than I would another friend not accounted for for 12 hours.
I remember reading either here or elsewhere discussions about how hard it is to dispose of bodies quickly, and whether the PsOI in this case would have the time and wherewithal to do so in a manner that would evade discovery for 3 weeks.

Of course, bodies that never turn up are legion. But in the context of this LS case, I am reminded of a few incidents in which bodies have been disposed of and have either never turned up or turned up many years later.

In 2007, Carma Purpura was killed by Bruce Mendenhall and her body, according to him, was thrown in a dumpster behind Hardee's at SR37 and I465 on the Indpls Southside. He was charged after her blood and her ID were found in his cab. Her body was never found, probably because that dumpster's contents were regularly taken to Indpls' southside incinerator.

Ironically, Carma Purpura, a few years before her death, was involved in an incident where she and a boyfriend hid the body of a friend who had OD'd on heroin in their presence. They loosely buried the body under some leaves and dirt underneath a cell phone tower in Morgan County near Martinsville. The body was discovered by a hunter 9 months later.

That kid named Compton last year from Carmel, IN was killed in Louisville. His assailant said he threw the body out with the trash. Despite searching landfills for several weeks, his body was never found. He was charged because he was linked to the victim via computer records, and he confessed.

We all know, I think, about Jill Behrman, whose bones were discovered by hunters again in Morgan County 3 years after her disappearance. And if there was ever a case for Websleuths, that is it. I do not believe the person convicted is the one who committed that crime, but that is another story.

I also remember Billy DeSousa, a 10 year old Chicago area boy who disappeared in June, 1972 after telling friends he was going to a parking lot carnival near Cicero, IL. I grew up in that area, and was 12 when he dissappeared. His body was found by hikers in a wooded area in SW Cook County nearly 3 years after his disappearance. He was identified by the orange Tshirt he was last wearing that said I CANT BELIEVE I ATE THE WHOLE THING and by his rusted bike key that was found. His killer confessed to the crime sometime in the late 80s I think after being convicted of other child killings on the East Coast.

Anyway, these items tell me that it is not at all uncommon for perps to quickly dispose of bodies that remain gone for a long time, if not forever. BAsically, it is just luck and the circumstances. No one can look in every bit of woods. And often no one knows where to look.

Here, if LS' PsOI are the assumed perps, and given the circumstances (panic, quick decisions being necessary, limited time window to avoid detection, and the potential effects of stimulants and other drugs) it would seem to me that they would either have simply transported her body to someplace close and just left her fairly discoverable (like a vacant lot or field or not to far off a road or not to far into a wooded area), or placed her into a dumpster or similar container that is picked up (maybe a grease container outside a restaurant). Someplace that gets her out of sight fast but doesnt take too long.

Obviously I dont know anything about where searches have taken place, but those are my thoughts on it.

Finding the body is of course paramount. On another forum someone mentioned that her body would soon start to decay. Of course, her body has significantly decayed already given the time that has elapsed and the fact that we have experience several 85 and 90 degree days with high humidity and some fair amounts of rain in the past 3 weeks. The more her body decays, the less chance of finding actionable evidence.

Not to be morbid, but here is a site that outlines the timeline of decomposition that I found interesting to this point.

This discussion will not become a forum to discuss rumors carried over from other message boards. We've been allowed to reference random comments here and there with links, but that will cease if it gets out of hand. So, please, be very careful what you post.

I understand how frustrating it is not to have news. I've been following Lauren's case right here along with the rest of you, and am as anxious as anyone to see it solved. Nevertheless, if we choose to participate in the discussion here, we have to abide by the rules.


Different angle:

IU is certainly NOT PLEASED with this case. A student is missing and likely dead, which is bad enough. On top of that, their party/drinking/drug problem has been nationally exposed. On top of that, their highly lucrative flow of out-of-state-students has been shown in an embarrassing light. No, IU is certainly not pleased.

At what point does the school take action? Here we have, at minimum, a group of IU students involved in a cover-up. Heavy drug use as well as drug dealing are all but proven. Guilty of LS's disappearance or not, the PsOI have brought considerable shame and damage upon their school. When will IU expel these students? It seems to me they should do it on principal alone.
To me, the critical "question" necessary figure this situation out is "how close were JW and JR?" essentially, were they close enough to "cover" for each other if the need arose?

We know they were in the same Frat 4 years earlier and JR and LS's roomie/close friend "go way back" and LS was know to spent considerable time at JR's place but a picture is beginning to emerg that JR and JW weren't very close. If they "weren't that close" , 1) JR would not call JW to tell him LS was "really wasted etc 2) JW would not call or go to JR's place looking for LS (or if he did, JR would not conceal that fact", 3)JW would not ask JW for help if LS OD'd 4) JR would not lie to "cover " for JW.

If JR and JW weren't that close, it seems to leave JW out of whatever happened that morning. He would not have been "in the loop". That leaves JR.
IMO, they are withholding recreational drug use because it must be a major factor in why and how Lauren disappeared that morning. The acquaintances and secondary-tier are also withholding the knowledge of what must be the common use of recreational drugs, as well. No other reason in my mind. None.

I totally agree but I will further add that for some of the individuals in both tiers, the drug use is probably more than recreational meaning bordering on addictive use.
Could someone at least put some gloves on and mail an anonymous note from a distant city and mail in a note where L can be found?? Something? A clue for these poor suffering people?
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